Uses of Class

Packages that use ProcessingErrorException   

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
static java.util.Vector DataPacketUtils.addEnumToVector(java.util.Vector addTo, java.util.Enumeration entities, java.lang.Class classInEnum)
          This methods appends the contents of an enumeration to a vector.
static java.util.Vector DataPacketUtils.convertToDataPackets(EEntity object)
          This method converts a object to a vector of DataPackets.
static java.util.Vector DataPacketUtils.convertToDataPackets(EEntityRemote object)
          This method converts a object to a vector of DataPackets.
static java.util.Vector DataPacketUtils.convertToDataPackets(java.lang.String dataPacketName, java.lang.Object value)
          This method converts a single object to a vector of DataPackets.
static java.util.Vector DataPacketUtils.convertToDataPackets(java.util.Enumeration objects)
          This method converts an Enumeration of objects to a vector of DataPackets.
static java.util.Vector DataPacketUtils.convertToDataPackets(java.util.Vector objects)
          This method converts a vector of objects to a vector of DataPackets.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 void HttpClient.setContentType(java.lang.String contentType)
          This method sets the MIME content-type for this client.
static ChannelClient ChannelClientFactory.getChannelClient()
          Invokes getChannelClient(String) using CHANNEL_CLIENT_CLASS_NAME as default value
static ChannelClient ChannelClientFactory.getChannelClient(java.lang.String clientName)
          Get an instance of a channel manager described in the properties file with the key specified in clientName.

Constructors in that throw ProcessingErrorException
          HttpsClient Constructor
HttpsClient(java.lang.String urlString, java.lang.String contentTypeParam)
          HttpsClient Constructor
          HttpClient constructor.
HttpClient(java.lang.String urlString, java.lang.String contentTypeParam)

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 org.omg.CORBA.Object IORUtil.importRef(java.lang.String file, org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb)
 org.omg.CORBA.Object IORUtil.importRef( file, org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb)
 void IORUtil.exportRef(java.lang.String file, org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb, org.omg.CORBA.Object object)
 void IORUtil.exportRef( file, org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb, org.omg.CORBA.Object object)

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.impl.txnhandler

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.impl.txnhandler that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector TransactionHandlerBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
 java.util.Vector TransactionHandlerBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector allData)

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.jndi

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.jndi that throw ProcessingErrorException
static javax.naming.InitialContext ObjectLookup.getBankFrameInitialContext()
          Deprecated. use com.bankframe.ejb.Server instead
static javax.naming.InitialContext ObjectLookup.getInitialContext()
          Deprecated. use com.bankframe.ejb.Server instead
static javax.naming.InitialContext ObjectLookup.createBankFrameInitialContext()
          Deprecated. use com.bankframe.ejb.Server instead
static javax.naming.InitialContext ObjectLookup.createInitialContext()
          Deprecated. use com.bankframe.ejb.Server instead
static javax.naming.InitialContext ObjectLookup.createInitialContext(java.util.Hashtable props)
          Deprecated. use com.bankframe.ejb.Server instead
static java.lang.Object ObjectLookup.lookup(java.lang.String jndiName, java.lang.Class objectClass)
          Deprecated. use com.bankframe.ejb.Server instead

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler

Subclasses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler
 class HostConnectivityException
          This exception class is used by BankFrame Banking Processes to report a general error condition that occurs during processing.
 class HostOfflineException
          This exception class is used by BankFrame Banking Processes to report a general error condition that occurs during processing.
 class HostProcessingErrorException
          This exception class is used by BankFrame Banking Processes to report a general error condition that occurs during processing.

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler that throw ProcessingErrorException
static java.util.List TransactionHandlerUtils.generateTxnRequestFields(java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method generates the Transaction Request fields List for specified transaction code and type
static java.util.List TransactionHandlerUtils.generateTxnResponseErrorConditions(java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method gets the Transaction Response Error-Conditions.
static java.util.Map TransactionHandlerUtils.generateTxnResponseFields(java.util.List txnMetaDataList)
          This method generates a Map of the Response Transaction Fields from the field names that are specified in the Meta-data List.
static java.util.List TransactionHandlerUtils.generateTxnResponseMetaData(java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method generates the Transaction Response Meta-data List of entity mappings for specified transaction code and type
static Destination TransactionHandlerUtils.getDestination(TransactionRoute txnRoute)
          This method gets the Destination for a given transaction route.
static MetaDataHome TransactionHandlerUtils.getMetaDataHome()
          This method returns a MetaDataHome interface.
static RequestTransactionFieldHome TransactionHandlerUtils.getRequestTransactionFieldHome()
          This method returns a RequestTransactionFieldHome object.
static ResponseTransactionFieldHome TransactionHandlerUtils.getResponseTransactionFieldHome()
          This method returns a ResponseTransactionFieldHome interface.
static TransactionErrorConditionHome TransactionHandlerUtils.getTxnErrorConditionHome()
          This method returns a TransactionErrorConditionHome interface.
static TransactionField TransactionHandlerUtils.getTxnResponseFieldFromName(ResponseTransactionFieldHome txnFieldHome, java.lang.String txnFieldName, boolean metaDataCached)
          This method finds the RowAccess interface to a transaction field entity from the transaction field name.
static TransactionRoute TransactionHandlerUtils.getTxnRoute(java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType, int hostSequenceNumber)
          This method gets the Transaction Route for a given txnCode and txnType.
 java.util.Map TransactionHandlerBean.processFindRequest(DataPacket txnData)
          This method is called for find operations only
 java.util.Vector TransactionHandlerBean.processRequest(DataPacket txnData)
          This method is called for all operations except finds
 java.util.Map TransactionHandlerBean.processSingleHostFindRequest(DataPacket txnData, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType, java.util.Vector allRoutes)
          This method will handle the processing of a single find request (i.e.
 java.util.Vector TransactionHandlerBean.processSingleHostRequest(DataPacket txnData, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType, java.util.Vector allRoutes)
          This method will handle the processing of a single non-find request (i.e.
 java.util.Map TransactionHandler.processFindRequest(DataPacket txnData)
          This method is called for find operations only
 java.util.Vector TransactionHandler.processRequest(DataPacket txnData)
          This method is called for all operations except finds.
static void MergeTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)

Constructors in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler that throw ProcessingErrorException
TransactionDetails(DataPacket txnData, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType, DataFormat dataformat, java.lang.Object connection, boolean isAsync)

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.amend

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.amend that throw ProcessingErrorException
static java.util.Vector SessionAmendHelper.amend(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String amendName, DataPacket amendData, java.util.Vector amendedPrimaryKeys)
          Deprecated. This method carries out the specified amend operation

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector TxnHandlerBrokerPersister.amend(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String amendName, DataPacket amendData, java.util.Vector amendedPrimaryKeys, boolean removeOperation)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store.
 java.util.Vector TxnHandlerBrokerPersister.find(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String amendName, DataPacket amendData)
          This method is used to find data in the data store.
static java.util.Vector TxnHandlerBroker.amend(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String amendName, DataPacket amendData, java.util.Vector amendedPrimaryKeys)
          This method carries out the specified amend operation
static java.util.Vector TxnHandlerBroker.amend(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String amendName, java.util.HashMap amendData)
          This method carries out the specified amend operation.
static java.util.Vector TxnHandlerBroker.find(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket data)
          This method carries out the specified find operation
static java.util.Vector TxnHandlerBroker.find(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String methodName, java.util.HashMap data)
          This method carries out the specified find operation.
 DataPacket HostTransactionObjectImpl.toDataPacket()
 java.util.Vector HostTransactionObjectImpl.getPrimaryKeys()
 HostTransactionObject HostTransactionObjectFactoryImpl.getHostTransactionObject(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String amendName, java.util.HashMap amendData)
 HostTransactionObject HostTransactionObjectFactory.getHostTransactionObject(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String methodName, java.util.HashMap data)
          This interface method describes how to call a HostTransactionFactory implementation to get a HostTransactionObject for use in the TxnHandlerBroker
 DataPacket HostTransactionObject.toDataPacket()
          This interface method describes how to get the DataPacket representation of request from HTO for use in the TxnHandlerBroker
 java.util.Vector HostTransactionObject.getPrimaryKeys()
          This interface method describes how to get the vector of primary keys for entities affected by this host request from HTO for use in the TxnHandlerBroker

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.lang.Object txns)
          This method posts a transaction to an Enterprise Information System.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.http

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.http that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.lang.Object arg0)
 org.w3c.dom.Document HTTPConnection.invoke(org.w3c.dom.Document requestDocument)
          This method makes the HTTP call.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.jdbcconnector

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.jdbcconnector that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.lang.Object obj)
          This method is where the request gets passed to the Database.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.lang.Object txns)
          This method is used to emulate a real host connector's post method.
 java.lang.Object reqTxn, java.lang.Object resTxn)
          This method is used to emulate a real host connector's post method.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.dataformat

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.dataformat that throw ProcessingErrorException
static java.lang.Object DataFormatEABInvoker.invoke(TransactionDetails details, java.lang.Object request)
static java.lang.Object DataFormatEABInvoker.getResponse(DataFormat dataformat, java.lang.Object hostResponseData)
 java.lang.Object DataFormat.buildRequestTxn(DataPacket txnDataPacket, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method converts a Data Packet request to a Host System format using a List of Transaction Fields.
 void DataFormat.toDataPacketsMap(java.lang.Object txnData, java.util.Map responseEntitiesMap, DataPacket txnDataPacket, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method converts the Vector of Host System Txn Fields byte-array elements into a Map of Data Packets, this method is called by the txn handler method processFindRequest( )
 void DataFormat.toDataPacketsVector(java.lang.Object txnData, java.util.Vector responseEntitiesVector, DataPacket txnDataPacket, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method converts the Vector of Host System Txn Fields byte-array elements into a Vector of result Data Packets, this method is called by the txn handler method processRequest( )

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.dataformat.basic

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.dataformat.basic that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.lang.Object BasicDataFormat.buildRequestTxn(DataPacket txnDataPacket, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method converts a Data Packet request to a Host System format using a List of Transaction Fields.
 void BasicDataFormat.setConnectionSpecification(java.lang.Object command, java.lang.String connectorProperties)
          This method sets the Connector Properties on an EAB Command Bean.
 void BasicDataFormat.toDataPacketsMap(java.lang.Object txnData, java.util.Map entitiesMap, DataPacket txnDataPacket, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method converts the Vector of Host System Txn Fields data elements into a Map of DataPackets, this method is called by the txn handler method processFindRequest( )
 void BasicDataFormat.toDataPacketsVector(java.lang.Object txnData, java.util.Vector responseEntitiesVector, DataPacket txnDataPacket, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method converts the Vector of Host System Response into a Vector of result DataPackets, this method is called by the txn handler method processRequest( )

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.dataformat.jdbc

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.dataformat.jdbc that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.lang.Object JDBCDataFormat.buildRequestTxn(DataPacket txnDataPacket, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
 void JDBCDataFormat.toDataPacketsMap(java.lang.Object txnData, java.util.Map entitiesMap, DataPacket txnDataPacket, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
 void JDBCDataFormat.toDataPacketsVector(java.lang.Object txnData, java.util.Vector responseEntitiesVector, DataPacket txnDataPacket, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method converts the Vector of Host System Response into a Vector of result DataPackets, this method is called by the txn handler method processRequest( )

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.dataformat.xml

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.dataformat.xml that throw ProcessingErrorException
 void XMLDataFormatHelper.format(java.lang.String xslSource, javax.xml.transform.Result result)
          This method applies the XSL to to XML source and outputs the result in the Result object.
static java.lang.String XMLDataFormatHelper.documentToString(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
          This method converts a DOM Document to a String
static org.w3c.dom.Document XMLDataFormatHelper.StringToDocument(java.lang.String string)
          This method converts a String to DOM Document
 java.lang.Object XMLDataFormat.buildRequestTxn(DataPacket txnDataPacket, java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method converts a Data Packet request to a Host System format using an XSL Stylesheet.

Constructors in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.dataformat.xml that throw ProcessingErrorException
XMLDataFormatHelper(java.util.Vector dataPackets)
          Constructor taking in a vector of data packets.
XMLDataFormatHelper(java.lang.String xmlString)
          Constructor taking in an a String consisting of XML.
XMLDataFormatHelper( xmlFile)
          Constructor taking in a file.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.hostcache

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.hostcache that throw ProcessingErrorException
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses, long timeOut)
          Deprecated. This method is equivalent to store(pk,timeOut, false);
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses, long timeOut, boolean persistent)
          Deprecated. This method stores many entries in the cache at once.
 boolean TimeoutMemoryCache.checkPrimaryKeyInCache(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity)
          Deprecated. This method checks to see if the specified key is in the cache.
 boolean TimeoutMemoryCache.checkPrimaryKeyInCache(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity, long timeOutValue)
 DataPacket TimeoutMemoryCache.retrieve(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity)
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses)
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses, boolean persistent)
 java.util.Vector TimeoutMemoryCache.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove)
 java.util.Vector TimeoutMemoryCache.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove, boolean persistanceTableToo)
 void TimeoutMemoryCache.close()
 int TimeoutMemoryCache.numberEntriesInMemCache()
 int TimeoutMemoryCache.numberEntriesInDbCache()
 boolean TimeoutCache.checkPrimaryKeyInCache(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity)
          This method checks to see if the specified key is in the cache.
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses, long timeOut)
          This method is equivalent to store(pk,timeOut, false);
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses, long timeOut, boolean persistent)
          This method stores many entries in the cache at once.
 boolean SingleJvmCache.checkPrimaryKeyInCache(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity, long timeOutValue)
          Deprecated. This method checks the cache for the designated pk.
 void SingleJvmCache.close()
          Deprecated. This method closes the database connection.
 int SingleJvmCache.findEntry(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity, long timeOutValue)
          Deprecated. This method finds the key in the cache.
 int SingleJvmCache.numberEntriesInDbCache()
          Deprecated. This method returns the number of items currently in the overflow database cache.
 int SingleJvmCache.numberEntriesInMemCache()
          Deprecated. This method returns the number of items currently in the memory cache.
          Deprecated. This method opens the database connection.
 java.util.Vector SingleJvmCache.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 java.util.Vector SingleJvmCache.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove, boolean persistenceTableToo)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 DataPacket SingleJvmCache.retrieve(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity)
          Deprecated. This method retieves the value assoc.
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses, boolean persistent)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 int Profile.numberEntriesInDbCache()
          Deprecated. This method returns the number of elements currently in the database cache.
 int Profile.numberEntriesInMemCache()
          Deprecated. This method returns the number of elements currently in the memory cache.
 boolean MemoryCache2.checkPrimaryKeyInCache(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity, long timeOutValue)
          Deprecated. This method checks the cache for the designated pk.
 void MemoryCache2.close()
          Deprecated. This method closes the database connection not used in this class.
 int MemoryCache2.findEntry(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity, long timeOutValue)
          Deprecated. This method finds the key in the cache.
 int MemoryCache2.numberEntriesInDbCache()
          Deprecated. This method returns the number of items currently in the overflow database cache not used in this class.
 int MemoryCache2.numberEntriesInMemCache()
          Deprecated. This method returns the number of items currently in the memory cache.
          Deprecated. This method opens the database connection not used in this class.
 java.util.Vector MemoryCache2.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 java.util.Vector MemoryCache2.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove, boolean persistenceTableToo)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 DataPacket MemoryCache2.retrieve(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity)
          Deprecated. This method retieves the value assoc.
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses, boolean persistent)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 boolean MemoryCache.checkPrimaryKeyInCache(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity, long timeOutValue)
          Deprecated. This method checks the cache for the designated pk.
 void MemoryCache.close()
          Deprecated. This method closes the database connection not used in this class.
 int MemoryCache.findEntry(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity, long timeOutValue)
          Deprecated. This method finds the key in the cache.
 int MemoryCache.numberEntriesInDbCache()
          Deprecated. This method returns the number of items currently in the overflow database cache not used in this class.
 int MemoryCache.numberEntriesInMemCache()
          Deprecated. This method returns the number of items currently in the memory cache.
          Deprecated. This method opens the database connection not used in this class.
 java.util.Vector MemoryCache.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 java.util.Vector MemoryCache.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove, boolean persistenceTableToo)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 DataPacket MemoryCache.retrieve(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity)
          Deprecated. This method retieves the value assoc.
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses, boolean persistent)
          Deprecated. Please see the Cache interface for a description of this method.
 boolean DataBaseCache.checkPrimaryKeyInCache(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity, long timeOutValue)
          Deprecated. This method checks for the primary key in the cache table.
 void DataBaseCache.close()
          Deprecated. This method closes the database connection.
 int DataBaseCache.flushPersistenceCacheTable()
          Deprecated. This method flushes the persistence table of all its entries.
 int DataBaseCache.numberEntriesInDbCache()
          Deprecated. This method returns the number of items currently in the database cache.
 int DataBaseCache.numberEntriesInMemCache()
          Deprecated. This method returns the number of items currently in the memory cache.
          Deprecated. This method opens the database connection.
 java.util.Vector DataBaseCache.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove)
          Deprecated. Removes elements from the cache.
 java.util.Vector DataBaseCache.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove, boolean persistenceTableToo)
          Deprecated. Removes elements from the cache.
 DataPacket DataBaseCache.retrieve(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity)
          Deprecated. This method retrieves the value associated with the pk passed in.
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses)
          Deprecated. This method stores the key and value in the db.
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses, boolean persistent)
          Deprecated. This method stores the key and value in the db.
 boolean Cache.checkPrimaryKeyInCache(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity, long timeOutValue)
          Deprecated. This method checks to see if the specified key is in the cache.
 void Cache.close()
          Deprecated. Closes the connection to the database.
          Deprecated. Opens the connection to the database.
 java.util.Vector Cache.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove)
          Deprecated. Equivalent to remove(pks, false)
 java.util.Vector Cache.remove(java.util.Vector pkOfEntitiesToRemove, boolean persistanceTableToo)
          Deprecated. Removes all the entries of the Vector in the Cache.
 DataPacket Cache.retrieve(DataPacket primaryKeyOfEntity)
          Deprecated. Retrieve a response from the cache by primary key.
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses)
          Deprecated. Equivalent to store(pk, false)
 void pkOfEntitiesToDataPacketResponses, boolean persistent)
          Deprecated. Store many entries in the cache at once.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.impl.destination

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.impl.destination that throw ProcessingErrorException
static Destination DestinationCache.findByPrimaryKey(DestinationPK pk)
          This method is a findByPrimaryKey for the Destination Cache

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.impl.eabtransactionfield

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.impl.eabtransactionfield that throw ProcessingErrorException
static EABTransactionField EABTransactionFieldCache.findByPrimaryKey(EABTransactionFieldPK pk)
          This method is a findByPrimaryKey for the EABTransactionField Cache

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.impl.persistertxnmap

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.impl.persistertxnmap that throw ProcessingErrorException
static PersisterTxnMap PersisterTxnMapCache.findByPrimaryKey(PersisterTxnMapPK pk)
          This method is a findByPrimaryKey for the Destination Cache

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.impl.tierfield

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.impl.tierfield that throw ProcessingErrorException
static TierField TierFieldCache.findByPrimaryKey(TierFieldPK pk)
          This method is a findByPrimaryKey for the TierField Cache

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.impl.transactionroute

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.impl.transactionroute that throw ProcessingErrorException
static TransactionRoute TransactionRouteCache.findByPrimaryKey(TransactionRoutePK pk)
          This method is a findByPrimaryKey for the Destination Cache
static java.util.Enumeration TransactionRouteCache.findByTxnCodeAndTxnType(java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.oldpersister

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.oldpersister that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Enumeration TxnPersister.find(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket finderData)
          Deprecated. This method is used to find an entity in the data store
 void TxnPersister.load(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          Deprecated. This method is used to load an entity from the data store
 EPrimaryKey TxnPersister.create(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          Deprecated. This method is used to create an entity in the data store
 void TxnPersister.remove(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          Deprecated. This method is used to remove an entity from the data store
 void TxnPersister.removeFromCache(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          Deprecated. This method is used to remove an entity from the cache only.
 void entityBean)
          Deprecated. This method is used to update all attributes in data store
 void TxnPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket amendData)
          Deprecated. This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store using the specified amendData rather that the entityBean's attributes
 void TxnPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket amendData, boolean removeOperation)
          Deprecated. This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store using the specified amendData rather that the entityBean's attributes
 void TxnPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, boolean removeOperation)
          Deprecated. This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store
 void TxnPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName)
          Deprecated. This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store
 void TxnPersister.removeListFromCache(DataPacket dataPacket)
          Deprecated. Needed by the interface, empty implementation here

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.persister

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.persister that throw ProcessingErrorException
 void TxnPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store
 void TxnPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket amendData)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store using the specified amendData rather that the entityBean's attributes
 java.util.Vector TxnPersister.amend(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket data, java.util.Vector primaryKeys, boolean removeOperation)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store
 void TxnPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket amendData, boolean removeOperation)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store using the specified amendData rather that the entityBean's attributes
 void TxnPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, boolean removeOperation)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store
 EPrimaryKey TxnPersister.create(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to create an entity in the data store
 java.util.Enumeration TxnPersister.find(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket finderData)
          This method is used to find an entity in the data store
 java.util.Vector TxnPersister.find(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket finderData)
          This method is used to find an entity in the data store
 void TxnPersister.load(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to load an entity from the data store
 void TxnPersister.remove(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to remove an entity from the data store
 void TxnPersister.removeFromCache(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to remove an entity from the cache only.
 void entityBean)
          This method is used to update all attributes in data store
 void StoreMasterEntityPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store
 void StoreMasterEntityPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket data)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store
 EPrimaryKey StoreMasterEntityPersister.create(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to create an entity in the data store
 java.util.Enumeration StoreMasterEntityPersister.find(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket finderData)
          This method is used to find an entity in the data store
 void StoreMasterEntityPersister.load(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to load an entity from the data store
 void StoreMasterEntityPersister.remove(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to remove an entity from the data store
 void entityBean)
          This method is used to update all attributes in data store
 java.util.Vector StoreAndForwardPersister.amend(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String amendName, DataPacket amendData, java.util.Vector amendedPrimaryKeys, boolean removeOperation)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store.
 java.util.Enumeration MasterEntityPersister.find(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket finderData)
          This method is used to find an entity in the data store
 void MasterEntityPersister.load(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to load an entity from the data store
 EPrimaryKey MasterEntityPersister.create(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to create an entity in the data store
 void MasterEntityPersister.remove(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to remove an entity from the data store
 void entityBean)
          This method is used to update all attributes in data store
 void MasterEntityPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store
 void MasterEntityPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket data)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.sessionamendpersister

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.sessionamendpersister that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector TxnSessionAmendPersister.amend(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String amendName, DataPacket amendData, java.util.Vector amendedPrimaryKeys)
          Deprecated. This method carries out the specified amend operation
 java.util.Vector StoreAndForwardSessionAmendPersister.amend(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String amendName, DataPacket amendData, java.util.Vector amendedPrimaryKeys)
          Deprecated. This method carries out the specified amend operation

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward that throw ProcessingErrorException
static boolean StoreAndForwardUtils.isHostOnline(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String ejbOperation)
          This method determines if the host or hosts used by the specified transaction are online.
static boolean StoreAndForwardUtils.isHostOnline(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String ejbOperation, java.lang.String companyCode)
          This method determines if the host or hosts used by the specified transaction are online.
static void StoreAndForwardUtils.setOffline()
          This method will ammend the online/offline status of the destination associated with this operation
static void StoreAndForwardUtils.setOnline()
          This method will ammend the online/offline status of the destination associated with this operation
static boolean StoreAndForwardUtils.transactionStoreable(java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String ejbOperation)
          This method determines if the specified transaction can be stored if the host goes offline after it was initiated online.

Constructors in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward that throw ProcessingErrorException
          Constructor for StoreAndForwardHttpClient.
StoreAndForwardHttpClient(java.lang.String urlString, java.lang.String contentTypeParam)
          Constructor for StoreAndForwardHttpClient.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.completedforwardtransaction.impl.errortransaction

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.completedforwardtransaction.impl.errortransaction that throw ProcessingErrorException
 ErrorTransaction ErrorTransactionHome.create(long forwardedTimestamp, long storedTimestamp, java.lang.String forwardedTransaction)
          This method initialises a new instance of the ErrorTransaction entity.
 ErrorTransactionPK ErrorTransactionCMPBean.ejbCreate(long forwardedTimestamp, long storedTimestamp, java.lang.String forwardedTransaction)
          This method initialises a new instance of the ErrorTransaction entity.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.completedforwardtransaction.impl.successfultransaction

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.completedforwardtransaction.impl.successfultransaction that throw ProcessingErrorException
 SuccessfulTransaction SuccessfulTransactionHome.create(long forwardedTimestamp, long storedTimestamp, java.lang.String forwardedTransaction)
          This method initialises a new instance of the ErrorTransaction entity.
 SuccessfulTransactionPK SuccessfulTransactionCMPBean.ejbCreate(long forwardedTimestamp, long storedTimestamp, java.lang.String forwardedTransaction)
          This method initialises a new instance of the SuccessfulTransaction entity.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.forwardoperations

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.forwardoperations that throw ProcessingErrorException
 boolean ForwardOperationsBean.forwardNextRequest()
          This method will try and forward the next request in the store.
 boolean ForwardOperationsBean.forwardRequest(int sequenceNumber)
          This method will try and forward the next request in the store.
 boolean ForwardOperationsBean.isStoreEmpty()
          This method will test if there are any requests on the store.
 void ForwardOperationsBean.updateDestination(java.lang.String status)
          This method will ammend the online/offline status of the destination associated with this operation
 boolean ForwardOperations.forwardNextRequest()
          This method will try and forward the next request in the store.
 boolean ForwardOperations.forwardRequest(int sequenceNumber)
          This method will try and forward the request specified by the sequence number.
 boolean ForwardOperations.isStoreEmpty()
          This method will test if there are any requests on the store.
 void ForwardOperations.updateDestination(java.lang.String status)
          This method will ammend the online/offline status of the destination associated with this operation

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.forwardtransaction

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.forwardtransaction that throw ProcessingErrorException
 DataPacket ForwardTransactionBean.forwardAll(java.lang.String threadName)
          This method will forward all requests in the queue.
 DataPacket ForwardTransactionBean.forwardAll(java.lang.String threadName, int delay)
          This method will forward all requests in the queue.
 DataPacket ForwardTransaction.forwardAll(java.lang.String threadName)
          This method will forward all requests in the queue.
 DataPacket ForwardTransaction.forwardAll(java.lang.String threadName, int rate)
          This method will forward all requests in the queue.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.impl

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.impl that throw ProcessingErrorException
static void InternalStoreAndForwardUtils.addToStore(DataPacket txnData)
          This method adds a host request to the Store Queue.
static int InternalStoreAndForwardUtils.getNextSequenceNo(java.lang.String sequencePk)
          This method looks up the SequenceGenerator entity to get the next sequence number to be used by the entity specified by the sequencePk.
static java.lang.String InternalStoreAndForwardUtils.hostDestinationStatus()
          This method checks the host destinations to return their overall status.
static boolean InternalStoreAndForwardUtils.hostOnline()
          This method checks the host status first it checks to ensure the host hasn't been set offline, if not it then checks the host destinations.
static void InternalStoreAndForwardUtils.resetSequenceNo(java.lang.String sequencePk)
          This method is used to set the sequence number in the SequenceGenerator back to zero once the related database has been cleared.
static void InternalStoreAndForwardUtils.setAllDestinations(java.lang.String status)
          This method is used to ensure all host destinations are set online once the host is back online and the store has been cleared.
static void InternalStoreAndForwardUtils.updateDestination(java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType, java.lang.String status)
          This method will ammend the online/offline status of the destination associated with this operation.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.impl.forwardoperations

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.impl.forwardoperations that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector ForwardOperationsBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method accepts a DataPacket sent specifying a type of request that the forwarding session should do.
 java.util.Vector ForwardOperationsBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector allData)
          This method will process the first DataPacket in the vector by passing it to the processDataPacket method

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.impl.forwardtransaction

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.impl.forwardtransaction that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector ForwardTransactionBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method will be called by the requestRouter to process request for this EJB.
 java.util.Vector ForwardTransactionBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector allData)
          This method calls this.processDataPacket with the first DataPacket in the Vector.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.impl.storequeue

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.impl.storequeue that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.createStoredTransaction(DataPacket data)
          This method adds a new Transaction to the store queue.
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.findAllStoredTransactions(DataPacket data)
          This method performs a lookup on the Store queue
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.findStoredTransactionBySequenceNo(DataPacket data)
          This method performs a lookup on the Store queue by sequence number.
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.findStoredTransactionsInTimePeriod(DataPacket data)
          This method performs a lookup on the Store queue by time period
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.getAllErrorTransactions()
          This method will get all the transactions on the error store.
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.getAllStoredTransactions()
          This method will get all the transactions on the queued store.
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.getAllSuccessfulTransactions()
          This method will get all the transactions on the successful store.
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.getNextStoredTransactionBatch()
          This method will return a batch of transactions using the file to get the no.
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method is called by the request router for any request with the route_id for the store queue.
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector allData)
          This method is called by the request router for any request with the route_id for the store queue.
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.setOffline(DataPacket data)
          This method sets the host offline
 java.util.Vector StoreQueueBean.setOnline(DataPacket data)
          This method sets the host online

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.impl.storetransaction

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.impl.storetransaction that throw ProcessingErrorException
 StoreTransaction StoreTransactionHome.create(java.lang.String transactionData)
          This method creates a storetransaction entity
 StoreTransactionPK StoreTransactionCMPBean.ejbCreate(java.lang.String requestTransaction)
          This method initialises a new instance of the ErrorTransaction entity.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.storequeue

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.storequeue that throw ProcessingErrorException
 void StoreQueueBean.addTransactionToCompleted(int sequenceNo)
          This method removes the given transaction form the store queue and adds it to the successfully completed queue
 void StoreQueueBean.addTransactionToError(int sequenceNo)
          This method removes the given transaction form the store queue and adds it to the error queue
 StoreTransaction StoreQueueBean.createStoredTransaction(java.util.Vector request)
          This method adds a new transaction to the store queue.
 java.util.Enumeration StoreQueueBean.findAllErrorTransactions()
          This method will find all the transactions on the successful queue.
 java.util.Enumeration StoreQueueBean.findAllStoredTransactions()
          This method will find all the transactions on the store queue
 java.util.Enumeration StoreQueueBean.findAllSuccessfulTransactions()
          This method will find all the transactions on the successful queue.
 DataPacket StoreQueueBean.findNextStoredTransaction()
          This method will return the transaction at the head of the stored queue
 DataPacket StoreQueueBean.findStoredTransactionBySequenceNo(int sequenceNo)
          This method performs a lookup on the Store queue by sequenceNo
 java.util.Enumeration StoreQueueBean.findStoredTransactionsInTimePeriod(long startTime, long endTime)
          This method performs a lookup on the store queue for a given time period
 boolean StoreQueueBean.isStoreEmpty()
          This method will determine if the store has transactions on it
 java.lang.String StoreQueueBean.nextStoredTransactionBatch()
          This method will return a batch of transactions using the file to get the no.
 void StoreQueueBean.removeTransactionFromError(int sequenceNo)
          This method removes the transaction from the error queue with the given sequence number.
 void StoreQueueBean.removeTransactionFromSuccessful(int sequenceNo)
          This method removes the transaction from the Successful queue with the given sequenceNo.
 void StoreQueueBean.setOffline()
          This method will set all host destinations offline
 void StoreQueueBean.setOnline()
          This method will set all host destinations online
 void StoreQueue.addTransactionToCompleted(int sequenceNo)
          This method removes the given transaction form the store queue and adds it to the successfully completed queue
 void StoreQueue.addTransactionToError(int sequenceNo)
          This method removes the given transaction form the store queue and adds it to the error queue
 StoreTransaction StoreQueue.createStoredTransaction(java.util.Vector request)
          This method adds a new transaction to the store queue.
 java.util.Enumeration StoreQueue.findAllErrorTransactions()
          This method will find all the transactions on the error queue.
 java.util.Enumeration StoreQueue.findAllStoredTransactions()
          This method will find all the transactions on the store queue
 java.util.Enumeration StoreQueue.findAllSuccessfulTransactions()
          This method will find all the transactions on the successful queue.
 DataPacket StoreQueue.findNextStoredTransaction()
          This method will return the transaction at the head of the store queue
 DataPacket StoreQueue.findStoredTransactionBySequenceNo(int sequenceNo)
          This method performs a lookup on the Store queue by sequenceNo
 java.util.Enumeration StoreQueue.findStoredTransactionsInTimePeriod(long startTime, long endTime)
          This method performs a lookup on the store queue for a given time period
 boolean StoreQueue.isStoreEmpty()
          This method will determine if the store has transactions on it
 java.lang.String StoreQueue.nextStoredTransactionBatch()
          This method will return a batch of transactions using the file to get the no.
 void StoreQueue.removeTransactionFromError(int sequenceNo)
          This method removes the transaction from the error queue with the given sequence number.
 void StoreQueue.removeTransactionFromSuccessful(int sequenceNo)
          This method removes the transaction from the Successful queue with the given sequenceNo.
 void StoreQueue.setOffline()
          This method will set all host destinations offline
 void StoreQueue.setOnline()
          This method will set all host destinations online

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionlayout

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionlayout that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.lang.String TransactionFieldBean.getValue(java.lang.String colName)
          Get the specified row value
 java.util.Map TransactionFieldBean.getValuesMap()
          This method gets the Map of all the database column values
 java.lang.String TransactionField.getValue(java.lang.String colName)
          Get the specified row value
 java.util.Map TransactionField.getValuesMap()
          This method gets the Map of all the database column values

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionlayout.impl.request

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionlayout.impl.request that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.lang.String RequestTransactionFieldImplt.getValue(java.lang.String colName)
          Get the specified row value
 java.util.Map RequestTransactionFieldImplt.getValuesMap()
          This method gets the Map of all the database column values
 RequestTransactionField RequestTransactionFieldHome.findByPrimaryKey(RequestTransactionFieldPK primaryKey)
          Find and instantiate a RequestTransactionField
 java.util.Enumeration RequestTransactionFieldHome.findByTransactionCodeAndType(java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          Find all RequestTransactionFields with the specified transaction code and transaction type
static RequestTransactionField RequestTransactionFieldCache.findByPrimaryKey(RequestTransactionFieldPK pk)
          This method is a findByPrimaryKey for the Destination Cache
static java.util.List RequestTransactionFieldCache.findByTransactionCodeAndType(java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          Find all RequestTransactionField with the specified transaction code and transaction type
 RequestTransactionFieldPK RequestTransactionFieldBean.ejbFindByPrimaryKey(RequestTransactionFieldPK key)
          This method Finds an EJB by Primary Key
 java.util.Enumeration RequestTransactionFieldBean.ejbFindByTransactionCodeAndType(java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          This method Finds an EJB by Code and type and Direction

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionlayout.impl.response

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionlayout.impl.response that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.lang.String ResponseTransactionFieldImplt.getValue(java.lang.String colName)
          Get the specified row value
 java.util.Map ResponseTransactionFieldImplt.getValuesMap()
          This method gets the Map of all the database column values
 ResponseTransactionField ResponseTransactionFieldHome.findByPrimaryKey(ResponseTransactionFieldPK primaryKey)
          Find and instantiate a ResponseTransactionField
static ResponseTransactionField ResponseTransactionFieldCache.findByPrimaryKey(ResponseTransactionFieldPK pk)
          This method is a findByPrimaryKey for the Destination Cache
 ResponseTransactionFieldPK ResponseTransactionFieldBean.ejbFindByPrimaryKey(ResponseTransactionFieldPK key)
          This method Finds an EJB by Primary Key

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionresponse.errorcondition

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionresponse.errorcondition that throw ProcessingErrorException
static TransactionErrorCondition TransactionErrorConditionCache.findByPrimaryKey(TransactionErrorConditionPK pk)
          This method is a findByPrimaryKey for the Destination Cache
static java.util.List TransactionErrorConditionCache.findByTransactionCodeAndType(java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          Find all error conditions with the specified transaction code and transaction type

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionresponse.metadata

Methods in com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionresponse.metadata that throw ProcessingErrorException
static MetaData MetaDataCache.findByPrimaryKey(MetaDataPK pk)
          This method is a findByPrimaryKey for the Destination Cache
static java.util.List MetaDataCache.findByTransactionCodeAndType(java.lang.String txnCode, java.lang.String txnType)
          Find all MetaData with the specified transaction code and transaction type

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ejb

Methods in com.bankframe.ejb that throw ProcessingErrorException
static java.lang.Object Server.lookup(java.lang.String jndiName, java.lang.Class beanHomeClass)
          This method looks up the EJB Home for the specified EJB.
static java.lang.Object Server.lookup(java.lang.String jndiName, java.lang.Class beanHomeClass, java.lang.String userToken)
          Deprecated. The user token is no longer required when doing JNDI lookups
static java.lang.Object Server.lookup(java.lang.String jndiName, java.lang.Class beanHomeClass, java.lang.String userToken, boolean forceCreate)
          Deprecated. The user token is no longer required when doing JNDI lookups, A single initial context is shared between all threads, therefore there is no longer any way to force creation of a new context
 java.lang.Object Server.lookup(javax.naming.Context ctx, java.lang.String jndiName, java.lang.Class beanHomeClass)
          This method looks up the EJB Home for the specified EJB.
static java.lang.Object Server.lookup(javax.naming.Context ctx, java.lang.String jndiName, java.lang.Class beanHomeClass, java.lang.String userToken)
          Deprecated. The user token is no longer required when doing JNDI lookups
 java.util.Vector ESessionRemote.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method processes a DataPacket.
 java.util.Vector ESessionRemote.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector dataPackets)
          This method processes a vector of DataPackets.
abstract  java.util.Vector ESessionBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method processes a DataPacket.
 java.util.Vector ESessionBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector dataPackets)
          This method processes a vector of DataPackets
 java.util.Vector ESession.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method processes a singe DataPacket request.
 java.util.Vector ESession.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector data)
          This method processes a vector of DataPacket requests.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ejb.bmp

Methods in com.bankframe.ejb.bmp that throw ProcessingErrorException
static SessionAmendPersister SessionAmendPersisterFactory.getPersister(java.lang.String sessionAmendName)
          Deprecated. This method returns an instance of the EJB's persister class.
 java.util.Vector SessionAmendPersister.amend(java.lang.String entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket amendData, java.util.Vector amendedPrimaryKeys)
          Deprecated. This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store.
static EPersister EPersisterFactory.getPersister(java.lang.String jndiName)
          This method returns an instance of the EJB's persister class.
 void EPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store.
 void EPersister.amend(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket amendData)
          This method is used to update some or all attributes in the data store using the specified amendData rather that the entityBean's attributes.
 EPrimaryKey EPersister.create(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to create an entity in the data store.
 java.util.Enumeration EPersister.find(EBMPEntity entityBean, java.lang.String methodName, DataPacket finderData)
          This method is used to find an entity in the data store.
 void EPersister.load(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to load an entity from the data store.
 void EPersister.remove(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to remove an entity from the data store.
 void entityBean)
          This method is used to update all attributes in data store.
 void EPersister.removeFromCache(EBMPEntity entityBean)
          This method is used to remove an entity from the cache only.
 java.util.Vector EBMPMasterEntity.getDependentEntities()
          This method returns a Vector of the this entity's dependent entities.
 EPrimaryKey EBMPEntity.createPrimaryKey(DataPacket dp)
          This method creates a primary key instance from the information in the DataPacket.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.ejb.extension

Methods in com.bankframe.ejb.extension that throw ProcessingErrorException
 TransactionHandler EBeanManagedEntityBean.getConnection()
          This method gets a connection to the transaction handler.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 Account AccountHome.create(java.lang.String cardNumber, java.lang.String accountNumber, java.lang.String accountName)
          This method creates a new Account entity instance.
 EPrimaryKey AccountBMPBean.createPrimaryKey(DataPacket dp)
          This method creates a primary key instance from the specified data.
 AccountPK AccountBMPBean.ejbCreate(java.lang.String cardNumber, java.lang.String accountNumber, java.lang.String accountName)
          This method initialises a new instance of the Address entity.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 Address AddressHome.create(java.lang.String ownerId, java.lang.String addressLine1, java.lang.String addressLine2, java.lang.String addressLine3, java.lang.String addressLine4, java.lang.String country, java.lang.String postCode)
          This method creates a new Address Entity instance.
 EPrimaryKey AddressBMPBean.createPrimaryKey(DataPacket dp)
          This method creates a primary key instance from the specified data.
 AddressPK AddressBMPBean.ejbCreate(java.lang.String ownerId, java.lang.String addressLine1, java.lang.String addressLine2, java.lang.String addressLine3, java.lang.String addressLine4, java.lang.String country, java.lang.String postCode)
          This method initialises a new instance of the Address entity.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 Customer CustomerHome.create(java.lang.String ownerId, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String firstName, java.lang.String lastName)
          This method creates a new customer entity instance.
 Address CustomerBMPBean.amendAddress(java.lang.String addressLine1, java.lang.String addressLine2, java.lang.String addressLine3, java.lang.String addressLine4, java.lang.String country, java.lang.String postCode)
          This method amends the address entity associated with this customer entity.
 EPrimaryKey CustomerBMPBean.createPrimaryKey(DataPacket dp)
          This method builds a primary from a given DataPacket.
 CustomerPK CustomerBMPBean.ejbCreate(java.lang.String ownerId, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String firstName, java.lang.String lastName)
          This method initialises a new instance of the customer entity.
 java.util.Vector CustomerBMPBean.getDependentEntities()
          This method gets all entity beans that depend on this EJB.
 Address CustomerBean.amendAddress(java.lang.String addressLine1, java.lang.String addressLine2, java.lang.String addressLine3, java.lang.String addressLine4, java.lang.String country, java.lang.String postCode)
          This method amends the Address entity associated with this Customer entity.
 Address CustomerBean.getAddress()
          This method retrieves the address entity associated with this customer entity.
 Address Customer.amendAddress(java.lang.String addressLine1, java.lang.String addressLine2, java.lang.String addressLine3, java.lang.String addressLine4, java.lang.String country, java.lang.String postCode)
          This method amends the Address Entity associated with this Customer entity.
 Address Customer.getAddress()
          This method retrieves the Address entity associated with this Customer entity.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.examples.bp.accountsearch

Methods in com.bankframe.examples.bp.accountsearch that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Enumeration AccountSearchBean.findAllAccounts()
          This method retrieves all account instances.
 java.util.Enumeration AccountSearch.findAllAccounts()
          This method retrieves all account entities.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.examples.bp.customersearch

Methods in com.bankframe.examples.bp.customersearch that throw ProcessingErrorException
 Customer CustomerSearchBean.amendCustomer(java.lang.String ownerId, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String firstName, java.lang.String lastName)
          This method amends all the details of the specified customer.
 Address CustomerSearchBean.amendCustomerAddress(java.lang.String ownerId, java.lang.String addressLine1, java.lang.String addressLine2, java.lang.String addressLine3, java.lang.String addressLine4, java.lang.String country, java.lang.String postCode)
          This method amends the address details of the specified customer.
 java.util.Enumeration CustomerSearchBean.findAllCustomers()
          This method retrieves all Customer entities.
 java.util.Enumeration CustomerSearchBean.findCustomersByLastName(java.lang.String lastName)
          This method retrieves all Customer entities with the specified last name.
 Customer CustomerSearchBean.getCustomer(java.lang.String ownerId)
          This method retrieves the Customer entity for the specified ownerId.
 Address CustomerSearchBean.getCustomerAddress(java.lang.String ownerId)
          This method retrieves the Address entity associated with the specified Customer.
 Customer CustomerSearch.amendCustomer(java.lang.String ownerId, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String firstName, java.lang.String lastName)
          This method amends all the details of the specified customer.
 Address CustomerSearch.amendCustomerAddress(java.lang.String ownerId, java.lang.String addressLine1, java.lang.String addressLine2, java.lang.String addressLine3, java.lang.String addressLine4, java.lang.String country, java.lang.String postCode)
          This method amends the address details of the specified customer.
 java.util.Enumeration CustomerSearch.findAllCustomers()
          This method retrieves all Customer entities.
 java.util.Enumeration CustomerSearch.findCustomersByLastName(java.lang.String lastName)
          This method retrieves all Customer entities with the specified last name.
 Customer CustomerSearch.getCustomer(java.lang.String ownerId)
          This method retrieves the Customer entity for the specified ownerId.
 Address CustomerSearch.getCustomerAddress(java.lang.String ownerId)
          This method retrieves the Address entity associated with the specified Customer.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.examples.bp.impl.accountsearch

Methods in com.bankframe.examples.bp.impl.accountsearch that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector AccountSearchBean.getAllAccounts()
          This method retrieves all Account entities.
 java.util.Vector AccountSearchBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          Processes a request DataPacket and delegates it to the appropriate method.
 java.util.Vector AccountSearchBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector data)
          This method processes multiple DataPacket requests.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.examples.bp.impl.customersearch

Methods in com.bankframe.examples.bp.impl.customersearch that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector CustomerSearchBean.amendCustomer(DataPacket data)
          This method amends all the details of the specified customer.
 java.util.Vector CustomerSearchBean.txnHandlerBrokerAmendCustomer(DataPacket data)
          This method amends all the details of the specified customer using TxnHandlerBroker.
 java.util.Vector CustomerSearchBean.txnHandlerBrokerAmendCustomerAddress(DataPacket data)
          This method amends the address details of the specified customer using TxnHandlerBroker If TxnHandlerBroker.amend() returns a Vector with DataPacket attribute STATUS = OK then return the amended datapacket values.
 java.util.Vector CustomerSearchBean.amendCustomerAddress(DataPacket data)
          This method amends the address details of the specified customer.
 java.util.Vector CustomerSearchBean.findCustomersByLastName(DataPacket data)
          This method retrieves all Customer entities with the specified last name.
 java.util.Vector CustomerSearchBean.getAllCustomers()
          This method retrieves all Customer entities.
 java.util.Vector CustomerSearchBean.getCustomer(DataPacket data)
          This method retrieves the Customer entity for the specified ownerId.
 java.util.Vector CustomerSearchBean.getCustomerAddress(DataPacket data)
          This method retrieves the Address entity associated with the specified Customer
 java.util.Vector CustomerSearchBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method processes a request DataPacket and delegates it to the appropriate method.
 java.util.Vector CustomerSearchBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector data)
          This method processes multiple DataPacket requests.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.examples.passthrough

Methods in com.bankframe.examples.passthrough that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector PassThroughBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
 java.util.Vector PassThroughBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector data)

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.examples.txnhandler.connector.coboltest

Methods in com.bankframe.examples.txnhandler.connector.coboltest that throw ProcessingErrorException
 byte[] CobolTestData.processTransaction(byte[] request)
          This method process a request and returns the appropriate response
 java.lang.Object txns)
          This method executes a transaction request

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.examples.txnhandler.connector.testcustomer

Methods in com.bankframe.examples.txnhandler.connector.testcustomer that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.lang.Object txns)
          This method executes a transaction request

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Subclasses of ProcessingErrorException in
 class AccessControlException
          This class is an excpetion that is thrown when a user tries to access a prohibited service.

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector AccessControlBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          Thie method processes the data packet validating the access rights of the user.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 void GroupAdministrationBean.addGroupPermission(java.lang.String groupId, java.lang.String permission)
          This method updates the EJBGROUP_PERMISSIONS table with a list of specified permissions for a group.
 void GroupAdministrationBean.createGroup(java.lang.String groupId, java.lang.String groupName)
          Creates a new group.
 void GroupAdministrationBean.deleteGroup(java.lang.String groupId)
          This method deletes a group.
 void GroupAdministrationBean.deleteGroupPermission(java.lang.String groupId, java.lang.String permission)
          This method deletes the a permission associated with a group.
 java.util.Enumeration GroupAdministrationBean.getAllGroups()
          This method gets all system registered groups.
 EJBGroup GroupAdministrationBean.getGroup(java.lang.String groupId)
          This method gets an instance of the EJBGroup by its primary key.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministrationBean.getGroupMembers(java.lang.String groupId)
          This method displays the users associated with a particular group.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministrationBean.getGroupPermissions(java.lang.String groupId)
          This method gets the permissions specified for a group in the EJBGROUP_PERMISSIONS table
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministrationBean.getUnassignedGroups(java.lang.String userId)
          This methods generates a vector of groupIds which specify the groups a specified user is NOT a member of.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministrationBean.getUserGroupPermissions(java.lang.String userId)
          This method returns the total permissions for each group a user is a member of.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministrationBean.getUserGroups(java.lang.String userId)
          This method gets the groups a user is a member of.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministrationBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method is the Interface to the client.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministrationBean.unassignedGroupPermissions(java.lang.String groupId)
          Returns the permissions a group does not have.
 void GroupAdministration.addGroupPermission(java.lang.String groupId, java.lang.String permission)
          This method updates the EJBGROUP_PERMISSIONS table with a list of specified permissions for a group.
 void GroupAdministration.createGroup(java.lang.String groupId, java.lang.String groupName)
          This method creates a new group.
 void GroupAdministration.deleteGroup(java.lang.String groupId)
          This method deletes a group.
 void GroupAdministration.deleteGroupPermission(java.lang.String groupId, java.lang.String permission)
          This method deletes the a permission associated with a group.
 java.util.Enumeration GroupAdministration.getAllGroups()
          This method gets all system registered groups
 EJBGroup GroupAdministration.getGroup(java.lang.String groupId)
          This method gets an instance of the EJBGroup by its primary key.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministration.getGroupMembers(java.lang.String groupId)
          This method displays the users associated with a particular group.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministration.getGroupPermissions(java.lang.String groupId)
          This method gets the permissions specified for a group in the EJBGROUP_PERMISSIONS table.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministration.getUnassignedGroups(java.lang.String userId)
          This method generates a vector of groupIds which specify which groups a specified user is NOT a member of.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministration.getUserGroupPermissions(java.lang.String userId)
          This method returns the total permissions for each group that a user is a member of.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministration.getUserGroups(java.lang.String userId)
          This method gets the groups a user is a member of.
 java.util.Vector GroupAdministration.unassignedGroupPermissions(java.lang.String groupId)
          This method returns the permissions a group does not have.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 void UserAdministrationBean.addUserPermission(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String permission)
          This method updates the EJBUSER_PERMISSIONS table with a permissions for a user.
 void UserAdministrationBean.addUserToGroup(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String group)
          This method will add a specified user to a group.
 void UserAdministrationBean.createUser(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          This method creates a new user.
 void UserAdministrationBean.deleteUser(java.lang.String userId)
          This method deletes a user.
 void UserAdministrationBean.deleteUserFromGroup(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String group)
          This method will remove a specified user to a group.
 void UserAdministrationBean.deleteUserPermission(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String permission)
          This method deletes a permission associated with a user.
 java.util.Enumeration UserAdministrationBean.getAllUsers()
          This method will get all the users currently registered in the system.
 EJBUser UserAdministrationBean.getUser(java.lang.String userId)
          This method finds a user by its primary key UserID.
 java.util.Vector UserAdministrationBean.getUserPermissions(java.lang.String userId)
          This method gets the permissions specified for a user.
 java.util.Vector UserAdministrationBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method is the interface to the client.
 java.util.Vector UserAdministrationBean.unassignedUserPermissions(java.lang.String userId)
          This method returns the permissions a user does not have.
 void UserAdministration.addUserPermission(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String permission)
          This method updates the EJBUSER_PERMISSIONS table with a permission for a user.
 void UserAdministration.addUserToGroup(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String group)
          This method will add a specified user to a group.
 void UserAdministration.createUser(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          This method creates a new user.
 void UserAdministration.deleteUser(java.lang.String userId)
          This method deletes a user.
 void UserAdministration.deleteUserFromGroup(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String group)
          This method will remove a specified user from a group.
 void UserAdministration.deleteUserPermission(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String permission)
          This method deletes a permission associated with a user.
 java.util.Enumeration UserAdministration.getAllUsers()
          This method will get all the users currently registered in the system.
 EJBUser UserAdministration.getUser(java.lang.String userId)
          This method finds a user by its primary key, the UserID.
 java.util.Vector UserAdministration.getUserPermissions(java.lang.String userId)
          This method gets the permissions specified for a user.
 java.util.Vector UserAdministration.unassignedUserPermissions(java.lang.String userId)
          This method returns the permissions a user does not have.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 void NullBankFrameAuditProvider.dispatch(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Vector request, java.util.Vector response)
          As this is a dummy implementation, this method will not dispatch to any Audit service.
 void DefaultBankFrameAuditProvider.dispatch(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Vector request, java.util.Vector response)
          This method will dispatch to the default implementation of an Audit Service that is supplied with BankFrame MCA as standard.
 void BankFrameAuditProvider.dispatch(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Vector request, java.util.Vector response)
          This class will dispatch the request to the BankFrame Audit Provider specified in the resource file under the AUDIT_PROVIDER key.
static void AuditUtils.audit(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Vector request, java.util.Vector response)
          Add a new audit event.
static void AuditUtils.audit(java.util.Vector datapackets)
          Add a new audit event.
 void AuditBean.addAuditRoute(java.lang.String requestId)
          This method adds a new AuditRoute.
 void AuditBean.audit(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Vector request, java.util.Vector response)
          This method performs an audit operation.
 void AuditBean.audit(java.util.Vector request)
          This method performs an audit operation.
 void AuditBean.deleteAuditRoute(java.lang.String requestId)
          This method removes an existing AuditRoute.
 java.util.Vector AuditBean.getAllAuditedRoutes()
 void Audit.addAuditRoute(java.lang.String requestId)
          This method adds a new AuditRoute.
 void Audit.audit(java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Vector request, java.util.Vector response)
          This method performs an audit operation.
 void Audit.audit(java.util.Vector request)
          This method performs an audit operation.
 void Audit.deleteAuditRoute(java.lang.String requestId)
          This method removes an existing AuditRoute.
 java.util.Vector Audit.getAllAuditedRoutes()
          This method returns a list of all audited routes

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Subclasses of ProcessingErrorException in
 class AuthenticationException
          This class is the exception class used if an attempt to authenticate a user fails.

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector AuthenticationBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method checks if the incoming request is a logon or logoff request and passes the request on to processLogon() or processLogoff(), as appropriate.
abstract  java.util.Vector AuthenticationBean.processLogoff(DataPacket data)
          This method is called whenever a user attempts to logoff.
 java.util.Vector Authentication.processLogoff(DataPacket data)
          This method processes a logoff request.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector EJBUserAuthenticationBean.processLogoff(DataPacket data)
          This method processes a request for a logoff.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector LDAPAuthenticationBean.processLogoff(DataPacket data)
          This method processes a logoff request.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector AuditBean.addAuditRoute(DataPacket data)
 java.util.Vector AuditBean.deleteAuditRoute(DataPacket data)
 java.util.Vector AuditBean.getAllAuditedRoutes()
 java.util.Vector AuditBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
 java.util.Vector AuditBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector allData)

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector PrintBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method processes a single DataPacket request
 java.util.Vector PrintBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector data)
          This method process a request containing multiple DataPackets
 java.util.Vector Print.imPrint(java.util.Vector data)

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector SendMailBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          The processDataPacket method is responsible for handling a DataPacket that contains a request to send an email.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 void TargetFrame.registerUser()
          This method calls the registerUser process
 void TargetFrame.unregisterUser()
          This method calls the unregisterUser process
 java.util.Vector TargetFrame.sendRMIUnRegisterUserRequest()
          This method calls the RMI unregisterUser service
 java.util.Vector TargetFrame.reply(Node targetNode)
          This method calls the Reply process
 void SourceFrame.notifyUser()
          Deprecated. see notifyUserAck()
 void SourceFrame.notifyUserAck()
          This method send the notifyUser datapackets to the EJB Server

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector NotificationServerSessionBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket dataPacket)
          This method processes the datapackets.
 java.util.Vector NotificationServerSessionBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector allData)
          This method handles a vector of dataPackets.
 java.util.Vector NotificationServerBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method processes the data packet
 java.util.Vector NotificationServerBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector allData)
          This method handles a vector of input dataPackets.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl_Stub.broadCast(Node $param_Node_1, java.lang.String $param_String_2, java.lang.String $param_String_3, java.lang.Object $param_Object_4)
 boolean RMINotificationServerImpl_Stub.isIDRegistered(java.lang.String $param_String_1)
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl_Stub.notifyUser(Node $param_Node_1, Node $param_Node_2, java.lang.String $param_String_3, java.lang.String $param_String_4, java.lang.Object $param_Object_5, java.lang.String $param_String_6)
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl_Stub.notifyUser(java.lang.String $param_String_1, java.lang.String $param_String_2, java.lang.String $param_String_3, java.lang.String $param_String_4, java.lang.Object $param_Object_5)
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl_Stub.registerUser(java.lang.String $param_String_1, java.lang.String $param_String_2, java.lang.String $param_String_3)
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl_Stub.unregisterUser(java.lang.String $param_String_1)
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl_Stub.unregisterUser(java.lang.String $param_String_1, java.lang.String $param_String_2, java.lang.String $param_String_3)
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl.registerUser(java.lang.String targetId, java.lang.String targetIp, java.lang.String targetPort)
          This method registers a user
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl.unregisterUser(java.lang.String targetId, java.lang.String targetIp, java.lang.String targetPort)
          Deprecated. @ see unregisterUser(String targetId)
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl.unregisterUser(java.lang.String targetId)
          This method unregisters a user
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl.notifyUser(java.lang.String sourceId, java.lang.String targetId, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String date, java.lang.Object payload)
          Deprecated. @ see notifyUser(Node sourceNode, Node targetNode, String action, String date, Object payload, String direction)
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl.notifyUser(Node sourceNode, Node targetNode, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String date, java.lang.Object payload, java.lang.String direction)
          This method sends a notificationEvent to a registeredUser
 java.util.Vector RMINotificationServerImpl.broadCast(Node sourceNode, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String date, java.lang.Object payload)
          This method broadcasts a NotificationEvent to all registeredUsers
 boolean RMINotificationServerImpl.isIDRegistered(java.lang.String targetId)
          This method determines whether an ID has been registered already

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector NotificationServerBean.unregisterUser(java.lang.String targetId, java.lang.String targetIp, java.lang.String targetPort)
 java.util.Vector NotificationServerBean.unregisterUser(java.lang.String targetId)
          This method unregisters a user
 java.util.Vector NotificationServerBean.registerUser(java.lang.String targetId, java.lang.String targetIp, java.lang.String targetPort)
          This method registers a user
 java.util.Vector NotificationServerBean.notifyUser(java.lang.String sourceId, java.lang.String target, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String date, java.lang.Object payload)
 java.util.Vector NotificationServerBean.notifyUser(Node sourceNode, Node targetNode, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String date, java.lang.Object payload, java.lang.String direction)
          The direction parameter can have one of 2 values :[Request | Response] If the value is Request, a Source Node is sending a Notification to a Target Node If the value is Response, a Target Node is sending a Response to a Notification back to the Source Node where the Notification originated from In this method we determine what targetIP and targetPort to use based on the following logic: if direction == Request if targetNode.ID != null Retrieve RegisteredAddress using targetNode.ID else Read targetNode.IP and targetPort.PORT from TargetSelectionFactory.getTargetIPForSource() else if direction == Response Read the targetNode.IP Read the targetNode.PORT connectToServer(targetIP,targetPort,sourceNode,action,date,payload)
 java.util.Vector NotificationServerBean.broadCast(Node sourceNode, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String date, java.lang.Object payload)
          This method sends a Notification message to all the RegisteredUsers.
 boolean NotificationServerBean.isIDRegistered(java.lang.String targetId)
          This method determines whether an ID has been registered already
 java.util.Vector NotificationServer.registerUser(java.lang.String targetId, java.lang.String targetIp, java.lang.String targetPort)
          This method is used to register a user
 java.util.Vector NotificationServer.unregisterUser(java.lang.String targetId, java.lang.String targetIp, java.lang.String targetPort)
 java.util.Vector NotificationServer.unregisterUser(java.lang.String targetId)
          This method is used to un-register a user
 java.util.Vector NotificationServer.notifyUser(java.lang.String sourceId, java.lang.String targetId, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String date, java.lang.Object payload)
 java.util.Vector NotificationServer.notifyUser(Node sourceNode, Node targetNode, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String date, java.lang.Object payload, java.lang.String direction)
          This method is used to notify a user with a payload
 java.util.Vector NotificationServer.broadCast(Node sourceNode, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String date, java.lang.Object payload)
          This method sends a Notification message to all the RegisteredUsers
 boolean NotificationServer.isIDRegistered(java.lang.String targetId)
          This method determines whether an ID has been registered already

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
static java.util.Vector TargetSelectionFactory.getTargetIPForSource(java.lang.String sourceId)
          This method gets the appropriate Target IP address for a sourceId.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector PingBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method processes DataPackets.
 java.util.Vector PingBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector dataPackets)
          This method processes multiple DataPackets.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector PrintBean.imPrint(java.util.Vector data)
          This method transforms the Vector of DataPackets and writes out the resulting XML file specified by the stylesheet.
 java.util.Vector Print.imPrint(java.util.Vector data)

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Subclasses of ProcessingErrorException in
 class RequestRouterException
          This exception is thrown when an error condition arises during routing of a DataPacket

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector RequestRouterBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket dataPacket)
          This method is called whenever a DataPacket needs to be routed to a BankFrame EJB.
 java.util.Vector RequestRouterBean.processDataPackets(java.util.Vector request)
          This method is called whenever request need to be routed to a BankFrame EJB.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.lang.String WebserviceRequestRouterBean.processDataPackets(java.lang.String request)
          This method is called whenever a request needs to be routed to an Eontec Financial Component
 java.lang.String WebserviceRequestRouter.processDataPackets(java.lang.String request)
          This method processes incoming SOAP requests.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 void RouteAdministrationBean.createRoute(java.lang.String requestId, java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String description, boolean isSessionManaged)
          This method creates a new instance of the Route EJB.
 void RouteAdministrationBean.deleteRoute(java.lang.String requestId)
          This method deletes an instance of the route EJB.
 java.util.Enumeration RouteAdministrationBean.getAllRoutes()
          This method returns all routes
 Route RouteAdministrationBean.getRoute(java.lang.String requestId)
          This method finds an instance of the route EJB by its primary key.
 java.util.Vector RouteAdministrationBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          The method is the Interface to the client.
 void RouteAdministration.createRoute(java.lang.String requestId, java.lang.String ejbName, java.lang.String description, boolean isSessionManaged)
          This method creates a new instance of the Route EJB.
 void RouteAdministration.deleteRoute(java.lang.String requestId)
          This method deletes an instance of the route EJB.
 java.util.Enumeration RouteAdministration.getAllRoutes()
          This method returns all routes
 Route RouteAdministration.getRoute(java.lang.String requestId)
          This method finds an instance of the route EJB by its primary key.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector NullBankFrameSecurityProvider.dispatch(java.util.Vector datapacket, Route route)
 java.util.Vector DefaultBankFrameSecurityProvider.dispatch(java.util.Vector dataPackets, Route route)
 java.util.Vector BankFrameSecurityProvider.dispatch(java.util.Vector request, Route route)
          This method must verify that specified request is permitted to be processed.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
abstract  java.lang.String SequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl.getSQLCommand(java.lang.String sequenceName)
abstract  java.lang.String SequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl.getResultName()
 long SequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl.buildAndExecuteSQL(java.lang.String sequenceName)
 java.lang.String SequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl.getNextValue(java.lang.String sequenceName, int requiredLength)
 java.lang.Long SequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl.getNextValue(java.lang.String sequenceName)
abstract  java.lang.String SequenceGeneratorFactory.getNextValue(java.lang.String sequenceName, int requiredLength)
abstract  java.lang.Long SequenceGeneratorFactory.getNextValue(java.lang.String sequenceName)
 java.lang.String OracleSequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl.getSQLCommand(java.lang.String sequenceName)
 java.lang.String OracleSequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl.getResultName()
 java.lang.String DB2SequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl.getSQLCommand(java.lang.String sequenceName)
 java.lang.String DB2SequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl.getResultName()

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in

Subclasses of ProcessingErrorException in
 class InvalidSessionException
          This exception is thrown when a sessionId is determined to be invalid.

Methods in that throw ProcessingErrorException
 java.util.Vector SessionManagementBean.processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method will process a Data Packet.

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.util

Methods in com.bankframe.util that throw ProcessingErrorException
 int Validator.dateCompare(java.lang.String formattingPattern, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String from)
          Deprecated. Creation date: (4/17/00 4:20:04 PM) This method compares two dates to see if they are before, after or equal to each other
 boolean Validator.dateCompare(java.lang.String to, java.lang.String from)
          Deprecated. Should use dateCompare(String formattingPattern, String to, String from)
 int Validator.timeCheck(java.lang.String time1, java.lang.String time2)
          Deprecated. Should use checkIfTimeGreaterOrEqual(String time1, String time2)

Uses of ProcessingErrorException in com.bankframe.util.exception

Methods in com.bankframe.util.exception that return ProcessingErrorException
static ProcessingErrorException ExceptionUtils.toProcessingErrorException(java.lang.Exception ex)
          This method converts the specifed exception class to a ProcessingErrorException
static ProcessingErrorException ExceptionUtils.toProcessingErrorException(java.lang.Exception ex, java.util.Locale locale)
          This method converts the specifed exception class to a ProcessingErrorException

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