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L10N_PACKAGE - Static variable in class weblogic.i18n.Localizer
key to locate localizer package
L10nLookup - Class in weblogic.i18ntools
L10nLookup is a Property object that contains the mapping between WebLogic Server log message ids and their respective Localizer properties.
last() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.rowset.JdbcRowSetImpl
Moves the cursor to the last row in this ResultSet object
LAST_TOKEN_NODE - Static variable in class weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.SecurityTokenContextHandler
Deprecated. The last token node appears in the wsse:Security header
lastStartElement - Variable in class
latest() - Static method in enum weblogic.wsee.reliability.WsrmConstants.RMVersion
If you add new RM versions, update this to be the latest version
LDAPServerMBean - Interface in
The LDAPServerMBean interface defines methods used to get/set the configuration attributes that are required to communicate with an external LDAP server.
leaveDTD() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.IndentPrinter
Deprecated. Called by the root element to leave DTD mode and if any DTD parts were printer, will return a string with their textual content.
leaveDTD() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.Printer
Deprecated. Called by the root element to leave DTD mode and if any DTD parts were printer, will return a string with their textual content.
leaveElementState() - Method in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.BaseMarkupSerializer
Deprecated. Leave the current element state and return to the state of the parent element.
LegacyEnforceStrictURLPatternManager - Class in
The LegacyEnforceStrictURLPatternManager class provide enforceStrictURLPattern flag for backward compatibility with WebLogic Server version 8.1 When this flag is true WebLogic Server enforces the use of the " / " character as the default representation of an entire Web application in the security container.
LegacyWebAppFilesCaseInsensitiveManager - Class in
len - Variable in class
length - Variable in class
The valid length of the values array.
LEVKEY - Static variable in class
number: 4 type: string
LEVKEY - Static variable in class
number: 4 type: string
LIFETIME_DEFAULT_SEC - Static variable in class
Deprecated. Default cache lifetime, in seconds.
LineSeparator - Class in weblogic.apache.xml.serialize
Deprecated. Replaced by org.apache.xml.serialize.LineSeparator.
LineSeparator() - Constructor for class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.LineSeparator
LineWidth - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat.Defaults
Deprecated. The default line width at which to break long lines when identing.
list(String) - Static method in class weblogic.rmi.Naming
list() - Method in class weblogic.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry
Returns an array of names (URLs) currently bound into the WebLogic Server registry.
LIST_FIELD_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Fields that are comma separated and are part of the inheritance hierarchy of Resources return LIST_FIELD_TYPE from getFieldType().
ListableRealm - Interface in
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 7.0. Replaced by Pluggable Security Infrastructure.
listAllCertEntryAliases() - Method in interface
Returns a list of all the public certificate aliases currently configured in the keystore.
listAllKeypairEntryAliases() - Method in interface
Returns a list of all the key pair aliases that currently configured in the keystore.
listAllPolicies(int) - Method in interface
Obtain an unsorted list of policy definitions.
listAllPolicies() - Method in interface
Returns cursor listing all policies
listAllPoliciesAsString() - Method in interface
Returns cursor listing all policies.
listAllPolicySets() - Method in interface
Returns cursor listing all policy sets
listAllPolicySetsAsString() - Method in interface
Returns cursor listing all policy sets.
listAllRoles(int) - Method in interface
Obtain an unsorted list of role definitions.
listAllUsersInGroup(String, String, int) - Method in interface
Searches within a group for user (member) names that match a pattern.
listChildPolicies(String, int) - Method in interface
Obtain a list of policy definitions for the children of a resource.
listChildRoles(String, int) - Method in interface
Obtain a list of role definitions for the children of a resource.
listCredentials(String) - Method in interface
Gets a list of credentials mapped to the resource.
ListerKeys - Class in
The ListerKeys class provides constants for the key names use to obtain values from a Properties object when using the PolicyListerMBean and RoleListerMBean interfaces.
ListerKeys() - Constructor for class
ListerMBean - Interface in
The ListerMBean interface provides a general mechanism for returning lists.
listGroupMembers(String, String, int) - Method in interface
Searches within a group for user and group (member) names that match a pattern.
listGroups(String, int) - Method in interface
Searches for a user name that matches a pattern.
listMappings(String, String) - Method in interface
Gets a list of usernames, credential actions, keystore aliases and their passwords.
listMappings(String) - Method in interface
Gets a list of credential mappings created for the given resource id.
listMappingsByPattern(String, int, String) - Method in interface
Gets a list of all the configured credential mappings.
listMappingsByPattern(String, int) - Method in interface
Gets a list of all credential mappings with the resource id matching the specified resource id pattern.
listMemberGroups(String) - Method in interface
Lists the groups that directly contain a user or a group.
listPoliciesByApplication(String, int) - Method in interface
Obtain an list of policy definitions by application name.
listPoliciesByComponent(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface
Obtain an list of policy definitions for a specific J2EE component.
listPoliciesByResourceType(String, int) - Method in interface
Obtain an list of policy definitions by resource type.
listRepeatingActionsPolicies(String, int) - Method in interface
Obtain a list of policy definitions for the actions that are repeating on a resource.
listRepeatingActionsRoles(String, int) - Method in interface
Obtain a list of role definitions for the actions that are repeating on a resource.
ListResponse - Class in weblogic.uddi.client.structures.response
ListResponse() - Constructor for class weblogic.uddi.client.structures.response.ListResponse
listRoles(String, int) - Method in interface
Obtain a list of role definitions for a specific resource.
listRolesByApplication(String, int) - Method in interface
Obtain an list of role definitions by application name.
listRolesByComponent(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface
Obtain an list of role definitions for a specific J2EE component.
listRolesByResourceType(String, int) - Method in interface
Obtain an list of role definitions by resource type.
listRolesForResource(String) - Method in interface
Lists the role names that are scoped by a resource.
listUsers(String, int) - Method in interface
Searches for a user name that matches a pattern.
load(String, Object) - Method in class
Deprecated. Loads a BasicRealm from some persistent state identified in the name.
load(String, Object) - Method in class
Deprecated. Call through to the load methods in the delegate and backup realms.
load() - Method in class
loadClass(String) - Method in class weblogic.common.T3Client
loadClientCertificate(CertCallback, String, String) - Method in interface
loadLocalIdentity(Certificate[], PrivateKey) - Method in class weblogic.jndi.Environment
Loads the local identity onto the current thread given an array of certs and the private key.
loadLocalIdentity(InputStream[]) - Method in class
Load local identity key and certs for client.
loadLocalIdentity(InputStream, InputStream, char[]) - Method in class
Load local identity cert chain and private key for client
loadLocalIdentity(Certificate[], PrivateKey) - Method in class
Load local identity cert chain and private key for client
loadLocalIdentity(InputStream[]) - Method in class
Sets an RSA private key and chain of X.509 certificates for SSL client authentication.
loadLocalIdentity(InputStream[], String) - Method in class
Sets an RSA private key and chain of X.509 certificates for SSL client authentication.
loadLocalIdentity(Certificate[], PrivateKey) - Method in class
Load local identity certificate chain and key for client.
loadLocalIdentity(InputStream, char[]) - Method in class weblogic.webservice.client.JSSEAdapter
Deprecated. Creates an instance of the SunJSSE provider's default key manager factory, which provides basic X.509-based authentication keys.
loadTransportableFactories(List) - Method in class weblogic.jndi.ClientJNDIEnvironmentImpl
loadTransportableFactories(List) - Method in class weblogic.jndi.WLSJNDIEnvironmentImpl
Instantiate the factories specified in the server property and cache them in a list preserving order.
loadXML(XMLInputStream) - Method in interface weblogic.jdbc.rowset.WLCachedRowSet
Populates the RowSet from an XML document in the XMLInputStream.
loadXMLSchema(XMLInputStream) - Method in interface weblogic.jdbc.rowset.WLRowSetMetaData
Loads the WLRowSetMetaData from an XML Schema document in the XMLInputStream.
LOCAL - Static variable in interface weblogic.workarea.PropagationMode
Propagate a WorkContext only for the scope of the current thread.
LOCAL_ASSIGNMENT_OF_REMOTE_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager
A constant that is used as the name of the registration property that controls how participating resources are assigned to servers.
LOCAL_DM_URI - Static variable in interface weblogic.deploy.api.spi.factories.WebLogicDeploymentFactory
Local access DeploymentManager URI.
LOCAL_JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface
Deprecated. Represents the JNDI name of a server's local MBeanHome interface as registered in the server's own JNDI tree.
LOCAL_URI_INDEX - Static variable in interface weblogic.deploy.api.spi.factories.WebLogicDeploymentFactory
LOCAL_URL_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class weblogic.jndi.Environment
LocalClient - Class in com.bea.httppubsub
The main purpose of LocalClient class is for pubsub server side programming.
LocalClient() - Constructor for class com.bea.httppubsub.LocalClient
Localizer - Class in weblogic.i18n
Localizer is a class used to look up the various elements of a message definition.
Localizer(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class weblogic.i18n.Localizer
localName - Variable in class weblogic.apache.xml.serialize.ElementState
Deprecated. The element's local tag name.
LocateRegistry - Class in weblogic.rmi.registry
This class is provided for compatibility with the java.rmi.* package.
Location - Interface in
Deprecated. please use java standard StAX api
LOCKSERVER - Static variable in class
log(String) - Method in interface weblogic.common.LogServicesDef
Deprecated. Use a more specific method such as info, error, or warning
log(String, Throwable) - Method in interface weblogic.common.LogServicesDef
Deprecated. Use a more specific method such as info, error, or warning
log() - Method in interface weblogic.common.T3ServicesDef
Returns access to log file services in WebLogic.
log() - Method in class weblogic.i18n.logging.Loggable
Log the message.
log - Variable in class
Deprecated. Debugging log.
Log4jLoggingHelper - Class in weblogic.logging.log4j
This class provides access to the Log4j Logger when the Server is configured to use a Log4j implementation.
Log4jLoggingHelper() - Constructor for class weblogic.logging.log4j.Log4jLoggingHelper
LOG_FILE_APPENDER - Static variable in interface weblogic.logging.log4j.AppenderNames
The name of the log file appender.
logAndThrow(String) - Static method in class
Deprecated. Makes an entry in the security log and throws an exception.
logDebugMessage(String) - Method in class weblogic.ejb.GenericEnterpriseBean
Logging Methods
logDebugMessage(String, Throwable) - Method in class weblogic.ejb.GenericEnterpriseBean
logErrorMessage(String) - Method in class weblogic.ejb.GenericEnterpriseBean
logErrorMessage(String, Throwable) - Method in class weblogic.ejb.GenericEnterpriseBean
logEvents - Variable in class weblogic.wsee.jws.HandlerChainDecl
LogFileFormatter - Class in weblogic.logging
Formats log messages to be written to the server log file.
LogFileFormatter() - Constructor for class weblogic.logging.LogFileFormatter
Default constructor.
LogFileFormatter(LogFileMBean) - Constructor for class weblogic.logging.LogFileFormatter
Loggable - Class in weblogic.i18n.logging
Loggable objects are used when there is a need to collect log entry data without actually logging the message until a later time.
Loggable(String, Object[], String, MessageLogger, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class weblogic.i18n.logging.Loggable
Loggable - Class in weblogic.logging
Loggable objects are used when there is a need to collect log entry data without actually logging the message until a later time.
Loggable(String, Object[]) - Constructor for class weblogic.logging.Loggable
Creates an object that can be logged to the server log.
Logger - Interface in weblogic.wsee.jws.util
Deprecated. use java.util.logging.Logger instead
LoggerNotAvailableException - Exception in weblogic.logging
This exception is thrown to indicate that the requested Logger does not live on the server process on which this request was invoked.
LoggerNotAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception weblogic.logging.LoggerNotAvailableException
Create an exception object with a given message.
LoggingHelper - Class in weblogic.logging
This class provides utility methods to use the WebLogic Logging.
LoggingHelper() - Constructor for class weblogic.logging.LoggingHelper
login() - Method in class
Authenticate the user by username and password passed in
login(CallbackHandler) - Static method in class
Authenticate the user and return credentials using the default realm.
login(CallbackHandler, AppContext) - Static method in class
Authenticate the user and return credentials using the default realm.
login(String, CallbackHandler) - Static method in class
Authenticate the user and return credentials for a specific realm.
login(String, CallbackHandler, AppContext) - Static method in class
Authenticate the user and return credentials for a specific realm.
login(String, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class
Returns an int value for AUTHENTICATED or FAILED_AUTHENTICATION after using the username and password to authenticate the user and setting that user information into the session.
login(CallbackHandler, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
LogLevel - Class in com.bea.logging
This class enumerates the WebLogic specific logging levels.
logout(Subject) - Static method in class
Remove Principals and credentials from the passed in Subject, effectively logging the user out.
logout() - Method in class
Logout the user.
logout(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
This "logs out" the user in the session by removing the pertinent data from the sessions the user has logged into and also from the webserver, without losing other session data.
LogServicesDef - Interface in weblogic.common
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 7.0.

Use the Java internationalization APIs or, if internationalization is not required, use weblogic.logging.NonCatalogLogger.

LONG - Static variable in class
Represents the XML long data type,
LONG_BAG - Static variable in class
Represents a bag of LONG.
longValue() - Method in class weblogic.workarea.LongWorkContext
longValue() - Method in class
Converts the Decimal to a long value.
LongWorkContext - Class in weblogic.workarea
An implementation for propagating simple long-based WorkContexts.
LongWorkContext() - Constructor for class weblogic.workarea.LongWorkContext
lookup(String) - Static method in class weblogic.rmi.Naming
lookup(String) - Method in class weblogic.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry
Returns a remote object -- an initialized instance of a stub or the instance of a co-located object when the object is found in the weblogic.rmi name space.
lookupAcl(String) - Method in class
Deprecated. Look for the given ACL in the cache.
lookupAcl(String, char) - Method in class
lookupAuditor(String) - Method in interface
Finds an Auditing provider in this security realm.
lookupAuthenticationProvider(String) - Method in interface
Finds an Authentication provider in this security realm.
lookupAuthorizer(String) - Method in interface
Finds an Authorization provider in this security realm.
lookupCertPathProvider(String) - Method in interface
Finds a Certification Path provider in this security realm.
lookupCredentialMapper(String) - Method in interface
Finds a Credential Mapping provider in this security realm.
lookupGroup(String) - Method in class
Deprecated. Look for the given group in the cache.
lookupKeyStore(String) - Method in interface
lookupPassword(Connection, String) - Method in interface
Called during authentication process to retrieve password for user.
lookupPasswordValidator(String) - Method in interface
Finds an Password Validator provider in this security realm.
lookupPermission(String) - Method in class
Deprecated. Perform a cache lookup for a permission.
lookupPrincipal(String) - Method in class
Deprecated. Look for the named principal in the user and group caches.
lookupPubSubServer(String) - Method in interface com.bea.httppubsub.PubSubServerFactory
Lookup a PubSubServer for an application.
lookupRoleMapper(String) - Method in interface
Finds a Role Mapping provider in this security realm.
lookupUser(String) - Method in class
Deprecated. Look for the given user in the cache.
lookupUserGroups(Connection, String) - Method in interface
Called during authentication and identity assertion to determine the users group membership.

Documentation is available at
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