Siebel eTraining Guide > Setting Up Curriculums >

Training Curriculum Elements

A curriculum is a set of courses designed to fulfill a specific educational requirement such as a certification program or degree program. In eTraining, you can specify the courses that make up a curriculum.

Curriculums are predefined, ordered sequences of training elements. Each curriculum consists of a sequence of required steps. Each step can consist of one or more individual training elements (courses, events, exams, and so on) with specifications of how many elements are required to pass each step. This allows for electives (for example taking three courses from a set of six) to be mixed with standard required elements. Each element and step can be individually weighted for tracking purposes.

Users of eTraining can enroll in curriculums and can review their progress as they take successive courses within their curriculums.

 Siebel eTraining Guide 
 Published: 21 April 2003