Interface EConnectionManager

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CobolTestConnectionManager, JDBCConnectionManager, OffLineConnectionManager, TestCustomerConnectionManager

public interface EConnectionManager

The EConnectionManager interface provides a hook for the Connector to pass a connection request to the application server or Connection Manager. The implementation of the EConnectionManager interface is either provided by the application server or the Connector provider. This implementation is not specific to any particular type of the resource adapter or connection factory interface. The EConnectionManager implementation delegates connection pool management. The connector architecture does not specify how a Connection Manager implements these services; the implementation can be specific to an application server, or to a specific connector. After a Connection Manager hooks-in its services, the connection request gets delegated to a EManagedConnectionFactory instance either for the creation of a new physical connection or for the matching of an already existing physical connection. An implementation class for EConnectionManager interface is required to implement the interface. In the non-managed application scenario, the EConnectionManager implementation class can be provided either by a connector (as a default EConnectionManager implementation) or by application developers.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object allocateConnection(EManagedConnectionFactory mcf, java.lang.String properties)
          This method gets called by the connector's connection factory instance.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object allocateConnection(EManagedConnectionFactory mcf,
                                           java.lang.String properties)
This method gets called by the connector's connection factory instance. This lets connection factory instance (provided by the connector) pass a connection request to the EConnectionManager instance. The properties parameter represents information specific to the connector for handling of the connection request.

mcf - EManagedConnectionFactory instance - used by the Connection Manager to delegate connection creation or matching in a pooled scenario.
properties - Information specific to a connection request, passed as a semi-colon delimited String. (ie. user=jbloggs;password=eontec;)
A connection handle with a host specific interface (ie. MQHostConnection)

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