

ABS function, JPQL Functions
ACID, Transaction, Transaction
(see also transactions)
AggregateListeners, kodo.AggregateListeners
aggregates, JDOQL, Aggregates
(see also JDOQL)
avg, Aggregates
return type, Aggregates
count, Aggregates
return type, Aggregates
grouping, Aggregates
having, Aggregates
SupportsHaving, DBDictionary Properties
max, Aggregates
return type, Aggregates
min, Aggregates
return type, Aggregates
sum, Aggregates
return type, Aggregates
aliases, JavaBean Result Class
(see also projections)
allocating sequence values, Sequence
(see also Sequence)
annotations, Metadata
Basic, Basic
Embeddable, Embeddable
Embedded, Embedded
EmbeddedId, Embedded Id
Entity, Entity
EntityListeners, EntityListeners
Enumerated, Enumerated
GeneratedValue, Generated Value
Id, Id
IdClass, Id Class
Lob, LOBs
ManyToMany, Many-To-Many
ManyToOne, Many-To-One
MapKey, Map Key
MappedSuperclass, Mapped Superclass
OneToMany, One-To-Many
OneToOne, One-To-One
OrderBy, Order By
Transient, Transient
Version, Version
Ant, Apache Ant
application identity tool task, Enhancer Ant Task
configuration options, Common Ant Configuration Options
enhancer task, Enhancer Ant Task
mapping tool task, Mapping Tool Ant Task
reverse mapping tool task, Reverse Mapping Tool Ant Task
schema tool task, Schema Tool Ant Task
applets, Remote Managers
ApplicationIdentity, Properties and Supported Options
(see also application identity)
(see also supported options set)
application identity, JDO Identity, Application Identity, Class Element, JDO Identity Management
(see also identity)
checking for change support, Properties and Supported Options
application identity tool, Application Identity Tool
Ant task, Enhancer Ant Task
metadata, Field Element
(see also persistent fields)
Array, Properties and Supported Options
(see also persistent fields)
(see also supported options set)
ArrayList, Properties and Supported Options
(see also persistent fields)
(see also supported options set)
as persistent fields, Persistent Fields
ascending, Limits and Ordering
(see also Query, ordering)
association table, Association Table Collections
atomicity, Transaction, Transaction
(see also transactions)
attachCopy, Detach and Attach Functionality
(see also detachment)
attachment (see detachment)
behavior, Attach Behavior
AutoClear, kodo.AutoClear
AutoDetach, kodo.AutoDetach
avg, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)


backwards compatibility, kodo.Compatibility
Basic, Basic
BETWEEN expressions, Query Basics
bidirectional relation, Bidirectional Relations, Bidirectional Relations
InverseManager, kodo.InverseManager
bidirectional relations, Bidirectional Relations, Bidirectional Relations
(see also persistent fields)
automatic management, Managed Inverses
mapping, Bidirectional Mapping
BinaryCompatibility, Properties and Supported Options
(see also binary compatible)
(see also supported options set)
binary compatible
checking for implementation support, Properties and Supported Options
BlobTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
field mapping, BLOB
MaxEmbeddedBlobSize, OracleDictionary Properties
UseGetBytesForBlobs, DBDictionary Properties
UseGetObjectForBlobs, DBDictionary Properties
UseSetBytesForBlobs, DBDictionary Properties
Borland, Borland Enterprise Server 5.2 - 6.0
bound variables (see variables)
BrokerImpl, kodo.BrokerImpl
BrokerFactory, kodo.BrokerFactory
BrokerImpl, kodo.BrokerImpl
ByteIdentity, Single Field Identity
(see also single field identity)


cron-style invalidation, Data Cache Configuration
DataCache, kodo.DataCache
data cache, Data Cache
extension, Cache Extension
DataCacheManager, kodo.DataCacheManager
data cache MBean, Data Cache MBean
DataCacheTimeout, kodo.DataCacheTimeout
DataStoreCache, DataStoreCache
DynamicDataStructs, kodo.DynamicDataStructs
issues and limitations, Known Issues and Limitations
log messages, Logging Channels
named caches, Data Cache Configuration
QueryCache, kodo.QueryCache
query cache, Query Cache
extension, Cache Extension
QueryCompilationCache, kodo.QueryCompilationCache
query compilation cache, Query Compilation Cache
RemoteCommitProvider, kodo.RemoteCommitProvider
size, Data Cache Configuration
tangosol integration, Tangosol Integration
timeout, Data Cache Configuration
candidate class, Extent, Object Filtering
(see also Extent)
(see also Query)
candidate objects, Object Filtering
(see also Query)
CascadeType, Cascade Type
ChangeApplicationIdentity, Properties and Supported Options
(see also application identity)
(see also supported options set)
CharIdentity, Single Field Identity
(see also single field identity)
checkConsistency, Cache Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
persistent (see persistent classes)
class loading (see ClassResolver)
CLASSPATH, Getting Started, Getting Started
ClassResolver, kodo.ClassResolver
clear, Cache Management
(see also EntityManager)
ClearCallback (see InstanceCallbacks)
ClearLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
ClobTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
field mapping, CLOB
MaxEmbeddedClobSize, OracleDictionary Properties
UseGetStringForClobs, DBDictionary Properties
UseSetStringForClobs, DBDictionary Properties
closePersistenceManagerFactory, Closing the PersistenceManagerFactory
(see also JDOPermission)
CMT, Transaction Demarcation
code formatting, Code Formatting
metadata, Field Element
(see also persistent fields)
in mapping metadata, Column
(see also mapping metadata)
in mapping metadata, Column
(see also mapping metadata)
Columns, Multi-Column Mappings
(see also mapping metadata)
Compatibility, kodo.Compatibility
CONCAT function, JPQL Functions
configuration, Configuration
command line, Command Line Configuration
log messages, Logging Channels
of JDBC properties, Kodo JDBC Properties
of JDO properties, JDO Standard Properties
of Kodo properties, Kodo Properties
plugins, Plugin Configuration
runtime, Runtime Configuration
Connection2DriverName, kodo.Connection2DriverName
Connection2Password, kodo.Connection2Password
Connection2Properties, kodo.Connection2Properties
Connection2URL, kodo.Connection2URL
Connection2UserName, kodo.Connection2UserName
ConnectionDecorators, kodo.jdbc.ConnectionDecorators
ConnectionDriverName, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionDriverName, Using the Kodo DataSource, Using a Third-Party DataSource
(see also connections)
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
ConnectionFactory, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionFactory, Using a Third-Party DataSource
(see also connections)
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
ConnectionFactory2, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionFactory2
(see also connections)
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
ConnectionFactory2Name, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionFactory2Name
(see also connections)
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
ConnectionFactory2Properties, kodo.ConnectionFactory2Properties
ConnectionFactoryMode, kodo.ConnectionFactoryMode, Managed and XA DataSources
ConnectionFactoryName, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionFactoryName, Using a Third-Party DataSource
(see also connections)
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
ConnectionFactoryProperties, kodo.ConnectionFactoryProperties, Using the Kodo DataSource
ConnectionPassword, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionPassword, Using the Kodo DataSource
(see also connections)
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
ConnectionProperties, kodo.ConnectionProperties, Using the Kodo DataSource
ConnectionRetainMode, kodo.ConnectionRetainMode, Configuring the Use of JDBC Connections
connections, Using the Kodo DataSource
(see also DataSource)
accessing DataSource, Runtime Access to DataSource
configuration, Connection Configuration
Connection2DriverName, kodo.Connection2DriverName
Connection2Password, kodo.Connection2Password
Connection2Properties, kodo.Connection2Properties
Connection2URL, kodo.Connection2URL
Connection2UserName, kodo.Connection2UserName
ConnectionDecorators, kodo.jdbc.ConnectionDecorators
ConnectionDriverName, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionDriverName
ConnectionFactory, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionFactory
ConnectionFactory2, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionFactory2
ConnectionFactory2Name, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionFactory2Name
ConnectionFactory2Properties, kodo.ConnectionFactory2Properties
ConnectionFactoryMode, kodo.ConnectionFactoryMode
ConnectionFactoryName, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionFactoryName
ConnectionFactoryProperties, kodo.ConnectionFactoryProperties
ConnectionPassword, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionPassword
ConnectionProperties, kodo.ConnectionProperties
ConnectionRetainMode, kodo.ConnectionRetainMode
ConnectionURL, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionURL
ConnectionUserName, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionUserName
InitializationSQL, DBDictionary Properties
obtaining from PersistenceManager, Connection Access
ClosePoolSQL, Using the Kodo DataSource
ExceptionAction, Using the Kodo DataSource
MaxActive, Using the Kodo DataSource
MaxIdle, Using the Kodo DataSource
MaxTotal, Using the Kodo DataSource
MaxWait, Using the Kodo DataSource
MinEvictableIdleTimeMillis, Using the Kodo DataSource
RollbackOnReturn, Using the Kodo DataSource
TestOnBorrow, Using the Kodo DataSource
TestOnReturn, Using the Kodo DataSource
TestWhileIdle, Using the Kodo DataSource
TimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis, Using the Kodo DataSource
TrackParameters, Using the Kodo DataSource
ValidationSQL, Using the Kodo DataSource
ValidationTimeout, Using the Kodo DataSource
WarningAction, Using the Kodo DataSource
WhenExhaustedAction, Using the Kodo DataSource
usage, Configuring the Use of JDBC Connections
ValidationSQL, DBDictionary Properties
ConnectionURL, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionURL, Using the Kodo DataSource
(see also connections)
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
ConnectionUserName, Connection Configuration, kodo.ConnectionUserName, Using the Kodo DataSource
(see also connections)
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
consistency, Transaction, Transaction
(see also transactions)
constrained variables (see variables)
no-arg constructor requirement, Default or No-Arg Constructor, Default or No-Arg Constructor
Container Managed Transactions (see CMT)
ContainerTable, Container Table
(see also mapping metadata)
contains, Entity Identity Management
(see also EntityManager)
count, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)
CreateLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
CURRENT_DATE function, JPQL Functions
CURRENT_TIME function, JPQL Functions
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function, JPQL Functions
custom mapping, Custom Mappings
field mapping, Custom Field Mapping
configuration, Configuration
field strategy, Field Strategies
value handler, Field Strategies


DataCache, kodo.DataCache
DataCacheManager, kodo.DataCacheManager
DataCacheTimeout, kodo.DataCacheTimeout
DataSource, Connection Configuration
Kodo, Using the Kodo DataSource
managed, Managed and XA DataSources
third party, Using the Kodo DataSource
XA, Managed and XA DataSources
datastore, Configuring the Datastore
DataStoreCache, JDO Architecture, DataStoreCache
(see also caching)
accessing, DataStoreCache Access
evict, DataStoreCache
Kodo extensions (see KodoDataStoreCache) (see QueryResultCache)
pin, DataStoreCache
DataStoreIdColumn, Datastore Identity Mapping
(see also mapping metadata)
DatastoreIdentity, Properties and Supported Options
(see also datastore identity)
(see also supported options set)
datastore identity, JDO Identity, Datastore Identity, Class Element
(see also identity)
autoassign strategy, Autoassign / Identity Strategy Caveats
mapping, Datastore Identity, Datastore Identity Mapping
datastore transactions (see transactions, datastore)
data transfer object, Entity Lifecycle Management, Detach and Attach Functionality
DB2, Database Support
DBDictionary, kodo.jdbc.DBDictionary, Database Support
ArrayTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
AutoAssignTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
BigintTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
BinaryTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
BitTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
BlobTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
CharacterColumnSize, DBDictionary Properties
CharTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
ClobTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
ConstraintNameMode, DBDictionary Properties
CreatePrimaryKeys, DBDictionary Properties
DateTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
DecimalTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
DistinctTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
DoubleTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
FloatTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
IntegerTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
JavaObjectTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
LongVarbinaryTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
LongVarcharTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
MaxAutoAssignNameLength, DBDictionary Properties
MaxColumnNameLength, DBDictionary Properties
MaxConstraintNameLength, DBDictionary Properties
MaxIndexNameLength, DBDictionary Properties
MaxTableNameLength, DBDictionary Properties
NullTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
NumericTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
OtherTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
RealTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
RefTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
SmallintTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
StructTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsAlterTableWithAddColumn, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsAlterTableWithDropColumn, DBDictionary Properties
TimestampTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
TimeTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
TinyintTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
VarbinaryTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
VarcharTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
with mapping tool, Generating DDL SQL
with schema tool, Schema Tool
deadlock, Transaction Types, Transaction Types
(see also transactions)
default fetch group, InstanceCallbacks
delete by query, Delete By Query
(see also JDOQL)
DeleteCallback (see InstanceCallbacks)
DeleteLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
deletePersistent, Lifecycle Operations, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
array elements, Field Element
JCA, Kodo JPA JCA Deployment, Kodo JDO JCA Deployment
(see also JCA)
standalone, Standalone Deployment
(see also JDOHelper)
(see also Persistence)
Derby, Database Support
descending, Limits and Ordering
(see also Query, ordering)
AutoDetach, kodo.AutoDetach
DetachState, kodo.AutoDetach
DetachAllOnCommit, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
detachCopy, Detach and Attach Functionality
(see also detachment)
detachment, Detach and Attach
automatic, Automatic Detachment
behavior, Detach Behavior
defining the object graph, Defining the Detached Object Graph
detachable attribute, Class Element
detached state field, Detached State Field
EJB, Entity Lifecycle Management
fetch plan, Detachment Options
JDO, Detach and Attach Functionality
of dirty objects, Detach Behavior
DetachState, kodo.AutoDetach
dirty, Persistent Fields, InstanceLifecycleListener, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
marking a field dirty, Persistence-Capable Operations
testing objects for, Lifecycle Operations
(see also JDOHelper)
DirtyLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
discriminator, Discriminator, Discriminator
class-name strategy, class-name
none strategy, none
value-map strategy, value-map
distributed, subclass-table
(see also inheritance)
Document Type Definition (see DTD)
DriverDataSource, kodo.jdbc.DriverDataSource
DTD, Metadata, Mapping Metadata DTD
durability, Transaction, Transaction
(see also transactions)
DynamicDataStructs, kodo.DynamicDataStructs


eager fetching, Eager Fetching, FetchPlan
(see also FetchPlan)
configuration, Configuring Eager Fetching
EagerFetchMode, kodo.jdbc.EagerFetchMode, Configuring Eager Fetching
FetchType, Fetch Type
join mode, Eager Fetching
MaxFetchDepth , kodo.MaxFetchDepth
parallel mode, Eager Fetching
SubclassFetchMode, kodo.jdbc.SubclassFetchMode, Configuring Eager Fetching
with large result sets, Eager Fetching Considerations and Limitations
EagerFetchMode, kodo.jdbc.EagerFetchMode, Configuring Eager Fetching
EJB, Introduction, Why JPA?, Why JDO?, Transaction Demarcation
architecture, EJB Persistence Architecture
exceptions, EJB Exceptions
(see also exceptions)
object-relational mapping, Mapping Metadata
(see also mapping metadata)
query language (see JPQL)
EJB3 Persistence (see EJB)
EJB3 Persistence Query Language (see JPQL)
ElementColumn, Element Columns
(see also mapping metadata)
ElementEmbeddedMapping, Element Embedded Mapping
(see also mapping metadata)
ElementJoinColumn, Element Join Columns
(see also mapping metadata)
Embeddable, Embeddable
Embedded, Embedded
embedded, Field Element
array elements, Field Element
collection elements, Field Element
embedded-only attribute, Class Element
mapping embedded fields, Embedded Mapping, Embedded Objects
EmbeddedId, Embedded Id
Empress, Database Support
log messages, Logging Channels
enhancer, JDO Architecture, Enhancer, Enhancement
Ant task, Enhancer Ant Task
build time, Enhancing at Build Time
in an EJB container, Enhancing JPA Entities on Deployment
outside a container, Enhancing at Runtime
of enhanced types, Serializing Enhanced Types
Enterprise Java Beans (see EJB)
inheritance, Inheritance
(see also inheritance)
mapping to database (see mapping metadata)
entity, EJB Persistence Architecture
callback methods, Callback Methods
Entity, Entity
(see also persistent classes)
annotation, Entity
entity identity (see identity)
EntityListeners, EntityListeners
entity-listeners, EntityListeners
EntityManager, EJB Persistence Architecture, EntityManager
as Query factory, Query Factory
(see also Query)
cache, Cache Management
clear, Cache Management
closing, Closing
contains, Entity Identity Management
find, Entity Identity Management
(see also identity)
flush, Cache Management
FlushMode, Cache Management
getReference, Entity Identity Management
(see also identity)
Kodo extensions (see OpenJPAEntityManager)
lifecycle operations, Entity Lifecycle Management
lock, Entity Lifecycle Management
merge, Entity Lifecycle Management
(see also detachment)
obtaining, Obtaining EntityManagers
(see also EntityManagerFactory)
obtaining the Transaction, Transaction Association
(see also transactions)
persist, Entity Lifecycle Management
refresh, Entity Lifecycle Management
remove, Entity Lifecycle Management
EntityManagerFactory, EJB Persistence Architecture, EntityManagerFactory
closing, Closing the EntityManagerFactory
construction, Persistence, Obtaining an EntityManagerFactory
Kodo extensions (see OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory)
obtaining EntityManagers, Obtaining EntityManagers
EntityNotFoundException, Entity Identity Management
EntityTransaction, EJB Persistence Architecture
Enumerated, Enumerated
lifecycle, InstanceLifecycleListener
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
remote (see remote, events)
evict, Cache Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
EJB, EJB Exceptions
failed object, JDO Exceptions
JDO, JDO Exceptions
nested exceptions, JDO Exceptions
eXtensible Markup Language (see XML)
metadata, JDO, Package, and Extension Elements
(see also metadata)
Extent, JDO Architecture, Extent, Extent
close, Extent
closeAll, Extent
embedded objects, Field Element
getCandidateClass, Extent
getFetchPlan, Extent
(see also FetchPlan)
hasSubclasses, Extent
iterator, Extent
Kodo extensions (see KodoExtent)
obtaining, Extent Factory
requires-extent attribute, Class Element
externalization, Externalization
external values, External Values
queries, Externalization


FetchBatchSize, kodo.FetchBatchSize, Large Result Sets
FetchDirection, kodo.jdbc.FetchDirection, Large Result Sets
fetch groups, Fetch Groups
custom configuration, Custom Fetch Group Configuration
default fetch group, Field Element
eager fetching, Eager Fetching
(see also eager fetching)
FetchGroups, kodo.FetchGroups, Custom Fetch Group Configuration
FetchPlan, FetchPlan
load fetch group , Load Fetch Group
single fields, Per-field Fetch Configuration
FetchPlan, JDO Architecture, FetchPlan, FetchPlan
(see also fetch groups)
detachment options, Detachment Options
fetch size, FetchPlan
Kodo extensions (see KodoFetchPlan)
obtaining from PersistenceManager, FetchPlan Association
FetchType, Fetch Type
(see also eager fetching)
persistent (see persistent fields)
filter, Object Filtering
(see also Query)
FilterListeners, kodo.FilterListeners
find, Entity Identity Management
(see also EntityManager)
flat, Single Table, superclass-table
(see also inheritance)
flush, Cache Management, Persistence-Capable Operations, Cache Management
(see also EntityManager)
(see also PersistenceManager)
automatic, Configuring the Use of JDBC Connections
FlushBeforeQueries, kodo.FlushBeforeQueries
FlushBeforeQueries, kodo.FlushBeforeQueries, Configuring the Use of JDBC Connections
FlushMode, Cache Management
foreign key, Joins
foreign keys, Foreign Keys, Foreign Keys
cascade, Foreign Keys
default, Foreign Keys
deferred, Foreign Keys
delete action, Foreign Keys
null, Foreign Keys
OrphanedKeyAction, kodo.OrphanedKeyAction
restrict, Foreign Keys
SupportsCascadeDeleteAction, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsDefaultDeleteAction, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsDeferredConstraints, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsForeignKeys, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsNullDeleteAction, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsRestrictDeleteAction, DBDictionary Properties
update action, Foreign Keys
forward mapping, Forward Mapping
automatic runtime mapping, Runtime Forward Mapping
hints, JDO Forward Mapping Hints
FoxPro, Database Support


GeneratedValue, Generated Value
class-table, Generators
mapping metadata, Generators
native, Generators
Seq interface, Generators
SequenceGenerator, Sequence Generator
table, Generators
TableGenerator, TableGenerator
time, Generators
value-table, Generators
GetDataStoreConnection, Properties and Supported Options
(see also supported options set)
getEntityManagerFactory, Persistence
(see also Persistence)
getObjectById, JDO Identity Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
getObjectId, JDO Identity, Persistence-Capable Operations, JDO Identity Management
(see also JDOHelper)
(see also PersistenceManager)
getObjectIdClass, JDO Identity Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
getObjectsById, JDO Identity Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
getPersistenceManager, Persistence-Capable Operations
(see also JDOHelper)
getPersistenceManagerFactory, PersistenceManagerFactory Construction
(see also JDOHelper)
getReference, Entity Identity Management
(see also EntityManager)
getVersion, Persistence-Capable Operations
(see also JDOHelper)
Glassfish, Glassfish 9.1, Glassfish 9.1
grouping, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)


having, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)
hollow, Lifecycle Operations, JDO Identity Management
(see also lifecycle states)
horizontal, subclass-table
(see also inheritance)
Hypersonic SQL, Database Support


fields, Entity Identity
(see also persistent fields)
Id, Id, Identity Mapping, kodo.Id
IdClass, Id Class
identity, Object Identity
application, JDO Identity, Application Identity
application identity tool, Application Identity Tool
class requirements, Application Identity
hierarchy, Application Identity Hierarchies
class requirements, Identity Class
creating identity objects, JDO Identity Management
datastore, JDO Identity, Datastore Identity, Object Identity, Datastore Identity
determining identity class, JDO Identity Management
hierarchy, Identity Hierarchies
identity object, JDO Identity
JDO, JDO Identity
JPA, Entity Identity
mapping, Identity Mapping
numeric, Entity Identity, JDO Identity
qualitative, Entity Identity, JDO Identity
retrieving from a persistent object, Persistence-Capable Operations, JDO Identity Management
retrieving objects by identity, Entity Identity Management, JDO Identity Management
single field, Application Identity, Single Field Identity
specifying in metadata, Class Element
uniqueness requirement, Entity Identity, JDO Identity
identity class, Identity Class
(see also identity)
identity fields, Identity Fields
(see also persistent fields)
IgnoreCache, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Configuration Properties
(see also PersistenceManager)
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
IgnoreChanges, kodo.IgnoreChanges
persistent field types, Persistent Fields, Persistent Fields
impedance mismatch, Inheritance, Inheritance
implicit parameters (see parameters)
implicit variables (see variables)
indexes, Indexes, Indexes
MaxIndexesPerTable, DBDictionary Properties
MaxIndexNameLength, DBDictionary Properties
unique, Indexes
IN expressions, Query Basics
Informix, Database Support
discriminator, Discriminator, Discriminator
(see also discriminator)
distributed, subclass-table
flat, Single Table, superclass-table
horizontal, subclass-table
JOINED strategy, Joined
advantages, Advantages
disadvantages, Disadvantages
mapping, Inheritance, Inheritance
new-table strategy, new-table
advantages, Advantages, Advantages
disadvantages, Disadvantages, Disadvantages
of persistent classes, Inheritance, Inheritance
SINGLE_TABLE strategy, Single Table
advantages, Advantages
disadvantages, Disadvantages
SubclassFetchMode, kodo.jdbc.SubclassFetchMode
subclass-table strategy, subclass-table
abstract classes, Additional Considerations
advantages, Advantages
application identity, Additional Considerations
considerations, Additional Considerations
disadvantages, Disadvantages
relations, Disadvantages
superclass-table strategy, superclass-table
advantages, Advantages
disadvantages, Disadvantages
TABLE_PER_CLASS strategy, Table Per Class
advantages, Advantages
disadvantages, Disadvantages
vertical, Joined, Joined
InstanceCallbacks, InstanceCallbacks
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
jdoPostLoad, InstanceCallbacks
jdoPreClear, InstanceCallbacks
jdoPreDelete, InstanceCallbacks
jdoPreStore, InstanceCallbacks
InstanceLifecycleEvent, InstanceLifecycleListener
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
InstanceLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
adding to PersistenceManager, Configuration Properties
(see also PersistenceManager)
adding to PersistenceManagerFactory, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
ClearLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
CreateLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
DeleteLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
LoadLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
removing from PersistenceManager, Configuration Properties
(see also PersistenceManager)
removing from PersistenceManagerFactory, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
StoreLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
as persistent field types, Persistent Fields
(see also persistent fields)
IntIdentity, Single Field Identity
(see also single field identity)
InverseManager, kodo.InverseManager, Managed Inverses
isDirty, Lifecycle Operations
(see also dirty)
(see also JDOHelper)
IS EMPTY expressions, Query Basics
isNew, Lifecycle Operations
(see also JDOHelper)
IS NULL expressions, Query Basics
isolation, Transaction, Transaction
(see also transactions)
isPersistent, Lifecycle Operations
(see also JDOHelper)
(see also persistent objects)
isTransactional, Lifecycle Operations
(see also JDOHelper)
(see also transactional)


as query result class, JavaBean Result Class
(see also Query)
Java Connector Architecture (see JCA)
Java Database Connectivity (see JDBC)
Java Data Objects (see JDO)
Java Data Objects Query Language (see JDOQL)
Java Naming and Directory Interface (see JNDI)
Java Web Start applications, Remote Managers
JBoss, JBoss 4.x, JBoss 3.0, JBoss 3.2, JBoss 4.x
JCA, Obtaining an EntityManagerFactory, Obtaining a PersistenceManagerFactory, Connection Configuration
Borland 5.2-6, Borland Enterprise Server 5.2 - 6.0
deployment, Kodo JPA JCA Deployment, Kodo JDO JCA Deployment
Glassfish 9.1, Glassfish 9.1, Glassfish 9.1
JBoss 3.0, JBoss 3.0
JBoss 3.2.x, JBoss 3.2
JBoss 4.x, JBoss 4.x, JBoss 4.x
JRun 4, Macromedia JRun 4
Sun JES 8-8.1, SunONE Application Server 7 / Sun Java Enterprise Server 8-8.1
SunONE 7, SunONE Application Server 7 / Sun Java Enterprise Server 8-8.1
Weblogic 6.1-7.x, WebLogic 6.1 to 7.x
Weblogic 8.1, WebLogic 8.1
Weblogic 9, WebLogic 9, WebLogic 9
Websphere 5, WebSphere 5
JDataStore, Database Support
accessing DataSource, Runtime Access to DataSource
connection access (see connections)
DBDictionary, kodo.jdbc.DBDictionary
DriverDataSource, kodo.jdbc.DriverDataSource
DriverVendor, DBDictionary Properties
JDBCListeners, kodo.jdbc.JDBCListeners
large result sets (see large result sets)
log messages, Logging Channels
QueryTimeout, Using the Kodo DataSource
SupportsQueryTimeout, DBDictionary Properties
TransactionIsolation, kodo.jdbc.TransactionIsolation
transaction isolation, Setting the Transaction Isolation
UpdateManager, kodo.jdbc.UpdateManager
JDBCListeners, kodo.jdbc.JDBCListeners
JDO, Why JPA?, Introduction, Why JDO?
architecture, JDO Architecture
configuration, JDO Standard Properties
enhancer, Enhancer
(see also enhancer)
exceptions, JDO Exceptions
(see also exceptions)
for relational databases (see JDOR)
identity, JDO Identity
(see also identity)
identity object, JDO Identity
(see also identity)
metadata, Metadata
(see also metadata)
query language (see JDOQL)
vs EJB 2, Why JDO?
vs JDBC, Why JDO?
vs JPA, Why JDO?
vs ODBs, Why JDO?
vs ORM products, Why JDO?
vs serialization, Why JDO?
why, Why JDO?
JDOCanRetryException, JDO Exceptions
(see also exceptions)
JDODataStoreException, JDO Exceptions
(see also exceptions)
JDOException, JDO Exceptions
(see also exceptions)
JDOCanRetryException, JDO Exceptions
JDODataStoreException, JDO Exceptions
JDOFatalDataStoreException, JDO Exceptions
JDOFatalException, JDO Exceptions
JDOFatalInternalException, JDO Exceptions
JDOFatalUserException, JDO Exceptions
JDOObjectNotFoundException, JDO Exceptions
JDOOptimisticVerificationException, JDO Exceptions
JDOUnsupportedOptionException, JDO Exceptions
JDOUserException, JDO Exceptions
JDOFatalDataStoreException, JDO Exceptions
(see also exceptions)
JDOFatalException, JDO Exceptions
(see also exceptions)
JDOFatalInternalException, JDO Exceptions
(see also exceptions)
JDOFatalUserException, JDO Exceptions
(see also exceptions)
JDOHelper, JDO Architecture, JDOHelper
getObjectId, JDO Identity, Persistence-Capable Operations, JDO Identity Management
(see also identity)
getPersistenceManager, Persistence-Capable Operations
(see also PersistentManager)
getPersistenceManagerFactory, PersistenceManagerFactory Construction, Runtime Configuration
getVersion, Persistence-Capable Operations
(see also version)
isDirty, Lifecycle Operations
isNew, Lifecycle Operations
isPersistent, Lifecycle Operations
isTransactional, Lifecycle Operations
lifecycle operations, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
makeDirty, Persistent Fields, Persistence-Capable Operations
(see also dirty)
persistence capable operations, Persistence-Capable Operations
JDOObjectNotFoundException, JDO Exceptions, JDO Identity Management
(see also exceptions)
JDOOptimisticVerificationException, JDO Exceptions, Cache Management
(see also exceptions)
closePersistenceManagerFactory, Closing the PersistenceManagerFactory
jdoPostLoad, InstanceCallbacks
(see also InstanceCallbacks)
jdoPreClear, InstanceCallbacks
(see also InstanceCallbacks)
jdoPreDelete, InstanceCallbacks
(see also InstanceCallbacks)
jdoPreStore, InstanceCallbacks
(see also InstanceCallbacks)
JDOQL, JDO Architecture, Properties and Supported Options, JDOQL
(see also Query)
(see also supported options set)
advanced, Advanced Object Filtering
aggregate extension, Aggregate Extensions
configuration, Configuring Query Aggregates
aggregates, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)
delete by query, Delete By Query
differences from Java, JDOQL
distinct, Projections
grouping, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)
having, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)
language extension, Filter Extensions
configuration, Configuring Filter Extensions
custom, Developing Custom Filter Extensions
getColumn, Included Filter Extensions
sql, Included Filter Extensions
method support, JDOQL
non-distinct results, JDOQL Non-Distinct Results
parameters, Advanced Object Filtering
(see also parameters)
projections, Projections
(see also projections)
regular expression support, JDOQL
single-string, Single-String JDOQL
creating single-string queries, Single-String JDOQL
grammar, Single-String JDOQL
subqueries, JDOQL Subqueries
RequiresAliasForSubselect, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsSubselect, DBDictionary Properties
variables, Advanced Object Filtering
(see also variables)
jdoquery files (see named queries)
object-relational mapping, Mapping Metadata
(see also mapping metadata)
sequences, Sequence
(see also Sequence)
SQL queries, SQL Queries
(see also SQL queries)
JDOUnsupportedOptionException, JDO Exceptions
(see also exceptions)
JDOUserException, JDO Exceptions
(see also exceptions)
JMX (see management)
JNDI, Obtaining an EntityManagerFactory, Obtaining a PersistenceManagerFactory, Connection Configuration
retrieving bound PersistenceManagerFactory, PersistenceManagerFactory Construction
joins, Joins
class criteria, Eager Fetch Mode
constant, Non-Standard Joins
CrossJoinClause, DBDictionary Properties
forward, Joins
InnerJoinClause, DBDictionary Properties
inverse, Joins
JoinSyntax, DBDictionary Properties
mapping shortcuts, Shortcuts
non-primary key, Non-Standard Joins
non-standard, Non-Standard Joins
outer (see outer joins)
OuterJoinClause, DBDictionary Properties
partial primary key, Non-Standard Joins
RequiresConditionForCrossJoin, DBDictionary Properties
self joins, Self Joins
inverse, Self Joins
source table, Joins
syntax options, Setting the SQL Join Syntax
target table, Joins
join table, Join Table
identity, Entity Identity
(see also identity)
metadata, Metadata
(see also metadata)
XML, XML Schema
(see also metadata)
vs EJB 2, Why JPA?
vs JDBC, Why JPA?
vs JDO, Why JPA?
vs ODBs, Why JPA?
vs ORM products, Why JPA?
vs serialization, Why JPA?
why, Why JPA?
JPQL, EJB Persistence Architecture
aggregate extension, Aggregate Extensions
configuration, Configuring Query Aggregates
language extension, Filter Extensions
configuration, Configuring Filter Extensions
custom, Developing Custom Filter Extensions
getColumn, Included Filter Extensions
sql, Included Filter Extensions
RequiresAliasForSubselect, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsSubselect, DBDictionary Properties
JP Query, JPA Query
(see also JPQL)
JRun, Macromedia JRun 4


KeyColumn, Key Columns
(see also mapping metadata)
KeyEmbeddedMapping, Key Embedded Mapping
(see also mapping metadata)
KeyJoinColumn, Key Join Columns
(see also mapping metadata), Runtime Configuration
kodo.xml, Runtime Configuration
kodoc, Important Utilities, Important Utilities (see enhancer)
KodoDataStoreCache, KodoDataStoreCache
KodoExtent, KodoExtent
KodoFetchPlan, KodoFetchPlan
KodoJDOHelper, KodoJDOHelper
KodoPersistenceManager, KodoPersistenceManager
extending, Broker Customization
KodoPersistenceManagerFactory, KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
KodoQuery, KodoQuery


large result sets, Large Result Sets
FetchBatchSize, kodo.FetchBatchSize
FetchDirection, kodo.jdbc.FetchDirection
fields, Large Result Set Proxies
interaction with eager fetching, Eager Fetching Considerations and Limitations
LRSSize, kodo.jdbc.LRSSize
ResultSetType, kodo.jdbc.ResultSetType
lazy loading, Lifecycle Operations, Eager Fetching
(see also eager fetching)
(see also fetch groups)
locking behavior, Rules for Locking Behavior
LENGTH function, JPQL Functions
lifecycle callbacks, Lifecycle Callbacks, Lifecycle Callbacks, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
callback methods, Callback Methods
event framework, InstanceCallbacks
(see also InstanceLifecycleEvent)
(see also InstanceLifecycleListener)
InstanceCallbacks, InstanceCallbacks
DirtyLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
lifecycle listeners
hierarchy, Entity Listeners Hierarchy
lifecycle states, Lifecycle Operations
calculating with JDOHelper, Lifecycle Operations
(see also JDOHelper)
hollow, Lifecycle Operations
persistent-clean, Lifecycle Operations
persistent-deleted, Lifecycle Operations
persistent-dirty, Lifecycle Operations
(see also dirty)
persistent-new, Lifecycle Operations
persistent-new-deleted, Lifecycle Operations
persistent-nontransactional, Lifecycle Operations
transient, Lifecycle Operations
transient-clean, Lifecycle Operations
transient-dirty, Lifecycle Operations
(see also dirty)
transient-transactional, Lifecycle Operations
lightweight persistence, Lightweight Persistence
LIKE expressions, Query Basics
LinkedList, Properties and Supported Options
(see also persistent fields)
(see also supported options set)
List, Properties and Supported Options
(see also persistent fields)
(see also supported options set)
LoadCallback (see InstanceCallbacks)
LoadLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
LOCATE function, JPQL Functions
lock groups, Lock Groups
(see also locking)
mapping metadata, Lock Group Mapping
subclasses, Lock Groups and Subclasses
locking, Entity Lifecycle Management, Object Locking
(see also EntityManager)
behavior, Rules for Locking Behavior
caveats, Known Issues and Limitations
defaults configuration, Configuring Default Locking
ForUpdateClause, DBDictionary Properties
levels, Configuring Default Locking
lock groups, Lock Groups
LockManager, kodo.LockManager, Lock Manager
LockTimeout, kodo.LockTimeout
ReadLockLevel, kodo.ReadLockLevel
runtime APIs, Object Locking APIs
runtime configuration, Configuring Lock Levels at Runtime
SimulateLocking, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsLockingWithDistinctClause, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsLockingWithInnerJoin, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsLockingWithMultipleTables, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsLockingWithOrderClause, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsLockingWithOuterJoin, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsLockingWithSelectRange, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsSelectForUpdate, DBDictionary Properties
TableForUpdateClause, DBDictionary Properties
timeout, Configuring Default Locking
WriteLockLevel, kodo.WriteLockLevel
LockManager, kodo.LockManager, Lock Manager
LockTimeout, kodo.LockTimeout, Configuring Default Locking
Log, kodo.Log, Logging
logging, Logging
Apache Commons, Apache Commons Logging
channels, Logging Channels
custom, Custom Log
default, Kodo Logging
disabling, Disabling Logging
JDK 1.4, JDK 1.4 java.util.logging
Log, kodo.Log
Log4j, Log4J
LongIdentity, Single Field Identity
(see also single field identity)
LOWER function, JPQL Functions
LRSSize, kodo.jdbc.LRSSize, Large Result Sets


makeDirty, Persistent Fields, Persistence-Capable Operations
(see also JDOHelper)
makeNontransactional, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
makePersistent, Lifecycle Operations, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
makeTransactional, Lifecycle Operations, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
makeTransient, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
ManagedRuntime, kodo.ManagedRuntime, Integrating with the Transaction Manager
managed transactions (see transactions)
management, Management and Monitoring
configuring logging, Configuring Logging for Management / Monitoring
configuring remote, Optional Parameters in Remote Group, Optional Parameters in JSR 160 Group
configuring WebLogic 8.1, Optional Parameters in WebLogic 8.1 Group
kodo.ManagementConfiguration, Optional Parameters in Management Group
log messages, Logging Channels
ManagementConfiguration, kodo.ManagementConfiguration
ManagementConfiguration, kodo.ManagementConfiguration
Management Console, Kodo Management Console
many-many, Join Table, Association Table Collections
(see also persistent fields)
many-one, Direct Relations, Direct Relations
(see also persistent fields)
ManyToMany, Many-To-Many
ManyToOne, Many-To-One
metadata, Field Element
(see also persistent fields)
MapKey, Map Key
mappedBy, Bidirectional Relations
(see also mapping metadata)
mapped-by, Bidirectional Relations, Bidirectional Relations, Bidirectional Relations
(see also mapping metadata)
MappedSuperclass, Mapped Superclass
Mapping, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Mapping Metadata Placement, kodo.Mapping
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
MappingDefaults, kodo.jdbc.MappingDefaults, Mapping Defaults
MappingFactory, kodo.jdbc.MappingFactory, Mapping Factory
import/export mapping data, Importing and Exporting Mapping Data
mapping metadata, Bidirectional Relations, Mapping Metadata, Mapping Metadata, Mapping
(see also mappedBy property)
association table collection fields, Join Table, Association Table Collections
(see also persistent fields)
autoassign strategy, Datastore Identity
automatic runtime mapping, Runtime Forward Mapping
basic collection fields, Basic Collections
(see also persistent fields)
basic fields, Basic Mapping, Basic Mapping
(see also persistent fields)
BLOB fields, BLOB
(see also persistent fields)
table attribute, Table, Class Table
CLOB fields, CLOB
(see also persistent fields)
collections, Collections
JPA one-sided one-many, One-Sided One-Many Mapping
Column, Column
columnDefinition property, Column
insertable property, Column
length property, Column
name property, Column
nullable property, Column
precision property, Column
scale property, Column
table property, Column
updatable property, Column
column, Column, Multi-Column Mappings
allows-null attribute, Column
default-value attribute, Column
jdbc-type attribute, Column
(see also SQL)
length attribute, Column
name attribute, Column
scale attribute, Column
sql-type attribute, Column
(see also SQL)
target attribute, Column, Joins, Target Fields
target-field attribute, Column
custom mapping (see custom mapping)
datastore identity, Datastore Identity, Datastore Identity Mapping
(see also identity)
column attribute, Datastore Identity
identity strategy, Datastore Identity
increment strategy, Datastore Identity
native strategy, Datastore Identity
sequence attribute, Datastore Identity
(see also Sequence)
strategy attribute, Datastore Identity
defaults (see MappingDefaults)
delete-action attribute, Foreign Keys
direct relation fields, Direct Relations, Direct Relations
(see also persistent fields)
discriminator, Discriminator, Discriminator
(see also discriminator)
column attribute, Discriminator
strategy attribute, Discriminator
value attribute, Discriminator
DTD, Mapping Metadata DTD
embedded fields, Embedded Mapping, Embedded Objects
(see also embedded)
null-indicator-column attribute, Embedded Objects
enums, Enumerated
class criteria, Eager Fetch Mode
(see also joins)
discriminator strategy, Strategy
(see also custom mapping)
eager fetch mode, Eager Fetch Mode
(see also eager fetching)
insertable, insertable
lock-group, lock-group
nonpolymorphic, Nonpolymorphic
strategy, Strategy, Strategy
(see also custom mapping)
subclass fetch mode, Subclass Fetch Mode
(see also eager fetching)
updatable, insertable
version strategy, Strategy
(see also custom mapping)
column attribute, Basic Mapping
join element, Secondary Tables
key element, Maps
mapped-by attribute, Bidirectional Relations, Bidirectional Relations, Bidirectional Relations
sequence attribute, Automatic Values
serialized attribute, BLOB
table attribute, Secondary Tables
value element, Maps
value-strategy attribute, Automatic Values
field mapping, Field Mapping, Field Mapping
(see also persistent fields)
foreign keys, Foreign Keys, Foreign Keys
(see also foreign keys)
deferred attribute, Foreign Keys
delete-action attribute, Foreign Keys
name attribute, Foreign Keys
update-action attribute, Foreign Keys
forward mapping (see forward mapping)
generators, Generators
(see also SequenceGenerator)
(see also TableGenerator)
identity, Identity Mapping
indexed attribute, Indexes
indexes, Indexes, Indexes
(see also indexes)
name attribute, Indexes
unique attribute, Indexes
inheritance, Inheritance, Inheritance
(see also inheritance)
JOINED strategy, Joined
new-table strategy, new-table
SINGLE_TABLE strategy, Single Table
strategy attribute, Inheritance, Inheritance
subclass-table strategy, subclass-table
superclass-table strategy, superclass-table
TABLE_PER_CLASS strategy, Table Per Class
inverse key collection fields, Inverse Key Collections
(see also persistent fields)
joins, Joins
(see also joins)
JPA additions, Additional JPA Mappings
limitations, Mapping Limitations
table-per-class, Mapping Limitations
loading and storing (see MappingFactory)
LOB types, LOBs
map fields, Map Mapping, Maps
(see also persistent fields)
MappingDefaults, kodo.jdbc.MappingDefaults
MappingFactory, kodo.jdbc.MappingFactory
maps, Maps
meet-in-the-middle mapping (see meet-in-the-middle mapping)
multi-column mappings, Multi-Column Mappings
placement, Mapping Metadata Placement
reverse mapping (see reverse mapping)
secondary table fields, Secondary Tables, Secondary Tables
(see also persistent fields)
sequences, Sequences
(see also Sequence)
sequence strategy, Datastore Identity
SynchronizeMappings, kodo.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings
temporal types, Temporal Types
unique attribute, Unique Constraints
unique constraints, Unique Constraints, Unique Constraints, Unique Constraints
(see also unique constraints)
deferred attribute, Unique Constraints
name attribute, Unique Constraints
uuid-hex, Generated Value
uuid-hex strategy, Datastore Identity
uuid-string, Generated Value
uuid-string strategy, Datastore Identity
version, Version, Surrogate Version Mapping
(see also version)
column attribute, Version
lock group mapping, Lock Group Mapping
(see also lock groups)
strategy attribute, Version
mappingtool, Important Utilities, Configuring the Datastore, Important Utilities, Configuring the Datastore
mapping tool, Forward Mapping
(see also forward mapping)
Ant task, Mapping Tool Ant Task
DDL generation, Generating DDL SQL
use cases, Using the Mapping Tool
Maven, Maven
max, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)
MaxFetchDepth , kodo.MaxFetchDepth
MBean, Management and Monitoring, Executing Operations
data cache, Data Cache MBean
prepared statement, Prepared Statement Cache MBean
query cache, Query Cache MBean
TimeWatch, TimeWatch MBean
Mbean, MBeans
datasource, Kodo Pooling DataSource MBean
log, Log MBean
runtime, Runtime MBean
meet-in-the-middle mapping, Reverse Mapping
merge, Entity Lifecycle Management
(see also detachment)
metadata, Metadata, Metadata
array, Field Element
dependent-element attribute, Field Element
(see also dependent)
embedded-element attribute, Field Element
(see also embedded)
Basic, Basic
CascadeType, Cascade Type
detachable attribute, Class Element
(see also detachment)
embedded-only attribute, Class Element
(see also embedded)
identity-type attribute, Class Element
(see also identity)
objectid-class attribute, Class Element
(see also identity)
persistence-modifier attribute, Class Element
(see also persistent classes)
requires-extent attribute, Class Element
(see also Extent)
class names, Class Element
element-type attribute, Field Element
(see also persistent fields)
DTD, Persistence Metadata DTD
Embeddable, Embeddable
Embedded, Embedded
EmbeddedId, Embedded Id
Entity, Entity
EntityListeners, EntityListeners
extensions, JDO, Package, and Extension Elements, Metadata Extensions
data cache, Data Cache
(see also caching)
dependent, Data Cache
detached state field, Detached State
(see also detachment)
externalizer, Externalizer
(see also externalization)
external values, Factory
(see also externalization)
factory, Factory
(see also externalization)
fetch groups, Data Cache
(see also fetch groups)
inverse-logical, Inverse-Logical
(see also bidirectional relations)
key attribute, JDO, Package, and Extension Elements
load fetch group , Load Fetch Group
lock group, Lock Group
(see also locking)
lrs, LRS
(see also large result sets)
order-by, Order-By
read-only, Read-Only
(see also persistent fields)
type, Type
(see also persistent fields)
value attribute, JDO, Package, and Extension Elements
vendor-name attribute, JDO, Package, and Extension Elements
FetchType, Fetch Type
default-fetch-group attribute, Field Element
(see also fetch groups)
dependent attribute, Field Element
(see also dependent)
embedded attribute, Field Element
(see also embedded)
null-value attribute, Field Element, Column
(see also persistent fields)
persistence-modifier attribute, Field Element
(see also persistent fields)
primary-key attribute, Field Element
(see also identity)
(see also persistent fields)
GeneratedValue, Generated Value
generating default metadata, Generating Default JDO Metadata
Id, Id
IdClass, Id Class
JPA additions, Additional JPA Metadata
loading and storing (see MetaDataFactory)
log messages, Logging Channels
ManyToMany, Many-To-Many
ManyToOne, Many-To-One
map, Field Element
dependent-key attribute, Field Element
(see also dependent)
dependent-value attribute, Field Element
(see also dependent)
embedded-key attribute, Field Element
(see also embedded)
embedded-value attribute, Field Element
(see also embedded)
key-type attribute, Field Element
(see also persistent fields)
value-type attribute, Field Element
(see also persistent fields)
MapKey, Map Key
MappedSuperclass, Mapped Superclass
mapping metadata (see mapping metadata)
MetaDataFactory, kodo.MetaDataFactory
MetaDataRepository, kodo.MetaDataRepository
OneToMany, One-To-Many
OneToOne, One-To-One
OrderBy, Order By
placement, Metadata Placement
property access, Field and Property Metadata
query metadata (see named queries)
RetryClassRegistration, kodo.RetryClassRegistration
Transient, Transient
Version, Version
XSD, XML Schema
MetaDataFactory, kodo.MetaDataFactory
MetaDataRepository, kodo.MetaDataRepository
MethodQL, MethodQL
Microsoft Access, Database Support
migration, Upgrading Kodo
from Kodo 3 to Kodo 4, Upgrading Kodo
from Kodo 4.0 to Kodo 4.1, Upgrading Kodo
from Kodo 4.x.x to Kodo 4.1.3+, Upgrading Kodo
min, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)
MOD function, JPQL Functions
monitoring (see management)
Multithreaded, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Configuration Properties, kodo.Multithreaded
(see also PersistenceManager)
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
(see also threading)
persistent field types, Persistent Fields, Persistent Fields
(see also persistent fields)
(see also proxies)
MySQL, Database Support, MySQLDictionary Properties
(see also DBDictionary)
DriverDeserializesBlobs, MySQLDictionary Properties
TableType, MySQLDictionary Properties
UseClobs, MySQLDictionary Properties


named queries, Named Queries
(see also Query)
constructing, Executing Named Queries
defining, Defining Named Queries
executing, Executing Named Queries
SQL, Named SQL Queries
queries (see SQL queries)
newObjectIdInstance, JDO Identity Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
NonDurableIdentity, Properties and Supported Options
(see also identity)
(see also supported options set)
NontransactionalRead, Lifecycle Operations, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Properties and Supported Options, Transaction Properties, kodo.NontransactionalRead
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
(see also Transaction)
(see also supported options set)
(see also Transaction)
NontransactionalWrite, Lifecycle Operations, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Properties and Supported Options, Transaction Properties, kodo.NontransactionalWrite
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
(see also Transaction)
(see also supported options set)
(see also Transaction)
normalized, Advantages, Advantages
NOT expressions, Query Basics
NullCollection, Properties and Supported Options
(see also supported options set)
numeric identity, Entity Identity, JDO Identity
(see also identity)


as persistent field type, Persistent Fields, Persistent Fields
(see also persistent fields)
object database (see ODB)
object filtering, Object Filtering
(see also Query)
advanced, Advanced Object Filtering
object identity (see identity)
object-relational mapping (see ORM)
ODB, Why JPA?, Why JDO?
offline (see remote)
one-many, Join Table, Association Table Collections, Inverse Key Collections
(see also persistent fields)
one-one, Direct Relations, Direct Relations
(see also persistent fields)
OneToMany, One-To-Many
OneToOne, One-To-One
OpenJPAEntityManager, OpenJPAEntityManager
extending, Broker Customization
OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory, OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory
OpenJPAPersistence, OpenJPAPersistence
OpenJPAQuery, OpenJPAQuery
Optimistic, Lifecycle Operations, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Properties and Supported Options, Transaction Properties, kodo.Optimistic
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
(see also Transaction)
(see also transactions)
(see also supported options set)
(see also Transaction)
optimistic transactions (see transactions, optimistic)
optimization guidelines, Optimization Guidelines
Oracle, Database Support, OracleDictionary Properties
(see also DBDictionary)
AutoAssignSequenceName, OracleDictionary Properties
MaxEmbeddedBlobSize, OracleDictionary Properties
MaxEmbeddedClobSize, OracleDictionary Properties
UseTriggersForAutoAssign, OracleDictionary Properties
OrderBy, Order By
OrderColumn, Order Column
(see also mapping metadata)
ordering (see Query, ordering)
ORM, Why JPA?, Mapping Metadata, Why JDO?, Mapping Metadata
(see also mapping metadata)
OrphanedKeyAction, kodo.OrphanedKeyAction
outer joins, none, Secondary Tables, Eager Fetching


parameters, Advanced Object Filtering
(see also JDOQL)
implicit, Advanced Object Filtering
in SQL queries, Retrieving Persistent Objects with SQL, Retrieving Persistent Objects with SQL
(see also SQL queries)
query by example, Advanced Object Filtering
PCClasses, Persistent Class List
permissions (see JDOPermission)
persist, Entity Lifecycle Management
(see also EntityManager)
Persistence, EJB Persistence Architecture, Persistence
createEntityManagerFactory, Runtime Configuration
getEntityManagerFactory, Persistence
persistence aware, Persistence-Capable vs. Persistence-Aware
specifying in metadata, Class Element
PersistenceCapable, JDO Architecture, PersistenceCapable
(see also persistent classes)
vs persistence aware, Persistence-Capable vs. Persistence-Aware
persistence capable (see Entity) (see PersistenceCapable)
persistence context, Persistence Context
PersistenceContextType (see persistence context)
PersistenceManager, JDO Architecture, PersistenceManager
adding and removing InstanceLifecycleListeners , Configuration Properties
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
as Extent factory, Extent Factory
(see also Extent)
as Query factory, Query Factory
(see also Query)
as Sequence factory, Sequence Factory
(see also Sequence)
attachCopy, Detach and Attach Functionality
(see also detachment)
cache, Cache Management
checkConsistency, Cache Management
closing, Closing
defaults, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
deletePersistent, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
detachCopy, Detach and Attach Functionality
(see also detachment)
evict, Cache Management
flush, Cache Management
getObjectById, JDO Identity Management
(see also identity)
getObjectId, JDO Identity Management
(see also identity)
(see also JDOHelper)
getObjectIdClass, JDO Identity Management
(see also identity)
getObjectsById, JDO Identity Management
(see also identity)
IgnoreCache, Configuration Properties
in a managed environment, Closing
Kodo extensions (see KodoPersistenceManager)
lifecycle operations, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
makeNontransactional, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
makePersistent, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
makeTransactional, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
makeTransient, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
Multithreaded, Configuration Properties
newNamedQuery, Executing Named Queries
newObjectIdInstance, JDO Identity Management
(see also identity)
obtaining, Obtaining PersistenceManagers
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
obtaining datastore connection, Connection Access
(see also connections)
obtaining the FetchPlan, FetchPlan Association
(see also FetchPlan)
obtaining the Transaction, Transaction Association
(see also transactions)
refresh, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
retrieve, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
retrieving from a managed object, Persistence-Capable Operations
user objects, User Object Association
PersistenceManagerFactory, JDO Architecture, PersistenceManagerFactory
adding and removing InstanceLifecycleListeners , PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
closing, Closing the PersistenceManagerFactory
connection configuration, Connection Configuration
(see also connections)
ConnectionDriverName, Connection Configuration
ConnectionFactory, Connection Configuration
ConnectionFactory2, Connection Configuration
ConnectionFactory2Name, Connection Configuration
ConnectionFactoryName, Connection Configuration
ConnectionPassword, Connection Configuration
ConnectionURL, Connection Configuration
ConnectionUserName, Connection Configuration
construction, PersistenceManagerFactory Construction, Obtaining a PersistenceManagerFactory
DetachAllOnCommit, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
IgnoreCache, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
Kodo extensions (see KodoPersistenceManagerFactory)
Mapping, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
Multithreaded, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
NontransactionalRead, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
NontransactionalWrite, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
obtaining PersistenceManagers, Obtaining PersistenceManagers
Optimistic, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
PersistenceManager defaults, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
(see also PersistenceManager)
PersistenceManagerFactoryClass, javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass
properties, Properties and Supported Options
RestoreValues, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
RetainValues, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
Transaction defaults, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
(see also Transaction)
supported options, Properties and Supported Options
PersistenceManagerFactoryClass, javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass
PersistenceServer, kodo.PersistenceServer
persistent classes, Entity, PersistenceCapable, Lifecycle Operations, Persistent Classes
(see also persistent objects)
detachable, Class Element
(see also detachment)
embedded-only, Class Element
(see also embedded)
field restrictions, Persistent Fields, Persistent Fields
(see also persistent fields)
inheritance, Inheritance
(see also inheritance)
inheritance of, Inheritance, Inheritance
(see also inheritance)
JPA id requirement, Identity Fields
JPA version requirement, Version Field
lifecycle callbacks, Lifecycle Callbacks, Lifecycle Callbacks
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
list, Persistent Class List
mapping to database (see mapping metadata)
no-arg constructor requirement, Default or No-Arg Constructor, Default or No-Arg Constructor
property access, Field and Property Metadata
restrictions on, Restrictions on Persistent Classes, Restrictions on Persistent Classes
persistent-clean, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
persistent data, Lightweight Persistence, Transparent Persistence
persistent-deleted, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
persistent-dirty, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
persistent fields, Persistent Fields, Persistent Field Values (see eager fetching)
array metadata, Field Element
arrays, Persistent Fields
association table collections, Association Table Collections
bidirectional, Bidirectional Relations
(see also bidirectinoal relations)
autoassign strategy, Automatic Values, Autoassign / Identity Strategy Caveats
automatic field values, Automatic Values
AutoAssignClause, DBDictionary Properties
AutoAssignSequenceName, OracleDictionary Properties
AutoAssignTypeName, DBDictionary Properties
LastGeneratedKeyQuery, DBDictionary Properties
UseTriggersForAutoAssign, OracleDictionary Properties
basic, Basic Mapping, Basic Mapping
basic collections, Basic Collections
BLOB mapping, BLOB
calendar, Calendar Fields and TimeZones
checking for ArrayList support, Properties and Supported Options
checking for array support, Properties and Supported Options
checking for LinkedList support, Properties and Supported Options
checking for List support, Properties and Supported Options
checking for TreeMap support, Properties and Supported Options
checking for TreeSet support, Properties and Supported Options
checking for Vector support, Properties and Supported Options
CLOB mapping, CLOB
collection metadata, Field Element, Persistent Collection Fields
comparators, Typing and Ordering
default persistent types, Field Element
dependent (see dependent)
direct relations, Direct Relations, Direct Relations
based on inverse keys, Inverse Keys
bidirectional, Bidirectional Relations
(see also bidirectional relations)
embedded (see embedded)
externalization (see externalization)
fetch groups (see fetch groups)
field rollback, Persistent Fields
id, Entity Identity
immutable types, Persistent Fields, Persistent Fields
in secondary tables, Secondary Tables, Secondary Tables
inverse key collections, Inverse Key Collections
bidirectional, Bidirectional Relations
(see also bidirectional relations)
join table collections, Join Table
map metadata, Field Element, Persistent Map Fields
mapping metadata, Field Mapping, Field Mapping
maps, Map Mapping, Maps
marking as changed, Persistence-Capable Operations
mutable types, Persistent Fields, Persistent Fields
(see also proxies)
null value treatment, Field Element
of interface types, Persistent Fields
of unknown types, Persistent Fields, Persistent Fields
primary key, Application Identity
specifying in metadata, Field Element
proxies (see proxies)
reading outside a transaction (see NontransactionalRead)
read only, Read-Only
restrictions on, Persistent Fields, Persistent Fields
StorageLimitationsFatal, DBDictionary Properties
StoreCharsAsNumbers, DBDictionary Properties
StoreLargeNumbersAsStrings, DBDictionary Properties
superclass field mapping, Superclass Fields
temporal, Temporal Types
user-defined types, Persistent Fields, Persistent Fields
writing outside a transaction (see NontransactionalWrite)
persistent-new, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
persistent-new-deleted, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
persistent-nontransactional, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
persistent objects, Lifecycle Operations
(see also persistent classes)
deleting, Entity Lifecycle Management, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
example, Lifecycle Examples, Lifecycle Examples
evicting, Cache Management
identity (see identity)
lifecycle states (see lifecycle states)
making nontransactional, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
making transactional, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
making transient, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
persisting, Entity Lifecycle Management, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
example, Lifecycle Examples, Lifecycle Examples
querying (see Query)
refreshing state, Entity Lifecycle Management, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
retrieving state, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
retrieving with SQL, Retrieving Persistent Objects with SQL, Retrieving Persistent Objects with SQL
(see also SQL queries)
example, Lifecycle Examples, Lifecycle Examples
persistent properties, Field and Property Metadata
(see also persistent fields)
pessimistic transactions (see transactions, pessimistic)
plugins (see configuration)
Pointbase, Database Support
PostgreSQL, Database Support
PostLoad, Callback Methods
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
PostPersist, Callback Methods
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
PostRemove, Callback Methods
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
PostUpdate, Callback Methods
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
prepared statement
batching, Statement Batching
BatchLimit, SQLFactory Properties
BatchParameterLimit, SQLFactory Properties
SupportsTotalCountsForBatch, SQLFactory Properties
SupportsUpdateCountsForBatch, SQLFactory Properties
MaxCachedStatements, Using the Kodo DataSource
PrePersist, Callback Methods
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
PreRemove, Callback Methods
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
PreUpdate, Callback Methods
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
primary key, JDO Identity Management, Datastore Identity, Datastore Identity Mapping
fields, Application Identity
(see also persistent fields)
profiling, Profiling
log messages, Logging Channels
projections, Projections
(see also JDOQL)
distinct, Projections
of column data, SQL Projections
(see also SQL queries)
of elements, keys, and values, Projections
of identity objects, Projections
of variables, Projections
result aliases, JavaBean Result Class
proxies, Proxies
custom, Custom Proxies
large result set, Large Result Set Proxies
ProxyManager, kodo.ProxyManager, Custom Proxies
smart, Smart Proxies
ProxyManager, kodo.ProxyManager


qualitative identity, Entity Identity, JDO Identity
(see also identity)
queries (see Query)
checking for JDOQL support, Properties and Supported Options
checking for SQL support, Properties and Supported Options
Query, EJB Persistence Architecture, JDO Architecture, Query
(see also JDOQL)
AggregateListeners, kodo.AggregateListeners
aggregates, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)
by example, Advanced Object Filtering
candidate class, Object Filtering
candidate objects, Object Filtering
close, Compiling and Executing Queries
closeAll, Compiling and Executing Queries
compile, Compiling and Executing Queries
creating, Query Factory, Query Factory
declareImports, Advanced Object Filtering
declareParameters, Advanced Object Filtering
(see also parameters)
declareVariables, Advanced Object Filtering
(see also variables)
default result string, JavaBean Result Class
distinct, Projections
execute, Compiling and Executing Queries
executeWithArray, Compiling and Executing Queries
executeWithMap, Compiling and Executing Queries
filter, Object Filtering
FilterListeners, kodo.FilterListeners
FlushBeforeQueries, kodo.FlushBeforeQueries
getFetchPlan, Compiling and Executing Queries
(see also FetchPlan)
grouping, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)
having, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)
imports, Advanced Object Filtering
Kodo extensions (see KodoQuery) (see OpenJPAQuery)
language extensions, Query Language Extensions
(see also JDOQL)
(see also JPQL)
limits, Limits and Ordering
log messages, Logging Channels
MethodQL (see MethodQL)
named (see named queries)
object filtering, Object Filtering
ordering, Limits and Ordering
projections, Projections
(see also projections)
result caching, Query Cache
result class, Result Class
generic, Generic Result Class
JavaBean, JavaBean Result Class
Map, Generic Result Class
result range, Limits and Ordering
SupportsSelectEndIndex, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsSelectStartIndex, DBDictionary Properties
result shape, Aggregates
setCandidates, Object Filtering
setClass, Object Filtering
setFilter, Object Filtering
setGrouping, Aggregates
setOrdering, Limits and Ordering
setRange, Limits and Ordering
setResult, Projections
(see also projections)
setResultClass, Result Class
setUnique, Limits and Ordering
single-string (see JDOQL, single-string)
SQL (see SQL queries)
unique result, Limits and Ordering
QueryCache, kodo.QueryCache
QueryCompilationCache, kodo.QueryCompilationCache
query metadata (see named queries)
QueryResultCache, QueryResultCache, QueryResultCache


ReadLockLevel, kodo.ReadLockLevel, Configuring Default Locking
refresh, Entity Lifecycle Management, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
(see also EntityManager)
(see also PersistenceManager)
relational database, JDOR
(see also JDOR)
accessing multiple databases, Accessing Multiple Databases
Kodo support, Database Support
(see also DBDictionary)
remote, Remote and Offline Operation, Remote Managers
client, Client Managers
data compression and filtering, Data Compression and Filtering
deployment, Remote Persistence Deployment
DynamicDataStructs, kodo.DynamicDataStructs
events, Remote Event Notification Framework
common properties, Common Properties
configuration, Remote Commit Provider Configuration
customization, Customization
RemoteCommitListener, Remote Event Notification Framework
RemoteCommitProvider, Remote Event Notification Framework
HTTP server, HTTP Persistence Server
log messages, Logging Channels
PersistenceServer, kodo.PersistenceServer
RemoteCommitProvider, kodo.RemoteCommitProvider
TCP server, Standalone Persistence Server
RemoteCommitProvider, kodo.RemoteCommitProvider
remove, Entity Lifecycle Management
(see also EntityManager)
RestoreState, kodo.RestoreState, Restoring State
RestoreValues, Lifecycle Operations, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Transaction Properties
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
(see also Transaction)
(see also Transaction)
ResultSetType, kodo.jdbc.ResultSetType, Large Result Sets
RetainState, kodo.RetainState
RetainValues, Lifecycle Operations, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Transaction Properties
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
(see also Transaction)
(see also Transaction)
retrieve, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
(see also PersistenceManager)
RetryClassRegistration, kodo.RetryClassRegistration
reverse mapping, Reverse Mapping
reverse mapping tool, Reverse Mapping, Reverse Mapping
(see also reverse mapping)
Ant task, Reverse Mapping Tool Ant Task


savepoint, Savepoints
create with schema tool, Schema Tool
DDL (see DDL)
default, Default Schema
log messages, Logging Channels
reflection, Schema Reflection
RequiresAutoCommitForMetaData, DBDictionary Properties
SchemaCase, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsNullTableForGetColumns, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsNullTableForGetImportedKeys, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsNullTableForGetIndexInfo, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsNullTableForGetPrimaryKeys, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsSchemaForGetColumns, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsSchemaForGetTables, DBDictionary Properties
SystemSchemas, DBDictionary Properties
SystemTables, DBDictionary Properties
TableTypes, DBDictionary Properties
UseGetBestRowIdentifierForPrimaryKeys, DBDictionary Properties
with schema tool, Schema Tool
Schema, kodo.jdbc.Schema
SchemaFactory, kodo.jdbc.SchemaFactory, Schema Factory
Schemas, kodo.jdbc.Schemas
schemas list, Schemas List
schema tool, Schema Tool
UseSchemaName, DBDictionary Properties
XML representation, XML Schema Format
SchemaFactory, kodo.jdbc.SchemaFactory
Schemas, Schemas List
schema tool
Ant task, Schema Tool Ant Task
Sequence, JDO Architecture, Sequence, kodo.Sequence
allocate, Sequence
contiguous, Sequences
current, Sequence
Kodo extensions, Generators
(see also generators)
metadata, Sequences
datastore-sequence attribute, Sequences
factory-class attribute, Sequences
name attribute, Sequences
strategy attribute, Sequences
next, Sequence
NextSequenceQuery, DBDictionary Properties
nontransactional, Sequences
obtaining, Sequence Factory
runtime access, Runtime Access
Seq interface, Generators
transactional, Sequences
SequenceGenerator, Sequence Generator
allocationSize property, Sequence Generator
initialValue property, Sequence Generator
name property, Sequence Generator
sequenceName property, Sequence Generator
serialization, Lightweight Persistence, Why JPA?, Transparent Persistence, Why JDO?
of enhanced types, Serializing Enhanced Types
servlet, HTTP Persistence Server
ShortIdentity, Single Field Identity
(see also single field identity)
SingleFieldIdentity, Single Field Identity
(see also identity)
ByteIdentity, Single Field Identity
CharIdentity, Single Field Identity
IntIdentity, Single Field Identity
LongIdentity, Single Field Identity
ShortIdentity, Single Field Identity
StringIdentity, Single Field Identity
single field identity, Application Identity, Single Field Identity, JDO Identity Management
(see also identity)
single-string JDOQL (see JDOQL, single-string)
SQL, EJB Persistence Architecture, JDO Architecture, Properties and Supported Options, JDOR
(see also JDOR)
(see also supported options set)
CatalogSeparator, DBDictionary Properties
DDL (see DDL)
DistinctCountColumnSeparator, DBDictionary Properties
executing with SQLLine, The SQLLine Utility
ForUpdateClause, DBDictionary Properties
InitializationSQL, DBDictionary Properties
join syntax, Setting the SQL Join Syntax
log messages, Logging Channels
queries (see SQL queries)
RequiresAliasForSubselect, DBDictionary Properties
ReservedWords, DBDictionary Properties
SQLFactory, kodo.jdbc.SQLFactory, Database Support
StringLengthFunction, DBDictionary Properties
SubstringFunctionName, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsSubselect, DBDictionary Properties
TableForUpdateClause, DBDictionary Properties
ToLowerCaseFunction, DBDictionary Properties
ToUpperCaseFunction, DBDictionary Properties
SupportsUnion, SQLFactory Properties
SupportsUnionWithUnalignedOrdering, SQLFactory Properties
ValidationSQL, DBDictionary Properties
SQLFactory, kodo.jdbc.SQLFactory
SQL queries, SQL Queries, SQL Queries
(see also Query)
creating, Creating SQL Queries, Creating SQL Queries
named (see named queries)
parameters, Retrieving Persistent Objects with SQL, Retrieving Persistent Objects with SQL
projections, SQL Projections
result class, SQL Projections
retrieving persistent objects, Retrieving Persistent Objects with SQL, Retrieving Persistent Objects with SQL
stored procedures, Creating SQL Queries, Creating SQL Queries
SQLServer, Database Support
SQRT function, JPQL Functions
StoreCache, StoreCache
StoreCallback (see InstanceCallbacks)
stored procedures
as queries, Creating SQL Queries, Creating SQL Queries
(see also Query)
StoreLifecycleListener, InstanceLifecycleListener
(see also lifecycle callbacks)
StringIdentity, Single Field Identity
(see also single field identity)
Structured Query Language (see SQL)
SubclassFetchMode, kodo.jdbc.SubclassFetchMode, Configuring Eager Fetching
SUBSTRING function, JPQL Functions
sum, Aggregates
(see also aggregates)
SunONE, SunONE Application Server 7 / Sun Java Enterprise Server 8-8.1
supported options set, Properties and Supported Options
(see also PersistenceManagerFactory)
ApplicationIdentity, Properties and Supported Options
Array, Properties and Supported Options
ArrayList, Properties and Supported Options
BinaryCompatibility, Properties and Supported Options
ChangeApplicationIdentity, Properties and Supported Options
DatastoreIdentity, Properties and Supported Options
GetDataStoreConnection, Properties and Supported Options
JDOQL, Properties and Supported Options
LinkedList, Properties and Supported Options
List, Properties and Supported Options
NonDurableIdentity, Properties and Supported Options
NontransactionalRead, Properties and Supported Options
NontransactionalWrite, Properties and Supported Options
NullCollection, Properties and Supported Options
Optimistic, Properties and Supported Options
SQL, Properties and Supported Options
TransientTransactional, Properties and Supported Options
TreeMap, Properties and Supported Options
TreeSet, Properties and Supported Options
UnconstraintedQueryVariables, Properties and Supported Options
Vector, Properties and Supported Options
SupportsTimestampNanos, DBDictionary Properties
Sybase, Database Support
Synchronization, Transaction Properties
(see also Transaction)
(see also transactions)
SynchronizeMappings, kodo.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings


TableGenerator, TableGenerator
allocationSize property, TableGenerator
catalog property, TableGenerator
initialValue property, TableGenerator
name property, TableGenerator
pkColumnName property, TableGenerator
pkColumnValue property, TableGenerator
schema property, TableGenerator
table property, TableGenerator
valueColumnName property, TableGenerator
TCP provider, TCP
threading, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Configuration Properties
(see also Multithreaded)
Multithreaded, kodo.Multithreaded
Tomcat, Tomcat
Transaction, The EntityTransaction Interface, JDO Architecture, The JDO Transaction Interface, Transaction Properties
(see also properties)
(see also transactions)
begin, The EntityTransaction Interface, Transaction Demarcation
commit, The EntityTransaction Interface, Transaction Demarcation
defaults, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults
demarcation, The EntityTransaction Interface, Transaction Demarcation
isActive, The EntityTransaction Interface, Transaction Demarcation
NontransactionalRead, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Transaction Properties
NontransactionalWrite, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Transaction Properties
obtaining from EntityManager, Transaction Association
obtaining from PersistenceManager, Transaction Association
Optimistic, Transaction Properties
RestoreValues, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Transaction Properties
RetainValues, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Transaction Properties
rollback, The EntityTransaction Interface, Transaction Demarcation
RollbackOnly, Transaction Demarcation
Synchronization, Transaction Properties
making nontransactional, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
making transactional, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
testing objects for, Lifecycle Operations
(see also JDOHelper)
TransactionIsolation, kodo.jdbc.TransactionIsolation, Setting the Transaction Isolation
integration, Integrating with the Transaction Manager
TransactionMode, kodo.TransactionMode, Integrating with the Transaction Manager
transactions, Transaction, Lifecycle Operations, Transaction
(see also Transaction)
ACID, Transaction, Transaction
atomicity, Transaction, Transaction
AutoClear, kodo.AutoClear
checking consistency before commit, Cache Management
consistency, Transaction, Transaction
datastore, Transaction Types, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Connection Access, Transaction Types
demarcating, The EntityTransaction Interface, Transaction Demarcation
durability, Transaction, Transaction
events, Transaction Events
flushing changes before commit, Cache Management, Cache Management
isolation, Transaction, Transaction, Setting the Transaction Isolation
managed, Integrating with the Transaction Manager
ManagedRuntime, kodo.ManagedRuntime
marking for rollback, Transaction Demarcation
optimistic, Entity Lifecycle Management, Transaction Types, Persistence-Capable Operations, PersistenceManager and Transaction Defaults, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management, Transaction Types, Sequences, kodo.Optimistic
pessimistic, Transaction Types, Transaction Types
synchronization callbacks, Transaction Properties
TransactionIsolation, kodo.jdbc.TransactionIsolation
TransactionMode, kodo.TransactionMode
types, Transaction Types, Transaction Types
XA, XA Transactions
Transient, Transient
transient, Persistence-Capable Operations, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
making transient, Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
transient-clean, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
transient-dirty, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
TransientTransactional, Properties and Supported Options
(see also supported options set)
transient-transactional, Lifecycle Operations
(see also lifecycle states)
transparent persistence, Transparent Persistence
TreeMap, Properties and Supported Options
(see also persistent fields)
(see also supported options set)
TreeSet, Properties and Supported Options
(see also persistent fields)
(see also supported options set)
trigger, Datastore Identity
TRIM function, JPQL Functions


unbound variables (see variables)
unconstrained variables (see variables)
UnconstraintedQueryVariables, Properties and Supported Options
(see also supported options set)
(see also variables)
unique constraints, Unique Constraints, Unique Constraints, Unique Constraints
deferred, Unique Constraints
SupportsUniqueConstraints, DBDictionary Properties
uniquness requirement, Entity Identity, JDO Identity
(see also identity)
UpdateManager, kodo.jdbc.UpdateManager
UPPER function, JPQL Functions
persistent field types, Persistent Fields, Persistent Fields
(see also persistent fields)
user objects
PersistenceManager, User Object Association
(see also PersistenceManager)
uuid-hex, Generated Value, Datastore Identity
uuid-string, Generated Value, Datastore Identity


value object, Entity Lifecycle Management, Detach and Attach Functionality
variables, Advanced Object Filtering
(see also JDOQL)
as query results, Projections
bound (see variables, constrained)
constrained, Advanced Object Filtering
implicit, Advanced Object Filtering
unbound (see variables, unconstrained)
unconstrained, Advanced Object Filtering
checking for query support, Properties and Supported Options
Vector, Properties and Supported Options
(see also persistent fields)
(see also supported options set)
VendorName, Properties and Supported Options
Version, Version
version, Version
(see also locking)
date-time strategy, date-time
mapping, Version, Datastore Identity Mapping
none strategy, none
retrieving from a persistent object, Persistence-Capable Operations
state-comparison strategy, state-comparison
surrogate, Surrogate Version
version-number strategy, version-number
VersionColumn, Surrogate Version Mapping
(see also mapping metadata)
version fields, Version Field
(see also persistent fields)
VersionNumber, Properties and Supported Options
vertical, Joined, Joined
(see also inheritance)


XA transactions (see transactions)
XML, Metadata, Mapping Metadata


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