Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007

Package kodo.jdbc.meta.strats

Kodo-JDBC ORM Strategies


Class Summary
ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy Uses a column and corresponding version object for each lock group.
HandlerCollectionTableFieldStrategy Mapping for a collection of values in a separate table controlled by a ValueHandler.
HandlerHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy Mapping for a map of keys and values both controlled by ValueHandlers.
HandlerRelationMapTableFieldStrategy Mapping for a map whose keys are controlled by a ValueHandler and whose values are relations to other persistent objects.
LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy Uses a version number for optimistic versioning.
LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy Uses a state image to determine whether concurrency violations take place.
LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate Row implementation we use to pass to versionable mappings so they can set up the where conditions we need to add to update statements.
LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy Uses a timestamp for optimistic versioning.
RelationHandlerMapTableFieldStrategy Mapping for a map whose keys are relations to other persistent objects and whose values are controlled by a ValueHandler.
RelationRelationMapTableFieldStrategy Mapping for a map whose keys and values are both relations to other persistent objects.

Package kodo.jdbc.meta.strats Description

Kodo-JDBC ORM Strategies

Library of mapping Kodo-specific strategies.

Kodo 4.1.4 generated on June 22 2007

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