Siebel eTraining Guide > Working with Customer Information > Registering Training Customers >

Registering a Customer for a Self-Paced Course

The following procedure describes how to register a customer for a self-paced course, such as a Web-based course or a CD-ROM course. This procedure assumes that the prospective attendee is already listed as a contact.

To register a customer for a self-paced course

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Training Administration > Courses.
  2. In the Courses list, select the self-paced course, and then drill down on the hyperlink in the course Name field.
  3. Click the Add Enrollments view tab, and in the Add Enrollments list, click Add User.
  4. In the Contact Last Name field, click the select button, and in the Pick Contact dialog box, select the prospective attendee, and then click OK.
  5. In the Add Enrollments list, click Finish.
  6. A read-only value appears in the Status field, reflecting the attendee's registration status.

    NOTE:  If users have not met certain course prerequisites, a message appears indicating that prerequisite courses must be completed before this enrollment can be confirmed. Administrators can select the Override Prerequisites check box on the Add Enrollments view tab, and click Finish to bypass all prerequisites and complete the current enrollment. Prerequisite override capability can be used for single or multiple enrollments.

    If you want to register another attendee:

  7. Verify that the appropriate training charges appear, and click Check Out.
  8. Enter the attendee credit card information and other information for which you are prompted, and confirm the order.
  9. NOTE:  Users can edit and save quotes as well as add details to the order if necessary. For more information on quotes and orders, see Product Administration Guide.

  10. Click the Enrollment List view tab to verify that the attendee or attendees have a registration status of Confirmed.

 Siebel eTraining Guide 
 Published: 21 April 2003