Package com.stellent.cis.client.api.scs.workflow

Interface Summary
ISCSWorkflow Represents a workflow item in the content server.
ISCSWorkflowAction Represents an action taken on a given workflow step.
ISCSWorkflowActionResponse Response from the server after performing a workflow action (i.e.
ISCSWorkflowAPI The command API implementation of the workflow commands.
ISCSWorkflowApproveRejectResponse Response from the server after approving/rejecting a workflow
ISCSWorkflowDocumentRevisionsResponse Response from a query about document revisions for a given workflow.
ISCSWorkflowID ID that represents a current workflow.
ISCSWorkflowQueryResponse Response from the content server when querying a workflow.
ISCSWorkflowQueueItem A workflow item in a given users queue.
ISCSWorkflowQueueResponse Response from the server after a workflow queue request.
ISCSWorkflowResponse Response for all active workflows.
ISCSWorkflowScriptJump Represents a script jump within a workflow.
ISCSWorkflowStartResponse Response from a command to start a workflow.
ISCSWorkflowStep A workflow step
ISCSWorkflowStepEvent Represents an individual step event in a workflow
ISCSWorkflowStepID ID of a given workflow step.
ISCSWorkflowStepInfoResponse Content server response when querying a workflow step.
ISCSWorkflowTemplate An individual workflow template.
ISCSWorkflowTemplateResponse A template object that contains a workflow definition.
ISCSWorkflowTemplatesResponse Response that lists the available workflow templates.