Siebel Tools Reference > Repositories >

Renaming, Deleting, Backing Up, and Migrating Repositories

Various executable (.exe) programs are available outside Siebel Tools for working with an entire repository as a unit. These programs are found on the application server and database server. This section describes the use of these programs, as well as other procedures you can perform that act on an entire repository.

Development tools are installed with the Siebel Server to manage repositories across enterprises (development, test, and production) that do the following:

All of these utilities manage the entire repository definition. To manage projects and objects within a given repository, the archive functionality in Tools is recommended.

CAUTION:  If versions of these program files appear in your Siebdev directory or its subdirectories, do not use the ones found there. Use only the programs found on the server.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003