Interface EManagedConnection

All Known Implementing Classes:
CobolTestManagedConnection, JDBCManagedConnection, OffLineManagedConnection, TestCustomerManagedConnection

public interface EManagedConnection

The EManagedConnection class represents a physical connection to the underlying Host system.

Method Summary
 void addConnectionEventListener(EConnectionEventListener listener)
          This method adds a connection event listener to the EManagedConnection instance.
 void cleanup()
          Connection Manager calls this method to force any cleanup on the EManagedConnection instance.
 void destroy()
          This method destroys the physical connection to the underlying resource manager.
 java.lang.Object getConnection()
          This method creates a new connection handle for the underlying physical connection represented by the EManagedConnection instance.
 void removeConnectionEventListener(EConnectionEventListener listener)
          Removes an already registered connection event listener from the EManagedConnection instance.

Method Detail


public void addConnectionEventListener(EConnectionEventListener listener)
This method adds a connection event listener to the EManagedConnection instance. The registered EConnectionEventListener instances are notified of connection close and error events on the Managed Connection.

listener - A new connection event listener to be registered.


public void cleanup()
Connection Manager calls this method to force any cleanup on the EManagedConnection instance.


public void destroy()
This method destroys the physical connection to the underlying resource manager.


public void removeConnectionEventListener(EConnectionEventListener listener)
Removes an already registered connection event listener from the EManagedConnection instance.

listener - an already registered connection event listener to be removed.


public java.lang.Object getConnection()
This method creates a new connection handle for the underlying physical connection represented by the EManagedConnection instance.

generic Object instance representing the connection handle. For BankFrame, the connection handle created by a EManagedConnection instance is of the type EConnection.

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