Group Maintenance

Once a group is created it needs to be populated. Over its lifecycle, group membership is likely to grow and shrink as new user accounts are registered; old user accounts are retired; or as security policies are changed. The most common tasks involve adding users to and removing users from membership lists.

To Add a User Account to a Group

  1. Navigate to the Edit Group page. If you have just saved a new group you will be on this page. If you are not on this page:

    1. Click the Profile tab.

    2. Click the Groups menu item.

    3. Enter all or part of the name of the group you are looking to edit in the Filter edit box.

      The "%" wildcard can be used at the start and end of your search string. Entering the "%" wildcard alone will return all published groups.

    4. Click the Filter button.

    5. In the result set that is returned click the edit icon - the one that looks like paper and pencil. This will load the Edit Group page for the selected group.

  2. Select users to add to the group.

    • To select all users click the Select All button.

    • To select a single user click the check box next to the user's name.

    • To clear the selection click the Select none button.

  3. To add the selection to the group click the Right Arrow button. New and current members will be displayed under the Group Members control.

  4. Click the Save group properties button to update the group record in the registry.

To Remove a User from a Group

  1. Navigate to the Edit Group page. If you have just saved a new group you will be on this page. If you are not on this page:

    1. Click the Profile tab.

    2. Click the Groups menu item.

    3. Enter all or part of the name of the group you are looking to edit in the Filter edit box.

      The "%" wildcard can be used at the start and end of your search string. Entering the "%" wildcard alone will return all published groups.

    4. Click the Filter button.

    5. In the result set that is returned click the edit icon - the one that looks like paper and pencil. This will load the Edit Group page for the selected group.

  2. Generate a filtered list of users to remove from the group. Under the Group members control.

    1. Select whether you want to filter users based on Login Name or on the Full Name specified in their accounts.

    2. Enter a partial search string in the edit box to narrow down the search. The "%" wildcard can be used to create GREP style flexibility. For example "%a%e" would return a list containing "corporate" and "jane". Leaving the edit box blank will return all visible names. This can result in a very long list.

    3. Click the Filter button. The filtered list appears beneath the User's list control.

  3. Selected users to remove from the group.

    • To select all users click the Select All button.

    • To select a single user click the check box next to the user's name.

    • To clear the selection click the Select none button.

  4. Click the Left Arrow button to remove selected users from the group. Remaining members will be displayed in the list under the Group Members control.

  5. Click the Save group properties button to update the group record in the registry.