Siebel Tools Reference > Repositories >

Creating Patches

A patch file, like an archive file, consists of exported object definitions. The difference between a patch file (.spf file) and an archive file (.sif file) is that the patch file contains two versions of each object definition, one from the pre-upgrade source repository and one from the post-upgrade. (An archive file contains only one version of each object definition, and all object definitions are from the same repository.)

Figure 241 shows how pre- and post-upgrade versions of an object definition are paired in the patch file, and then utilized in applying the patch to the target repository.

Figure 241.  How a Patch Works
Click for full size image

The pair of pre- and post-release object definitions in the patch file provide before and after snapshots of the object definition. The patch application process considers both when determining what changes to make to the target repository.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003