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Property Set Objects

Property set objects are collections of properties that can be used for storing data. They may have child property sets assigned to them. Property sets are used primarily for inputs and outputs to business services. You can assign child property sets to a property set to form a hierarchical data structure. Methods of property set objects are documented in the Siebel Object Interfaces Reference.

AddChild() Method
The AddChild() method is used to add subsidiary property sets to a property set, in order to form tree-structured data structures.
Copy() Method
Copy() returns a copy of a property set.
GetChild() Method
GetChild() returns a specified child property set of a property set.
GetChildCount() Method
GetChildCount() returns the number of child property sets attached to a parent property set.
GetFirstProperty() Method
GetFirstProperty() returns the name of the first property in a property set.
GetNextProperty() Method
GetNextProperty() returns the name of the next property in a property set.
GetProperty() Method
GetProperty() returns the value of a property, when given the property name.
GetPropertyCount() Method
GetPropertyCount() returns the number of properties associated with a property set.
GetType() Method
GetType() retrieves the data value stored in the type attribute of a property set.
GetValue() Method
GetValue() retrieves the data value stored in the value attribute of a property set.
InsertChildAt() Method
InsertChildAt() inserts a child property set into a parent property set at a specific location.
PropertyExists() Method
PropertyExists() returns a Boolean value indicating whether a specified property exists in a property set.
RemoveChild() Method
RemoveChild() removes a child property set from a parent property set.
RemoveProperty() Method
RemoveProperty() removes a property from a property set.
Reset() Method
This method removes every property and child property set from a property set.
SetProperty() Method
SetProperty() assigns a data value to a property in a property set.
SetType() Method
SetType() assigns a data value to a type member of a property set.
SetValue() Method
SetValue() assigns a data value to a value member of a property set.

 Siebel eScript Language Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003