Siebel Tools Reference > Logical User Interface Objects Configuration >

Editing the Web Layout of Applets

You edit the web layout of applets using the Web Layout Editor. The Web Layout Editor allows you to perform the following tasks for all applets:

For applets based on Grid Layout templates, the Web Layout Editor also allows you to perform additional formatting tasks. See About Grid Layout for more information.

To modify the layout of applets

  1. Select a Target Browser from the drop-down list in the Configuration Context toolbar.

    If you do not select a browser, an error message appears when you open the Web Layout Editor.

  2. In the Object Explorer, select the Applet object type.
  3. In the Object List Editor, select an applet.
  4. Right-click, and then choose Web Layout Editor.

    The Web Layout Editor appears.

    NOTE:  If an applet Web template is not yet associated with the applet you selected, a dialog box appears that allows you to open Applet Wizard to associate a web template with the applet. See Defining List Applets or Defining Form Applets for more information.

  5. In the Mode field of the Configuration Context toolbar, choose the applet Web template that you want to edit.

    Make sure that you select an active Web template. Both active and inactive Web templates are displayed.

    Changes to an applet layout in one mode are not automatically propagated to the applet layout in another mode.

  6. Perform the following tasks as necessary:
    Add existing controls and list columns
    Drag a control or list column from the Control/Column window and drop it onto the applet layout. In applets based on Grid Layout applet Web templates, labels and controls are treated as separate items to provide more flexibility when designing the form layout. However, this requires you to map both the control and its corresponding label onto the applet layout. Note that a label has the same name as its corresponding control, except that it is appended with the word label. See About Grid Layout for more information.
    Add new controls and columns
    Drag and drop new controls from the Web Controls toolbar. The control is automatically created as a child object of the applet. After you save your changes, you can define the properties for the control using the Properties Window. To display the properties window, select the control, right-click, and then choose View Properties Window.
    Position controls
    Drag and drop controls to different locations on the web layout canvas. For applets based on column-based Web templates, the available locations are determined by placeholders in the Web template. For applets based on Grid Layout Web templates, you can position controls and their corresponding labels anywhere in the canvas. See Editing the Web Layout of Applets. Note that placeholders in the banner region across the top of applets are indented for use with button controls only, not fields.
    Delete controls
    Select the control you want to delete, right-click, and then select Delete. You can select multiple controls by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting the controls you want to delete.
    Edit display names and captions
    For column-based applet Web templates, double-click a control, highlight the display name or caption, and then type new text. After you save your work, the Display Name property for list columns and the Caption property for controls are automatically changed.
    For grid-based templates, you cannot change the Caption value of a label. Labels get their property values from their corresponding controls. See Editing the Web Layout of Applets for more information about labels and controls in a grid-based applet Web template.
    Display a control only after the Show More button has been clicked
    Select the control, right-click, and then choose More. An arrow is displayed next to the control and label. The arrow indicates that the control will appear only after the user selects the Show More button. You can select multiple controls by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting the controls.
    Preview the Web layout
    Right-click, and then choose Preview. The applet is displayed as it would be rendered in the user interface at runtime.
    Export the preview to an HTML file
    Select File > Export, and then in the dialog box that appears, choose a file name and define siebel_tools_installation\tools\public\enu as the directory. You need to specify this directory so that image files, such as buttons, are rendered in the HTML file.
    Check mappings—validate that controls and list columns are mapped to placeholders in the Web template
    In the Web Layout Editor, right-click, and then select Check Mappings. If a control or list column is not mapped to a placeholder, you are prompted to delete it from the Web template. This may occur when a control or list column object has been deleted from the repository, but still appears on the Web template. Or it may occur when a new Web template is associated with an applet, and the existing placeholder IDs for controls or list columns do not exist in the new template.
  7. Save your changes to the Web Layout by choosing File > Save.

    After you save your changes to the Web layout, objects for any new controls are created. You can then define object properties, such as Field and Name, using the Properties window.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003