Upgrade Guide for UNIX > Migrating Client Configurations > Migrating Applets and Views >

About Migrating Applet and View Customizations

In Release 7.x., applets and views in the user interface are rendered using combinations of object definitions stored in the Siebel repository, and layout and formatting information contained in applet Web templates.

All the standard applets and views that are shipped as part of the Release 7.x eBusiness Applications have Web layouts. However, if you have made customizations to applets and views, you must migrate these customizations to the Web client. Siebel provides the Web Client Migration Wizard and the Web Layout Wizard to help you perform these migrations by converting user interface elements to the Release 7.x Web Client.

You must migrate the following types of applet and view customizations:

The Web Client Migration Wizard operates in two modes—batch mode and interactive mode.

 Upgrade Guide for UNIX
 Published: 20 October 2003