Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007

Class MonitoringDataCache

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.datacache.DelegatingDataCache
      extended by kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
All Implemented Interfaces:
StatisticsProvider, DataCache, Closeable

public class MonitoringDataCache
extends DelegatingDataCache
implements StatisticsProvider

Delegating cache that provides monitoring statistics.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.datacache.DataCache
Constructor Summary
MonitoringDataCache(OpenJPAConfiguration conf, DataCache cache)
          Provide delegate on construction.
Method Summary
 void close()
 DataCachePCData get(Object oid)
 double getHitRate()
          Returns the percentage of hits.
 int getHits()
          Returns the number of cache hits for invocations of the get(java.lang.Object) method.
 int getMisses()
          Returns the number of cache misses for invocations of the get(java.lang.Object) method.
 Collection getStatistics()
          Get statistics exported by this object.
 String getStatisticsString()
          Returns a localized string containing the number of hits, the number of misses, and the hit ratio (hits / (hits+misses)).
 void resetStatistics()
          Reset the caching statistics.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.datacache.DelegatingDataCache
addExpirationListener, clear, commit, contains, containsAll, equals, getDelegate, getInnermostDelegate, getName, hashCode, initialize, pin, pinAll, pinAll, put, remove, removeAll, removeAll, removeExpirationListener, setName, translate, unpin, unpinAll, unpinAll, update, writeLock, writeUnlock
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MonitoringDataCache(OpenJPAConfiguration conf,
                           DataCache cache)
Provide delegate on construction.

Method Detail


public int getHits()
Returns the number of cache hits for invocations of the get(java.lang.Object) method.


public int getMisses()
Returns the number of cache misses for invocations of the get(java.lang.Object) method.


public double getHitRate()
Returns the percentage of hits.


public String getStatisticsString()
Returns a localized string containing the number of hits, the number of misses, and the hit ratio (hits / (hits+misses)).


public Collection getStatistics()
Get statistics exported by this object.

Specified by:
getStatistics in interface StatisticsProvider


public void resetStatistics()
Reset the caching statistics.


public DataCachePCData get(Object oid)
Specified by:
get in interface DataCache
get in class DelegatingDataCache


public void close()
Specified by:
close in interface DataCache
Specified by:
close in interface Closeable
close in class DelegatingDataCache

Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007

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