Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007

Interface DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener
extends InstanceLifecycleListener

Kodo-specific instance lifecycle listener that is notified when a flushed object is re-dirtied again for the first time after flush.

Method Summary
 void postDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          Called after applying change.
 void preDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          Called prior to applying change.

Method Detail


void preDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
Called prior to applying change.


void postDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
Called after applying change.

Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007

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