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Details Visualization Views

The Details Visualization View for a business component displays how it maps to underlying tables using joins or to business components by means of multi-value links. The Business Object version of the diagram displays links between pairs of business components in the business object.

Business Component Version

The selected business component appears in a box at the left of the diagram. The business component on the left may be associated with one or more of these boxes on the right:

For the tables and business components displayed on the right, only columns (or fields) in use by the business component are listed, unless you click on the plus symbol icon labeled All columns or All fields in the corresponding table or BusComp box.

If you click the name of a field in the left-side BusComp box, an arrow appears from that field name to the corresponding column in the base table, joined table, or linked business component on the right. This is illustrated in Figure 31, where Vendor Location points to LOC.

Business Object Version

The business object version of the Details Visualization view for Admin Product Definition is shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31.  Business Object Version of the Details Visualization View
Click for full size image

The selected business object is represented as a horizontal bar at the top.

All immediately subordinate business components in the selected business object appear in a row beneath the BusObj bar. In Figure 31, Internal Product is the only business component immediately subordinate to Admin Product.

For each business component on the second row, all business components to which the business component has links appear on the fourth row.

On the third row (the row is staggered in Figure 31) are boxes representing the links between the two.

Plus and minus symbol icons identify lists that can be expanded or collapsed in a box. Business components expand to a list of fields, Tables expand to a list of columns, and Applets expand to a list of controls. Figure 31 illustrates this for three business components in a diagram; the two top ones have an expanded fields list, and the bottom one has a collapsed fields list.

You can use the up and down arrow keys to move up or down one level at a time in a visualization diagram. Use the left and right arrow keys to move between objects on the same level.

Right-click anywhere in a visualization diagram to display a shortcut menu that provides options pertaining to the entire diagram. These options are:

If the Properties window is displayed at the same time as the window containing a visualization diagram, the object definition whose properties appear changes as you select different object definitions in the diagram. Use this feature to navigate from object definition to related object definition to View properties. However, the properties cannot be edited when the Properties window is accessed this way.

To generate a Details Visualization View for a business component

  1. Right-click a business component.
  2. Choose View Details from the shortcut menu.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003