Siebel Tools Reference > Special-Purpose Applets and Controls > Pop-Up Windows >

Configuring Pop-Up Views Launched from Applets

A view (rather than a single applet) can be loaded into a pop-up window. This is not recommended, especially in employee applications. Instead, you should navigate to a new view in the same window (invoking the GotoView method) rather than pop up a view in a new window. However, if there is a requirement for this functionality, perform the following task.

To configure a pop-up view

  1. Select the applet from which to launch the pop-up view.
  2. Create a control for the applet.
  3. Set the Method Invoked property of the control to ShowPopup.
  4. Expand the Control object, and then select the Control User Prop object.
  5. Create two control user properties:
    • View. Set to the view that you want to pop up.
    • Popup Dimension. Set the dimensions of the pop-up. The format is Height X Width, for example 500 X 800.

Users must use the browser's Close (X) button to close the window. There is no way to close the window programmatically.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003