Query Browse Taxonomies

Querying by Taxonomy applies only to unchecked taxonomies. Checked taxonomies can be drilled through and browsed. To learn more see the Browse to an Entity topic.

To Search by Taxonomy in the Browse View...

  1. If you have not already done so, Log in to your user account.

  2. Click the Browse tab in the upper left corner of the console.

  3. Select from the list box which preliminary filter should be used. If you choose filter see the Filter Taxonomies topic for more information.

  4. Expand the desired taxonomy by clicking on its expansion icon. This is the square with the plus sign in the middle. A control made of two edit fields and two buttons loads beneath the taxonomy branch.

  5. Enter key name and key value strings in the appropriate fields. The "%" wildcard can be used. This wildcard by itself in both fields will retrieve all records that use this taxonomy.

  6. Click the Add to Query button. This taxonomy with these key name and key value strings will be added to the query.

  7. Repeat steps four through six to add more taxonomies to the query.

  8. Click the Query link at the bottom of the panel. The actually query, structured as a tree, is shown in the left navigation panel. A list of all records matching the query parameters loads in the right view panel.