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Oracle® BPEL Process Manager Administrator's Guide
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Part Number B28982-03
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4 Configuring and Viewing BPEL Process Logs

This chapter describes how to configure Oracle BPEL Process Manager logging levels and view logging results.

This chapter contains the following topics:

4.1 Logging Overview

Oracle BPEL Process Manager uses the log4j tool to generate log files containing messages that describe startup and shutdown information, errors, warning messages, access information on HTTP requests, and additional information.

The log4j tool enables logging at runtime without modifying the application binary. Instead, logging behavior is controlled by editing properties in Oracle BPEL Control and Oracle BPEL Admin Console.

Two logging levels are supported in Oracle BPEL Process Manager:

The default format of log files created by log4j cannot be read by the log loader and written to the log repository in Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console. To do this, you must change the appender format of the messages written to log files. Make this change in the log4j-config.xml file, which is located in the following directories:

See Also:

4.2 Domain Level Logging

Domain logging enables you to log and troubleshoot issues for a specific BPEL domain. You set domain logging levels in Oracle BPEL Control. The domain log files are located in SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\domains\domain_name\logs.

Follow these procedures to set domain logging levels.

  1. Access Oracle BPEL Control through one of the following methods:

    • Selecting Start > All Programs > Oracle - Oracle_Home > Oracle BPEL Process Manager > BPEL Control

    • Going to the following URL:


      where port is:

      • 8888 if you installed Oracle BPEL Process Manager from the Oracle Application Server SOA software CD.

      • 9700 if you installed the Oracle BPEL Process Manager for Developers or Oracle BPEL Process Manager for OracleAS Middle Tier install type from the Oracle BPEL Process Manager software CD.

  2. Enter the oc4jadmin user name and password when prompted.

  3. Select the domain for which to set domain logging levels from the list in the upper right corner.

  4. Select Manage BPEL Domain > Logging.

    The Logging window appears.

    Description of logging2.gif follows
    Description of the illustration logging2.gif

    The following logging levels are available and listed here from highest priority to lowest priority. When a logging level is specified, all messages with a lower priority level than the one selected are ignored.

    Logging Level This Selection...
    Off Disables logging. This selection is the highest priority.
    Fatal Logs critical messages. After logging occurs, the application quits abnormally.
    Error Logs application error messages to a log; the application continues to run (for example, an administrator-supplied configuration parameter is incorrect and you default to using a hard-coded value).
    Warn Logs warning messages to a log; the application continues to run without problems.
    Info Logs messages in a format similar to the verbose mode of many applications.
    Debug Logs debugging messages that should not be printed when the application is in a production environment.
    All Enables all logging. This selection is the lowest priority.

    The lower part of the Logging window displays the types of loggers you can set.

  5. Review the levels and descriptions.

    Logger Name Description
    domain_name.collaxa.cube General BPEL logging (system)
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.activation Activation agent logging (inbound adapters)
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.bpeltest BPEL unit test logging
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.console.reports Oracle BPEL Control reports logging
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.engine XML message logging
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.engine.agents Internal agent framework logging (for example, expiration agents)
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.engine.archive JAR file archive deployment logging in pre-10.1.3 releases. Archiving is not supported in 10.1.3.
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.engine.bpel BPEL process logging. If enabled, each executed BPEL activity logs messages. Persistence and dehydration layer logging Delivery service and manager logging; this logger is responsible for callbacks and initiating delivery
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment Deployment of BPEL suitcases logging
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch Asynchronous message logging
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.engine.transaction Transaction-related logging of the execution of process steps. This logger is not used in 10.1.3.
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.messaging Messaging layer logging (as Oracle BPEL Process Manager uses messaging services for scaling) Server-side security logging (message header authentication layer)
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.sensor Sensor publisher layer logging Services logging (for example, notifications or human workflow)
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.translation Adapter translation layer logging (the transformation between adapter protocol and inbound XML documents) Communication-related logging (for example, WSIF layer (inbound and outbound), SOAP, and adapters).
    domain_name.collaxa.cube.xml XML processing and transformation, XPath, and XML documents (BPEL variables) logging Inside validator logging

  6. Select a level from the Logging Level list for a specific logger name or select a single level for all logger names from the Change All list.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. Rerun the process to collect logging data.

  9. Review the domain.log file located in SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\domains\domain_name\logs.


These parameters can also be configured by editing log4j-config.xml in the SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\domains\domain_name\config directory.

4.3 System Level Logging

System level logging is provided for infrastructure, AXIS, and WSIF issues. You set system logging levels in Oracle BPEL Admin Console. The system log files are located in SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\system\logs.

Follow these procedures to set system logging levels.

  1. Access Oracle BPEL Admin Console:


    where port is:

    • 8888 if you installed Oracle BPEL Process Manager from the Oracle Application Server SOA software CD.

    • 9700 if you installed the Oracle BPEL Process Manager for Developers or Oracle BPEL Process Manager for OracleAS Middle Tier install type from the Oracle BPEL Process Manager software CD.

  2. Enter the oc4jadmin user name and password when prompted.

  3. Click Logging.

    The Logging window appears.

    The logging levels that display are the same as those described in Step 4. The lower part of the Logging window displays the types of loggers you can set.

    Logger Name Description
    collaxa General Oracle BPEL Process Manager logging
    collaxa.cube.cluster Cluster-related logging
    collaxa.cube.infrastructure Infrastructure logging issues such as database connectors All Oracle BPEL Process Manager service logging
    org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.axis General AXIS-related logging
    org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.axis.enterprise AXIS-related logging
    org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.axis.transport Axis-related logging (to see what AXIS is sending over the network)
    org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif System-wide WSIF logging.
    org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.logging WSIF logging
    org.collaxa.thirdparty.jgroups JGroups related-logging
    org.quartz Quartz scheduler-related logging
    wsif WSIF logging

  4. Review the levels and descriptions.

  5. Select a level from the Logging Level list for a specific logger name or select a single level for all logger names from the Change All list.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Rerun the process to collect logging data.

  8. Review the orabpel.log file located in SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\system\logs.


These parameters can also be configured by editing log4j-config.xml in the SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\system\config directory.

4.4 System and Domain Level Logging Examples

This section provides examples of the logger names to set to the Debug logging level to troubleshoot problems.

4.4.1 Example 1: Process Invokes an External Web Service

Your process invokes an external Web service, and the data retrieved by the Web service is incorrect. Check the following loggers:

  • — to see if something went wrong before sending

  • org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.axis and org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.axis.transport — to see what is currently being sent

4.4.2 Example 2: Java Class Invoked through WSIF Binding

A Java class is invoked through WSIF binding and a binding fault occurs. Check the following loggers:

  • — to see the complete stack

  • org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif — to examine the WSIF portion that performs the real invocation

4.4.3 Example 3: Process Invokes an Asynchronous Service

Your process invokes an asynchronous service and never receives a callback (it times out, or waits forever). Check the following loggers:

  • — this is related to the outbound direction

  • org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.axis and org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.axis.transport — to see what was sent and to see the outgoing WSA header needed for correlation

  • — to see what the delivery handler does, and if a message is retrieved that can be correlated

4.4.4 Example 4: Process Sends a Notification

Your process sends a notification through an e-mail activity, but the e-mail does not arrive at the intended location. Check the following logger:

  • — to see what occurred during delivery attempt

4.5 Logging with Sensors

You can use sensors to generate application logging activity. Note that logging with sensors impacts performance because sensor data objects are built even when logging is disabled.

You add sensors to specific activities and then extract data from variables. To do this, you must implement a custom sensor publishing action to do the log4j logging. For example, you can create a sensor on an invoke activity and create a message that is sent to a JMS queue.

See Also:

Oracle BPEL Process Manager Developer's Guide for details about sensors

4.6 Logging with bpelx:exec in a Java Embedding Activity

You can also log messages by adding custom Java code to a BPEL process using the Java BPEL exec extension bpelx:exec inside a Java Embedding activity in Oracle JDeveloper.

The method addAuditTrailEntry(String):void enables you to add an entry to the audit trail.

4.7 Summary

This chapter describes how to configure and view BPEL process logs at the domain and system levels. Examples of logger names to set in order to view troubleshooting information are provided. Alternative methods for generating logging information (with sensors and with bpelx:exec) are also described.