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Oracle® Business Activity Monitoring Administrator's Guide
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Part Number B28991-01
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9 Managing Plan Monitors

This chapter describes the tools you can use to keep track of Plan Monitors.

This chapter contains the following topics:

9.1 Introducing Plan Monitors

Using Plan Monitors, you can monitor Plans that you created in Design Studio. In Administrator, you can view the status of monitored Plans, view information about the Data Flow Service that runs the monitored Plans, and stop Plans that are running.

You can also view the status of the Plan Monitor Service. This shows how many Plans the Plan Monitor Service is monitoring and how many monitored Plans are currently running. This information is saved in a system data object named Plan Monitor Service Status.

You can install multiple Plan Monitors for implementations that run large numbers of Plans. For more information see the Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Installation Guide.

Before running the Plan Monitor Service, you must start the following services:

If you start or restart the Data Flow Service, you must go to Control Panel > Services and restart the Oracle BAM Plan Monitor Service.

9.2 Viewing the Plan Monitor Service Status

To view the Plan Monitor status:

  1. Select Plan Monitor from the list.

  2. You can view the Plan Monitor Status information as described in Table 9-1.

  3. Click Refresh status display to update the display after changes occur.

Table 9-1 Plan Monitor Status Information

Item Description

Time of last status change

The time the Plan Monitor status changed.


Status of the Plan Monitor can be Starting, Stopping, Sleeping, Working, Stopped.


Lists number of Plans monitored and number of monitored Plans running.

9.3 Viewing the Status of Monitored Plans

You can view the status of monitored Plans. This information is saved in a system data object named Plan Monitor Plan Status.

To view Plan status:

  1. Select Plan Monitor from the list.

  2. Click Status of monitored Plans.

    The Plan Status window opens. Table 9-2 describes the Plan status information displayed on the screen.

Table 9-2 Plan Status

Item Description

Last status change

Time of last status change

Plan name

Plan name

Current Status

Most recent results of monitoring the Plan, such as New, Running, StartFailed, RestartFailed, Failed, Completed, AwaitingRestart, StopRequested, StopFailed.

DFS Request ID

Identifies the current running of the Plan. Use this number in the Data Flow Service Status page to stop a Plan from running.

Restarts after completion

The number of times the Plan has restarted by the Plan Monitor after completion.

Restarts after failure

The number of times the Plan has been restarted by the Plan Monitor after failure.


Displays a status message or error message related to latest event.

9.4 Changing Plan Settings

You can select Plans to be monitored in the Plan settings windows. After you enable Plan monitoring for a specific Plan, you can select other options such as the action to take after a Plan completes or fails.

To enable Plan Monitoring for a specific Plan:

  1. Select Plan Monitor from the list.

  2. Click Plan settings.

    The Plan Settings window displays.

  3. Next to a Plan name, click the Mon check box to turn on monitoring for that Plan.

  4. In the Completion Action column, select an action such as Always restart on completion, Do not restart on completion, Limit restart on completion to X times, maximum.

  5. In the Failure Action column, select an action such as Always restart on failure, Do not restart on failure, Limit restart on failure to X times, maximum.

  6. In the Max Restart Frequency column, select either No limit on frequency or Limit frequency to no more than once every X minutes.

    This setting does not give you control over the plan execution frequency. There is no way to do this from a Plan Monitor level because you cannot predict how long the Data Flow Service needs to run the Plan (based on plan structure and Data Flow Service resource usage, and so on). However, you can create alerts in Architect or Active Studio to run a plan every x minutes. This will start a new instance of a Plan, which means there could be more than one instance of a Plan running if their execution times are longer than their alert trigger times.

  7. In the Monitor Service column, select the name of the Plan Monitor service you want this Plan to use. This is useful in the case of multiple Plan monitors.

  8. Click Save Changes and close the window.

9.5 Viewing the Data Flow Service Status

You can view the status and connection information about the Data Flow Service. You cannot edit Data Flow Service configuration from Administrator.

To view the Data Flow Service status:

  1. Select Plan Monitor from the list.

  2. Select Data Flow Service status.

    The Data Flow Service Status window displays.

Table 9-3 Data Flow Service Status Information

Item Description

Client Sessions

The users connected, including the Plan Monitor Service.


Lists the manual and monitored Plans that have been run or are currently running.

Cached Result

Each entry shows the Plan that was run, the Plan ID, and the status of running the Plan.

9.6 Stopping a Running Plan

You can stop a Plan that is running. You must identify the Plan that you want to stop by its Request ID. You locate the Request ID if the Plan has recently run by viewing the information in the Data Flow Service status window, the Plan Monitor Journal window, or the Status of Monitored Plans window.

To stop a running Plan:

  1. Select Plan Monitor from the list.

  2. Click Data Flow Service status.

  3. Click Request that a running Plan be stopped.

    A dialog displays.

  4. Enter the Request ID for the Plan, and click OK. For example, {E57092EB-0799-4A2C-A321-AC20A7BA2DC0} including the curly brackets.

    A message displays in the Data Flow Service status window that a stop has been requested. To confirm that the Plan stopped, check the Data Flow Service Status window. If it is a monitored Plan, you can also view the Plan Monitor Journal or the Status of Monitored Plans.

9.7 Requesting Plan Settings Checks

You can request a Plan settings check to check for new settings. Depending on the number of Plans in the system, Plan settings check may take several minutes.

To request a Plan settings check:

  1. Select Plan Monitor from the list.

  2. Click Request Plan settings check.

    A confirmation window displays.

  3. Click Close to close the window.

9.8 Viewing the Plan Monitor Journal

You can open the Plan Monitor journal to view summary information on Plans, such as when they were run and if they failed or completed without errors. When Plans fail, the error text is displayed in the Plan Monitor journal. The Plan Monitor journal also records the status changes of the Plan Monitor Service, such as starting, stopping, and errors. This information is saved in a system data object named Plan Monitor Journal.

To view the Plan Monitor journal:

  1. Select Plan Monitor from the list.

  2. Select Plan Monitor Journal.

    The Plan Monitor Journal window displays. Table 9-4 describes the information displayed in the Plan Monitor Journal.

Table 9-4 Plan Monitor Journal Information

Item Description

Event Time

The time the event occurred.

Event Code

The code that describes the event type, such as Normal, Error, PlanStartFailed, PlanRestartFailed, PlanStarted, PlanRestarted, PlanFailed, PlanCompleted, PlanRestartMax, PlanStopFailed, PlanStopRequested.

Event Text

Status message or error message information.

9.9 Creating Alerts for Plan Monitors

You can create Alerts against the system data objects for Plan Monitor which are very useful because they immediately notify you of a plan failure or Plan Monitor service failure and you can take action right away. This is very useful with real time plans where the plans must always be running. Otherwise, there is no visibility to these occurrences, other than the administrator periodically checking the statuses of Plan Monitor in Administrator. For more information about configuring Alerts see the Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide or the Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Active Studio User's Guide.