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Oracle® Distributed Document Capture/Oracle® Document Capture Administrator's Guide
Release 10gR3
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15 Capture Administration Overview

This section covers the following topics:

15.1 About Capture Administration Tasks

Capture provides a central administration area in which administrators create elements to be used throughout Capture components. For example, you can create file cabinets and index fields in Capture Administration, then use them in multiple types of profiles in Capture components.

Use Capture Administration to create or change:

15.2 About File Cabinets

In Capture, you define the file cabinets into which batches are scanned. For this reason, create file cabinets with the structure of your content management system in mind.

When creating a file cabinet, you define the following:

15.3 About Index Fields

An integral part of creating a file cabinet is defining its index fields. Users will enter values in these fields while indexing, and end users will later search for documents in the content management system using these fields. Values can also be auto populated, derived from bar codes read by Recognition Server, selected from pick-lists, or selected from a database lookup.

After you create index fields, you can specify more detailed settings for them in an index profile (in Oracle Document Capture) or a scan profile (in Oracle Distributed Document Capture). For example, you might set up an input mask for an index field to control what users type into the field when indexing. Or, you can specify that an index field is required upon creating it, then make the field sticky or locked in the profile.

15.4 About Users in Capture

There are two types of users in Capture:

The security model chosen during configuration affects how administrators manage users in Capture and whether users log in:


The Commit Server, Recognition Server and Import Server provide an unattended login setting for automatic login. For unattended login to work, the administrator must be added as an individual Capture user rather than added as a member of a domain group.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture provides additional login functionality through its authentication options. For information about whether users log in to Oracle Distributed Document Capture, see the section on understanding authentication in the Installation Guide for Oracle Distributed Document Capture.

15.5 About Managing Batches

In Capture, users scan and index documents in batches. Batches can be assigned a status, priority, and notes. This section describes the following batch administration tasks:

15.5.1 About Batch Status

The batch status feature provides a standardized way of assigning statuses to batches. In Capture Administration, you create a list of possible statuses, which can then be assigned to batches through profiles. Users can view status, enter new statuses, and search for batches based on status. In addition, the servers can process jobs based on status.

15.5.2 About Batch Manager

The Batch Manager component provides a comprehensive view of all Capture batches on the network in a Windows Explorer-like environment. Use Batch Manager to:

  • view a file cabinet's batches

  • add or edit notes for a batch

  • change a batch's status and priority

  • move batches between file cabinets

  • delete batches

  • view information about a batch's pages, including index values, file name, location and size

  • copy a batch from one file cabinet to another


Moving batches from one file cabinet to another moves their images only. Index values are removed when you move a batch.

15.5.3 About Locked Batches and User Batch Activity

Oracle Document Capture provides a locking mechanism for batches to ensure that multiple users cannot access the same batch at the same time. As soon as a user accesses a batch, Capture immediately locks it. If the user's session is interrupted (for example, if the computer crashes), this user can restart his or her system and access the batch again, because the batch was locked to this user. However, if another user attempts to access the same batch, he or she will not be able to access it, because the batch was previously locked by another user.

Oracle Document Capture administrators can monitor user activity at any time, viewing the batches, users and workstations in use. You can also unlock a batch if necessary, to allow another user to access it. (This functionality is not available for Oracle Distributed Document Capture client batches.)

Before unlocking a batch, an administrator should make certain that the batch is not in use.

15.6 About Pick-lists

A pick-list provides users with two or more values from which to choose. Pick-lists can significantly speed up indexing and prevent data entry errors.

You define pick-lists in Capture Administration, then select them in Capture components. This allows you to use the same pick-list in several Capture components.

When creating a pick-list, you first specify its pick-list source. You can create these types of sources:

After creating one or more pick-lists, you can then:

Table 15-1 Pick-list Use in Capture Components

Capture Component Pick-list Type Configuration Location Function



Index profiles

Create a pick-list index field.


Pick-list Relationship

Index profiles

Create linked pick-list index fields, where a selection in the parent field determines the values displayed in the child pick-list field.

Recognition Server


Batch jobs

Assign a bar code value that matches a pick-list value to an index field.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture


Scan profiles

Create a pick-list index field.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture

Pick-list Relationship

Scan profiles

Create linked pick-list index fields, where a selection in the parent field determines the values displayed in the child pick-list field.

UCM Commit Profile Driver


Oracle UCM commit profiles

Dynamically assign a type, security and/or account based on a pick-list index field value.

15.7 About Pick-list Relationships

Use the Pick-list Relationships functionality in Capture Administration to create parent/child relationships between pick-lists. In a parent/child relationship, a parent field is linked to one or more child pick-lists, one of which is displayed after the user makes a selection in the parent field.

For example, you might configure a parent field called Department and a child field called Document Type. Based on users' selection in the Department field, the Document Type field displays the appropriate child pick-list containing document type choices for the selected department.

Here are some important points about pick-list relationships.

15.8 About Database Lookups

A database lookup provides external database searching, which can reduce data entry requirements. While indexing, a user enters a value in an index field and clicks a database lookup button. The Capture component searches a specified database field for a matching value, and if found, automatically populates other specified index fields. If the Capture application finds multiple values that match, it displays them in a hit list from which the user chooses. Database lookups can significantly speed up indexing and prevent errors.

You define database lookups in Capture Administration, then select them when creating profiles in Capture components. This allows you to use the same database lookup profile in several Capture components. Table 15-2 lists Capture components in which you can use database lookups.

Table 15-2 Database Lookup Use in Oracle Document Capture Components

Capture Component Configuration Location Function


Manage Index Profiles, General tab

Search a database for a matching record and if found, populate index fields with other values in the database record.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture

Administration, Database Lookup pane

Search a database for a matching record and if found, populate index fields with other values in the database record.

Import Server

Batch Job Settings, Processing tab

After importing images, search a database field for matching index values (from a list file) and populate index fields from the database table.

Recognition Server

Batch Job Settings, Database Lookup tab

Search a database using a bar code value and populate index fields using values returned from it.

15.9 About Committing Documents

Committing archives batches from a Capture file cabinet to another system, typically a content management system. This section covers the following topics:

15.9.1 Methods of Committing Documents

Organizations choose to commit batches in a variety of ways, depending on the configuration of their content management system.

  • Some organizations use the Oracle UCM, Oracle UCM 11g, Oracle I/PM, or Oracle I/PM 11g commit drivers to commit documents directly into Oracle UCM 10g or 11g, or into Oracle I/PM 10g or 11g, respectively.

  • Some organizations commit to a commit text file, then import batches into their content management system. The commit file can be customized to contain the information needed, but typically contains the full path to images and index values.

  • Other organizations use an EDP (Electronic Document Provider) macro or other commit driver to commit directly to their content management system.

  • Still other organizations do not create a commit file, but instead write image documents to a specified location, often for archival or backup purposes.

  • Organizations may choose to commit to a database. The Capture database commit driver lets you commit to commonly used databases in a variety of ways.

15.9.2 About Commit Profiles

You apply commit settings by creating one or more commit profiles for a file cabinet in Capture Administration. Commit drivers include:

  • Oracle I/PM Commit Driver (10g), and Oracle I/PM 11g Commit Driver, which commit documents directly into Oracle Imaging and Process Management 10g and 11g.

  • Oracle UCM Commit Driver (10g) and Oracle UCM 11g Commit Driver, which commit documents directly into Oracle Universal Content Management 10g and 11g.

  • Commit Text File, which writes a text file containing data about the committed images, such as index field values and batch information.

  • Electronic Document Provider, which uses the EDP macro you specify to determine how documents are committed.

  • Database Commit Driver, which commits document files from Capture to a folder whose path is stored in the database or to a database table, storing them in an image/blob field.

Important Points About Commit Profiles

  • Commit profiles are processed one at a time. Capture starts the commit process by loading all the settings related to the first commit profile and begins to commit all the documents within the batch. Once the first profile has completed, it then loads all the settings for the second profile, and continues to commit all the documents within the batch, repeating this process until all commit profiles have been executed or an error occurs which causes the entire commit process to be canceled.


    Because documents could be committed more than once when using multiple commit profiles, it is recommended that you position the commit profile most likely to fail first.

  • You can assign one or more commit profiles to a file cabinet. For example, one commit profile may commit documents to a content management system, while another commits to a commit file. A Service Bureau might output to a commit text file containing pointers to the images, then FTP the information to clients. Still another organization might commit directly into their content management system and create a commit file for backup, to be kept for 90 days or archived permanently.

  • A commit profile is used regardless of the Capture program that actually performs the batch commit.

  • A file cabinet MUST have at least one active commit profile in order to commit documents. Commit profiles, once activated, are executed in order. When creating a commit profile, you also specify how you want errors handled.

  • By default, images are output in their native format (the format in which they were scanned or imported into Capture). However, using commit profile options, you can convert documents to a different output format upon committing, such as multiple page TIFF, image PDF (Image Only) or PDF (Searchable); see "About Duplicate Commit Options". Note that PDF (Searchable) is available for Oracle Document Capture only.

15.9.3 What Happens During the Commit Process?

  • Capture begins processing all pages.

  • The index values of pages are analyzed to create logical documents. Any image with like index values is put into a logical document.

  • Capture commits a batch on a per document basis. A document may consist of one or many pages.

  • As each document is successfully committed within a batch, Capture removes the document's images and associated index data from the batch. When there are no remaining pages in the batch, Capture deletes the batch.

  • If a document fails to be committed, it remains in the batch and an error is generated.

  • A Commit Batch audit record is added to the ecAudit table.

15.9.4 About Document Output Formats

Regardless of a document image's native format (the format in which it was scanned or imported into Capture), you can convert it to a different format upon committing it. By default, document images are committed in their native format. To convert them, choose a new format:

  • Native Format: No conversion takes place.

  • Single Page TIFF: Converts black/white, grayscale and color images to Group 4 TIFF format.

  • Multi Page TIFF: Converts documents to multiple page, Group 4 TIFF format.

  • PDF (Image Only): Converts documents to PDF (portable document format). You can also specify a file compression setting for images committed using this format. Note that the higher the file compression, the smaller the file size and lower the quality.

  • PDF (Searchable): Converts documents to PDF (portable document format) with text users can search. (This option is available for Oracle Document Capture only.)


The PDF (Searchable) option uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) when creating PDF documents that users can search. Note that the hidden text (the OCR results) within PDF (Searchable) documents CANNOT be edited and may contain errors.

Each output format except PDF (Searchable) allows you to configure full text OCR. This option generates a text file containing all text found in documents by Optical Character Recognition. Depending on the capabilities of your content management system, the full text file can be used for document searching and retrieval.

15.9.5 About Duplicate Commit Options

All documents in which an error is encountered remain in the batch until the error is resolved and they are committed again. When multiple profiles are used, this means that documents can be committed more than once. For example:

  • Commit Profile 1 commits the entire batch of 100 documents.

  • Commit Profile 2 commits up to 50 documents successfully, and encounters an error on document 51.

  • After the first commit, 50 documents remain in the batch.

  • The user or administrator corrects the problem related to Commit Profile 2.

  • User commits the batch again.

  • Commit Profile 1 commits the remaining 50 documents again.

  • Commit Profile 2 commits the remaining 50 documents.

In this example, Commit Profile 1 redundantly commits the same 50 documents. In general, it is recommended that you place the commit profile with the greatest likelihood of failing at the top of the list.


You can prevent some duplicate committing problems when creating the commit profile, by selecting Abort or Overwrite in the If document file already exists field (provided the commit driver supports this capability).

15.9.6 About Commit Error Handling

Use a commit profile's error handling options to customize what happens when errors are encountered during batch committing. (It is recommended that you NOT enable advanced error handling.)

  • Select the Enable Advanced Error Handling field to make advanced error handling selections. If you leave this field deselected (the default), any warning or critical error will halt the commit profile and commit process. This is the most conservative setting.

  • You can opt for a less conservative setting by selecting options from the Error level fields. Depending on your selections, an error can stop the current commit profile from further use or stop the entire commit process, including any other commit profiles, from executing. For more information, see "Error Handling Examples".

  • Regardless of error settings, all documents in which an error is encountered remain in the batch until the error is resolved and they are committed again. As a result, it is possible for a document to be committed more than once when using multiple commit profiles.

15.9.7 About the Oracle UCM 10g Commit Driver

Use the Oracle UCM 10g Commit Driver to commit documents from Capture into Oracle UCM 10g. For information about committing to Oracle UCM 11g, see "About the Oracle UCM 11g Commit Driver".


You can commit documents to Oracle UCM in the following formats: Multiple Page TIFF, PDF (Image Only), and PDF (Searchable). PDF (Searchable) is available for Oracle Document Capture only.

Configuring the driver settings involves the following main steps.

  1. Enter Oracle UCM login information.

  2. Specify how the documents will be stored in Oracle UCM, including how they will be named, and who can view and access them. You can assign type, security group, and account values to documents in one of these ways:

    • Assign them a static value

    • Assign them based on Capture index field values

    • Assign them based on pick-list values users select

  3. Map Capture index fields to Oracle Content Server fields. As documents are committed using this driver, values entered in Capture will be written into the specified Content Server fields.

15.9.8 About the Oracle UCM 11g Commit Driver

Use the Oracle UCM 11g Commit Driver to commit documents from Capture 10g release or later to Oracle UCM 11g. This commit driver uses the UCM RIDC API to call Oracle UCM's check-in service for the commit. (For information about committing to Oracle UCM 10g, see "About the Oracle UCM 10g Commit Driver".)


You can commit documents to Oracle UCM 11g in the following formats: Multiple Page TIFF, PDF (Image Only), Native File, and PDF (Searchable). Note that PDF (Searchable) is available for Oracle Document Capture only. Native File should be used for custom applications only.

Configuring the driver settings involves the following main steps.

  1. Entering Oracle UCM login information.

  2. Specifying how to make the documents visible in Oracle UCM, including how to name them, and who can view and access them. You can assign type, security group, and account values to documents using one of these methods:

    • Assign them a static value

    • Assign them based on Capture index field values

    • Assign them based on pick-list values users select

  3. Mapping Capture index fields to Oracle Content Server fields. As documents are committed using this driver, values entered in Capture are written into the specified Content Server fields.


    You can also add or edit custom fields and write Capture values to them during commit.

  4. Setting additional options, such as error logging, document naming, workflow bypass, and web service overrides.

15.9.9 About the Oracle I/PM 10g Commit Driver

Use the Oracle I/PM 10g Commit Driver to commit from Capture into Oracle I/PM 10g. For information about committing to Oracle I/PM 11g, see "About the Oracle I/PM 11g Commit Driver".

You can archive documents using one or both of these methods:

  • Direct Connect: Commits documents directly into Oracle I/PM.

  • Filer File Commit: Creates an Oracle Filer file for each committed batch.


In order to file documents directly from Capture to Oracle I/PM, the Oracle I/PM client must be installed on the server or workstation that performs batch commits. If the Commit Server is performing all batch commits, Oracle I/PM must be on the Commit Server only.


COLD SQL applications are not supported.

Direct Commit Guidelines

The key to successfully archiving documents from Capture directly into Oracle I/PM is to properly configure your Capture file cabinets.

Make sure that field data types match. During a batch commit, the Oracle I/PM driver verifies that a specified I/PM application exists and ensures that the fields are compatible. If the driver detects a problem, it displays or logs a message and aborts the commit process.

Indirect (Filer) Commit Guidelines

When archiving documents indirectly using Filer files, file cabinet and application names do not have to match. However, you need to ensure that your Filer file definitions are correct so they correspond to the Filer files generated by Capture.

  • The first time you commit a batch using the Filer method, Capture generates a text file in the Commit Folder called FILEXREF.TXT. This file lists all Capture file cabinets along with a unique ID associated with each file cabinet. Use this file when configuring Oracle Filer to run in Server Mode.

  • When you commit a Capture batch, it generates an Oracle Filer file with a file extension that represents the associated Capture file cabinet ID. You can then use these IDs to configure Filer to process specific files within the Filer folder (for example, *.001, *.002, and so on…).


If you need to support multiple configurations, create multiple Oracle I/PM commit profiles and configure them differently. About Process Integration

As part of configuring an Oracle I/PM commit profile, you can set up an Oracle I/PM Process integration. To do so, you enable Process functionality, specify a Process database, and then select detailed Process configuration settings. See "Oracle I/PM Commit Settings Screen, Process Setup".


You must have Process administrator rights. The user account is used exclusively by the Process integration as a service account to create and append Process packages.

15.9.10 About the Oracle I/PM 11g Commit Driver

Use the Oracle I/PM 11g Commit Driver to commit documents from Capture 10g release or later to Oracle I/PM. (For information about committing to Oracle I/PM 10g, see "About the Oracle I/PM 10g Commit Driver".

Use the Oracle I/PM 11g driver to commit documents using one of these methods:

  • Direct Commit, where Capture connects to an Oracle I/PM instance and commits documents directly into Oracle I/PM. See "About Direct Committing".

  • Input Agent Commit, where Capture creates input files for Capture batches, which are then uploaded in bulk to Oracle I/PM by its Input Agent service. See "About Input Agent Committing".


To support multiple configurations, create multiple Oracle I/PM 11g commit profiles in Capture and configure them differently. For example, to output documents directly and via input agent (where documents output via the input agent files might serve as a backup), create and activate both types of commit profiles. About Direct Committing

With a direct commit profile, Capture logs into Oracle I/PM and commits documents directly using Oracle I/PM's web services. Creating this type of Oracle I/PM commit profile involves the following configuration:

  1. Enter login information for the Oracle I/PM 11g commit driver to automatically connect to the Oracle I/PM system.


    Each time you commit using an Oracle I/PM 11g direct commit profile, Capture connects to the specified Oracle I/PM instance, then logs out after the commit is complete.

  2. Map Capture index fields to Oracle I/PM application metadata fields.


    To successfully commit documents, the data types of mapped Capture index fields and Oracle I/PM application fields must match. If the commit driver detects a problem, such as incompatible fields, it displays or logs a message and stops the commit process.

  3. Optionally set the commit driver to search for matching Oracle I/PM documents and append to them, if found. To search for matches, you select a search definition created in Oracle I/PM.

  4. Optionally enable logging and its detail level. About Searching For and Appending to Oracle I/PM Documents

You can set the commit profile to search for matching documents during direct commits. When searching, Capture compares index values for the document being committed to search parameters specified in the selected Oracle I/PM search definition. For more information about creating Oracle I/PM search definitions, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Imaging and Process Management.

When searching and appending...

  • If Capture finds a match to an existing document, it appends the new document to the matched document.

  • If Capture does not find a match, a new document is created.

  • If Capture finds multiple matching documents, the document commit stops.

Important Points About Searching and Appending

  • The Searching and appending option is available for Multiple Page TIFF documents only. (In the commit profile's main settings, the Document Output Format field must be set to TIFF - Multiple Page).

  • Because the performance of searches affects the performance of the commit process, searches should be carefully defined and tuned.

  • The Oracle I/PM search definition is integral to matching, and must reflect index profile settings in Oracle Document Capture or scan profile settings in Oracle Distributed Document Capture. For example, if a Capture profile contains five index fields but the search definition contains three fields only, searches are less specific, and documents considered separate documents in Capture could be appended to in Oracle I/PM. In addition, the search definition must use AND conditions, not OR conditions.

  • Depending on the database used for the Oracle I/PM server, the search may be case sensitive, meaning that if index values are identical but their case differs, no matching occurs. About Input Agent Committing

During an input agent commit, Capture writes a delimited input file for the batch, along with its images, to a specified Capture output directory. The input file lists document images along with their associated index values for bulk uploading into Oracle I/PM. The Oracle I/PM input agent service monitors a specified input agent input directory and upon finding input files that match its input mask, uploads the files' referenced documents in bulk into Oracle I/PM.

Creating this type of Oracle I/PM commit profile involves the following configuration:

  1. Enter login information for the Oracle I/PM 11g commit driver to connect to the Oracle I/PM system for field mapping definition.

  2. Specify the Capture output directory in which Capture writes input files and images upon commit. In addition, you also specify the input agent input directory from which the Oracle I/PM input agent uploads documents.


    These settings identify the same directory but in different ways. For example, if Capture is running on a Windows system and Oracle I/PM is running on a Linux system, these fields would contain different paths to the same location.

  3. Map Capture index fields to a selected Oracle I/PM input definition.


    When committing documents indirectly using input files, Capture file cabinet and Oracle I/PM application names do not have to match. However, you must ensure that your input file definitions are correct so they correspond to the input files generated by Capture.

  4. Optionally enable logging and its detail level. About Input Definitions

Configuring an input agent commit requires an input definition created in Oracle I/PM's Manage Inputs area. For information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Imaging and Process Management.

Creating an input definition in Oracle I/PM includes these steps:

  1. Upload a sample file that specifies how input files from Capture are composed. The sample file also specifies how input files are named, as described in "How Capture Names Input Files Upon Commit".

  2. Specify the application in which to write Capture index values as metadata values based on field mapping.

  3. Based on the sample file, define an input mask that the input agent uses to locate files for input. For example, if you specify a mask of ServiceReportsInput*.txt, the input agent finds and processes input files that begin with that name.

  4. Define a delimiter that specifies the character by which values in the input text file are separated. For example, enter a pipe (|) character. How Capture Names Input Files Upon Commit

Input files Capture creates are named based on:

  • The sample file used to create the input agent definition in Oracle I/PM

  • A unique number

  • The sample file's extension

For example, using a sample file named ServiceReportsSample.txt (and a * wildcard in the input definition), Capture might write an input file called ServiceReportsSample789238749.txt.

15.9.11 About the Text File Commit Driver

The Commit Text File profile is a standard commit profile provided with installation. By default, it creates a quotation, comma-separated text file that contains the full path to each image file, followed by document index data. The images are extracted from the batch and inserted into a folder beneath the commit folder. The text file and new batch folder are created under the Commit folder specified during batch setup.

You can change the text file commit driver's default settings. For example, you might change where files are written, which values are written and delimited in the text file, and how files are named.

15.9.12 About the Electronic Document Provider Commit Driver

If your organization commits batches directly to a content management system other than Oracle UCM or Oracle I/PM, use an EDP (Electronic Document Provider) macro or another commit driver to commit them. For detailed information about writing macros for use in Capture, see the Developer's Guide for Oracle Document Capture.

15.9.13 About the Database Commit Driver

The database commit driver enables organizations to commit from Capture to a variety of databases, such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft Access.

You can commit document files to one or both of these locations:

  • to a folder whose path is stored in the database

  • to a database table, storing them in an image/blob field


You can also skip saving the document files, and write document values only to new records in a database table. This can be useful when integrating data with third-party applications.

To write document index values to the database, you map Capture index fields to fields in the database table. About Committing Index Values to Linked Tables

As an option, you can write Capture values to two tables linked by a key field. Typically, this option is used to search for one or more higher level values in a parent table (writing a new record if needed and allowed), and then use an associated primary key to insert records in the document table and write detailed values there.

For example, a database might contain a parent table called Customer and a document table called Work Orders. The Customer table contains customer ID and name fields, while the document table contains detail fields. Each table contains a Cust ID field, which would function as the key field.

Capture provides two ways to search the parent table: search multiple fields for a match or search the parent key field only. For more information, see "Linked Tables Searching".

15.10 About the Import/Export Utility

The Import/Export Utility is used to migrate Oracle Document Capture or Oracle Distributed Document Capture elements from one instance to another. The Import/Export utility must be installed on each workstation that contains one or more Oracle Document Capture or Oracle Distributed Document Capture components.

Using the utility, you can select individual elements (such as a server batch job) or entire components (such as all Scan for ISIS profiles and macros). In addition, you can export and import an entire configuration in order to create a snapshot of the system configuration at a certain point in time. You can use the utility to migrate a system from testing to production, to aid in troubleshooting, or as a quick means of distributing profiles.


The utility imports and exports configuration settings only. No data, such as uncommitted batches, is affected.

When you export, elements are stored in multiple XML files, then packaged as a zipped file containing all information needed to re-create those elements on another system. When you import, the utility looks for elements of the same name, overwriting them if a match is detected or adding them if not.


All file cabinet-related elements are exported and imported together. This means that importing any exported file cabinet element (such as a database lookup profile) overwrites the entire file cabinet of the same name. For this reason, it is important to export all file cabinet elements you want the file cabinet to contain at the same time.

Note that you can import elements that are separate from file cabinets, such as profiles and pick-lists, individually.

Table 15-3 lists, by component, elements available for import and export. You can import and export all profiles and macros, and all administration elements except users. Index system settings and Distributed Document Capture Server Configuration settings are not available for import. In addition, Commit Server, Recognition Server, and Import Server general settings and schedules are not available for import.

Table 15-3 Capture Elements Available For Export and Import

Component Element Export/ Import No Export/ Import

All Components




File cabinets


Index fields


Batch statuses


Database lookup profiles


Pick-list sources, pick-lists (database and native)


Pick-list relationship profiles




Scan for ISIS

Scan profiles


Scan for Adrenaline

Scan profiles



Index profiles


Index tool settings


Oracle Distributed Document Capture

Scan profiles




Server Configuration


Commit Server, Recognition Server, Import Server

Batch jobs


Scheduled jobs


General Settings
