Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007

Package kodo.persistence.jdbc



Class Summary
JPAConnectionFactory JCA ConnectionFactory for obtaining JPA EntityManagers.
JPAManagedConnectionFactory JCA managed connection factory.

Annotation Types Summary
ElementColumn Array, collection, or map element column.
ElementColumns Allows the specification of multiple element columns for complex mappings.
ElementEmbeddedMapping Embedded mapping information for an array, collection, or map element.
ElementStrategy Array, collection, or map element mapping strategy.
KeyClassCriteria Marker interface specifying to use the expected class of the map key relation as criteria in the join.
KeyColumn Map key column.
KeyColumns Allows the specification of multiple map key columns for complex mappings.
KeyEmbeddedMapping Embedded mapping information for a map key.
KeyForeignKey Foreign key on map key columns.
KeyIndex Index on map key columns.
KeyJoinColumn Map key join column.
KeyJoinColumns Allows the specification of multiple map key columns for compound joins.
KeyNonpolymorphic Indicates that the annotated map's keys are not entirely polymorphic.
KeyStrategy Map key mapping strategy.
LockGroupVersionColumn Surrogate version column.
LockGroupVersionColumns Allows the specification of multiple version columns for complex versioning or multiple lock groups.
XEmbeddedMapping Embedded mapping information.
XMappingOverride Allows override of complex embedded or superclass mappings.
XMappingOverrides Allows override of complex embedded or superclass mappings.

Package kodo.persistence.jdbc Description


JDBC-specific Kodo extensions on top of OpenJPA.

Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007

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