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Oracle® Beehive Installation Guide
Release 1 (1.2 and 1.3) for Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit)

Part Number E10482-03
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20 Configuring Oracle Secure Enterprise Search

Oracle Secure Enterprise Search 10g is a stand-alone enterprise search solution. It incorporates best-in-class indexing crawling and security capabilities to create a reliable and comprehensive search solution for any organization.

Follow these steps to configure Oracle Secure Enterprise Search 10g so that Oracle Beehive uses it as its search engine:

Step A: Configure Oracle Beehive

  1. Create a special user account that has administrator rights to the content managed by Oracle Beehive. The command will prompt your for a password. Enter any valid password; you will need this password later:

    beectl add_trusted_identity
      --is_service false
      --service_name sessearch
      --type SES
      --name BeehiveSesTrustedEntity
  2. Configure the host and port number of your Oracle Beehive instance:

    beectl modify_property
      --component _SesEndptService
      --name Host
      --value <Host name of your Oracle Beehive instance>
    beectl modify_property
      --component _SesEndptService
      --name Port
      --value <Oracle Beehive HTTP listening port>
    beectl modify_property
      --component _SesEndptService
      --name SesEndptServiceEnabled
      --value true

    To determine the HTTP listening port, run the beectl list_ports command and search for the property name HttpListenPort.

  3. Activate and commit changes:

    beectl activate_configuration
    beectl modify_local_configuration_files

Step B: Configure Oracle Secure Enterprise Search

  1. Login to the oracle Secure Enterprise Search administrator page. The URL typically has the form http://<Oracle SES host name>:<HTTP listening port>/search/admin.

  2. Click the Sources tab. From the Source type drop-down list, select Federated. Click the Create button.

  3. Enter the following values to define the source:

    • Source Name: Enter any name to identity your source

    • Web Services URL: http://<Oracle Beehive host name>:<Oracle Beehive HTTP listening port>/ses-endpt/OracleSearch

    • Remote Entity Name: BeehiveSesTrustedEntity

    • Remote Entity Password: Enter the password for the BeehiveSesTrustedEntity user you created previously.

    • Search User Attribute: You do not have to enter a value for this field unless Oracle Secure Enterprise Search is using a different authentication attribute than Oracle Beehive.