Siebel Tools Reference > Adding Custom Extensions to the Data Model >

Advanced Database Extensibility

The Advanced Database Extensibility option allows you to create new tables and enable them for docking and EIM processes. You can add the following types of tables to the Siebel Data Model:

The Table Wizard allows you to create the types of tables described above.

NOTE:  Changes made using the Advanced Database Extensibility module are upgradable. Before undertaking database extensions and modifications using Advance Database Extensibility module, make sure that all other extensibility options have been considered.

The EIM Mapping wizard allows you to create or associate the new table to the appropriate interface tables for using EIM and to import data into custom tables using EIM. The Docking Wizard allows you to associate the new table with an existing or new Dock object in order to support the synchronization of the contents of custom tables to remote users.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003