Siebel Tools Reference > Business Objects Layer > Business Components >

Master-Detail Business Components

The relationships between object definitions used to implement a multi-value field that is based on a one-to-many extension table are illustrated in Figure 85.

Figure 85.  One-to-Many Extension Table Details
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The object definitions in Figure 85 are described in detail in the following section.

Master Business Components

The master business components will hold the new multi-value fields. Master business component contain the following important object definitions:


The link object definition creates the one-to-many relationship between the master and detail business components. There are no special link configuration issues related to one-to-many extension tables. For more information on the configuration of links, refer to Links.

Detail Business Component

The detail business component represents the one-to-many extension table used by the multi-value link and multi-value group applet. Multiple custom business components can be created using the same one-to-many extension table. Each custom business component presents a different type of data for use in a different multi-value group.

The detail business component contains custom fields that represent generic (ATTRIBxx) extension columns, and hold whatever data is required for the application. For example, an Area Of Expertise business component might have a Subject Area field, a Years Of Experience field, and a Licensed field. Each field is a mapping of a different generic extension column.

The following three fields are part of the User Key (U1), which uniquely identifies a row for EIM:

The detail business component contains one important property for use with a one-to-many extension table:

NOTE:  Do not define tables with names longer than 18 characters in the DB2 environment.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003