Direct Searches

Whether Provider, Service, Technical Model or Endpoint, every entity published to the registry is assigned a universally unique identifier. You can retrieve views of any published entity using this identifier. Note that identifier formats differ between UDDI version 3 and earlier versions of the specification.

Under UDDI version 3 you may also search for a WSDL document by identifier keys of WSDL elements that have been mapped to UDDI structures, or by the URL of the document itself.

To Search for a Record using a UDDI or UUID value...

  1. Click the Search tab at the top of the console.

  2. Click the Direct get link in the menu.

  3. If you are using a UDDI v2 style key - one that begins with "uuid" - click the V2 tab. Otherwise when using a UDDI v3 style key - one that begins with "uddi" make sure the V3 tab is on top.

  4. To retrieve a Business (Provider), Service, Endpoint or tModel enter the complete identifier key in the appropriate edit box.

    Identifier Format

    An identifier key is a URI. It must be globally unique to the registry server and may be universally unique. In UDDI version 3 identifier keys begin with a scheme, are followed by a domain or uuid value and may be completed with a key specific string to insure it is unique. Parts are separated with a colon, ":". For example:

    • (ver. 3 Provider Key)

    • uddi:5c546520-78b8-11d8-bec4-123456789012 (ver. 3 Binding Key)

    • uuid:cd153257-086a-4237-b336-6bdcbdcc6634 (ver. 2 tModelKey)

  5. Click the View button for the record type you wish to retrieve.

To Search Directly for a WSDL

  1. Click the Search tab at the top of the control.

  2. Click the Direct Get link in the menu.

  3. Make sure that the V3 tab is on top. Searching for WSDLs is new to UDDI v3.

  4. In the appropriate edit box enter the URL; or the key for a tModel used by the WSDL or its service; or a service Key or a key to a Binding Template for the service.

  5. Click the Get WSDL button.

  6. In the result set that is returned, you can click on the link in the WSDL location field to retrieve an actual document. You can also click on the link in the business service field to view a Service to which the WSDL corresponds.