Siebel Tools Reference > Special-Purpose Applets and Controls > ActiveX Controls >

Setting Properties in an ActiveX Control

An ActiveX control includes its own property list, which varies from control to control. In addition, an ActiveX control in an applet has the full set of properties of the Control object type. There are two ways to view and modify properties for an ActiveX control in an applet: by using the Properties window, or by activating the control's built-in property sheet.

To change properties in the Properties window

  1. Choose View > Windows Properties.
  2. Select the ActiveX control in the Applet Web Template Layout window.

    The Properties window lists the properties for the ActiveX control.

  3. Click the Categorized tab at the top of the Properties window.

    This clusters all of the control's native properties under the ActiveX heading, and all of the standard Control object type properties under the Misc. heading.

  4. Make changes to property settings as you would in any Siebel object definition.

The changes you make to the control's native properties are generally displayed in the Applet Web Template Layout window, such as when you change a text color or font property. Additionally, changes you make to the control's native properties are saved with the applet, just as with the Siebel properties.

The alternative approach to changing property settings is to use the control's native property sheet. When you make property changes using the control's native property sheet, you can modify only the properties of the ActiveX object, not those of the standard control object definition. To alter the standard control properties, you must use the Properties window.

To change properties in the ActiveX control's native property sheet

  1. Select the ActiveX control in the Applet Web Template Layout window, and right-click.
  2. In the shortcut menu that appears, select ActiveX Control Properties.
    Click for full size image

    If the control has a native property sheet, it is activated. The native property sheet for the ActiveMovie control appears below:

    Click for full size image
  3. Make any desired changes to property settings. These settings are saved with the applet when you exit the Applet Web Template Layout window or do a Save.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003