Searching WSDL Service Resources

To Search for a WSDL Service

  1. If you are not already in the Search control click the Catalog tab.

  2. Expand the Resources and WSDL nodes by clicking on their expansion icons. This is the box with the plus sign in the center.

  3. In the left side navigation pane click the Services node, this loads the Services view in the central panel

  4. In the central panel click the Search services link to load the Search services form.

  5. Set Search Parameters

    These are grouped in three sets: Business properties, Technical Properties and a more general area which includes just the name edit box.

    To set the Name parameter, simply enter a string in the Name edit box. The percent "%", and underscore "_" wildcards can and should be used. For example, the string "Acc%" will return all Services whose names begin with the letters "Acc".

    The Business Properties work as follows:

    • Usage - a short string whose meaning is reserved for the User or Registry Administrator to define. Uses wildcards.

    • Certification - has the Service been certified by a competent standards body or is such certification pending? Multiple states can be selected.

    • Keywords - based on the uddi-org:general_keywords category. The left box will match a KeyName (like a Namespace), the right one will match a KeyValue (like a value in a Namespace). Both use wildcards.

    The Technical Properties work as follows:

    • Localname - localname of the Service within the WSDL from which it was generated. Uses wildcards.

    • Namespace - namespace used within the WSDL from which the service was generated. Uses wildcards.

    • Version - which meaningful iteration in the development of this Service does this record represent? Uses wildcards.

    • Milestone - which point in the release cycle has this service passed? Uses wildcards.

    • Release Date - date the service was/will be released. Uses wildcards.

  6. Once all parameters have been set click the Find button. A list of Service records will be returned in the Results tab which is made visible. The Service view will be the same as the last view used in the Results tab. Following an initial search, for most user types, the view returned will be the Default one.

    You can change the view in the Results view list. Choices include Default, Summary, and Technical.