Package com.stellent.cis.client.api.scs.user

Interface Summary
ISCSCredentialValidateResponse Response from the content server for a crendential validate request.
ISCSQueryUserAttributesResponse Response from the content server for the user attributes query.
ISCSRoleListResponse Reponse from the Content Server regarding a listRoles call.
ISCSUserAliasActionResponse Response from the server when performaing an action on a user alias.
ISCSUserAliasMapping Object that represents a mapping between the user and alias objects.
ISCSUserAPI The command API implementation of the user commands.
ISCSUserAttributeInfo Describes an individual user role or account user attribute.
ISCSUserListAliasesResponse Response from the content server when querying for a list of user aliases.
ISCSUserListResponse Response from the content server when requesting a list of available users.
ISCSUserObject Represents a user in the content server.
ISCSUserPNEObject Stored information about a users PNE data
ISCSUserPNEResponse Response from a query against the content server for a users PNE data
ISCSUserSecurityGroup An individual security group object
ISCSUserSecurityObject Superclass of the security objects (roles, accounts)