Siebel Wireless Administration Guide For Financial Services > Using Wireless eFinance and eInsurance > Activities >

Working with Activity Details

When you drill down on an activity, the Activity screen displays the details about the selected activity. Table 18 shows the fields that are displayed on the Activity screen.

Table 18. Activity Details
The description for the activity
The field name links to the Description view where you can edit the text.
Planned Start
The date and time the activity is scheduled to start
The field name links to the Planned Start view where you can edit the date and time.
Name of the company associated with the activity
The field name links to the Pick Company view where you can select a different company. The field data links to the Company detail view.
The type of activity, such as meeting, inquiry, and so forth
The field name links to the Pick Type view, where you can select the type of activity.
The status of the activity, such as started, in progress, and so forth
The field name links to the Status view, where you can select the status of the activity.
Due Date
The date the activity is scheduled to finish
The priority of the activity, such as ASAP, high, medium, or low
The field name links to the Priority view, where you can select the priority of the activity.
Text comments about the company
The field name links to the Comments view where you can edit the information.
Assigned To
Employee assigned to this activity

 Siebel Wireless Administration Guide For Financial Services
 Published: 18 April 2003