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Oracle® Universal Content Management
10g Release 3 (
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Cache Policies

From this page you can configure your cache policies and create new command cache policies.

Configured Cache Policies

The currently configured cache policies are listed.

See Browse Commands for information on selecting and executing a service.


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Select Cache Policies

From this page you can select the command for your cache policies and configure your cache policies.

  1. Select a command from the drop-down list.

  2. Click Select.

These properties can be set:

Command Name: The Name of the command this policy represents.

Cache Enabled: Select true from the drop-down list to enable caching.

Cache Type: Select the type of cache: User (per user) or All (globally shared). The cache type should almost always be set to User as setting to All shares the same cache with all users.

Cache Timeout: Timeout of items in the cache in milliseconds (Default: 1800000).

Cache Subjects: Subjects from the content server on which this cache is dependent (documents, users, subscriptions, etc.). The cache subjects associate the Command Cache with subjects in the content server. By default, the subject is documents meaning that when any documents are updated in the content server (i.e., created, deleted, or modified) the cache for this command will be cleared.

When it is determined the content server subject has been updated, all cached commands corresponding to the subject will be flushed. For a list of subjects, Refer to the Oracle Content Server administration documentation for more information.

See Command Caching for more information.