Siebel Tools Reference > Physical User Interface Layer >

Navigational Constructs

The user interface has four navigational constructs that allow you to access screens and views.

  1. First Navigational Level (Primary Tabs or Screens). The tab bar consists of tabs allowing you to select a Screen. By using one of these tabs you can navigate to that Screen's default View. Refer to Primary Tab Bar.
  2. Second Navigational Level (Visibility picklist, Show picklist, or Context Views picklist). The Visibility picklist allows you to select a specific View within the current primary tab (Screen). The set of Views listed in this picklist are not all of the Views in the Screen; rather they are the context views, generally those Views that have visibility defined, such as My Accounts or My Team's Opportunities. Selection of a context View in the second-level picklist establishes visibility for the Views obtainable from the third-level tabs. Refer to Visibility Picklist and Detail Tab View Bar.
  3. Third Navigational Level (Detail View Tabs). Detail View tabs allow you to navigate from the context View initially selected in the Visibility picklist to a non-context View. This tab bar resides at the top of the detail applet. These tabs provide a form of drilldown: when the user selects a record in the upper applet and chooses a detail View tab, the application navigates to a new View in which the master record is the one selected in the previous view. Refer to Visibility Picklist and Detail Tab View Bar.
  4. Fourth Navigational Level (Subcategory Views Picklist, Current View Picklist). The subcategory views (fourth navigational level) picklist appears inside an applet, just beneath the row of third-level view drilldown tabs. It allows the user to choose a view from the category represented by the selected third-level view bar tab, when the view bar tab is for a category rather than an individual view. Refer to Subcategory Views.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003