Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007


abortUnion() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
AbstractManagementConfiguration - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract class that allows for easy configuration of the management and profiling capabilities.
AbstractManagementConfiguration() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
AbstractSQLServerAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
SQLServer-specific advanced SQL behavior.
AbstractSQLServerAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerAdvancedSQL
accept() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Server
Accept a client request.
AccessAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Access-specific advanced SQL behavior.
AccessAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.AccessAdvancedSQL
ACTION_ADD - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
ACTION_ADD - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
ACTION_DROP - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
ACTION_DROP - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
addAggregateListener(AggregateListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Register an aggregate listener for the query.
addClassExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
addClassExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
addClassExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
addClassExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
addClassExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
addDataSeriesListener(DiagnosticDataSeriesListener, Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
addDeclaredLockGroup(LockGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
Declare a lock group possibly used by subclass fields.
addExpirationListener(ExpirationListener) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
addFetchGroup(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFetchGroups(String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFetchGroups(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addField(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Adds field to the set of fully-qualified field names to use when loading objects.
addField(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Adds field to the set of field names to use when loading objects.
addField(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addField(Class, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
addFields(String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFields(Class, String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFields(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFields(Class, Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFilterListener(FilterListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Register a filter listener for the query.
addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener, Class[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener, Class[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener, Class[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
addJoin(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Adds field to the set of fully-qualified field names to join when loading objects.
addJoin(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Adds field to the set of field names to join when loading objects.
addLifecycleListener(Object, Class[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
addLifecycleListener(Object, Class...) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
addListener(StatisticListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Add a listener.
addListener(WatchableListener) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Add a listener.
addListener(WatchableListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Add a listener.
addRow(int, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows
addSampleHoldValue(double, double) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
addTransactionListener(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Register a listener for transaction-related events.
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
This method only available on client factories.
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. This method only available on client factories.
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
This method is only available on client factories.
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
addValue(double, double) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
AdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Handles advanced SQL functionality.
AdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
afterCommit(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
afterExecuteStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
afterLoad(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
afterRollback(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
agePoints() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
Trim the data points to limit memory usage.
ALIAS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
ALIAS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
ALIAS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy
attach(Object, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
attach(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
attachAll(Collection, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
attachAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
attachAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
attachCopy(Object, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
attachCopyAll(Collection, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
attachCopyAll(Object[], boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
AutoOrderUpdateManager - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Base update manager for subclasses that order statements and batch statements when possible.
AutoOrderUpdateManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
AutoOrderUpdateManager.SQLComparator - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Compares rows on their flush SQL.
AutoOrderUpdateManager.SQLComparator(DBDictionary) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager.SQLComparator


BaseDynamicMBean - Class in com.solarmetric.manage.jmx
Abstract implementation of a BaseDynamicMBean.
BaseDynamicMBean() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
batch - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Batching specialization of the OperationOrderUpdateManager.
BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
beforeConfigurationConstruct(ConfigurationProvider) - Method in class kodo.persistence.DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation
begin() - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
beginGemFireTransaction() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
beginStore() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Begins a store transaction if one isn't already started.


CacheAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Cache-specific advanced SQL behavior.
CacheAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.CacheAdvancedSQL
cacheMapOverflowRemoved(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
CacheMarshaller - Interface in kodo.conf
Responsible for marshalling and unmarshalling objects between memory and durable cache.
CacheMarshaller.ValidationPolicy - Interface in kodo.conf
Validation policies are responsible for computing whether or not a cached data structure is valid for the current context.
CacheMarshallerImpl - Class in kodo.conf
Default CacheMarshaller implementation that writes data to files in a temporary directory.
CacheMarshallerImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallerImpl
CacheMarshallersValue - Class in kodo.conf
A configuration value for handling and accessing cache marshallers.
CacheMarshallersValue(OpenJPAConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallersValue
cacheRepository(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.conf.CachingMetaDataRepositoryPlugin
CachingMetaDataRepositoryPlugin - Class in kodo.conf
A PluginValue that interacts with the CacheMarshaller to cache the metadata repository between executions.
CachingMetaDataRepositoryPlugin(String) - Constructor for class kodo.conf.CachingMetaDataRepositoryPlugin
canBatch(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Returns type if the specified column can be included in batch statements.
canBatch(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DerbyAdvancedSQL
canBatch(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL
cancelAll() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Cancel all pending data store statements.
cast(PersistenceManagerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given persistence manager factory.
cast(PersistenceManager) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given entity manager.
cast(Query) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given query.
cast(Extent) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given extent.
cast(FetchPlan) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given fetch plan.
cast(DataStoreCache) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given cache.
cast(EntityManagerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the Kodo facade to the given entity manager factory.
cast(EntityManager) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the Kodo facade to the given entity manager.
cast(Query) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the Kodo facade to the given query.
checkVersion(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
checkVersion(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
CLASS_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
All known class extensions.
ClassAccessor - Interface in kodo.beans
A generic accessor that provides information about a class.
ClassAccessorFactory - Interface in kodo.beans
A factory that will provide a ClassAccessor instance for objects.
clear() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
clear(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
clear() - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
clearAllFieldCache() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
clearFetchGroups() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
clearFields() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Clears the set of field names to use when loading data.
clearFields() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
clearJoins() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Clears the set of field names to join when loading data.
clearListeners() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Clear all listeners.
clearListeners() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Clear all listeners.
clearListeners() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Clear all listeners.
clearMapping(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
ClientBrokerFactory - Class in kodo.remote
Factory type for use with Kodo's client/server execution mode.
ClientBrokerFactory(ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
Construct the factory with the given option settings; however, the factory construction methods are recommended.
ClientConfiguration - Interface in kodo.remote
Configuration for client persistence manager factories.
ClientConfigurationImpl - Class in kodo.remote
Configuration for remote clients.
ClientConfigurationImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
Default constructor.
ClientConfigurationImpl(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
clone() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
clone() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
close() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
close(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Close the given resource.
close() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
close() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
close(Object) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Close the given resource.
close(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
close() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
closeManagement() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
closeManagement() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
closeManagement() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
closeManagement() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
closeProfiling() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
closeProfiling() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
closeProfiling() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Uses a column and corresponding version object for each lock group.
ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
com.solarmetric.jdbc - package com.solarmetric.jdbc
Database Connectivity
com.solarmetric.manage - package com.solarmetric.manage
Management / Monitoring
com.solarmetric.manage.jmx - package com.solarmetric.manage.jmx
Management / Monitoring JMX
com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui - package com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui
Management / Monitoring JMX Tool
com.solarmetric.remote - package com.solarmetric.remote
Remote Communication Framework
Command - Class in com.solarmetric.remote
Base class for commands sent from the client to the server.
Command() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
CommandIO - Class in com.solarmetric.remote
Manages command input and output.
CommandIO() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Default constructor.
CommandIO(ContextFactory, Log) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
commit() - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
commitAndResume() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Issue a commit and then start a new transaction.
commitGemFireTransaction() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
commitMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest commit made on a Connection.
commitMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest commit made on a Connection.
commits - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of commits made on a Connection.
commitTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time taken on the execution of commits made on all Connections.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager.SQLComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
Compare the two versions.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
compareVersion(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
compareVersion(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
conf - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
conf - Variable in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
ConsolidatedConfiguration - Class in kodo.conf
Extension of OpenJPA configuration with getters and setters for Kodo-specific configuration properties.
ConsolidatedConfiguration() - Constructor for class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
ConstraintUpdateManager - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Standard update manager, capable of statement batching and foreign key constraint evaluation.
ConstraintUpdateManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.ConstraintUpdateManager
contains(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoDataStoreCache
Return true if the cache contains the given oid.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoDataStoreCache
Return whether the cache contains all given oids.
containsAll(Object[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoDataStoreCache
Return whether the cache contains all given oids.
ContextFactory - Interface in com.solarmetric.remote
Component used to create the context for each command based on its client id.
copy(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoFieldMapping
copy(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
createConnectionDecorators() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
createConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOManagedConnectionFactory
createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAManagedConnectionFactory
createEntityManager() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
createEntityManager(Map) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
createEntityManager() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
createEntityManager(Map) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Return an entity manager with the provided additional configuration settings.
createEntityManagerFactory() - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
createEntityManagerFactory(String, Map) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
createEntityManagerFactory(String) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
createEntityManagerFactory(String, String) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns a new KodoEntityManagerFactory specified by name in an XML configuration file at the resource location resource.
createEntityManagerFactory(String, String, Map) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns a new KodoEntityManagerFactory specified by name in an XML configuration file at the resource location resource, applying the properties specified in map as overrides.
createEntityManagerFactory(String, Context) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the EntityManagerFactory at the JNDI location specified by jndiLocation in the context context.
createExtent(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Return an extent of the given class, optionally including subclasses.
createManagedConnection(Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
createMBeanAttributeInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
createMBeanConstructorInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
createMBeanInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
createMBeanNotificationInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
createMBeanOperationInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
createNamedQuery(String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
createNativeQuery(String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
createNativeQuery(String, Class) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
createNativeQuery(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
createQuery(String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
createQuery(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Create a new query in the given language.
createToken(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Create a timer token.
customInsert(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
This method is for class mappings that take over the insert process, but still want to use this indicator for optimistic locking.
customize(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
customize(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
customUpdate(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, Table, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
This method is for class mappings that take over the update process, but still want to use this indicator for optimistic locking.


DB2AdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
DB2-specific advanced SQL behavior.
DB2AdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.DB2AdvancedSQL
declaresField(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
decorate(InputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.GZIPStreamDecorator
decorate(OutputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.GZIPStreamDecorator
decorate(InputStream) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.StreamDecorator
Decorate the given stream.
decorate(OutputStream) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.StreamDecorator
Decorate the given stream.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Constant to revert any setting back to its default value.
defaultHandler(ValueMapping, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
defaultSourceFile(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
defaultSourceFile(QueryMetaData, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
defaultSourceFile(SequenceMetaData, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
defaultStrategy(Version, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
defaultStrategy(Version, FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
delete(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
delete(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
delete(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
deleteAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
deleteMappingRow(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Delete the row with the given name.
deleteMappingRow(String, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Delete the row with the given name and type values.
DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
MappingDefaults matching Kodo JDO 3.x behavior.
DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory - Class in kodo.jdo
JDO MetaDataFactory that translates deprecated pre-JDO 2 Kodo extensions into their current equivalents.
DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory.ExtensionTranslatingParser - Class in kodo.jdo
Parser that translates deprecated extensions into current equivalents.
DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory.ExtensionTranslatingParser(DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory, OpenJPAConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory.ExtensionTranslatingParser
DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation - Class in kodo.persistence
DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation() - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation
DerbyAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Derby-specific advanced SQL behavior.
DerbyAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.DerbyAdvancedSQL
destroy() - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
detach(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
detach(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
DETACH_ALL_FIELDS - Static variable in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Detachment option to detach all fields.
detachAll() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Detach all managed instances in place following current detach configuration.
detachAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
detachAll(OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
detachAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
detachAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
dict - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener - Interface in kodo.jdo
Kodo-specific instance lifecycle listener that is notified when a flushed object is re-dirtied again for the first time after flush.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
DRAW_DISCRETE - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
DRAW_LINEAR - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
DRAW_SAMPLEHOLD - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
drop(Class[], int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
drop(Class[], int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
drop(Class[], int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
dropTable() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Drops the mapping table in the DB.
dropTable() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Drops the mapping table in the DB.


EAGER_FETCH_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
EAGER_FETCH_NONE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
EAGER_FETCH_SINGLE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
EAGER_JOIN - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
EAGER_NONE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
EAGER_PARALLEL - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
ELEMENT - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
ElementColumn - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Array, collection, or map element column.
ElementColumns - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Allows the specification of multiple element columns for complex mappings.
ElementEmbeddedMapping - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Embedded mapping information for an array, collection, or map element.
ElementStrategy - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Array, collection, or map element mapping strategy.
EmpressAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Empress-specific advanced SQL behavior.
EmpressAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.EmpressAdvancedSQL
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallerImpl
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.conf.KodoVersionAndConfigurationTypeValidationPolicy
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
endpointActivation(MessageEndpointFactory, ActivationSpec) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
endpointDeactivation(MessageEndpointFactory, ActivationSpec) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
endTransaction() - Method in class kodo.kernel.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
Release all the locks held by this context.
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Deprecated. Ensure that the sequence can efficiently provide count sequence values.
equals(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
Equality depends on the class described by the accessor.
equals(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Equality depends on the owning ClassAccessor and name and type of the field.
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
error(IOException) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Channel
Notification that an IO occurred when using this channel.
evict(Query) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Evict a query result from the cache.
evict(Query, Object[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Evict a query result from the cache.
evict(Query, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Evict a query result from the cache.
evict(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
evictAll(Class) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the extent of the given class (including subclasses).
evictAll(Extent) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the given Extent.
evictAll() - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Clear the cache.
evictAll(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Evict all result for queries involving the given class.
evictAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
evictAll(Extent, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
evictAll(OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
execute(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Execute this command using the given context.
execute(Transport.Channel) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Execute a command via the given channel.
execute(JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
executePreparedStatementMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest PreparedStatement execution.
executePreparedStatementMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest PreparedStatement execution.
executePreparedStatements - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of PreparedStatements executed.
executePreparedStatementTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time taken on the execution of PreparedStatements.
executeStatementMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest Statement executions.
executeStatementMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest Statement executions.
executeStatements - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of Statements that have been executed.
executeStatementTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time for all Statement executions.
EXT_AUTO_INCREMENT - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key indicating that a datastore identity value or field is auto-incrementing (superceded by identity-strategy and value-strategy).
EXT_DEPENDENT - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key root for indicating that a field is dependent.
EXT_DETACHABLE - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension used to mark a class as being capable of being detached.
EXT_EAGER_FETCH_MODE - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key for naming the eager fetching policy of a field (superceded by jdbc-eager-fetch-mode).
EXT_FETCH_GROUP - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key for naming the fetch group of a field.
EXT_INVERSE_OWNER - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key for naming the inverse owner of a field (superceded by mapped-by).
EXT_SEQUENCE_ASSIGNED - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key for indicating that a field is assigned a value from a sequence (superceded by value-strategy).
EXT_SEQUENCE_FACTORY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key defining a sequence (superceded by named sequences).
EXT_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key naming a sequence (superceded by named sequences).
EXT_SUBCLASS_FETCH_MODE - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key for naming the subclass fetch policy (superceded by jdbc-subclass-fetch-mode).
ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Specialization of the DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory for old-style mapping data stored as metadata extensions.
ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Extent<T> - Interface in kodo.persistence


FALSE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.ElementEmbeddedMapping
FALSE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.KeyEmbeddedMapping
FALSE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.XEmbeddedMapping
FETCH_GROUP_ALL - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
FETCH_GROUP_DEFAULT - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
FetchConfiguration - Class in kodo.runtime
FetchConfiguration(KodoPersistenceManager, FetchConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
FetchPlan - Interface in kodo.persistence
FIELD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
All known field extensions.
FieldAccessor - Interface in kodo.beans
Accessor for setting and getting the value of a field.
finalize() - Method in class kodo.kernel.FinalizingKodoBroker
Close on finalize.
FinalizingKodoBroker - Class in kodo.kernel
Subtype of KodoBroker that automatically closes itself during finalization.
FinalizingKodoBroker() - Constructor for class kodo.kernel.FinalizingKodoBroker
find(Object, boolean, FindCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
findAll(Collection, boolean, FindCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
findMethod(Class, String, Class[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
FirebirdAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Firebird-specific advanced SQL behavior.
FirebirdAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.FirebirdAdvancedSQL
fireNameChangeEvent() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
Notify the chart layer the series name has changed.
fireSeriesChangedEvent() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
Notify the chart layer the series has changed and needs to be redisplayed.
flush(Collection, PreparedStatementManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
Flush the given collection of secondary rows.
flush(Collection, PreparedStatementManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
flush(RowManager, PreparedStatementManager, Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.ConstraintUpdateManager
flush(RowManager, PreparedStatementManager, Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager
flushAllRows(Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
flushSecondaryRow(Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
FoxProAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
FoxPro-specific advanced SQL behavior.
FoxProAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.FoxProAdvancedSQL
free() - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
fromKodoObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Translate from a Kodo identity object to a JDO one.
fromKodoObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Translate from a Kodo identity object to a Persistence one.
fromKodoObjectIdClass(Class) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Translate from a Kodo identity class to a JDO one.
fromKodoObjectIdClass(Class) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Translate from a Kodo identity class to a native one.


GemFireCacheWrapper - Class in kodo.datacache
Convenience class providing a hahmap-like services to a GemFire cache.
GemFireCacheWrapper(String, Log) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
GemFireDataCache - Class in kodo.datacache
A data cache that delegates to a GemStone GemFire cache.
GemFireDataCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
GemFireQueryCache - Class in kodo.datacache
A query cache that delegates to a GemStone GemFire cache.
GemFireQueryCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Generator - Interface in kodo.persistence
get(Configuration) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.manage.ManagementLog
Return the management log for the given configuration.
get(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
get(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
get(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
getAddedClasses() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes that have been made persistent in the current transaction.
getAdvancedSQL() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
The AdvancedSQL for this runtime.
getAggregateListeners() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getAlias() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
getAlias() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
getAlias() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy
getAllRowDeletes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getAllRows(Table, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getAllRowUpdates() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getAttachFetchFields() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getAttributes(String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getAutoClear() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to clear state when entering transactions.
getBatchLimit() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerAdvancedSQL
getBatchLimit() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Maximum number of batched statements, or -1 for no limit.
getBatchLimit() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL
getBatchParameterLimit() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Maximum number of combined parameters in batched statements, or -1 for no limit.
getBrokerFactory(ServletConfig) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
Override this method to customize how the servlet's persistence factory is created and configured.
getCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
The GemFire cache.
getCacheableData(Object) - Method in interface kodo.conf.CacheMarshaller.ValidationPolicy
Return an object that the CacheMarshaller should store.
getCacheableData(Object) - Method in class kodo.conf.KodoVersionAndConfigurationTypeValidationPolicy
getCachedObjectById(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the cached instance for the given oid/object, or null if not cached.
getCacheMap() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
Returns the underlying CacheMap that this LRUDataCache is using.
getCacheMap() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
Returns the underlying CacheMap that this LRUQueryCache is using.
getCacheMarshallers() - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
getCacheMarshallers() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
getCacheSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
getCacheSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
getCacheWrapper() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
The internal cache.
getCandidateClass() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the class of the objects that this query will return, or null if this information is not available / not relevant.
getCandidateCollection() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the candidate collection, or null if an extent was specified instead of a collection.
getCandidateExtent() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the candidate extent, or null if a collection was specified instead of an extent.
getClassAccessor(Class, Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessorFactory
Returns a ClassAccessor for the specified class
getClassAccessor() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
The owning ClassAccessor for this field.
getClassAccessor() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getClassAccessor(Class, Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessorFactory
getClassCode(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getClassLoader() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the current thread's class loader at the time this persistence manager was obtained from the factory.
getClassName(Table, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getClearOnClose() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Whether the contents of the named cache will be cleared when this facade is closed.
getClearOnClose() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Whether the contents of the named cache will be cleared when the PersistenceManagerFactory is closed.
getClientChannel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
getClientChannel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
getClientChannel() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport
Return a transport client channel to communicate with a remote server.
getClientId() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
The server-assigned id of the client sending the command.
getColumnLockGroupNames() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
List of lock group names matching the column list.
getColumns(Version, Column[], boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
Return the columns set for this version, based on the given templates.
getCommandIO() - Method in interface kodo.remote.ClientConfiguration
Return the command IO to use in sending commands.
getCommandIO() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the configuration associated with this persistence manager.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return the configuration for this factory.
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnection() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
getConnection(ConnectionSpec) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
getConnection() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getConnection(ConnectionSpec) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getConnection() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getConnection(ConnectionSpec) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getConnectionDriverName() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionDriverName() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
Override to create pooling transport if no connection factory has been set.
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionFactory2() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactory2() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionFactory2Name() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactory2Name() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionFactoryName() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactoryName() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionFactoryProperties() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
getConnectionPassword() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection password.
getConnectionPassword() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionPassword() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionPassword() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionRetainMode() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection retain mode for this persistence manager.
getConnectionURL() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionURL() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionUserName() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection user name.
getConnectionUserName() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionUserName() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConstraintNames() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
getConstraintNames() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
getConstraintNames() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
getContext(Command) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.ContextFactory
Return the context for the given command based on its client id.
getContextFactory() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A context factory to use to given executed commands context.
getCount(JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
getCustomizer() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
Delegate customizer, or null.
getDataCache(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getDataCache(String, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getDataCache(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getDataCache(PersistenceManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getDataCache(PersistenceManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getDataCacheNames() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
Return a list of the names of all datacaches created so far.
getDataCacheScheduler() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getDataStoreActions(Map) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Returns a description of the commands that will be sent to the datastore in order to execute this query.
getDataStoreCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getDataStoreCache(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getDataStoreCache(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return a JDO facade to the given named Kodo cache.
getDataStoreCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getDataStoreCache(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getDataStoreCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getDataStoreCache(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getDeclaration(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getDefaultDataCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
Return the default cache.
getDefaults() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
getDefaults() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
getDefaults() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
getDelegate() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getDelegate() - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
getDelegate() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getDelegate() - Method in class kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Deprecated. Return the internal sequence.
getDeletedClasses() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes that have been deleted in the current transaction.
getDeletes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getDescription() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get a description of the statistic.
getDetachAllOnClose() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances on close.
getDetachAllOnCommit() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getDetachAllOnCommit() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getDetachAllOnCommit() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getDetachAllOnNontransactionalRead() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances after a nontransactional read.
getDetachAllOnRollback() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances on rollback / commit failure.
getDetachedObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getDetachedState(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the detached state of the specified object, or null if none.
getDetachedState(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getDetachFields() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getDetachOnClose() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getDirtyClasses() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes that have been made dirty in the current transaction.
getDirtyObjects() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return a set of current dirty instances.
getDrawStyle() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the preferred draw style.
getEagerFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getEagerFetchMode() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Return the eager fetch mode.
getEagerFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getElementColumns(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
getEndIndex() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getEndRange() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the 0-based exclusive end index for the returned results, or Long.MAX_VALUE for no limit.
getEntityManager(Object) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the entity manager for the given object, if one can be determined from just the object alone.
getEntityManager() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoQuery
getEntityManagerFactory() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Return the factory that produced this entity manager.
getEntityManagerFactory() - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the KodoEntityManagerFactory specified by your Kodo defaults.
getEntityManagerFactory(Map) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the KodoEntityManagerFactory specified by your Kodo defaults, using map as overrides.
getEvictFromDataStoreCache() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to also evict an object from the data cache when it is evicted through this persistence manager.
getExecutionContextNameProvider() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getExecutionContextNameProvider() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getExecutionContextNameProvider() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getExecutionContextNameProvider() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
getExtent(Class) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getExtent(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
The internal delegate.
getFactoryInitializationBanner() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
getFetchBatchSize() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoExtent
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getFetchDirection() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getFetchDirection() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The fetch direction to use as a constant from ResultSet.
getFetchGroups() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getFetchPlan() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Return the (mutable) fetch plan for loading objects from this entity manager.
getFieldAccessors() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
getFieldAccessors() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
getFieldCode(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getFieldGenerator(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Returns a Generator for the generated values of the specified type, or null if the field is not generated.
getFieldMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
getFieldName(ClassMapping, Column[], ForeignKey, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getFields() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Returns the names of the fields that this component will use when loading objects, in addition to fetch groups.
getFields() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getFieldSequence(Object, String) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns a Sequence for the generated values of the specified field.
getFieldSequence(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Returns a Sequence for the generated values of the specified type, or null if the field value is not generated.
getFileName() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the file to use in single-file mode.
getFilter() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the filter that this query has been configured with.
getFilterListeners() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getFlushBeforeQueries() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The query automatic flush configuration.
getFlushBeforeQueries() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getGemFireCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Gets the name of the GemFire region to use.
getGemFireCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Gets the name of the GemFire cache region to use.
getGrouping() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the grouping expression for this query.
getHitRate() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Returns the percentage of hits.
getHitRate() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Returns the percentage of hits.
getHits() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Returns the number of cache hits for invocations of the MonitoringDataCache.get(java.lang.Object) method.
getHits() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Returns the number of cache hits for invocations of the MonitoringQueryCache.get(org.apache.openjpa.datacache.QueryKey) method.
getHost() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The server's host.
getId() - Method in interface kodo.conf.CacheMarshaller
The id that this marshaller is responsible for.
getId() - Method in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallerImpl
getId() - Method in class kodo.conf.NoOpCacheMarshaller
getIdentitySequence(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns a Sequence for the datastore identity values of the specified instance, or null if the object is unmanaged or its identity cannot be represented by a sequence.
getIdentitySequence(Class) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Returns a Sequence for the datastore identity values of the specified type, or null if the type's identity cannot be represented by a sequence.
getIdGenerator(Class) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Returns a Generator for the datastore identity values of the specified type, or null if the type is unmanaged or its identity cannot be represented by a sequence.
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getIgnoreCache() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoExtent
Whether to ignore changes in the PM cache.
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getImports() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
The import declaration.
getIndependentElementMappings(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
getInitializationBanner() - Static method in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
getInitialValue(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getInitialValue() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
Return the initial value for version column.
getInput() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Channel
Return an input stream from the other end, or null if this channel is no longer connected.
getInserts() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getInstance(ConfigurationProvider) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
Allows the Bootstrap.getBrokerFactory() method to instantiate an instance of this class as a factory.
getInstance(ConfigurationProvider) - Static method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
Factory method for obtaining a possibly-pooled factory from properties.
getInstance(BrokerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Return a remote manager for the given factory.
getInstanceLifecycleListenerCallbackMode() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
The CallbackModes flags for handling lifecycle listener exceptions.
getIntegrityViolation() - Method in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
getInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
getInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
getInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
getInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
getInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
getInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
getJavaType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
Return the code from JavaTypes for the version values this strategy uses.
getJavaType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
getJavaType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy
getJoinForeignKey(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
getJoins() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Returns the names of the eager join that this component will use when loading objects.
getJoinSyntax() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getJoinSyntax() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The join syntax to use.
getKeyColumns(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
getKeyColumns(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
getKeyColumns(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
getKeyColumns(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
getLanguage() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the language of this query.
getLicense(OpenJPAConfiguration) - Static method in class kodo.conf.LicenseKey
Returns the License for conf.
getLicense() - Method in class kodo.conf.LicenseKey
getLicenseKey() - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
getLicenseKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
getLockGroup() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoFieldMapping
The lock group for this field, or null if none.
getLockGroup(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
Return the singleton lock group for the given name, creating it if needed.
getLockGroups() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
Return the lock groups for this class.
getLockLevel(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the lock level of the specified object.
getLockLevel(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getLockTimeout() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The number of milliseconds to wait for an object lock, or -1 for no limit.
getLockTimeout() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getLog() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A log to write about sent and recieved a commands.
getLogWriter() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
getLRSSize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getLRSSize() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The large result set size mode to use.
getManagedObjects() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return a set of all managed instances.
getManagedRuntime() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the managed runtime in use.
getManagementConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
getManagementConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
getMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
The mapping suffix supplied by the user.
getMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getMapping() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getMappingColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the mapping column on the mapping definition table.
getMappingColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the mapping column on the mapping definition table.
getMarshallerById(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallersValue
Return the CacheMarshaller to use for caching metadata of id id.
getMarshallerById(Configuration, String) - Static method in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallersValue
Return the CacheMarshaller to use for caching metadata of id id.
getMaximizeBatchSize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
Whether or not statements will be dynamically re-ordered to maximize batching.
getMaximizeBatchSize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
Whether or not statements will be dynamically re-ordered to maximize batching.
getMBeanClassName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getMBeanDescription() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getMBeanInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getMBeanPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getMBeanPlugins() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getMBeanPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getMBeanServer() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getMBeanServer() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getMBeanServer() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getMBeanServer() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
getMBeanServerStrategy() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getMetaData(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the type of the given object.
getMetaData(PersistenceManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
getMetaData(PersistenceManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getMetaData(Object) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent object o.
getMetaData(EntityManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
getMetaData(EntityManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
getMetaData(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getMetaData(PersistenceManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getMetaData(PersistenceManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getMetaDataSuffix() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
getMetaDataSuffix() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
getMetaDataSuffix() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Metadata file suffix.
getMisses() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Returns the number of cache misses for invocations of the MonitoringDataCache.get(java.lang.Object) method.
getMisses() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Returns the number of cache misses for invocations of the MonitoringQueryCache.get(org.apache.openjpa.datacache.QueryKey) method.
getMultithreaded() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getMultithreaded() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getName() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the name of the statistic.
getName() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
The name of the field.
getName() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
The name of this lock group.
getNameColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the name on the mapping table.
getNameColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the name on the mapping table.
getNamedGenerator(String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Return the named generator defined in the metadata.
getNext() - Method in class kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Deprecated. Return the next sequence value.
getNontransactionalRead() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getNontransactionalRead() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getNontransactionalWrite() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getNontransactionalWrite() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getObjectById(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getObjectInput(InputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Create an ObjectInput instance from the given stream.
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getObjectLookupMode() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getObjectOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Create an ObjectOutput instance from the given stream.
getObjectsById(Collection, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getObjectsById(Object[], boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getOrderDirtyObjects() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether dirty objects will be returned in the order they were dirtied.
getOrdering() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
getOrdering() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
The ordering expression.
getOrdinateDescription() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the ordinate description.
getOutput() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Channel
Return an ouput stream to the other end, or null if this channel is no longer connected.
getParameters() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
The declared parameters.
getParser() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Return metadata parser, creating it if it does not already exist.
getParser() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Return metadata parser, creating it if it does not already exist.
getPatches() - Static method in class kodo.conf.Patch
Returns a list of Patch instances representing the patches found in Kodo's classloader via a scan of META-INF/MANIFEST.MF resources.
getPCDataGenerator() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getPendingTransactionalObjects() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return a set of instances which will become transactional upon] the next transaction.
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getPersistenceManager(String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getPersistenceManager(boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getPersistenceManager(boolean, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return a persistence manager in the given transaction and connection retain mode.
getPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return a persistence manager in the given transaction and connection retain mode.
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager(String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager(boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getPersistenceManager(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManager(String, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManager(boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
Allows the JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(java.util.Map) method to instantiate an instance of this class as a factory.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getPersistenceManagerFactory() - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns a PersistenceManagerFactory configured based on your system defaults.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Used by JDOHelper.
getPersistenceManagerFactory() - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(File) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(File, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String, Context) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String, Context, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManagerFactoryImpl() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getPersistenceManagerFactoryImpl() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoExtent
getPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
getPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
getPersistentTypeNames(boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
getPopulateDataStoreCache() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether objects accessed during this transaction will be added to the store cache.
getPort() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The port the server listens on.
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
Return a separate management configuration instance to delegate to for profiling information, or null to leave with no profiling.
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementExport
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteProfiling
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalProfiling
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteProfiling
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementProfiling
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export
getProfConfig() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Profiling
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getProfilingAgent() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingJMX
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingLocal
getProfilingInterface() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
getProfilingInterface() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport
getProfilingInterface() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingGUI
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getQueryResultCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getQueryResultCache() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Return whether or not query caching is enabled.
getQueryResultCache() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return a view of the query result cache.
getQueryResultCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getQueryResultCache() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getQueryResultCache() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Access query result cache.
getQueryResultCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getQueryString() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return a single-string representation of the query, if applicable.
getReadLockLevel() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The lock level to use for locking loaded objects.
getReadLockLevel() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getRecordFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
getRecordFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getRecordFactory() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getReference() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
getReference() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getReference() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getReference() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getRegion() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
The cache region.
getResource() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getResourceAdapter() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory
getResourceAdapter() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory
getRestoreMutableValues() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to restore mutable fields on rollback.
getRestoreValues() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getRestoreValues() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getRestoreValues() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getResult() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the result expression set for this query.
getResultClass() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Returns the result class that has been set through Query.setResultClass(java.lang.Class), or null if none.
getResults(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, Joins[], boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
getResults(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, Joins[], boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
getResults(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, Joins[], boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
getResults(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, Joins[], boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
getResultSetType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getResultSetType() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The result set type to use as a constant from ResultSet.
getRetainValues() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getRetainValues() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getRetainValues() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getRetainValuesInOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getRow(Table, int, OpenJPAStateManager, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getRows(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows
getScope() - Method in class kodo.conf.LicenseKey
getSecondaryDeletes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getSecondaryRow(Table, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getSecondaryUpdates() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getSequenceGenerator(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getSequenceGenerator(PersistenceManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getSeriesName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
getServer() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
getServer() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
getServer() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport
Return a transport server to listen for client connections.
getServletChannel(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
Channel built around an HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse.
getSoftReferenceSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
getSoftReferenceSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
getSoTimeout() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The socket read timeout, in milliseconds.
getSourceFile(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
getSourceFile(SequenceMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
getSQL() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
Return a boolean SQL expression that should be added to the WHERE clause of an UPDATE to test whether the current database record matches our stored version.
getStartIndex() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getStartRange() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the 0-based start index for the returned results.
getStatistic() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
getStatistic() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableEvent
Get the statistic.
getStatistics() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.StatisticsProvider
getStatistics() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Get a collection of available statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Get a collection of available statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Get statistics exported by this object.
getStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Get statistics exported by this object.
getStatistics() - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
Return cache statistics.
getStatisticsString() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Returns a localized string containing the number of hits, the number of misses, and the hit ratio (hits / (hits+misses)).
getStatisticsString() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Returns a localized string containing the number of hits, the number of misses, and the hit ratio (hits / (hits+misses)).
getStoreCache() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getStoreCache(String) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getStoreCache() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Access the level 2 store cache.
getStoreCache(String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Access a named level 2 store cache.
getStreamDecorators() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Stream decorators.
getStreamDecorators() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Return the transport decorators.
getSubclassFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getSubclassFetchMode() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Return the subclass fetch mode.
getSubclassFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getSubtype() - Method in exception kodo.jdo.LockException
getSubtype() - Method in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
getSupportsTotalCountsForBatch() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Whether the driver returns a total update count for batched statements.
getSupportsTotalCountsForBatch() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL
getSupportsUnion() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Union support.
getSupportsUnionWithUnalignedOrdering() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Support for unions with ordering on unaligned but same-aliased columns.
getSupportsUpdateCountsForBatch() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Whether the driver returns individual update counts for batched updates.
getSupportsUpdateCountsForBatch() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL
getSyncWithManagedTransactions() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to check for a global transaction upon every managed, non-transactional operation.
getSystemDataCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getSystemQueryCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the mapping definition table.
getTableName() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the mapping definition table.
getTableType(Table, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getTangosolCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Returns the underlying NamedCache that this TangosolDataCache is using.
getTangosolCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
getTangosolCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Returns the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
getTangosolCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Returns the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
getTangosolCacheType() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
getTangosolCacheType() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
getTime() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
getTimeout() - Method in exception kodo.jdo.LockException
getTimeWatch(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Get a named TimeWatch.
getTimeWatch() - Method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Get the default TimeWatch.
getTimeWatch(BrokerFactory, String) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining a named time watch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed BrokerFactory.
getTimeWatch(Broker, String) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining a named time watch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed Broker.
getTimeWatch(StoreContext, String) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining a named time watch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed context.
getTimeWatch(BrokerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining the default TimeWatch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed BrokerFactory.
getTimeWatch(Broker) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining the default TimeWatch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed Broker.
getTimeWatch(StoreContext) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining the default TimeWatch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed context.
getTitle() - Method in class kodo.conf.Patch
getTransactionalObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getTransactionalObjects() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return a set of current transaction instances.
getTransactionListenerCallbackMode() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
The CallbackModes flags for handling transaction listener exceptions.
getTransferListeners() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
Immutable list of registered transfer listeners.
getTransport() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Return the transport in use.
getType() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
getType() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
The type of this field.
getType() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
getType() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getType() - Method in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
getType() - Method in class kodo.persistence.DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation
getTypeColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the type column on the mapping definition table.
getUpdatedClasses() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes for objects that have been modified in the current transaction.
getUpdates() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getURL() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
The URL used to contact the remote server.
getUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
getUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getUserObject(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
User object association.
getUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getValidData(Object) - Method in interface kodo.conf.CacheMarshaller.ValidationPolicy
Returns an object that this policy considers to be valid, based on o.
getValidData(Object) - Method in class kodo.conf.KodoVersionAndConfigurationTypeValidationPolicy
getValue() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the current value of the passed statistic.
getValue() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
getValue(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Returns the field's value for the specified object.
getValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getValueColumns(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
getValueColumns(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
getValueColumns(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
getValueColumns(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
getVariables() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
The declared variables.
getVendor() - Method in class kodo.conf.Patch
getVersion() - Method in class kodo.conf.Patch
getVersion(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getWatchable() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableEvent
getWriteLockLevel() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The lock level to use for locking dirtied objects.
getWriteLockLevel() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getXAResources(ActivationSpec[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
getXValues() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
getYValues() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
GZIPStreamDecorator - Class in com.solarmetric.remote
Adds GZIP compression to IO streams.
GZIPStreamDecorator() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.GZIPStreamDecorator


handlerCollectionStrategy(FieldMapping, ValueHandler, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Mapping for a collection of values in a separate table controlled by a ValueHandler.
HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Mapping for a map of keys and values both controlled by ValueHandlers.
HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
handlerMapStrategy(FieldMapping, ValueHandler, ValueHandler, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Mapping for a map whose keys are controlled by a ValueHandler and whose values are relations to other persistent objects.
HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
hasAutoAssignConstraints() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
hasFetchGroup(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
hasField(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Return true if the given field has been added.
hasField(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
hasField(Class, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
Equality depends on the class described by the accessor.
hashCode() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Equality depends on the owning ClassAccessor and name and type of the field.
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
hasJoin(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Return true if the given join has been added.
hasListeners() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Does the statistic have listeners?
hasResponse() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Whether this command uses a response.
hasSubclasses() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Whether query results will include subclasses of the candidate class.
HSQLAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
HSQL-specific advanced SQL behavior.
HSQLAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLAdvancedSQL
HTTPTransport - Class in com.solarmetric.remote
HTTP transport layer.
HTTPTransport() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport


InformixAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Informix-specific advanced SQL behavior.
InformixAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixAdvancedSQL
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
initDBDictionary(DBDictionary) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
initialize(DataCacheManager) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
initialize(OpenJPAConfiguration, ObjectValue, ObjectValue) - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
initialize(DataCacheManager) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
initialize(DataCacheManager) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
initialize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
initialize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
initialize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
initialize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
initialize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
initialize(AbstractBrokerFactory, DelegatingStoreManager, boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
initialize(StateManagerImpl, boolean, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
initializeCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
initializeRegion(Cache, String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
initProfiling(KodoProfilingAgent) - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
initProfiling(KodoProfilingAgent) - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
initProfiling(KodoProfilingAgent) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
initProfiling(KodoProfilingAgent) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
insert(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
insert(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
insert(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
insert(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
insert(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
insert(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
insert(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
instantiate(Class, Configuration, boolean) - Method in class kodo.conf.CachingMetaDataRepositoryPlugin
instantiateVersionStrategy(String, Version) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
Instantiate the given version strategy.
InterbaseAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Interbase-specific advanced SQL behavior.
InterbaseAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.InterbaseAdvancedSQL
invoke(String, Object[], String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
invoke(String, Class[], Object[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
invokeMethod(Method, Object, Object[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
io - Variable in class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
isClosed() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Server
Return true if this server has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
isClosed() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
isClosed() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
isClosed() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
isDeclaredInterfacePersistent() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether declared interfaces of a given persistent-class are persistence-capable (i.e.
isDefault() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
Whether this is the default lock group.
isDeleted(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isDetached(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isDirty(OpenJPAStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
Whether this lock group is dirty for the given instance.
isDirty(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isEditable(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Returns true if this field is editable; else returns false.
isEditable(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
isLargeTransaction() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether memory usage is reduced during this transaction at the expense of possibly more aggressive data cache evictions.
isManaged() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether this persistence manager is using managed transactions.
isManagedType(EntityManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns true if the specified class is an entity or embeddable type.
isManagedType(EntityManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns true if the specified class is an entity or embeddable type.
isMappingOnlyFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
isNew(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isOpen() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
isParseTopDown() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
isPersistenceManagerServerRunning() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return true if a persistence server is running.
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Return true if a persistence server is running.
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Return true if a persistence server is running.
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
isPersistent(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isPopulateDataCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
isQueryCacheEnabled() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
isScanTopDown() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether to scan for class metadata top-down in the package tree.
isSingleFile() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Whether to use a single top-level mapping file.
isSingleRow() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Whether to use a single row for all mapping data.
isStoreActive() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return true if the store has an active transaction (as opposed to Transaction.isActive() which works at the logical transaction level.
isTransactional() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
isTransactional() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
isTransactional(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isUnion() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
isUnique() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
The unique flag.
IV_DUPLICATE_OID - Static variable in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
IV_MIXED - Static variable in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
IV_REFERENCE - Static variable in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
IV_UNIQUE - Static variable in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
IV_UNKNOWN - Static variable in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException


JDataStoreAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
JDataStore-specific advanced SQL behavior.
JDataStoreAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.JDataStoreAdvancedSQL
JDBCConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.jdbc.ee
JCA ConnectionFactory for obtaining Brokers.
JDBCConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
JDBCConnectionFactory(ConfigurationProvider) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
JDBCConnectionFactory(ManagedConnectionFactory, ConnectionManager) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration - Class in kodo.jdbc.conf
Extension of OpenJPA configuration with getters and setters for Kodo-specific configuration properties.
JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration(boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
JDBCFetchConfiguration - Class in kodo.jdbc.runtime
JDBCFetchConfiguration(KodoPersistenceManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
JDBCFetchPlan - Interface in kodo.jdo.jdbc
JDBC extensions to the fetch plan.
JDBCJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.jdbc.ee
JCA 1.5 managed connection factory.
JDBCJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory
JDBCManagedConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.jdbc.ee
JCA managed connection factory.
JDBCManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory - Class in kodo.jdbc.runtime
JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory(PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
JDBCResourceAdapter - Class in kodo.jdbc.ee
A ResourceAdapter implementation for JCA 1.5 support.
JDBCResourceAdapter() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
JDOConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
JCA ConnectionFactory for obtaining JDO PersistenceManagers.
JDOConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
JDOConnectionFactory(boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
JDOConnectionFactory(Properties) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
JDOConnectionFactory(ManagedConnectionFactory, ConnectionManager) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
JDOJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
JCA 1.5 managed connection factory.
JDOJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory
JDOManagedConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
JCA managed connection factory.
JDOManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOManagedConnectionFactory
JDOMetaDataFactory - Class in kodo.jdo
JDO-compliant MetaDataFactory.
JDOMetaDataFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
jdoPostAttach(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PostAttachCallback
Deprecated. Invoked on the managed persistent instance after it has been the subject of an attach process.
jdoPostDetach(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PostDetachCallback
Deprecated. Invoked on the detached copy of the persistent instance after it has been detached.
jdoPreAttach() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PreAttachCallback
Deprecated. Invoked on the detached instance immediately before it is to be attached.
jdoPreDetach() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PreDetachCallback
Deprecated. Invoked on the persistent instance before it is detached.
JDORMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Specialization of JDOMetaDataFactory for JDOR mapping.
JDORMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
JMXInterface - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui
UI for JMX based management.
join(Joins, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
join(Joins, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
JOIN_SYNTAX_DATABASE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
JOIN_SYNTAX_SQL92 - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
JOIN_SYNTAX_TRADITIONAL - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
joinElementRelation(Joins, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
joinKeyRelation(Joins, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
joinKeyRelation(Joins, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
joinKeyRelation(Joins, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
joinKeyRelation(Joins, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
joinKeyRelation(Joins, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
joinKeyRelation(Joins, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
joinPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Join the thread running the persistence server for this factory.
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Join the thread running the persistence server for this factory.
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Join the thread running the persistence server for this factory.
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
joinRelation(Joins, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
joinRelation(Joins, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
joinRelation(Joins, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
joinRelation(Joins, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
joinRelation(Joins, boolean, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
joinValueRelation(Joins, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
joinValueRelation(Joins, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
JPAConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.persistence.jdbc
JCA ConnectionFactory for obtaining JPA EntityManagers.
JPAConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
JPAConnectionFactory(Properties) - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
JPAConnectionFactory(ManagedConnectionFactory, ConnectionManager) - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
JPAManagedConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.persistence.jdbc
JCA managed connection factory.
JPAManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAManagedConnectionFactory


KEY - Static variable in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallersValue
KEY - Static variable in class kodo.conf.LicenseKey
KEY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
KeyClassCriteria - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Marker interface specifying to use the expected class of the map key relation as criteria in the join.
KeyColumn - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Map key column.
KeyColumns - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Allows the specification of multiple map key columns for complex mappings.
KeyEmbeddedMapping - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Embedded mapping information for a map key.
KeyForeignKey - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Foreign key on map key columns.
KeyIndex - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Index on map key columns.
KeyJoinColumn - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Map key join column.
KeyJoinColumns - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Allows the specification of multiple map key columns for compound joins.
KeyNonpolymorphic - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Indicates that the annotated map's keys are not entirely polymorphic.
keyRemoved(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoConcurrentDataCache
keyRemoved(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
KeyStrategy - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Map key mapping strategy.
kodo.beans - package kodo.beans
Kodo Generic Data Access Layer
kodo.conf - package kodo.conf
Kodo Configuration
kodo.datacache - package kodo.datacache
Kodo Data Cache
kodo.ee - package kodo.ee
Kodo Enterprise Extensions
kodo.jdbc.conf - package kodo.jdbc.conf
Kodo-JDBC Configuration
kodo.jdbc.ee - package kodo.jdbc.ee
Kodo-JDBC Enterprise Extensions
kodo.jdbc.kernel - package kodo.jdbc.kernel
Kodo-JDBC Kernel Extensions
kodo.jdbc.manage.jmx.gui - package kodo.jdbc.manage.jmx.gui
Kodo-JDBC Remote JMX Tool
kodo.jdbc.meta - package kodo.jdbc.meta
Kodo-JDBC ORM Metadata
kodo.jdbc.meta.strats - package kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Kodo-JDBC ORM Strategies
kodo.jdbc.runtime - package kodo.jdbc.runtime
kodo.jdbc.schema - package kodo.jdbc.schema
Kodo-JDBC Schema Management
kodo.jdbc.sql - package kodo.jdbc.sql
Kodo-JDBC SQL Abstraction
kodo.jdo - package kodo.jdo
Kodo JDO
kodo.jdo.jdbc - package kodo.jdo.jdbc
kodo.kernel - package kodo.kernel
Kodo Kernel Extenstions
kodo.manage - package kodo.manage
Kodo Management / Monitoring
kodo.persistence - package kodo.persistence
Kodo JPA
kodo.persistence.jdbc - package kodo.persistence.jdbc
kodo.query - package kodo.query
kodo.remote - package kodo.remote
Kodo Remote Persistence
kodo.runtime - package kodo.runtime
kodo.util - package kodo.util
Kodo Utilities
KodoBroker - Class in kodo.kernel
Kodo extensions to standard Broker.
KodoBroker() - Constructor for class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
KodoClassMapping - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
ClassMapping with Kodo extensions.
KodoClassMapping(Class, MappingRepository) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
KodoClassMapping(ValueMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
Embedded constructor.
KodoConcurrentDataCache - Class in kodo.datacache
Extended concurrent data cache for Kodo product.
KodoConcurrentDataCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.KodoConcurrentDataCache
KodoConcurrentQueryCache - Class in kodo.datacache
Extended concurrent query cache for Kodo product.
KodoConcurrentQueryCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.KodoConcurrentQueryCache
KodoConnectionFactory - Interface in kodo.ee
Marker interface for JCA ConnectionFactories used to obtain persistence contexts for a particular runtime.
KodoDataCacheManager - Class in kodo.datacache
Kodo extensions to the data cache manager
KodoDataCacheManager() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
KodoDataStoreCache - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by Kodo L2 cache facade.
KodoEntityManager - Interface in kodo.persistence
KodoEntityManagerFactory - Interface in kodo.persistence
KodoExtent - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by Kodo extents.
KodoExtent - Class in kodo.runtime
KodoExtent(KodoPersistenceManager, Extent) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.KodoExtent
KodoFetchPlan - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by all Kodo fetch plans.
KodoFieldMapping - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
FieldMapping with Kodo extensions.
KodoFieldMapping(String, Class, ClassMapping) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoFieldMapping
KodoHelper - Class in kodo.runtime
KodoHelper() - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
KodoJDOHelper - Class in kodo.jdo
Static helper methods for JDO users, including switching between Kodo native and JDO APIs.
KodoJDOHelper() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
KodoManagedConnectionFactory - Interface in kodo.ee
Marker interface for a managed connection factory for Kodo.
KodoMappingRepository - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
Mapping repository for Kodo extensions.
KodoMappingRepository() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
KodoPersistence - Class in kodo.persistence
KodoPersistence() - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
KodoPersistenceManager - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by Kodo persistence managers.
KodoPersistenceManager - Class in kodo.runtime
KodoPersistenceManager(KodoPersistenceManagerFactory, Broker) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
KodoPersistenceManagerFactory - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by Kodo persistence manager factories.
KodoPersistenceManagerFactory - Class in kodo.runtime
KodoPersistenceManagerFactory(PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
KodoPoolingDataSource - Class in kodo.jdbc.schema
A PoolingDataSource that provides a generic configuration implementation.
KodoPoolingDataSource() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
KodoQuery - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by Kodo JDO queries.
KodoQuery - Interface in kodo.persistence
KodoQuery - Class in kodo.query
KodoQuery(KodoPersistenceManager, Query) - Constructor for class kodo.query.KodoQuery
KodoReverseCustomizer - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
Customizer that adds Kodo-specific reverse mappings, then delegates through to a given customizer.
KodoReverseCustomizer() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
KodoSQLFactory - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Kodo factory for SQL abstraction constructs.
KodoSQLFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
KodoStoreContext - Interface in kodo.kernel
Kodo product extensions to store context.
KodoTimeWatchManager - Class in kodo.manage
A KodoTimeWatchManager manages TimeWatch objects.
KodoTimeWatchManager(Management) - Constructor for class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
KodoVersion - Class in kodo.conf
This class contains version information for Kodo.
KodoVersion() - Constructor for class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
KodoVersionAndConfigurationTypeValidationPolicy - Class in kodo.conf
Compute validity based on whether or not the cached data is from the same version of Kodo as the current install.
KodoVersionAndConfigurationTypeValidationPolicy() - Constructor for class kodo.conf.KodoVersionAndConfigurationTypeValidationPolicy


LANG_JDO_SQL - Static variable in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
LicenseKey - Class in kodo.conf
LicenseKey(OpenJPAConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.conf.LicenseKey
list() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoExtent
Returns a list of all objects represented by this extent.
load() - Method in interface kodo.conf.CacheMarshaller
Load and return an instance of the type handled by this marshaller.
load() - Method in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallerImpl
load() - Method in class kodo.conf.NoOpCacheMarshaller
load(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
loadElement(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
loadKey(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
loadKey(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
loadKey(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
loadKey(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
loadValue(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
loadValue(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
loadValue(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
loadValue(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Result, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
LockException - Exception in kodo.jdo
Exception indicating that locks on one or more objects could not be acquired.
LockException(String, Throwable[], Object, int) - Constructor for exception kodo.jdo.LockException
LockGroup - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
A group of fields that are versioned together.
LockGroup(String) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
Constructor; supply name.
LockGroup - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence
Declares the lock group of a field.
LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Uses a version number for optimistic versioning.
LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
LockGroups - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence
Pre-declares lock groups used in subclasses.
LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Uses a state image to determine whether concurrency violations take place.
LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Row implementation we use to pass to versionable mappings so they can set up the where conditions we need to add to update statements.
LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Uses a timestamp for optimistic versioning.
LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy
LockGroupVersionColumn - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Surrogate version column.
LockGroupVersionColumns - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Allows the specification of multiple version columns for complex versioning or multiple lock groups.
LockGroupVersionMappingInfo - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
Version mapping information that contains additional information about lock groups.
LockGroupVersionMappingInfo() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
lockInternal(OpenJPAStateManager, int, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.kernel.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
lockPersistent(Object, int, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instance is locked at the given lock level.
lockPersistent(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instance is locked at the current lock level, as set in the fetch plan for the persistence manager.
lockPersistentAll(Collection, int, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
lockPersistentAll(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the fetch plan for the persistence manager.
lockPersistentAll(Object[], int, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
lockPersistentAll(Object[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the fetch plan for the persistence manager.
LOG_REMOTE - Static variable in class kodo.remote.Remote
Name of logger for messages from the remote persistence system: kodo.Remote.
LOOKUP_CHECK - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
LOOKUP_HOLLOW - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
LRUDataCache - Class in kodo.datacache
An lru-based data cache.
LRUDataCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
LRUQueryCache - Class in kodo.datacache
An lru-based query cache.
LRUQueryCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
Usage: java com.solarmetric.manage.RemoteJMXTool [option]* -host/-h <hostname> -port/-p <port> -name/-n <jndiName&gr;
main(Configuration, String[]) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
This allows other facades to this tool to pass in a configuration subclass.
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.StartPersistenceServer
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.kernel.StartPersistenceServer [option]*
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
See RemoteJMXTool for usage.
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.meta.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory [option]* -action/-a <add | drop>
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.meta.TableJDORMappingFactory [option]* -action/-a <add | drop>
MAJOR_RELEASE - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
makeClassDirty(Class) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Mark the given class as dirty within the current transaction.
makeDirty(Object, String) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
ManagementConfiguration - Interface in kodo.manage
Interface that allows for easy configuration of the management and profiling capabilities.
ManagementConfigurationManagement - Class in kodo.manage
Configuration for generic management.
ManagementConfigurationManagement() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
ManagementConfigurationManagementExport - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementExport() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementExport
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteProfiling - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteProfiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteProfiling
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalProfiling - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalProfiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalProfiling
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteProfiling - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteProfiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteProfiling
ManagementConfigurationManagementProfiling - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementProfiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementProfiling
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81 - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Profiling - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Profiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Profiling
ManagementConfigurationNone - Class in kodo.manage
Configuration for no management.
ManagementConfigurationNone() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationNone
ManagementConfigurationProfiling - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationProfiling() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport - Class in kodo.manage
Configuration for local profiling GUI.
ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport
ManagementConfigurationProfilingGUI - Class in kodo.manage
Configuration for local profiling GUI.
ManagementConfigurationProfilingGUI() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingGUI
ManagementConfigurationProfilingJMX - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationProfilingJMX() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingJMX
ManagementConfigurationProfilingLocal - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local profiling.
ManagementConfigurationProfilingLocal() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingLocal
ManagementLog - Class in com.solarmetric.manage
Management log supplier.
ManagementLog() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.ManagementLog
map(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
map(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
map(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
map(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
map(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
map(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
map(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Specialization of the DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory for old-style mapping data stored in .mapping files.
MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
matchManagedConnections(Set, Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
maxBatch - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
maxStatementTracking - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The number of slow statements we will track.
MINOR_RELEASE - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
MonitoringCacheMap - Class in kodo.util
Extends standard cache map to keep monitoring statistics.
MonitoringCacheMap() - Constructor for class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
MonitoringCacheMap(boolean, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
MonitoringCacheMap(boolean, int, int, float) - Constructor for class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
MonitoringDataCache - Class in kodo.datacache
Delegating cache that provides monitoring statistics.
MonitoringDataCache(OpenJPAConfiguration, DataCache) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Provide delegate on construction.
MonitoringQueryCache - Class in kodo.datacache
Delegating query cache that provides monitoring statistics.
MonitoringQueryCache(OpenJPAConfiguration, QueryCache) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Provide delegate on construction.
MySQLAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
MySQL-specific advanced SQL behavior.
MySQLAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLAdvancedSQL


NAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
Name of the default lock group.
NAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface kodo.jdo.KodoDataStoreCache
Name of default cache.
newAdvancedSQL(DBDictionary) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
Create a new AdvancedSQL for the given dictionary type.
newBroker() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
newBroker(String, String, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
newCacheMap() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoConcurrentDataCache
newCacheMap() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoConcurrentQueryCache
newCacheWrapper() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Create a new GemFire cache wrapper for internal use.
newCacheWrapper() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Create a new GemFire cache wrapper for internal use.
newClassArgParser() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
newClassMetaData(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
newEmbeddedClassMetaData(ValueMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
newFetchConfiguration(KodoPersistenceManager, FetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
newFetchConfiguration(KodoPersistenceManager, FetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
newFieldMetaData(String, Class, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
newInstance() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
newInstance() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
newInstance(ConfigurationProvider) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
Allows the Bootstrap.newBrokerFactory() method to instantiate an instance of this class as a factory.
newInstance(Column[], int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
newInstance(ConfigurationProvider) - Static method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
Factory method for constructing a factory from properties.
newLock() - Method in class kodo.kernel.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
Create a new lock.
newLRSProxy() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
newMappingInfo(Version) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
Create raw mapping info for the given instance.
newMetaDataFilter() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
newParser(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
newParser(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
newParser(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
newParser(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
newPreparedStatementManager(JDBCStore, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
newPreparedStatementManager(JDBCStore, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
newQuery(String, Object) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
newQuery(String, Class, Object) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
newQueryImpl(String, StoreQuery) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
newQueryInternal(Query) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
newRowManager() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.ConstraintUpdateManager
newRowManager() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager
newSelect() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
newSerializableInstance(String, Throwable[], Object) - Method in exception kodo.jdo.LockException
Return a new instance of this class with the given state, and add any additional serializable state from this instance.
newSerializableInstance(String, Throwable[], Object) - Method in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
newSerializer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
newSerializer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
newSerializer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
newStateManagerImpl(Object, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
newStoreManager() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
newTangosolCache(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Returns a new NamedCache for use as the underlying data cache.
newTangosolQueryCache(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Returns a new NamedCache for use as the underlying query cache.
newUnion(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
newUnion(Select[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
newUnionSelect(SelectImpl, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
next() - Method in class kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Deprecated. Return the next sequence value.
nextVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
Return the next version given the current one, which may be null.
nextVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
nextVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy
NONE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.LockGroup
nontransactional(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
nontransactionalAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
NoOpCacheMarshaller - Class in kodo.conf
Implementation of CacheMarshaller that does nothing.
NoOpCacheMarshaller() - Constructor for class kodo.conf.NoOpCacheMarshaller


onTypesChanged(TypesChangedEvent) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
OracleAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Oracle-specific advanced SQL behavior.
OracleAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL
OracleSavepointManager - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
SavepointManager implementation that uses Oracle specific calls and savepoint implementation to store state.
OracleSavepointManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleSavepointManager
orderDirty() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.ConstraintUpdateManager
orderDirty() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager
ORMFileJDORMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Plugin to load and store JDO mapping data in .orm files.
ORMFileJDORMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory


parse(MetaDataParser, Class[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
Patch - Class in kodo.conf
Representation of code patch information.
Patch() - Constructor for class kodo.conf.Patch
PATCH_RELEASE - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
PerformanceTracker - Class in com.solarmetric.jdbc
A global tracker of performance-related statistics.
PerformanceTracker() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
persist(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
persistAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl - Class in kodo.jdo
Kodo PersistenceManagerFactory implementation.
PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Default constructor required for TCK.
PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl(BrokerFactory) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Constructor; supply delegate.
PersistenceServerServlet - Class in kodo.remote
Servlet that creates a server-side factory and listens for requests from remote brokers configured with the HTTP remote transport.
PersistenceServerServlet() - Constructor for class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
pin(Query) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Pin the given query's result to the cache.
pin(Query, Object[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Pin the given query's result to the cache.
pin(Query, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Pin the given query's result to the cache.
pinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
pinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
pinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
pinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
pinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so pinning is meaningless.
pinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so pinning is meaningless.
PM_KEY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
PMF_KEY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
populateColumns(Version, Table, Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
populateColumns(Discriminator, Table, Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
populateForeignKeyColumn(ValueMapping, String, Table, Table, Column, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
populateNullIndicatorColumns(ValueMapping, String, Table, Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
populateOrderColumns(FieldMapping, Table, Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
PostAttachCallback - Interface in kodo.runtime
PostDetachCallback - Interface in kodo.runtime
postDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener
Called after applying change.
PreAttachCallback - Interface in kodo.runtime
preClose() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
preClose() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
PreDetachCallback - Interface in kodo.runtime
preDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener
Called prior to applying change.
preFlush() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Run pre-flush actions on transactional objects, including persistence-by-reachability, inverse relationship management, deletion of dependent instances, and instance callbacks.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
put(Map, Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
putBrokerFactoryAliases(Map) - Method in class kodo.persistence.DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation
putInternal(Object, DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
putInternal(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
putInternal(Object, DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
putInternal(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
putInternal(Object, DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
putInternal(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
User object association.
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory


QUERY_FLUSH_FALSE - Static variable in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
QUERY_FLUSH_FALSE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
QUERY_FLUSH_TRUE - Static variable in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
QUERY_FLUSH_TRUE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
QUERY_FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION - Static variable in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
QUERY_FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
QueryResultCache - Class in kodo.jdo
Query result cache implementation for JDO.
QueryResultCache(QueryCache) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Constructor; supply delegate.
QueryResultCache - Interface in kodo.persistence


read(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Read in the state of the sent command from the given stream.
readMappingColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Returns the mapping column data for the given class.
readMappingColumn(String, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Returns the mapping column data for the given class.
readResponse(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Read the server's response to this command.
readType(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Read the command type from the given stream and return a new command of the proper type.
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Tangosol does not automatically update objects stored in the cache, so we must re-enlist them as appropriate.
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Tangosol does not automatically update objects stored in the cache, so we must re-enlist them as appropriate.
ReferentialIntegrityException - Exception in kodo.jdo
Exception type reserved for violations of integrity constraints.
ReferentialIntegrityException(String, Throwable[], Object, int) - Constructor for exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
refresh(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
refreshAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
refreshTable() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Creates the schema table in the DB.
refreshTable() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Creates the schema table in the DB.
registerListener(TransactionListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Mapping for a map whose keys are relations to other persistent objects and whose values are controlled by a ValueHandler.
RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Mapping for a map whose keys and values are both relations to other persistent objects.
RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
release(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
RELEASE_DATE - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
RELEASE_STATUS - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
releaseAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
releaseSavepoint() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Release the last set savepoint and any resources associated with it.
releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Release the savepoint and any resources associated with it.
Remote - Class in kodo.remote
Entry point for controlling and interacting with Kodo Remote servers.
RemoteJMXTool - Class in com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui
Tool for remotely monitoring application.
RemoteJMXTool() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
RemoteJMXTool - Class in kodo.jdbc.manage.jmx.gui
Tool for remotely monitoring applications.
RemoteJMXTool() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
RemoteTransferListener - Interface in kodo.remote
A class that implements this interface can be registered with the ClientBrokerFactory.
remove(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
remove(Map, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
removeAggregateListener(AggregateListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Remove an aggregate listener from the query.
removeAllInternal(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Evict objects in cache by class.
removeAllInternal(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
removeAllInternal(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
removeDataSeriesListener(DiagnosticDataSeriesListener) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
removeDeclaredLockGroup(LockGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
Remove the given lock group from this class.
removeFetchGroup(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFetchGroups(String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFetchGroups(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeField(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Remove the given fully-qualified field.
removeField(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Remove the given field.
removeField(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeField(Class, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFields(String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFields(Class, String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFields(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFields(Class, Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFilterListener(FilterListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Remove a filter listener from the query.
removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
removeInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
removeInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
removeInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
removeInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
removeInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
removeInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
removeJoin(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Remove the given fully-qualified field from the joins.
removeJoin(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Remove the given field from the joins.
removeLifecycleListener(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
removeLifecycleListener(Object) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
removeListener(StatisticListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Remove a listener.
removeListener(WatchableListener) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Remove a listener.
removeListener(WatchableListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Remove a listener.
removeListener(TransactionListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
removeTransactionListener(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Remove a listener for transaction-related events.
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
This method only available on client factories.
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. This method only available on client factories.
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
This method is only available on client factories.
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
reset() - Static method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
Reset all global statistics to their default values.
resetFetchGroups() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
resetGroups() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Resets the set of fetch groups to the list in the global configuration.
resetStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Reset the caching statistics.
resetStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Reset the caching statistics.
resetStatistics() - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
Reset cache statistics.
restart() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch.Token
Restart the timer.
retrieve(Object, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Retrieve the persistent state of the given object.
retrieve(Object, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
retrieveAll(Collection, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
rollback() - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
rollbackAndResume() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Issue a rollback and then start a new transaction.
rollbackDataStore(AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleSavepointManager
rollbackGemFireTransaction() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
rollbackMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest rollback made on a Connection.
rollbackMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest rollback made on a Connection.
rollbacks - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of rollbacks made on a Connection.
rollbackTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time taken on the execution of rollbacks made on all Connections.
rollbackToSavepoint() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Rollback the current transaction to the last savepoint.
rollbackToSavepoint(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Rollback the current transaction to the given savepoint name.
run(JDBCConfiguration) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.StartPersistenceServer
Start a server with the given configuration.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Run the tool.


select(Select, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
select(Union.Selector) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
selectElement(Select, ClassMapping, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
selectKey(Select, ClassMapping, OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
selectKey(Select, ClassMapping, OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
selectKey(Select, ClassMapping, OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
selectKey(Select, ClassMapping, OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
selectValue(Select, ClassMapping, OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
selectValue(Select, ClassMapping, OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
selectValue(Select, ClassMapping, OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
selectValue(Select, ClassMapping, OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, Joins) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
send(Command, Transport.Channel) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Send a command via the given channel.
SequenceGenerator - Class in kodo.runtime
SequenceGenerator(Seq, Broker, ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Deprecated. Constructor; supply broker context and metadata, if any.
setAdvancedSQL(AdvancedSQL) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
The AdvancedSQL for this runtime.
setAdvancedSQL(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
Set the AdvancedSQL type name.
setAttachFetchFields(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
setAttributes(AttributeList) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
setAutoClear(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to clear state when entering transactions.
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementExport
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export
setBasename(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport
setBatchLimit(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Maximum number of batched statements, or -1 for no limit.
setBatchParameterLimit(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Maximum number of combined parameters in batched statements, or -1 for no limit.
setCacheMarshallers(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
setCacheMarshallers(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
setCacheSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
setCacheSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
setCapabilities(KodoCapabilities) - Method in class kodo.conf.LicenseKey
Set the Capabilities for this license type.
setClearOnClose(boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Sets the option to clear the Tangosol cache when this facade is closed.
setClearOnClose(boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Sets the option to clear the Tangosol cache when the PersistenceManagerFactory is closed.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
The server-assigned id of the client sending the command.
setColumnLockGroupNames(List) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
List of lock group names matching the column list.
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallerImpl
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.conf.KodoVersionAndConfigurationTypeValidationPolicy
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
setConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setConnectionDriverName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionDriverName(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionFactory(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactory(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionFactory2(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactory2(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionFactory2Name(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactory2Name(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionFactoryName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactoryName(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionFactoryProperties(Properties) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
setConnectionPassword(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionPassword(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionURL(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionURL(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionUserName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionUserName(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConstraintNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
setConstraintNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
setConstraintNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
setContextFactory(ContextFactory) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A context factory to use to given executed commands context.
setCustomizer(ReverseCustomizer) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
Delegate customizer, or null.
setCustomizer(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
Used during auto-configuration to set delegate type.
setDataStore(AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleSavepointManager
setDeclaredInterfacePersistent(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether declared interfaces of a given persistent-class are persistence-capable (i.e.
setDetachAllOnClose(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances on close.
setDetachAllOnCommit(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
setDetachAllOnCommit(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setDetachAllOnCommit(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setDetachAllOnNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances after a nontransactional read.
setDetachAllOnRollback(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances on rollback / commit failure.
setDetachedObjectId(Object, String) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
setDetachedState(Object, Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Set the detached state of the specified object.
setDetachedState(Object, Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
setDetachFields(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setDetachOnClose(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setEagerFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setEagerFetchMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Set the eager fetch mode.
setEagerFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setEnableLogMBean(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setEnableRuntimeMBean(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setEvictFromDataStoreCache(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to also evict an object from the data cache when it is evicted through this persistence manager.
setExecutionContextNameProvider(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
A plugin string identifying the ExecutionContextNameProvider to use and its configuration settings.
setFetchBatchSize(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The fetch direction to use as a constant from ResultSet.
setFields(String[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of fully-qualified field names to use when loading objects.
setFields(Class, String[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of field names to use when loading objects.
setFields(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of fully-qualified field names to use when loading objects.
setFields(Class, Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of field names to use when loading objects.
setFileName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the file to use in single-file mode.
setFlushBeforeQueries(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The query automatic flush configuration.
setFlushBeforeQueries(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setGemFireCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Sets the name of the GemFire region to use.
setGemfireCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Deprecated. Retained for auto-conf compatibility with old conf files.
setGemFireCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Sets the name of the GemFire cache region to use.
setGemfireCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Deprecated. Retained for auto-conf compatibility with old conf files.
setHasResponse(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Whether this command uses a response.
setHost(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The server's host.
setHost(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setHost(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
setId(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.CacheMarshaller
The id that this marshaller is responsible for.
setId(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallerImpl
setId(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.NoOpCacheMarshaller
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoExtent
Whether to ignore changes in the PM cache.
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setInitialValue(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
Set the initial value for version column.
setInstanceLifecycleListenerCallbackMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
The CallbackModes flags for handling lifecycle listener exceptions.
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementExport
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export
setIntervalMillis(long) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport
setInto(Options) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
setInto(Options) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
setJNDIName(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
setJoins(String[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of fully-qualified field names to join when loading objects.
setJoins(Class, String[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of field names to join when loading objects.
setJoins(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of fully-qualified field names to join when loading objects.
setJoins(Class, Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of field names to join when loading objects.
setJoinSyntax(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setJoinSyntax(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The join syntax to use.
setKnownClassExtension(ClassMetaData, String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory.ExtensionTranslatingParser
setKnownFieldExtension(FieldMetaData, String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory.ExtensionTranslatingParser
setLargeTransaction(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
If a large number of objects will be created, modified, or deleted during this transaction setting this option to true will reduce memory usage if you perform periodic flushes.
setLicenseKey(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
setLicenseKey(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
setLoadObjectIds() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
setLockGroup(LockGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoFieldMapping
The lock group for this field, or null if none.
setLockTimeout(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The number of milliseconds to wait for an object lock, or -1 for no limit.
setLockTimeout(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setLog(Log) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
Set the log to write to.
setLog(Log) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A log to write about sent and recieved a commands.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
setLRSSize(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setLRSSize(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The large result set size mode to use.
setManagementConfiguration(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
setManagementConfiguration(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
setMapping(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
The mapping suffix supplied by the user.
setMapping(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setMapping(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setMappingColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the mapping column on the mapping definition table.
setMappingColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the mapping column on the mapping definition table.
setMaximizeBatchSize(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
Whether or not statements will be dynamically re-ordered to maximize batching.
setMaximizeBatchSize(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
Whether or not statements will be dynamically re-ordered to maximize batching.
setMBeanInfo(MBeanInfo) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.JMXInterface
setMBeanServerStrategy(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setMultithreaded(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setMultithreaded(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setNameColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the name on the mapping table.
setNameColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the name on the mapping table.
setNamingImpl(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setNontransactionalWrite(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setNontransactionalWrite(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setObject(Column, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
setObjectLookupMode(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setOrderDirtyObjects(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether dirty objects will be returned in the order they were dirtied.
setParser(JDORMetaDataParser) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Set the metadata parser.
setParser(JDOMetaDataParser) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Set the metadata parser.
setPassword(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setPersistenceServer(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
setPersistenceServer(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
setPopulateDataCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setPopulateDataStoreCache(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to populate the store cache with objects used by this transaction.
setPort(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The port the server listens on.
setPort(int) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setPort(int) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
setQueryCacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setQueryResultCache(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Control whether or not query caching is enabled.
setReadLockLevel(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The lock level to use for locking loaded objects.
setReadLockLevel(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setReference(Reference) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCConnectionFactory
setReference(Reference) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
setReference(Reference) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
setResource(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
setResourceAdapter(ResourceAdapter) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory
setResourceAdapter(ResourceAdapter) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory
setRestoreMutableValues(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to restore mutable fields on rollback.
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setResultSetType(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setResultSetType(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The result set type to use as a constant from ResultSet.
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setRetainValuesInOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setSavepoint(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Set a transactional savepoint where operations after this savepoint will be rolled back.
setScanTopDown(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether to scan for class metadata top-down in the package tree.
setSeriesName(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
setServerName(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setServiceURL(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setSingleFile(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Whether to use a single top-level mapping file.
setSingleRow(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Whether to use a single row for all mapping data.
setSoftReferenceSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
setSoftReferenceSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The socket read timeout, in milliseconds.
setSourceFile(ClassMetaData, File) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
setSourceFile(SequenceMetaData, File) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
setStackStyle(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setStackStyle(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfiling
setStreamDecorators(StreamDecorator[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Stream decorators.
setSubclassFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setSubclassFetchMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Set the subclass fetch mode.
setSubclassFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setSupportsTotalCountsForBatch(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Whether the driver returns a total update count for batched statements.
setSupportsUnion(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Union support.
setSupportsUnionWithUnalignedOrdering(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Support for unions with ordering on unaligned but same-aliased columns.
setSupportsUpdateCountsForBatch(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Whether the driver returns individual update counts for batched updates.
setSyncWithManagedTransactions(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to check for a global transaction upon every managed, non-transactional operation.
setTable(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the schema definition table.
setTableName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the schema definition table.
setTangosolCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Sets the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
setTangosolCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Sets the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
setTangosolCacheType(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
setTangosolCacheType(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
If distributed, this cache implementation will use a distibuted cache.
setTangosolCacheType(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
setTangosolCacheType(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
If distributed, this cache implementation will use a distibuted cache.
setTmpDir(File) - Static method in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallerImpl
Reset the temporary directory used by all CacheMarshallerImpls to dir.
setTool(ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
setTransactional(boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
setTransactional(boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
setTransactionListenerCallbackMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
The CallbackModes flags for handling transaction listener exceptions.
setTypeColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the type column on the mapping definition table.
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementExport
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2RemoteExport
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocalExport
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1RemoteExport
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81Export
setUniqueNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport
setURL(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
The URL used to contact the remote server.
setURL(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setUrl(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
Deprecated. Use ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81.setURL(java.lang.String).
setUserName(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setUsername(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
Deprecated. Use ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81.setUserName(java.lang.String).
setUseSchemaValidation(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Whether to use XSD schema validation (as opposed to DTD).
setUseSchemaValidation(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether to use XSD schema validation (as opposed to DTD).
setValidationPolicy(String) - Method in interface kodo.conf.CacheMarshaller
The CacheMarshaller.ValidationPolicy that this marshaller should use.
setValidationPolicy(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallerImpl
setValidationPolicy(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.NoOpCacheMarshaller
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Set the value of the specified field.
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
setWriteLockLevel(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The lock level to use for locking dirtied objects.
setWriteLockLevel(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager - Class in kodo.kernel
An exclusive write single-JVM lock manager.
SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager() - Constructor for class kodo.kernel.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
size() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
Return the number of caches currently in the system
slowestStatements - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
A Map of SQLString : time, to track the slowest statements we have seen.
softMapOverflowRemoved(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
softMapValueExpired(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
sortTables(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager
Sort TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows by table.
sqlComparator - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
start(BootstrapContext) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallerImpl
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.conf.KodoVersionAndConfigurationTypeValidationPolicy
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingExport
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingGUI
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingJMX
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationProfilingLocal
startPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
StartPersistenceServer - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Script to start a persistence server.
StartPersistenceServer() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.StartPersistenceServer
startPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
startPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Start the persistence server.
startPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
startPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Start the persistence server.
startPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Start the persistence server.
startPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
StateClassAccessor - Class in kodo.beans
Implementation of ClassAccessor that uses a OpenJPAStateManager and a ClassMetaData to set and get field values.
StateClassAccessor(Class, StoreContext) - Constructor for class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor - Class in kodo.beans
StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
StateClassAccessorFactory - Class in kodo.beans
Implementation of ClassAccessorFactory that uses a StateClassAccessor.
StateClassAccessorFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessorFactory
statementTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
A cache of the time elements in PerformanceTracker.slowestStatements.
Statistic - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage
Defines an interface for a statistic.
statisticChanged(StatisticEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticListener
StatisticEvent - Class in com.solarmetric.manage
Event produced by the Statistic class and sent to StatisticListeners.
StatisticEvent(Statistic, long, double) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
StatisticListener - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage
The listener interface for receiving statistic events.
StatisticSeries - Class in com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui
Example implementation of a DiagnosticDataSeries to work with a DiagnosticsChart instance.
StatisticSeries(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
StatisticsProvider - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage.jmx
Implementations of this interface can provide a collection of Statistic instances.
stop() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch.Token
Write out a statistic value and restart the timer.
stop() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
stopPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Stop the persistence server.
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Stop the persistence server.
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Stop the persistence server.
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
store(Object) - Method in interface kodo.conf.CacheMarshaller
Store o into the cache.
store(Object) - Method in class kodo.conf.CacheMarshallerImpl
store(Object) - Method in class kodo.conf.NoOpCacheMarshaller
store(ClassMetaData[], QueryMetaData[], SequenceMetaData[], int, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
store(ClassMetaData[], QueryMetaData[], SequenceMetaData[], int, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
store(ClassMetaData[], QueryMetaData[], SequenceMetaData[], int, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
store(ClassMetaData[], QueryMetaData[], SequenceMetaData[], int, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
StoreCache - Interface in kodo.persistence
StreamDecorator - Interface in com.solarmetric.remote
Decorator that wraps IO streams for added functionality.
summarizePerformance() - Static method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
supportedOptions() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
supportedOptions() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
supportsLocking() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
supportsRandomAccess(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
supportsSelect(Select, int, OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
SybaseAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Sybase-specific advanced SQL behavior.
SybaseAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseAdvancedSQL
syncWith(Version) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
Synchronize internal information with the mapping data for the given version.


TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Specialization of the DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory for mapping data stored in a database table.
TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
TableJDORMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Plugin to load and store JDO mapping data in a database table.
TableJDORMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
TableLockUpdateManager - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Example update manager, capable of statement batching, that ignores foreign keys and autoincrement, but optimizes for table level locking.
TableLockUpdateManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager
TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Rows for a particular table.
TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows(Table) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows
TangosolDataCache - Class in kodo.datacache
A level 2 cache that delegates to a Tangosol Coherence cache.
TangosolDataCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
TangosolQueryCache - Class in kodo.datacache
A query cache that delegates to a Tangosol Coherence cache.
TangosolQueryCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TCPTransport - Class in com.solarmetric.remote
TCP transport layer.
TCPTransport() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
test(Transport.Channel) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Test that the given client channel is still connected.
time(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
TimeWatch - Class in com.solarmetric.manage
A TimeWatch allows for marking code blocks and recording execution time statistics.
TimeWatch() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Create a new TimeWatch Watchable with the passed name.
TimeWatch.Token - Class in com.solarmetric.manage
A timer token.
toBroker(PersistenceManager) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the underlying broker for the given persistence manager facade.
toBroker(EntityManager) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the underlying broker for the given entity manager facade.
toBrokerFactory(PersistenceManagerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the underlying broker factory for the given persistence manager factory facade.
toBrokerFactory(EntityManagerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the underlying broker factory for the given entity manager factory facade.
toDataStoreValue(Object, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
toDataStoreValue(Object, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
toDataStoreValue(Object, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
toDataStoreValue(Object, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
toDataStoreValue(Object, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
toDoubleArray(LinkedList) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
Internal helper for converting the internal lists into the required double[]'s for JClass and the DiagnosticsChart.
toEntityManager(Broker) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return a persistence manager facade to the given broker retaining previously associated persistence context type.
toEntityManagerFactory(BrokerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return an entity manager factory facade to the given broker factory.
toKeyDataStoreValue(Object, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
toKeyDataStoreValue(Object, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
toKeyDataStoreValue(Object, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
toKeyDataStoreValue(Object, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
toKodoObjectId(Object, PersistenceManager) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Translate from a JDO identity object to a Kodo one.
toKodoObjectId(ClassMetaData, Object) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Translate from a Persistence identity object to a Kodo one.
toKodoObjectIds(Object[], PersistenceManager) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return an array of Kodo oids for the given native oid array.
toKodoObjectIds(Collection, PersistenceManager) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return a collection of Kodo oids for the given native oid collection.
toKodoObjectIds(ClassMetaData, Object...) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return an array of Kodo oids for the given native oid array.
toKodoObjectIds(ClassMetaData, Collection) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return a collection of Kodo oids for the given native oid collection.
toPersistenceManager(Broker) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return a persistence manager facade to the given broker.
toPersistenceManagerFactory(BrokerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return a persistence manager factory facade to the given broker factory.
toSelect(Union, boolean, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Create a UNION.
toSelect(boolean, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
toSelectCount(Union) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Create a UNION count.
toSelectCount() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
Summarize the statistics.
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
toString() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
toString() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
toString() - Method in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
toString() - Method in class kodo.conf.Patch
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
trackSlowStatements(String, long) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
transactional(Object, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
transactionalAll(Collection, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
transferRead(Object, ObjectInput, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.remote.RemoteTransferListener
Notification that your persistent capable object (pcObject) is being transfered between the remote persistent manager and the server persistent manager.
transferWrite(Object, ObjectOutput, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.remote.RemoteTransferListener
Notification that your persistent capable object (pcObject) is being transfered between the remote persistent manager and the server persistent manager.
translateClassExtension(ClassMetaData, String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Translate deprecated extensions into current equivalents.
translateFieldExtension(FieldMetaData, String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Translate deprecated extensions into current equivalents.
Transport - Interface in com.solarmetric.remote
Abstraction of the transport layer.
Transport.Channel - Interface in com.solarmetric.remote
A communications channel.
Transport.Server - Interface in com.solarmetric.remote
Server side transport layer handler.
TRUE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.ElementEmbeddedMapping
TRUE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.KeyEmbeddedMapping
TRUE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.XEmbeddedMapping
TrueUnion - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
TrueUnion(JDBCConfiguration, int) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
TrueUnion(JDBCConfiguration, Select[]) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
Constructor used to seed the internal selects.
TYPE_CLASS - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
TYPE_CLASS_QUERY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
TYPE_DISTRIBUTED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
TYPE_DISTRIBUTED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TYPE_NAMED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
TYPE_NAMED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TYPE_QUERY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
TYPE_REPLICATED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
TYPE_REPLICATED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TYPE_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory


unmappedTable(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
unpin(Query) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Unpin a previously-pinned query result.
unpin(Query, Object[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Unpin a previously-pinned query result.
unpin(Query, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Unpin a previously-pinned query result.
unpinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
unpinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
unpinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
unpinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
unpinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so unpinning is meaningless.
unpinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so unpinning is meaningless.
UNSET - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
update(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
update(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy
update(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
update(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
update(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
update(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy
update(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy
updatePersistentAll() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Issue the update query.
updatePersistentAll(Object[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Issue the update query.
updatePersistentAll(Map) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Issue the update query.
useSchemaValidation() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Whether to use XSD schema validation (as opposed to DTD).
useSchemaValidation() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether to use XSD schema validation (as opposed to DTD).


validateMapping(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
VALUE - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
VENDOR_NAME - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
VERSION_ID - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
VERSION_NUMBER - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion


Watchable - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage
The Watchable interface specifies an interface for watching statistics.
watchableChanged(WatchableEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableListener
Called on the listener when a new watchable is registered.
WatchableEvent - Class in com.solarmetric.manage
Event produced by the Watchable class and sent to WatchableListeners.
WatchableEvent(Watchable, Statistic) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableEvent
Create a new event holding a reference to the watchable, and a reference to the newly registered statistic.
WatchableListener - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage
The listener interface for receiving watchable events.
write(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Write this command to the given stream.
write(PrintStream) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
writeMappingColumn(String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Writes the mapping as a string to the database.
writeMappingColumn(String, int, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Writes the mapping as a string to the database.
writeResponse(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Write the server's response to this command.
writeType(Command, ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Write the type of this command to the given stream so that CommandIO.readType(java.io.ObjectInput) will be able to reconstruct the command.
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache


XEmbeddedMapping - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Embedded mapping information.
XMappingOverride - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Allows override of complex embedded or superclass mappings.
XMappingOverrides - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Allows override of complex embedded or superclass mappings.

Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007

Copyright 2001-2006 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.