Installation Guide

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Post-Installation Information

This section covers the following topics:


Using QuickStart

When the product installation is completed in graphical-mode, the QuickStart application is launched if you select the Run QuickStart check box. If you do not want to run QuickStart at the completion of the installation process, you can clear the Run QuickStart check box in the Install Complete window. QuickStart is not invoked from the installation program after you complete the console-mode or silent-mode installations.

QuickStart is designed to help first-time users evaluate, learn, and use BEA products. If you installed your software using a complete installation, or if you used a custom installation to install the examples, the sample domains that are installed are automatically configured to run with the PointBase database, a database that is installed with WLS. QuickStart provides quick access to start sample domains, create SOA components using workshop, and online documentation.

After installation, you can launch QuickStart as follows:


Using an Alternate Database

When you install WebLogic Platform, all sample domains are preconfigured to use the PointBase database. However, to use another supported database, such as Oracle, you must configure a new domain and initialize the new database. For information about configuring a domain with a different database, see How Do I: Create an AquaLogic Service Bus Domain Using an Alternate Database? in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

For information about databases supported on your platform and any associated restrictions or limitations, see Supported Database Configurations in Supported Configurations for WebLogic Platform 10.0.


Determining Which JDK Version You are Using

You can determine which version of the JDK you are using by issuing a command, as follows:

  1. Go to the appropriate directory:
    • On Windows in command prompt:
    • WL_HOME\server\bin 
    • In the UNIX terminal:
    • WL_HOME/server/bin

      In both path names, WL_HOME represents the directory in which you installed your BEA software.

  2. Verify that your environment is set up properly, by entering the following command at the prompt:
    • On Windows, execute the following command:
    • setWLSenv.cmd
    • On UNIX execute the following command:
  3. Enter the following command at the prompt:
  4. java -version

    The version of the JDK on your system is displayed. If you are using BEA JRockit, BEA JRockit is displayed in the output.


Understanding the Windows Shortcuts

When you install BEA products on a Windows system, the installation program automatically creates shortcut entries on the Start Menu.

If the user performing the installation has Administrator privileges, the shortcut entries can be created in the All Users Start menu folder or in the user’s local Start menu folder. For more information, see Administrator Privileges.

Options on the Start Menu vary, according to the components you choose to install.

The BEA Products folder (StartArrow symbolProgramsArrow symbolBEA Products) contains the shortcut files shown in the following figure.

Figure 3-1 BEA Products Start Menu

BEA Products Start Menu


Understanding the Product Directory Structure

During the product installation, you are prompted to select or create a BEA home directory and a product installation directory. For information about the BEA home directory, see Choosing a BEA Home Directory. For a complete installation, the installation program creates a dedicated directory structure for the BEA products.

Product Directory Structure for WLS

The product directory for WLS can reside inside or outside the BEA home directory. Figure 3-2 shows the directory tree structure for a WLS.

Figure 3-2 Product Directory Structure for WLS

Product Directory Structure for WLS

The installation program does not create directories for components that are not installed. Table 3-1 describes the contents of each directory.

Table 3-1 Product Directory Structure for WLS
Apache Beehive program files, including samples and user documentation.
Files shared by product components, including scripts used for setting environment attributes common to all WebLogic domains running on the machine, template JAR files used by the Configuration Wizard and WLST offline when creating domains, and evaluation software from third-party vendors.
The eclipse plug-ins for WLS
WebLogic Integration program files required by ALSB. They include the Format Builder tool and database scripts to support the ALSB monitoring and reporting framework. This directory also contains the Eclipse plug-in files required by ALSB.
A 100% Java/JSP compiler that is used by the component products for compiling .java and other source files generated by development tools.
WebLogic Platform program files.
Sample code, resources, and preconfigured sample domains designed to help you learn how to develop your own applications using the product software. Sample domains are organized by components installed on the system. For example, the server folder contains the source code for examples and a sample application called MedRec.
WLS program files.
Code required to uninstall the BEA products.
Workshop files.

Product Directory Structure for ALSB

The product directory for ALSB can reside inside or outside the BEA home directory. Figure 3-3 shows the directory tree structure for a ALSB

Figure 3-3 Product Directory Structure for ALSB

Product Directory Structure for ALSB

Table 3-2 describes the product directory structure for ALSB.

Table 3-2 Product Directory Structure for ALSB
3rd party
Library for SFTP
Icons and shortcuts
Compiled schema of SOAP and Web Service Definition Language (WSDL).
Database scripts that are necessary to create database tables for reporting subsystem.
The eclipse plug-ins that are required for eclipse base ALSB IDE.
The plug-ins for Financial Message Designer
Localization files and localized messages
The jar files required for ALSB.
ALSB sample domains and client web applications
Code required to uninstall the BEA products.

Product Directory Structure for Workshop

The product directory for ALSB can reside inside or outside the BEA home directory. Figure 3-3 shows the directory tree structure for a Workshop.

Figure 3-4 Product Directory Structure for Workshop

Product Directory Structure for Workshop

Table 3-3 describes the product directory structure for Workshop.

Table 3-3 Product Directory Structure for Workshop
Common files for the WorkSpace Studio.
The eclipse plug-ins for WorkSpace Studio
Library for NETUI and controls, ant modules, and samples for beehive framework
The executable for WorkSpace Studio

Product Directory Structure for WorkSpace Studio

The product directory for ALSB can reside inside or outside the BEA home directory. Figure 3-3 shows the directory tree structure for a Workshop.

Figure 3-5 Product Directory Structure for Workshop

Product Directory Structure for Workshop

Table 3-3 describes the product directory structure for Workshop.

Table 3-4 Product Directory Structure for WorkSpace Studio
Common files for the WorkSpace Studio.
The eclipse plug-ins for WorkSpace Studio
Library for NETUI and controls, ant modules, and samples for beehive framework
The executable for WorkSpace Studio

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