Siebel Tools Reference > Siebel Tools Fundamentals >

Understanding the Changed Flag and Pencil Icon

After you edit a record, a check mark appears in the Changed field of the object definition. This indicates that changes have been made to the contents of the corresponding record since a particular date and time. (This date and time is set using the General tab of the View > Options menu.) Lack of a check mark indicates that the object definition has not been changed since the date and time specified in Tools > Options.

The pencil icon in the first (W) column of an object definition indicates that the object is locked and editable. Figure 30 shows a changed field (Access Control Category) and many locked objects (pencil icon in column before the Name column).

Figure 30.  Changed Project (System) and Locked Objects (the Pencil Icon)
Click for full size image

The Changed flag cascades upwards through its parents. That is, when an object definition is edited or created, the changed flag is set for its parent object definition, if any, and for the parent object definition of that parent, and likewise up through the hierarchy.

To determine by whom and when a record was created and last updated

  1. Select a record in the Object List Editor.
  2. Choose Help > About Record from the menu bar.
  3. The Siebel Tools dialog box appears (this dialog box displays the user, date, and time for record creation and update).
    Click for full size image

To update the Changed date manually

  1. Choose Tools > Options.
  2. Click the General tab.
    Click for full size image
  3. Set a date and time.
  4. Click OK to save the Changed date.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003