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Using Queries to List Object Definitions

The Object List Editor provides a Query feature that uses a query-by-example (QBE) metaphor to let you narrow the list of object definitions in the current Object List Editor window. For example, when you are in the list of business components, you can use the Query feature to display only those business components in the Contacts field, or only those having names that start with Opportunity, or any other restrictions you can specify for particular properties.

An Object List Editor query is a search for object definitions based on matching values in one or more properties. The queries can be simple, one-condition queries or compound, multiple-condition queries. You can create, refine, and activate queries from the Query menu or from the List toolbar. (Refine means impose a further restriction on the current Object List Editor query by re-executing it with an additional constraint.)

To create and execute an Object List Editor query

  1. Navigate to the Object List Editor window listing object definitions of the relevant object type.
  2. Choose Query > New Query from the menu bar.

    In the Object List Editor window, the list of object definitions is hidden, and a query row appears, as shown in the following figure.

    Click for full size image
  3. In each of one or more property cells in the query row, enter a value for which the query will look for a match.

    These values may be single literal values such as Opportunity List Applet, or they may include wildcard symbols. In TRUE/FALSE properties, a check mark represents TRUE.

  4. Press ENTER or Choose Query > Execute Query from the menu bar.

    The resulting list of object definitions in the Object List Editor consists of only those meeting the set of criteria you specified.

To restore the Object List Editor window to its prequery state

  1. Choose Query > New Query from the menu bar.
  2. Press ENTER or choose Query > Execute Query from the menu bar.

    The list of object definitions in the Object List Editor is restored to its prequery state.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003