Publishing Subscriptions

Subscriptions are a new feature in UDDI version 3. With a subscription a registry will periodically send a Find or Get type message to an inquiry port and return the results to an email address, service or container attached to your account.

BEA AquaLogic Service Registry 3.0 allows you to publish subscriptions under your user account. Each subscription should be set with a limited time to live based on the number of notification messages to be sent, or an expiration date, or an OR'd combination of the two. However indefinite subscriptions can also be established.

Keep in mind that as when accessing records normally, authorization restrictions still apply when being queried or retrieved by subscription.

Adding a Subscription

To add a subscription to your account...

  1. If you have not yet logged in to your account, do so now.

  2. Click the Publish tab in the top left corner of the console.

  3. Click the Subscriptions link in the menu just below the tabs. This brings up the Subscriptions page.

  4. In the bottom right corner of the Subscriptions page click the Add subscription button. This loads the Add Subscription control.

  5. Set the subscription properties. This means.

    • Subscription filter - see next step.

    • Notification listener type

      • None - notifications will be accessible through your account.

      • Email Address - send the notification to an email address, either in raw format or through a selected XSLT transform. Clicking this option loads additional controls.

      • Service endpoint - send the raw subscription results to a service endpoint. Clicking this option loads additional controls.

      • Binding Template - send the information to a service identified by a registry binding template. Clicking this option loads additional controls.

    • Expires after - set the expiration date.

    • Max entities - set the maximum number of entities to be returned under this subscription.

    • Brief - minimize the form of the results returned to a bag of their registry keys.

  6. Set up the Subscription filter.

    1. Click the Change Filter button. This loads the Subscription filter type page.

    2. Select the type of subscription from the Subscription filter definition drop down list box.

    3. Click the Select filter button.

      A find or select control will be loaded. The filter you selected in the previous step will determine the specific control. These behave just like many of the search controls. Here are some typical list item to control pairings.

      Note: not all options are listed here.

    4. No matter the filter you select, once it has been properly set up, Click the Select filter button in the bottom right hand corner of the page. This will return you to the Add subscription page. The type of subscription will now be listed next to the Change Filter button.

  7. Click the Save button. The Subscriptions page will load. If your subscription does not violate any authorization restrictions, the new subscription will appear in the list.