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Oracle® Distributed Document Capture/Oracle® Document Capture Administrator's Guide
Release 10gR3
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16 Using Capture Administration

This section covers the following topics:

16.1 Managing File Cabinets and Index Fields

This section covers the following topics:

16.1.1 Adding a File Cabinet

Follow these steps to add a file cabinet in Capture Administration.

  1. In the Capture screen, choose File Cabinets from the Admin menu.

    The Administration screen is displayed, with File Cabinets selected in the left pane's tree structure.

  2. Click the New (sun) button.

  3. Enter a name and click OK.

    Typically, this is the same name as is used for the file cabinet equivalent to which documents will be filed in your content management system.

    The file cabinet is added to the tree.

16.1.2 Deleting a File Cabinet

Deleting a file cabinet deactivates any profiles and server batch jobs associated with it. It also removes all index fields, batch statuses, commit profiles and database lookup profiles associated with it.


If batches exist within a file cabinet at the time you delete it, the batches and associated images are deleted.

  1. In the Capture screen, choose File Cabinets from the Admin menu.

    The Administration screen is displayed, with File Cabinets selected in the left pane's tree structure.

  2. Select the file cabinet you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button, and confirm the deletion.

16.1.3 Adding Index Fields

Follow these steps to add index fields to a file cabinet in Capture Administration.

  1. In the left pane of the Administration screen, select the file cabinet to which you want to add index fields.

    The file cabinet's index fields are displayed in the right pane.

  2. Click the Add button in the right pane.

    The Add New Index Field dialog box is displayed.

  3. Select a data type for the index field.

  4. Complete other fields as needed.

  5. Press Enter.

    The dialog box remains, allowing you to quickly create additional index fields.

  6. When done, click Close.

16.1.4 Deleting Index Fields

Follow these steps to delete index fields from a file cabinet. Deleting an index field makes it unavailable for users to assign index values to.

  1. In the left pane of the Capture Administration screen, select the file cabinet containing index fields you want to delete.

    The file cabinet's index fields are listed in the right pane.

  2. In the right pane, select the index field you want to delete, and click the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    The index field is removed from the selected file cabinet.

16.2 Managing Users

This section covers the following topics:

16.2.1 Adding Users (Capture Security)

If using Capture security, follow these steps to add users, assign them file cabinets and optionally, assign them administration rights. For more information about security models, see "About Users in Capture".

  1. In the Capture screen, select Users from the Admin menu.

    The Capture Administration screen is displayed. Current users are listed under the Users heading in the tree structure in the left pane.

  2. Click the New (sun) button.

  3. In the Add User dialog box, enter the user name and password the user will enter to log in to Capture and its components. Click OK.

    Capture login user names and passwords are not case sensitive.

  4. To make the user a Capture administrator, select the Administration Rights field.

  5. Assign file cabinets to non-administrator users. (Administrators have access to all file cabinets.)

    Select a file cabinet in the Available File Cabinets field and click the + button to move it to the Assigned File Cabinets field.

16.2.2 Changing Passwords (Capture Security)

Follow these steps to change a user's password. These steps apply if using Capture security. For information about security models, see "About Users in Capture".

  1. In the Capture screen, select Users from the Admin menu.

    The Capture Administration screen is displayed. Current users are listed under the Users heading in the tree structure in the left pane.

  2. Select a user.

  3. Click Change Password and enter a new password.

16.2.3 Adding Users and Groups (Windows Domain Security)

Follow these steps to add Capture access for domain users or groups of domain users. After adding users, assign them file cabinets and optionally, administration rights. These steps apply if using Windows Domain security. For information about security models, see "About Users in Capture".

  1. In the Capture screen, select Users from the Admin menu.

    The Administration screen is displayed. Current users are listed under the Users heading in the left pane. User names are prefaced with their domain name.

  2. Click the New (sun) button.

    The Add User or Group dialog box is displayed.

  3. In the Domain field, select a domain to search.


    On a very large domain, it may take a while to refresh the user list. You may opt to manually enter names instead of waiting for the list to populate.

  4. To add a user, select Add a user. To add a group, select Add a group.

    If you add users as a group, they will be assigned the same Capture rights.

  5. In the Name field, select a user or group. Click Add.

    The user or group is displayed in the Selected Users/Groups list.

  6. Click OK.

    The user or group is listed under the Users heading in the left pane.

  7. To make the user or group of users administrators, select the Administration Rights field.

  8. Assign file cabinets to non-administrator users or groups of users. (Administrators have access to all file cabinets.)

    Select a file cabinet in the Available File Cabinets field and click the + (plus) button to move it to the Assigned File Cabinets field.

16.2.4 Deleting Users and Groups

Follow these steps to remove users or groups of domain users from Capture.

  • Deleting Capture users removes their access to Capture and assigned file cabinets.

  • Deleting Windows domain users or groups of users removes their access to Capture and assigned file cabinets.


Capture requires at least one user with administration rights.

  1. In Capture Administration, select Users from the Admin menu.

    The Capture Administration screen is displayed. Current users and groups are listed under the Users heading in the left pane.

  2. Select the user or group you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button, then confirm the deletion.

16.3 Working With Batches

This section covers the following topics:

16.3.1 Adding a Batch Status

Adding a status to a file cabinet makes it available to administrators for assigning to batches in profiles and to users for assigning to batches when scanning or indexing.

  1. In the Capture screen, select File Cabinets from the Admin menu.

    The Administration screen is displayed, with all file cabinets listed under the File Cabinets heading in the tree.

  2. In the left pane, select the file cabinet to which you want to add a batch status.

  3. Click Batch Statuses.

  4. In the right pane, click the Add button.

  5. Enter a descriptive status, and press Enter.


    Press Enter again to continue adding batch statuses.

16.3.2 Deleting a Batch Status

Deleting a batch status makes it unavailable for administrators to assign in profiles and for users to assign to batches. Previously assigned statuses are retained.

  1. In the Capture screen, select File Cabinets from the Admin menu.

    The Capture Administration screen is displayed, with all file cabinets listed under the File Cabinets heading in the tree structure.

  2. In the left pane, select the file cabinet for which you want to delete batch statuses.

    The selected file cabinet's options are listed in the tree.

  3. Click Batch Statuses.

  4. Select the batch status you want to delete, click the Delete button in the right pane, then confirm the deletion.

16.3.3 Viewing File Cabinets, Batches, and Pages

Follow these steps to view all Capture batches whose file cabinets you are assigned.

  1. In the Capture screen, click the Open Batch Manager button on the toolbar.

    Batch Manager is displayed, listing assigned file cabinets in a tree structure in the left pane.

  2. Select a file cabinet and drill down to view its batches and pages.

    Click the + (plus) sign that displays when you select a file cabinet or batch to view its contents.

    Details about the selected item are displayed in the right pane.

  3. If needed, make changes to the batch.

    • Use the toolbar buttons to cut, copy, paste or delete batches. If needed, click the Refresh button to view any new batches added since you opened Batch Manager.

    • With a file cabinet selected in the tree, right-click a batch in the right pane and select commands from the menu to rename, delete, add notes or change status and priority.

16.3.4 Moving Batches Between File Cabinets

Follow these steps to cut and paste batches from one file cabinet to another (for example, if batches were scanned using the wrong profile and assigned to another file cabinet).


Index values are not retained when batches are moved to another file cabinet.

  1. In the Capture screen, click the Open Batch Manager button on the toolbar.

    Batch Manager is displayed, listing assigned file cabinets in a tree structure in the left pane.

  2. Select file cabinets and drill down to view their batches.

    Click the + (plus) sign that displays when you select a file cabinet or batch to view its contents.

  3. Move batches between file cabinets by either dragging and dropping or using the Cut and Paste buttons on the toolbar.

  4. If needed, right-click a batch, choose Rename and enter a new batch name.

16.3.5 Monitoring User Batch Activity

As an administrator, you can monitor user activity at any time, viewing the batches, users and workstations in use.


In Oracle Distributed Document Capture, this information applies only to batches received by the server.

  1. In the Capture screen, select Locked Batches from the Admin menu.

    The Capture Administration screen is displayed, with the Locked Batches heading selected in the tree structure.

    The right pane lists current Capture users by ID and workstation, along with the file cabinet and batch they are accessing.

16.3.6 Unlocking a Batch

As soon as a scanning or indexing user accesses a batch, Capture locks it, preventing other users from accessing it. If the user's session is interrupted, this allows the user can restart and access the batch again.

If needed, follow these steps to unlock a batch and allow another user to access it.


Before unlocking a batch, make certain that the batch is not in use. Unlocking batches that are in use may cause data corruption.

  1. In the Capture screen, select Locked Batches from the Admin menu.

    The Capture Administration screen is displayed, with the Locked Batches item selected.

  2. Select the batch you want to unlock and click the Unlock Batch button from the toolbar.

16.4 Working With Pick-lists

This section covers the following topics:

16.4.1 Adding a Capture Native Pick-list

Follow these steps to add a native pick-list for use in Capture. Native pick-lists are stored within the Capture database. For more information, see "About Pick-lists".

  1. In the Capture screen, choose Pick-list Sources from the Admin menu.

    Pick-list sources are listed below the Pick-list Sources heading in the left pane tree structure.

  2. Choose Capture Native Pick-list.

    Pick-list source settings are displayed in the right pane. Fields that do not apply to Capture native pick-lists are disabled.

  3. Click the Create/Edit button.

    The Capture Pick-list Management dialog box is displayed. It lists pick-lists on the left and items for the selected pick-list on the right.

  4. Click New to add a pick-list. Specify a name and data type.


    To display the pick-list's values in an index field, the pick-list must have the same data type as the index field.

  5. Add a pick-list item by entering a value in the Commit Value field and clicking Add.

    To display one value to users but commit another, enter a different value in the item's Display Value field.

    For information about importing values, see "Importing Values From a Text File Into a Pick-list".

  6. Using the up and down arrow buttons, order pick-list items as you want them displayed in the pick-list.

  7. Click Close.

    The new pick-list is displayed in the Defined Pick-lists list.

  8. Use the pick-list in Capture. Importing Values From a Text File Into a Pick-list

Follow these steps to import values from a text file. Capture imports standard ASCII text files delimited with carriage return/line feeds. Each line within the text file is imported as a pick-list item.

  1. Display the Capture Pick-list Management screen.

    In the Administration screen, select the Capture Native Pick-list source and click Create/Edit.

  2. In the left table, select the pick-list to which you want to import values.

  3. Click the Import Values button.

    The Import Pick-list Items from File dialog box is displayed.

  4. Select the file to import. Click the Browse button, locate the file and click Open.

  5. Select the Check for duplicates field to check for and eliminate duplicate values.


    Importing large pick-lists takes longer when this option is selected.

  6. Click Process.

    Capture imports the values and displays items added and errors encountered in the Import Status area.

  7. Click Close. Exporting Pick-list Values to a Text File

Follow these steps to export values from a Capture pick-list to a text file. Capture writes a selected pick-list's values to a carriage return/line feed delimited text file.

  1. Display the Capture Pick-list Management screen.

    In the Administration screen, select the Capture Native Pick-list source and click Create/Edit.

  2. In the left table, select the pick-list whose values you want to export.

  3. Click the Export Values icon button.

    The Specify Export File Name dialog box displays.

  4. Enter a name and location for the text file, and click Save.

    The text file is written to the specified location and filename.

16.4.2 Adding a Database Pick-list

Follow these steps to create a pick-list linked to a database for use in Capture. For this type of pick-list, you first create a database connection and then identify how you want the database's values used. For more information, see "About Pick-lists".

  1. Choose Pick-list Sources from the Admin menu.

    The Administration screen is displayed.

  2. Click the New button.

  3. Enter a name for the pick-list source and click OK.

    The new pick-list is listed under the Pick-list Sources heading.

  4. In the right pane, select Database Pick-list in the Pick-list Type field.

  5. Click the Configure button.

  6. In the Pick-list Configuration dialog box, click the Configure button.

  7. Configure the database connection.

    See "Configuring a Database Connection".

    You return to the Pick-list Configuration dialog box with the database connection configured.

  8. Click the Pick-list Definitions tab.

  9. In the Pick-list Name field, enter a name to identify the pick-list.

  10. In the Database Table field, select the table to which you want to link.

  11. In the Commit Field field, choose the field whose selected values will be committed with the document.

    To display one value to users but commit another, enter a different value in the item's Display Value field.

  12. In the Sort Order field, specify the order in which you want database records displayed in the pick-list to the user.

  13. Click Save.

    The pick-list's name is displayed in the Defined Pick-lists list at left.

  14. Click OK to exit the Pick-list Configuration dialog box.

    The pick-list is displayed in the Defined Pick-lists list.

  15. Use the pick-list in Capture. Configuring a Database Connection

Follow these steps to set up a database connection for use in a database pick-list, database lookup or database commit profile.

  1. Click the Configure button.

  2. On the Provider tab of the Datalink Properties dialog box, select the OLE DB provider for the type of data you want to access.

    If you have a native OLE Database Provider for your database, select that. If not, select the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers.

  3. Complete the fields on the Connection tab.

    The information on the Connection tab is specific to the OLE Database Provider you chose on the Provider Tab. The configuration can be different for other Database Providers.

    • Specify the source of data using either the Use Data Source Name or Use Connection String option.

      The Data Source Name (recommended) is the DSN that you configured using the ODBC Manager in the Windows Control Panel. If you configured an ODBC Source while this dialog box is displayed, click Refresh to load the new ODBC Source into the list.

      The Use Connection String option allows you to specify all of the database parameters. If you select this option, it is recommended that you use the Build feature to create the database parameters.

    • Enter the User ID and Password to connect to the database.


      Some databases, such as Microsoft Access, may not require a user ID and password. If your database does not require them, leave the fields blank.

      Select Blank Password only if no password is required for the entered User ID. Selecting Allow saving of password saves the password unmasked and unencrypted in the Password field. This allows Capture to automatically connect to the database when you have finished configuring the database connection.

    • Select the database as the initial catalog to use.

    • Click Test Connection to test the configuration. Your test connection must succeed before the database connection will work in Capture.

  4. If needed, complete fields on the Advanced and All tabs.


    Click Test Connection to test the configuration. Your test connection must succeed before the database connection will work in Capture.

    • The Advanced tab allows you to fine-tune your ODBC connection parameters. Press F1 to access Microsoft's detailed help for configuring these options. These settings do not need to be configured with most Capture installations.

    • The All tab shows you all of the configured ODBC properties. You can modify any property by clicking Edit Value. In general, you do not need to use this tab.

  5. Click OK.


    In a multi-user environment, all workstations must have access to the applicable database resources. For example, if you configure a database lookup with an ODBC DSN, the DSN must be available on all Capture workstations using the database lookup.

16.4.3 Deleting a Database Pick-list

Follow these steps to delete a pick-list.

  1. In the Capture screen, choose Pick-list Sources from the Admin menu.

    Pick-list sources are listed below the Pick-list Sources heading in the left pane.

  2. Select the database pick-list you want to delete and click the Delete button on the toolbar. Confirm the deletion.

16.4.4 Adding a Pick-list Relationship

Follow these steps to create a parent/child relationship between pick-lists. For more information, see "About Pick-list Relationships".

To create a pick-list relationship, you need two or more pick-lists (Capture Native or database) to link.

  1. Choose Pick-list Relationships from the Admin menu.

    The Administration dialog box is shown, with the Pick-list Relationship Profiles heading selected.

  2. Click the New (sun) button. Enter a name for the relationship profile.

    Pick-list relationship profile options are displayed on the right.

  3. Click Add to define the relationship hierarchy.

    The Add/Edit Pick-list Relationships dialog box is displayed.

  4. In the Pick-list Source field, select the parent pick-list source (Capture Native Pick-list or a specific database pick-list).

  5. In the Pick-list field, select the parent pick-list from those listed for the selected source.

    The Pick-list Item column is populated with items from the selected parent pick-list.

  6. In the Child Pick-list Source column, select the child source to display when a user chooses the corresponding parent item from the pick-list. From the available items shown in the Child Pick-list column, select the item to display.

  7. Click OK to close the Add/Edit Pick-list Relationships dialog box.

    The relationship profile is displayed in the Relationship Hierarchy list.


    If there are more than two levels in the parent/child relationship, the second level displays in bold, indicating a parent/child/grandchild relationship. The child is displayed in bold; double-clicking the child opens the grandchild list.

  8. Use the pick-list relationship profile in a Capture component.

16.5 Working With Database Lookups

This section covers the following topics:

16.5.1 Adding a Database Lookup

Follow these steps to add a database lookup profile for use in Capture. For more information, see "About Database Lookups".

  1. Choose File Cabinets from the Admin menu.

  2. Select the file cabinet to which you want to add a database lookup.

  3. Click the file cabinet's Database Lookups heading.

  4. Click the New (sun) button. Enter a name for the database lookup and click OK.

  5. In the right pane, click Configure. Configure the database connection.

    See "Configuring a Database Connection".

  6. In the left pane, select the Search Fields heading. Identify the database fields to search for values matching those in Capture index fields.


    Capture index fields must have the same data type as the database fields whose values will be searched.

    • Click Add. The Add/Edit Search Field dialog box is displayed.

    • In the Capture Field option, select the Capture index field on which to activate the database lookup.

    • In the Database Field option, select the database field to search.

    • Add additional search fields, if needed.

  7. In the left pane, select the Return Fields heading. Identify the database values to return from the database.

    Return fields can either populate Capture index fields or display in the hit-list for validation. You must specify return fields for each search field you defined in the previous step.

    • Choose a search field from the Search Field option.

    • Click Add.

    • In the Field Type field, choose the type of field you want to return. A display field displays data only on the hit-list.

    • In the Capture Field/Display Field option, select the appropriate field. If you selected Capture Field in the Field Type field, select the Capture field you want to populate from the list of file cabinet fields. If you selected Display Field, enter a field name. For example, you might display a database field called CUS NO as Customer Number to users.

    • In the Database Field option, select the field to return from the list of fields in the specified table.

  8. Optionally, select the Options heading in the left pane and specify how you want Capture to search database fields when a user activates a database lookup.

  9. Select the database lookup in a Capture profile.

16.5.2 Deleting a Database Lookup

Follow these steps to delete a database lookup profile.

  1. Choose File Cabinets from the Admin menu and select a file cabinet.

  2. Click the file cabinet's Database Lookups heading.

  3. Select the database lookup you want to delete and click the Delete button on the toolbar. Confirm the deletion.

16.6 Importing and Exporting Capture Elements

This section describes how to migrate Oracle Document Capture or Oracle Distributed Document Capture elements from one instance to another using the Import/Export utility. For more information, see "About the Import/Export Utility". This section covers the following topics:

16.6.1 Using the Import/Export Utility

  1. From the Start menu, choose Oracle Document Capture, then Import-Export Utility. (Oracle Document Capture cannot be running when you start the utility.)


    If using Microsoft Vista, run the utility with Administrator permissions, in order for Commit Server batch jobs to be imported and exported.

  2. If prompted, log in. You must be authenticated as a Capture administrator to use the utility, either through logging in or domain security authentication.

    The utility starts. It contains Export and Import buttons and a Status display area.

16.6.2 Exporting Capture Elements

Follow these steps to export selected Capture components or elements.

  1. Click the Export button (Ctrl+E).

    The Specify Export Settings screen is displayed. It displays a tree view of all Capture components and their elements available for export.

  2. For each component, select the elements you want to export.

    For example, select Index to select all index profiles and macros for export, or click an individual index profile to export.


    All file cabinet-related elements are exported and imported together. This means that importing any exported file cabinet element (such as a database lookup profile) overwrites the entire file cabinet of the same name. For this reason, it is important to export all file cabinet elements you want the file cabinet to contain at the same time.

  3. Click the Browse button and specify a name and location for the export file to be written.

  4. Click Export.

    The export process begins. Details are displayed in the Status field. The zipped file is written to the specified folder.

16.6.3 Importing Capture Elements

Follow these steps to import a previously exported zipped file containing Capture elements.


Before importing, the utility verifies that its version is compatible with the installed Oracle Document Capture or Oracle Distributed Document Capture version. If the versions are not compatible, you cannot import.

  1. Click the Import button (Ctrl+I). The Select Export File to Import dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click Browse, locate the zipped file you want to import, and click OK.


    Importing any exported file cabinet element (such as a database lookup profile) overwrites the entire file cabinet of the same name. Before importing, ensure that you are importing all file cabinet elements needed. If not, export again before importing.

    The Elements to Be Imported screen is displayed.

  3. Review the elements to be imported and click Import. (Click Cancel if changes are needed.)

    As elements are imported, status information is displayed in the Status field. If a validation error occurs, you are given the option of continuing the import, skipping the profile causing the error, or stopping the import. Once finished, the status Import completed is displayed.