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Oracle® Business Intelligence New Features Guide
Part No. E10416-04
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8 General New Features in Release

The release of the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition introduces three new BI Server features. This chapter describes the following new features:

8.1 Oracle Business Intelligence Installer Now Deploys BI Components into One OC4J Container

In 10.1.3.x releases prior to version, during an Advanced installation, the Oracle BI Installer created the following OC4J containers and deployed BI components in them:

With Oracle BI EE, during an Advanced installation, the Oracle BI Installer deploys the BI components into one OC4J container called "home". The memory footprint for the OC4J instance will be between 512 -1024 MB.

8.1.1 Upgrading to Version from a BIEE 10.1.3.x Release Prior to

On upgrade to Oracle BI EE, if the "Keep User Modified Configurations" upgrade option is selected on the BI Installer screen, the old OC4J containers for BI will be deleted and the BI components will be deployed into the OC4J container named "home". The configuration files for the BI component applications deployed in the individual BI OC4J containers are migrated into the deployed application in the OC4J instance named "home".

The configuration files that are migrated are:








On upgrade to Oracle BI EE, the old OC4J containers for BI will be deleted if the "Reset Configurations" upgrade option is selected on the BI Installer screen. The BI components will be deployed in the OC4J instance named "home". The configuration files web.xml for bianalytics and bioffice.xml from the previous release will not be preserved.


If you have deployed any custom applications on any of the BI OC4J containers, you must make a backup of your custom applications and redeploy them into a different OC4J container before performing an upgrade to Oracle BI EE

8.2 DataDirect Connect ODBC Drivers for Linux and UNIX Operating Systems Bundled with Oracle BI EE

Oracle BI EE provides DataDirect Connect ODBC drivers and driver managers version 5.3 for Linux and UNIX operating systems for connectivity to Informix, MS SQL Server, and Sybase ASE databases. 32-bit and 64-bit DataDirect 5.3 drivers are available on AIX, Solaris, and HP-UX Intanium. 32-bit drivers are available for Linux and HP-UX PA-RISC.

The Oracle BI EE Installer installer installs the DataDirect Connect ODBC drivers in the following location:


The 32-bit drivers are installed in $OracleBI/odbc/lib and 64-bit drivers are installed in $OracleBI/odbc/lib64.


Communication between database clients and servers is typically independent of the widths and data paths. In other words, the 32-bit database drivers will communicate with 64-bit database servers, and vice versa.

Refer to the Systems Requirements and Supported Platforms Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence for further information on supported operating systems and databases for the DataDirect Connect ODBC drivers.

8.2.1 Using the DataDirect Connect ODBC Drivers

The following examples show sample ODBC.ini file entries for Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase ASE, and Informix data sources. For connectivity to Microsoft SQL Server database

The name of the DataDirect ODBC driver file to connect to an MS SQL Server database is ( on HP-UX PA-RISC). For supported versions of MS SQL Server see the Systems Requirements and Supported Platforms Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence

On Linux, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX PA-RISC and HP-UX Intanium operating systems, the 32-bit driver is located in $OracleBI/odbc/lib. On AIX, Solaris and HP-UX Itanium operating systems, the 64-bit driver is located in $OracleBI/odbc/lib64.

To use the DataDirect ODBC Driver to connect to MS SQL Server:

  1. Make the following entries in the odbc.ini file. This file is located in $OracleBI/setup. Set the Driver parameter to the file name and location of the DataDirect driver for MS SQL Server. In the following example, the Driver parameter is set to the 64-bit DataDirect driver.

    Example 8-1 Sample File for Microsoft SQL Server

    Description=DataDirect 5.1 SQL Server Wire Protocol
  2. In the $OracleBI/server/Config/DBFeatures.INI file, for the appropriate SQL Server sections, turn the IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR parameter off by setting the following:


    The default is:

    IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR = ""; For connectivity to Sybase ASE Database

The name of the DataDirect ODBC driver file to connect to a Sybase ASE database is For supported versions of Sybase ASE see the Systems Requirements and Supported Platforms Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence

On Linux, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX PA-RISC and HP-UX Intanium operating systems, the 32-bit driver is located in $OracleBI/odbc/lib. On AIX, Solaris and HP-UX Itanium operating systems, the 64-bit driver is located in $OracleBI/odbc/lib64.To use the DataDirect ODBC Driver to connect to Sybase ASE, make the following entries in the odbc.ini file. This file is located in $OracleBI/setup. Set the Driver parameter to the file name and location of the DataDirect driver for Sybase ASE. In the following example, the Driver parameter is set to the 64-bit DataDirect driver.

Example 8-2 Sample File for Sybase ASE Data Source

Description=DataDirect 5.3 Sybase Wire Protocol
WorkStationID= For connectivity to Informix Database

The name of the DataDirect ODBC driver file to connect to an Informix database is For supported versions of Informix see the Systems Requirements and Supported Platforms Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence

On Linux, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX PA-RISC and HP-UX Intanium operating systems, the 32-bit driver is located in $OracleBI/odbc/lib. On AIX, Solaris and HP-UX Itanium operating systems, the 64-bit driver is located in $OracleBI/odbc/lib64.

To use the DataDirect ODBC Driver to connect to Informix, make the following entries in the odbc.ini file. This file is located in $OracleBI/setup. Set the Driver parameter to the file name and location of the DataDirect driver for Informix. In the following example, the Driver parameter is set to the 64-bit DataDirect driver.

Example 8-3 Sample File for Informix Data Source

Description=DataDirect Informix Wire Protocol

8.3 Support for Charts in Oracle BI EE for Arabic, Thai, and Hebrew

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition version offers support for Arabic , Thai, and Hebrew. Due to a limitation in the charting engine that is used in Oracle BI EE, bidirectional and Thai language characters do not render properly in charts.

To overcome this limitation and enable charting in Oracle BI EE for Arabic, Thai and Hebrew, you can use Oracle BI Publisher charting capabilities. BI Publisher charts are based on the Oracle BI Beans technology. A BI Publisher report containing a chart may be embedded in an Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard in order to meet charting requirements.

To implement this solution, perform the following steps described below:

8.3.1 Prerequisites

This procedure assumes that you have already performed the following:

  • Set up users in Oracle BI EE and Oracle BI Publisher with appropriate privileges.

    You must integrate the user security between Oracle Business Intelligence and Oracle BI Publisher using one of the security models available. Within Oracle BI Presentation Services the user must have privileges to update Dashboards. Within Oracle BI Publisher users must be granted the BI Publisher Developer Role.

    For more information on setting up security in Oracle BI, refer to "Security in Oracle BI" in the Oracle Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide and "Managing Oracle Presentation Services Security" in the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide. For information on setting up security in Oracle BI Publisher, refer to "Defining a Security Model" in the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher User's Guide.

  • Created an Answers request that contains the data you wish to display in a chart.

  • Installed the BI Publisher Template Builder for Microsoft Word.

    The Oracle BI Publisher Template Builder for Microsoft Word Add-in can be installed from the BI Publisher application for users with the appropriate roles assigned (that is, BI Publisher Administrator, BI Publisher Developer, or BI Publisher Template Designer). The download link appears on the Developer Tools region. See the topic "Installing Oracle BI Publisher Desktop" in the Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide.

8.3.2 Integrate the Data Sources

You must set up the Oracle BI Server as a data source in BI Publisher. To use an Answers request as a data source, you must also set up integration with Oracle BI Presentation Services. Adding the Oracle BI Server as a Data Source

If you included BI Publisher in your Oracle BI Enterprise Edition installation, the Oracle BI Server will automatically be configured as a data source in BI Publisher. If you did not include BI Publisher during your BI EE install, you must manually add the BI Server as a data source using BI Publisher's Admin interface. For detailed steps, see the topic: "Adding the Oracle BI Server as a JDBC Data Source" in the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher User's Guide. Integrating with Oracle Presentation Services

By setting up integration with Oracle BI Presentation Services you enable connection to Oracle BI Answers requests as data sources for your reports.

The BI Publisher Admin interface provides a specific page for integration with Oracle BI Presentation Services. Navigate to this page from the Admin page by selecting Oracle BI Presentation Services under the Integration subheading.

If you included BI Publisher in your Oracle BI Enterprise Edition installation, the Oracle BI installer will set the Presentation Services host name, port, and URL values. However, you must manually enter the Presentation Services username and password on the Oracle BI Presentation Services integration page.

8.3.3 Create a Report and Layout in BI Publisher

Following are summary steps for creating a report and layout in BI Publisher. For detailed description refer to the following sources:

For detailed steps to create a report in BI Publisher, see the chapter "Creating a New Report" in the Oracle Business Intelligence Pubisher User's Guide.
For for information on using the Template Builder for Microsoft Word, see the Template Builder online help.
  1. Open Microsoft Word (with the Template Builder for Word installed).

  2. From the Oracle BI Publisher menu, select Log On and enter appropriate credentials (the user must have either the Administrator, Report Designer, or Developer role assigned).

  3. From the Open Template dialog, select Oracle BI from the Workspace list.

  4. Navigate to your Answers request and double-click the request name.

    Figure 8-1 Open Template Dialog

    BI Publisher Open Template dialog.
  5. You will be prompted to Save as Oracle BI Publisher Report. BI Publisher will create a report definition that uses the Answers request as the data source. The template you design will be saved as part of this BI Publisher report definition. Select the folder from the BI Publisher report repository.

    After you save, the Template Builder loads the data and returns you to a blank Microsoft Word page.

  6. To insert a chart, launch the Chart dialog from the Oracle BI Publisher menu by selecting Insert, then Chart. The following figure shows the Oracle BI Publisher Template Builder chart dialog:

    Figure 8-2 Template Builder Chart Dialog

    BI Publisher Template Builder chart dialog.
  7. After inserting the chart, upload the template to the BI Publisher report repository. From the Oracle BI Publisher menu select Upload Template As. Enter a name for the template.

    The report is now available as a BI Publisher object that can be added to a dashboard.

8.3.4 Embed the BI Publisher Report in a Dashboard

The following describes how to embed the BI Publisher report in a Dashboard. For more detailed instructions and options, refer to the topic: "Adding an Oracle BI Publisher Report to an Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard Page" in the Oracle Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide.


In release, there is no longer a limitation of one BI Publisher Report per dashboard.

  1. In the dashboard page, click the Page Options button, and click Edit Dashboard.

  2. From the selection pane, drag and drop the BI Publisher Report object from the Dashboard Objects area into a section on the dashboard page.

  3. Click the newly placed BI Publisher report object's Properties button.

  4. In the BI Publisher Report Properties dialog, browse for and select the Oracle BI Publisher report.

  5. Click Save to return to the dashboard and view your added report.

8.3.5 Supported Graph Types

The following graph types are supported in BI Publishe:.

  • Area

  • Horizontal Bar

  • Bubble

  • Vertical Bar

  • Line

  • Line Bar Combo

  • Pareto

  • Pie

  • Radar

  • Scatter

  • Step

8.3.6 Known Limitations

The BI Publisher chart is static.

The locale information from the Oracle BI Server is not inherited by BI Publisher. BI Publisher charts embedded in the dashboard will take the locale setting from BI Publisher. To ensure consistency, set the same locale for both applications.