Siebel Wireless Administration Guide For Financial Services > Configuring Siebel Wireless > Configuring Main Menu Layout and Record Order >

Removing an Application

If you want to prevent a user from changing the main menu or record order for a particular application, you can remove it from the application picklist in the Main Menu Layout and Record Order lists in the Mobile Devices screen.

You can remove an application from the picklist by removing or commenting out the appropriate entry in the cfg file. For example, if you want to remove the Siebel Self-Service Wireless from the application picklist in Siebel Sales, edit the [Wireless:ApplicationList] section in the associated .cfg to contain only the following:


Siebel Sales Wireless = WirelessSalesObjMgr_<language>

Siebel Service Wireless = WirelessServiceObjMgr_<language>

Siebel PRM Wireless = WirelesseChannelObjMgr_<language>

If you want to comment out the entry in the cfg file, precede it with a semicolon, as shown here:

;Siebel eService Wireless = WirelesseServiceObjMgr_<language>

 Siebel Wireless Administration Guide For Financial Services
 Published: 18 April 2003