Searching for an XSLT Resource

Transformations are important for passing information from one document format into another. They can be used in serialization and processing streams or in generating report information.

To Search for an XSLT Resource

  1. If you have not yet done so, Log in.

  2. Click the Catalog tab in the upper left corner of the console.

  3. Click the XSLT Transformations node. This loads the XSLT Transformations view in the workspace to the right.

  4. Click the Search XSLT resources link. This loads the Find XSLT Resources control in the central panel.

  5. Here you can locate an XSLT resource by URL, input schema(s), output schema(s) or a combination of the three.

    To Search by URL

    1. Enter all or part of the URL - using wild cards - into the Location list box.

    2. Click the Find button at the bottom of the control.

    To Search by Input Schema

    One or more schemas can be collected in a list in the Input XML Schema space.

    1. Click the Add schema button. This loads a control for adding schemas into an Input XML Schema list.

    2. Enter a key or namespace value into the edit field. You can either select a key using the Select XSD control or enter the values by hand.

      When entering the values by hand, be sure to select the correct radio button; key or namespace. You can also enter partial values using wildcards.

    3. Once the value edit field has a been filled in, click the green check icon to the right to add the value to the list.

    4. To add additional schema parameters to the list click the Add schema button and repeat steps. two and three

    5. Click the Find button at the bottom of the control. A standard list of all XSLT transforms using documents based on these schemas as inputs is returned in the Results tab.

    To Search by Output Schema

    One or more schemas can be collected in a list in the Output XML Schema space.

    1. Click the Add schema button. This loads a control for adding schemas into an Output XML Schema list.

    2. Enter a key or namespace value into the edit field. You can either select a key using the Select XSD control or enter the values by hand.

      When entering the values by hand, be sure to select the correct radio button; key or namespace. You can also enter partial values using wildcards.

    3. Once the value edit field has a been filled in, click the green check icon to the right to add the value to the list.

    4. To add additional schema parameters to the list click the Add schema button and repeat steps. two and three

    5. Click the Find button at the bottom of the control. A standard list of all XSLT transforms using documents based on these schemas as outputs is returned in the Results tab.

  6. You can constrain your queries with a combination of all three approaches.