Installation Guide

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Installing AquaLogic Service Bus

This section provides the information for installing ALSB on Windows and UNIX. It contains the following topics:


Starting the Installation Program

The name of the installer program for installing ALSB is:

This section provides information on how to start the installation on Windows and UNIX in:

Before you start the installation, read Before You Start in Starting the Installation Program in Installation Guide.

For more information on how to start the installation in graphical-mode, see Starting the Installation in Graphical Mode in Starting the Installation Program in Installation Guide.

For more information on how to start the installation in console-mode, see Starting the Installation in Console Mode in Starting the Installation Program in Installation Guide.

For more information on how to start the installation in silent-mode, see Starting the Installation in Silent Mode in Starting the Installation Program in Installation Guide.


Running the Installation Program in Graphical Mode

You can install ALSB in the graphical-mode on Windows systems and on UNIX systems, which support GUI. For information on how to run the installation in the graphical-mode, see Running the Installation Program in Running the Installation Program in Graphical Mode in Installation Guide.

For information about the components available for installation on your system, see Product Components.

Note: When you select or clear components to install, the installation program checks for dependencies between components and automatically modifies the list of selected components accordingly. For example, if you clear the WLS component check box, the boxes for the remaining components are cleared because the other components cannot be run without WLS.

After you choose the components for installation, you must install eclipse in a new eclipse home or provide the path to the existing eclipse home. For more information on requirements to use an existing eclipse home, see Requirements for Using the Existing Eclipse Installation.

Click next to choose the product directory locations.

Caution: You must install ALSB and WLS in the default location inside the BEA_HOME. You must also retain the default product directory names for ALSB (alsb_3.0) and WLS (wlsserver_10.0), Workshop (workshop_10.2), and Workspace Studio (workSpaceStudio_1.1).

Continue the installation as specified in the table in Running the Installation Program in Running the Installation Program in Graphical Mode in Installation Guide.

Note: Mercury profiling tools is not installed separately as optional tools.

For more information on how to complete the installation, see Running Graphical-Mode Installation in Running the Installation Program in Graphical Mode in Installation Guide.


Running the Installation in the Console Mode

You must install ALSB in the console-mode if your operating system does not support GUI. For more information on console-mode installation, see Running Console-Mode Installation in Running the Installation Program in Console Mode in Installation Guide.


After you choose the components for installation, you must install eclipse in a new eclipse home or provide the path to the existing eclipse home.

For more information on requirements to use an existing eclipse home, see Requirements for Using the Existing Eclipse Installation.

In the Choose Products Directory prompt specify the directory in which you want to install the software.

Caution: You must install ALSB and WLS in the default location inside the BEA_HOME. You must also retain the default product directory names for ALSB (alsb_3.0) and WLS (wlsserver_10.0), Workshop (workshop_10.2), and Workspace Studio (workSpaceStudio_1.1).
Note: Mercury profiling tools is not installed separately as optional tools.

For more information on how to complete the installation, see Running Console-Mode Installation in Running the Installation Program in Console Mode in Installation Guide.


Running the Installation in the Silent-Mode

You must install ALSB in the silent-mode if your operating system does not support GUI or for multiple installations in a cluster environment. For more information on the silent-mode install, see What Is Silent-Mode Installation? and Using Silent-Mode Installation: Main Steps in Running the Installation Program in Silent Mode in Installation Guide.

Creating a silent.xml File for Silent-Mode Installation

When you install your BEA software in silent-mode, the installation program uses an XML file (silent.xml) to determine which installation options should be implemented. Therefore, before you can run the installation program in silent-mode, you must first create a silent.xml file in which you specify the installation options that you want to invoke.

Incorrect entries in the silent.xml file, can cause installation to fail. To help you determine the cause of a failure, BEA recommends that you create a log file when you start the installation.

To create a silent.xml file for use in the silent-mode installation process, follow these steps:

  1. In a supported browser, view the sample silent.xml file for silent-mode installation. The sample file is available at
  2. This sample silent.xml file is also presented in this section. See Sample silent.xml File for Silent-Mode Installation.

  3. Save the sample XML file, with the name silent.xml, in the same directory that contains the installation program.
  4. Note: The XML definition must be <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>. It must be at the beginning of the silent.xml file. There should not be any spaces or line breaks before the XML definition.
  5. In the silent.xml file edit the values for the keywords shown in Table 2-1 to reflect your configuration.
  6. Note: You must follow XML guidelines for characters when modifying values. That is, do not use characters reserved for use in XML, such as <, >, [, and].


Table 2-1 Parameters for Silent.xml
For this data-value name...
Enter the following value...
The full path for the BEA home directory of your choice. For information about the BEA home directory, see Choosing a BEA Home Directory.
The full path for the directory where you want to install your WLS, ALSB, and Workshop product directories. For information, see Choosing Product Installation Directory.
The full path for the directory where you want to install your Workshop for WebLogic product directory. For information, see Choosing Product Installation Directory.
(Windows platforms only)
  • yes to install the WLS Node Manager as a Windows service. For information, see Installing Node Manager as a Windows Service
  • no to skip the installation of the WLS Node Manager as a Windows service. The default is no.
  • Note:  
    • You must have Administrator privileges to install Node Manager as a Windows service.
    • When you are installing ALSB on UNIX-based platforms, this parameter is ignored.
The Node Manager listen port.
If you do not specify a port number, the installer uses the default port 5556.
If the port number is in use, the installer scans for the next available port and assigns it to the Node Manager.

Note: The INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE option must be set to yes.

At the completion of the installation process, the Node Manager is started using the port specified.
  • true, or yes, to create the shortcuts in the All Users folder. The default is true.
  • false, or no, to create the shortcuts in the local users folder.
The user performing the installation must have Administrator privileges to install the Start menu shortcuts in the All Users folder. For more information, see Administrator Privileges.
Specify the components and sub-components you want to install on your system:
  • To install WLS, use the following values:
    WebLogic Server
     Server Examples
     Server Add-ons

Note: The Web Server Plug-Ins sub-component is not installed by default with WLS. You must specify the component/sub-component combination to install them.

  • To install ALSB, use the following values:
    AquaLogic Service Bus
     Service Bus Server
     IDE and Service Bus Examples
  • To install Workshop for WebLogic, use the following values:
    Workshop for WebLogic
     Workshop Examples

For more information about entering these values, see Guidelines for Component Selection in Running the Installation Program in Silent Mode in Installation Guide.

You must install the product directories inside the BEA_HOME and use the following names:
  • WLS– wlsserver_10.0
  • ALSB– alsb_3.0
  • Workshop– workshop_10.2

Sample silent.xml File for Silent-Mode Installation

Listing 2-1 Sample XML File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!-- Silent installer option: -mode=silent -silent_xml=C:\bea\silent.xml -->
<!-- Specify values for each data-value name as follows: 
     BEAHOME  Complete pathname to the BEA Home directory that will contain 
this installation.
     USER_INSTALL_DIR   Complete pathname to the product installation 
directory in which to install the software.
                        Optionally install Mercury profiling tools. 
Possible values are "true","yes","false"
and "no". The default is "true".
     INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE  Install Node Manager as a Windows 
service. The default is "no".
Requires Administrator privileges.
     NODEMGR_PORT  Node Manager listen port number. If none specified,
installer uses default port 5556.
      COMPONENT_PATHS   Components and sub-components to be installed. 
To install multiple components, separate the
components with a bar (|). To install sub-components,
specify a component/sub-component combination.
For example, to install Web Server Plug-Ins, use
"WebLogic Server/Web Server Plug-Ins".
                     The Windows Start menu folder in which you want the 
Start menu shortcuts created. The user performing the
installation must have Administrator privileges to
install the shortcuts in the All Users folder. Possible
values: true/yes The shortcuts are created in the All
Users folder (default) false/no. The shortcuts are
created in the local user's folder. See the Installation
Guide for more information.
      <data-value name="BEAHOME" value="C:\bea" />
<data-value name=”USER_INSTALL_DIR” value="C:\bea\wlserver_10.0" />
<data-value name=”WLW_INSTALL_DIR”  value=”C:\bea\workshop_10.0” />
<data-value name="INSTALL_MERCURY_PROFILING_TOOLS" value="true"/>
      <data-value name="INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE" value="yes"  />
      <data-value name="NODEMGR_PORT" value="5559" />
<data-value name="COMPONENT_PATHS" value="WebLogic Server/Server|WebLogic Server/Server Examples|WebLogic Server/Server Add-ons|Workshop for WebLogic /Workshop|Workshop for WebLogic/Workshop Examples|AquaLogic Service Bus/Service Bus Server|AquaLogic Service Bus/ IDE and Service Bus Examples" />
<data-value name="INSTALL_SHORTCUT_IN_ALL_USERS_FOLDER"   value="yes"/>

For more information on launching the installation in silent-mode, see Starting the Installation in Silent Mode in Starting the Installation Program in Installation Guide.

You can generate exit codes to indicate the success or failure of the installation program. For more information, see Returning Exit Codes to the Console in Running the Installation Program in Silent Mode in Installation Guide.

Note: If you are using an existing eclipse home, see Requirements for Using the Existing Eclipse Installation.


Uninstalling the Software

You can uninstall the software in:

For information about uninstalling and reinstalling the software, see Uninstalling the Software in Installation Guide.

You cannot reinstall the same version of any BEA product on top of a previously installed version of the same product– in the same BEA home directory or in the same file location. You can, however, add products and product components to an existing installation. For example, you can install WLS during one installation, and ALSB during a separate installation.

To reinstall the same version of one of the product components or the entire BEA products distribution in the same location, you must first uninstall the previous installation.

If you try to install a complete copy of the BEA products in a BEA home directory that already contains a complete installation, an error message is displayed. Click or type OK to return to the Choose BEA home directory prompt.

At the prompt, choose one of the following options:

Then start the installation the software as described in Starting the Installation Program.

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