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Oracle® Application Server Adapter Installation Guide
10g Release 3 (

Part Number B28995-01
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2 Installation and Configuration

This chapter describes how to install and configure Oracle Application Server adapters. It contains the following topics:

Installation Tasks

Oracle Application Server can be installed with the following:

To install Oracle Application Server adapters, perform the following steps:

  1. If you have already installed Oracle BPEL Process Manager (BPEL) and Oracle Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) as part of the SOA suite, skip this step and move to Step 3.

    However, if you have installed the J2EE and Web Cache installation type of Oracle Application Server, then you must modify the {J2EE_HOME}/config/server.xml:

    <shared-library name="oracle.bpel.common" version="10.1.3">
          <code-source path="/temp/dummy/"/>

    If you do not modify server.xml, then you may encounter an error with the JCA-APP-Adapter not deploying during installation.

  2. If you are installing on Solaris or Linux, then refer to Oracle Application Server Installation Guide 10g for Solaris Operating System and Oracle Application Server Installation Guide for hp HP-UX PA-RISC , and Linux x86 for specific operating system for instructions to:

    • Set the mount point for the CD-ROM

    If you are installing on Microsoft Windows, then refer to Oracle Application Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows for instructions to:

    • Start Oracle Universal Installer

  3. Insert the OracleAS Adapter CD-ROM.

  4. Navigate to the software directory of the OracleAS Adapter CD-ROM.

  5. Start Oracle Universal Installer. The following table describes the step for starting Oracle Universal Installer.

    Platform Step
    Solaris or Linux Enter the following command at the operating system prompt:


    Windows Click setup.exe.

    The Welcome screen is displayed.

  6. Click Next. The Specify File Locations screen is displayed as shown in Figure 2-1.

    Figure 2-1 Specify File Locations

    Description of Figure 2-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-1 Specify File Locations "

  7. Enter the Oracle Home name, where you want to install OracleAS Adapter in the Destination fields. Do not change the directory path in the Source field. This is the location of the OracleAS Adapter installation files.

  8. Click Next. The Select Installation Type screen is displayed.

  9. Select one of the following types of installation type:

    • Design time and Run time

    • Design time

  10. Click Next. The Available Product Components screen is displayed as shown in Figure 2-2.

    Figure 2-2 Available Products Components

    Description of Figure 2-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-2 Available Products Components"

  11. Select the adapters you want to install from the following list:

    • OracleAS Adapter for J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE

    • OracleAS Adapter for PeopleSoft

    • OracleAS Adapter for SAP R/3

    • OracleAS Adapter for Siebel

    • OracleAS Adapter for CICS

    • OracleAS Adapter for IMS/DB

    • OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM

    • OracleAS Adapter for Tuxedo

    • OracleAS Adapter for VSAM

  12. Click Next.

  13. If you have selected Design-time and Run-time in Step 9, then the Administration Settings is displayed, as shown in Figure 2-3. Perform Steps 13a through 13b. Otherwise, the Summary screen is displayed. Go to Step 14.

    Figure 2-3 Administration Settings

    Description of Figure 2-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-3 Administration Settings"

    1. Type the AS Administrator password.

    2. Click Next. The Summary screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 2-4.

      Figure 2-4 Summary Screen

      Description of Figure 2-4 follows
      Description of "Figure 2-4 Summary Screen"

  14. Review specific details on the Summary screen, including the disk requirements to ensure that you have sufficient disk space.

  15. Click Install.

    After the installation is complete, the following postinstallation configuration assistants are started to automatically configure OracleAS Adapter, as shown in Figure 2-5:

  16. If installation and configuration are successful, then the End of Installation screen is displayed. The selected adapters are installed in the adapters/application directory of your Oracle home for packaged application adapters.

    For details about the installation, refer to the latest installActionsYEAR_MM_DD_TIME.log file located in the oraInventory_location/logs directory on UNIX or the Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs directory on Windows.

Postinstallation Tasks for Packaged-Application Adapters

Perform the following postinstallation configuration tasks for packaged-application adapters:


The directory paths mentioned in this guide follow UNIX conventions. For example, forward slashes (/) are used.

If you are using OracleAS Adapter on Windows, then modify the directory paths as required.

Installing Patches

The first postinstallation step is to install the following mandatory patches available on metalink:

  • Patch 5717193 for Tuxedo adapters.

  • Patch 5895585 for Application Adapters: mySAP, Siebel, Peoplesoft and J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE.

  • Patch 5895598 for Legacy Adapters: Tuxedo, CICS, VSAM, IMS/TM and IMS/DB.

Copying the Library Files

Packaged-application adapters require you to copy library files to directories.

  1. Copy the library files for these adapters into the ORACLE_HOME/adapter/application/lib directory.

Adapter Library Files
OracleAS Adapter for J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE J.D. Edwards OneWorld Java-based ThinNet API

This API is distributed as .jar files on the J.D. Edwards OneWorld installation media. These libraries can vary based on the J.D. Edwards OneWorld release and include the following files:

  • Kernel.jar

  • Connector.jar

Refer to Oracle Application Server Adapter for J.D. Edwards OneWorld User's Guide for any additional steps required for the J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE system.

OracleAS Adapter for PeopleSoft
  • PeopleSoft Java Object Adapter file (psjoa.jar)

    This file provides a low-level interface between client applications and PeopleSoft. This file is provided with PeopleSoft in the PeopleSoft_home_directory/web/PSJOA directory.

    The psjoa.jar file is different for every version of PeopleSoft. When you upgrade your Peopletools release, ensure that you copy the psjoa.jar file for the new release into the lib directory and restart all components.


    This file is required for PeopleSoft 8.1x. This file belongs in the PeopleSoft_home_directory/web/jmac directory.

Refer to Oracle Application Server Adapter for PeopleSoft User's Guide for any additional steps required for PeopleSoft.

OracleAS Adapter for SAP (R/3 and mySAP ERP) The SAP Java connector (typically named sapjco.jar)

Information on the current set of SAP connectors is available at

A valid SAP service ID is required to access this file. Follow the instructions provided on the SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) overview page to download the current version. For more information, contact your SAP BASIS Administrator.

Using the archive tool, open the archive containing the SAP JCo and extract the runtime files. The file names can vary by operating system, but typically are contained in the root of the archive.

Note: All operating systems: You must place the sapjco.jar file in the ORACLE_HOME\adapters\application\lib directory. Then, you must add the sapjco.jar to the Oracle Application Server classpath.

On Windows, librfc32.dll should be placed in the %WINDIR%\system32 directory and sapjcorfc.dll should be placed in the same directory as sapjco.jar (ORACLE_HOME\adapters\application\lib). On other platforms, use the corresponding location. These library files vary by operating system. For example:










On UNIX platforms, the directory in which the shared library files are located must be added to the shared library variable applicable to the operating system. The following is a list of platforms and associated variables:





Other UNIX Platforms


Solaris: The following are the two supported methods for specifying the SAP library files:

  • Copy the SAP JCO files (sapjco.jar,, and to ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/sparc/server

  • Copy the SAP JCO files to /usr/j2sdk1.4.2_09/jre/lib/sparcv9/server

Alternatively, you may add the path to these files to your environment variable definition using the Application Server Control console. For details on application server administration options, see Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide.

Refer to Oracle Application Server Adapter for SAP User's Guide for any additional steps required for SAP R/3 and mySAP ERP..

OracleAS Adapter for Siebel For Siebel 6.3.x and later, the Siebel Java Data Bean API, which is distributed as .jar files with the Siebel Thin Client

These libraries vary by Siebel release in both content and name. Therefore, the Siebel Thin Client that comes with the target Siebel system must always be used with the adapter. For example:

For Siebel 6.3.x:

  • SiebelTcOM.jar

  • SiebelTcCommon.jar

  • SiebelTC_enu.jar

  • SiebelDataBean.jar

For Siebel 7.0.3:

  • SiebelJI_Common.jar

  • SiebelJI_enu.jar

For Siebel 7.5.2:

  • SiebelJI_Common.jar

  • SiebelJI_enu.jar

  • SiebelJI.jar

For Siebel 7.7:

  • SiebelJI_enu.jar

  • Siebel.jar

For Siebel 7.8:

  • SiebelJI_enu.jar

  • Siebel.jar

The Siebel COM-based API (Windows only) requires the Siebel Thin Client to be installed and accessible to the Siebel adapter.

Note: The following previously listed files are for English language installations:

  • SiebelTC_enu.jar

  • SiebelJI_enu.jar

For non-English installations, the last three letters (_enu) vary.

If you are using the MQ Series as a transport, then you also need to use file.

Refer to Oracle Application Server Adapter for Siebel User's Guide for any additional steps required for Siebel.

Verifying BSE deployment

To verify the OracleAS Adapter Business Services Engine installation:

  1. Open the following page in your Web browser:


    where hostname is the name of the Oracle Application Server host and port is the HTTP port of the Oracle Application Server. For example:


    The OracleAS Adapter Business Services Engine home page opens as shown in Figure 2-6. This page enables you to test the sample Web server installed with the OracleAS Adapter Business Services Engine.

    Figure 2-6 OracleAS Adapter Business Services Engine Home Page

    Description of Figure 2-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-6 OracleAS Adapter Business Services Engine Home Page"

  2. Click IVP, iwayivp, ivp, and Invoke.

    An XML response similar to the following is displayed in your browser:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsd=""
    - <SOAP-ENV:Body>
    - <ivpResponse xmlns="urn:oraclesoftware:ibse:jul2003:ivp:response"

Configuring the J2CA deployment

OracleAS Adapter JCA supports file and database repository. The default repository is a file repository. You can create the database repository by running the iwse.ora SQL script in the adapters/application/etc directory.

If you selected the Design-time and Run-time installation type, then Oracle Universal Installer automatically deploys OracleAS Adapter JCA version 1.0 and provides a default oc4j-ra.xml configuration file. This file contains a default ManagedConnectionFactory with eis/Oracle JCAAdapter/DefaultConnection as the JNDI name:

<connector-factory location="eis/OracleJCAAdapter/DefaultConnection"  connector-name="IWAFJCA10">   <config-property name="IWayHome" value="../../adapters/application"/>   <config-property name="IWayConfig" value="jca_sample"/>   <config-property name="IWayRepoURL" value=""/>   <config-property name="IWayRepoUser" value=""/>   <config-property name="IWayRepoPassword" value=""/>   <config-property name="logLevel" value="debug"/></connector-factory>


The IWayRepoURL, IWayRepoUser, and IWayRepoPassword parameters are used for a database repository only.

You can create a different ManagedConnectionFactory by editing the oc4j-ra.xml configuration file. To do this:

  1. Open the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_BPEL/application-deployments/default/jca-app-adapter/oc4j-ra.xml file.

  2. Change the iWayConfig parameter to point to the corresponding OracleAS Adapter JCA version 1.0 repository project.

  3. Set the JNDI location to the correct value. For example:

    <connector-factory location="eis/OracleJCAAdapter/MyConnection" connector-name="IWAFJCA10">
       <config-property name="IWayHome" value="../../adapters/application"/>
       <config-property name="IWayConfig" value="My_jca_config"/>
       <config-property name="IWayRepoURL" value=""/>
       <config-property name="IWayRepoUser" value=""/>
       <config-property name="IWayRepoPassword" value=""/>
       <config-property name="logLevel" value="debug"/>

Verifying the J2CA Installation

To verify the J2CA version 1.0 installation:

  1. Open the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_BPEL/applications/jca-app-adapter-test /iwafjca/WEB-INF/web.xml file.

  2. Modify the deployment descriptor web.xml file to point to the JNDI location of the ManagedConnectionFactory defined in Step 2 of "Configuring the J2CA deployment".

    You can access the OracleAS Adapter JCA test servlet using the following URL:


    where hostname is the name of the Oracle Application Server host and port is the HTTP port of the Oracle Application Server.

Directory Structure

The packaged application adapters are installed into the adapters/application subdirectory of your Oracle home directory. Table 2-1 shows the directory structure. The license.xml file is also installed in the application directory.

Table 2-1 Packaged Application Adapter Directory Structure

Subdirectory Description


Contains the install.xml file


Contains the jca_sample subdirectory and the XML-file-based repository for the OracleAS Adapter J2CA


Contains the ibse.ear, iwafjca.ear, iwafjca.rar, and iwse.ora files


Contains library files


Contains the OracleAS Adapter Application Explorer graphical user interface


Contains the WSDL files generated by the user

The directory\legacy folder contains the .rar file for legacy adapters. In addition, the adapters\lib folder contains the orabpel-adapters.jar file.


A user can create additional directories under the WSDL directory to organize the generated WSDL files.

Starting Application Explorer

Use Application Explorer to configure the OracleAS Adapter J2CA version 1.0 and OracleAS Adapter Business Services Engine repository projects. To start Application Explorer on Windows, From the Start menu, select Programs, OracleAS_home Adapters, and then select Application Explorer.

In addition, on Windows, iaexplorer.bat is found under OracleAS_home\adapters\application\tools

Where OracleAS_home is the directory where Oracle Application Server is installed.

On UNIX, load the script, found under OracleAS_home/adapters/application/tools

Where OracleAS_home is the directory where Oracle Application Server is installed.

Configuring the Database Repository for J2CA

  1. Execute the iwse.ora SQl statement on the machine where database is installed.

  2. Create the file and save it in the following directory:


  3. Enter values for iwafjca.repo.url, iwafjca.repo.user and iwafjca.repo.password fields in the newly created file, as shown in the following exapmle:




  4. Open the oc4j-ra.xml file in a text editor.

  5. Provide the JDBC connection information as a value for the IWAYRepo_URL property.

  6. Provide a valid user name for the IWAYRepo_User property.

  7. Provide a valid password for the IWAYRepo_Password property.

  8. Save your changes to the oc4j-ra.xml file.

  9. Alter the JDBC driver path in Application Explorer. Change the path shown in example1 to the path listed in example2:





Modifying server.xml

You must edit $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/(container)/config/server.xml, where the container could be either home or oc4j_soa based on your installation. Typically, SOA Basic installation uses the home container while the SOA advanced installation uses the oc4j_soa container.

Perform the following steps to modify server.xml:

  1. Create an entry for in server.xml. The required jar files should be added to this new library section. Typically these jar files are EIS library files delivered by respective EIS vendors.

    The following is a sample entry into server.xml for

    <shared-library name="" version="1.0"
    <code-source path="C:\soadp1\adapters\application\lib\psjoa.jar"/>
    <code-source path="C:\soadp1\adapters\application\lib\psGenCompF840Mi14.jar"/>
    <code-source path="C:\soadp1\adapters\application\lib\sapjco.jar"/>


    In the preceding example substitute your oracle home in the path. Only jar files should be added in the preceding example. Additionally, *.so or *.dll files should be mentioned in PATH.
  2. You should import in the oracle.bpel.common section in the shared library of server.xml, as shown in the following example:

    <import-shared-library name=""/>

Modifying oc4j-ra.xml

The following are the steps to modify oc4j-ra.xml:

  1. Add the following code to the imported-shared-libraries section of oc4j-ra.xml:

    <import-shared-library name=""/>
  2. Make changes in the two oc4j-ra.xml files, as mentioned in the following example:

    1. Example1:

    2. Example2:



    If you re-deploy JCA-App-Adapter, then the changes mentioned in the preceding examples will be deleted.

PostInstallation Tasks for Legacy Adapters

This section describes the following postinstallation tasks for legacy adapters:

Configuring Run-Time Connections

Perform the following steps to configure run-time connections:

  1. Edit the oc4j-ra.xml file present at the following location:


  2. Set the following settings for each connection:

      <connector-factory location=" " connector-name="Oracle Legacy Adapter">
        <config-property name="userName" value=" "/>
        <config-property name="password" value=" "/>
        <config-property name="eisName" value=" "/>
        <config-property name="serverName" value=" "/>
        <config-property name="workspace" value=" "/>
        <config-property name="portNumber" value=" "/>
        <config-property name="persistentConnection" value=" "/>
        <config-property name="keepAlive" value=" "/>
        <config-property name="firewallProtocol" value=""/>
        <config-property name="connectTimeout" value=""/>
        <config-property name="encryptionProtocol" value=""/>
        <config-property name="encryptionKeyName" value=""/>
        <config-property name="encryptionKeyValue" value=""/>
        <config-property name="fakeXa" value="false"/>
        <config-property name="useNamespace" value="true"/>

    The following table lists the properties that must be specified:

    Property Description
    location Specifies the JNDI location where Oracle Application Server should bind the connection factory instance for application components. It is mandatory that you specify the location as eis/legacy/eisName.

    This convention is used by the design-time WSIL browser when it generates the legacy adapter service WSDLs containing the jndi location (specifically for the adapterInstanceJndi attribute on the jca:address element); this is the same jndi location that the runtime uses to acquire a connection. For example, if the eisName is DEMOEvent, then the location should be specified as eis/legacy/DEMOEvent.

    In this example, the given eisName is DEMOEvent, therefore the WSIL design time sets adapterInstanceJndi=eis/legacy/DEMOEvent in the WSDL, and the runtime automatically will use eis/legacy/DEMOEvent jndi location to acquire a run-time connection. Therefore, you need to set this same value for the location attribute, otherwise, the run-time resolution is going to fail and error out.

    eisName Sets the name of the adapter to use.
    serverName Sets the TCP/IP address or host name where the Oracle Connect daemon is running.
    workspace Specifies the name of an Oracle Connect server workspace to use. The default workspace is Navigator.
    portNumber Specifies the TCP/IP port where the Oracle Connect daemon is running on the server. The default port is 2552.
    fakeXa Values can be set to true or false. When set to true, The XA APIs are converted internally to local transaction APIs.
    useNamespace Values can be set to true or false. When set to true, XSD metadata are provided with namespace and payload nodes are built using this namespace.

    Note: It is recommended that you set this property to true.

    The following table lists the optional properties:

    Property Description
    userName Specifies a user who can access the Oracle Connect server. The user is defined in the Oracle Connect daemon configuration.
    password Specifies a valid password for the user.
    persistentConnection Set to true or false. When set to true, connections can persist across multiple requests or connection context changes. It is recommended to set this property to true.
    keepAlive Set to true or false. When set to true, the socket used for the connection is always kept open. It is recommended to set this property to true.
    firewallProtocol Specifies the firewall protocol used: either none or fixedNat (the Nat protocol using a fixed address for the daemon). The default is none.
    connectTimeout Specifies the connection timeout in seconds. The default is 0, meaning that there is no connection timeout
    encryptionProtocol Specifies the name of encryption protocol to use. The default is null. The RC4 protocol is supported.
    encryptionKeyName Specifies the name of the symmetric encryption key to use.
    encryptionKeyValue Specifies the value of the symmetric encryption key to use.

Configuring Design-Time Connections

If you need to browse legacy interactions using WSIL browser in JDeveloper, then update the collaxa-config.xml file. This enables the BPEL Process Manager to communicate with the legacy server. The collaxa-config.xml file is available at the following location:


Perform the following steps to configure design-time connections:

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle BPEL PM, and then select Developer Prompt.

  2. Type encrypt <passwd>.

  3. In the collaxa-config.xml file, update the parameters listed in the following table:

Parameter Description
LegacyServer Specifies the legacy server(s) where attunity connect is running
LegacyPort Specifies the port(s) where attunity connect is listening
LegacyUser Specifies the user ID(s) that can access mainframe system
LegacyUserCredential Specifies the encrypted password(s) for the user

Example 2-1 Updating the collaxa-config.xml File

In the following example, the collaxa-config.xml file is updated with the required parameters.

<property id="LegacyServer">
        <name>Legacy server(s) where Oracle Connect is installed</name>
        <![CDATA[Server IP where Oracle Connect has been installed.
        The default fault is value <i>localhost</i>.]]>

<property id="LegacyPort">
        <name>Legacy server port(s) where Oracle Connect is running</name>
      <![CDATA[Server port where Oracle Connect has been installed.
      <p/>      The default is <i>2551</i>.]]>     </comment>

<property id="LegacyUser">      <name>Legacy server user(s) where Oracle Connect is running</name>      <value>null</value>      <comment>      <![CDATA[Server user who has access to Oracle Connect.      <p/>      The default is <i>Null</i>.]]>     </comment>

<property id="LegacyUserCredential">        <name>Legacy server user credential(s) where Oracle Connect is                  running</name>        <value>null</value>
        <comment>        <![CDATA[Credential for server user that has access to Oracle Connect.        <p/>        The default is <i>Null</i>.]]>        </comment> </property>


if you have an anonymous access setup in Oracle Studio, then you need to specify null for both LegacyUser and LegacyUserCredentialproperty.

Example 2-2 Specifying Multiple Connections

To add more instances of legacy systems, provide comma separated values for each computer as shown in the following example:

<property id="LegacyServer">        <name>Legacy server(s) where Oracle Connect is installed</name>        <value>mvs08,mvs09</value>        <comment>        <![CDATA[Server IP where Oracle Connect has been installed.        <p/>        The default is <i>localhost</i>.]]>        </comment> </property>

 <property id="LegacyPort">        <name>Legacy server port(s) where Oracle Connect is running</name>        <value>2554,2555</value>        <comment>        <![CDATA[Server port where Oracle Connect has been installed.        <p/>        The default is <i>2551</i>.]]>        </comment>  </property>

<property id="LegacyUser">        <name>Legacy server user(s) where Oracle Connect is running</name>        <value>null,xyz</value>        <comment>        <![CDATA[Server user who has access to Oracle Connect.        <p/>        The default is <i>Null</i>.]]>        </comment> </property>

 <property id="LegacyUserCredential">        <name>Legacy server user credential(s) where Oracle Connect is running</name>        <value>null,AVCGS80JK9J08M9MLYJM90U</value>        <comment>        <![CDATA[Credential for server user that has access to Oracle Connect.        <p/>        The default is <i>Null</i>.]]>        </comment> </property>

Deinstallation Tasks

To deinstall Oracle Application Server adapters:

  1. Cleanup any previous Adapter installations by running the following commands:

    On Unix:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home
    $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar admin_client.jar
    deployer:oc4j:opmn://localhost:6003/home oc4jadmin welcome1 -undeploy
    jca-legacy-adapter -isConnector
    $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar admin_client.jar
    deployer:oc4j:opmn://localhost:6003/home oc4jadmin welcome1 -undeploy
    jca-app-adapter -isConnector
    $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar admin_client.jar
    deployer:oc4j:opmn://localhost:6003/home oc4jadmin welcome1 -undeploy
    $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar admin_client.jar
    deployer:oc4j:opmn://localhost:6003/home oc4jadmin welcome1 -undeploy

    On Windows:

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%/j2ee/home
    %ORACLE_HOME%/jdk/bin/java -jar admin_client.jar
    deployer:oc4j:opmn://localhost:6003/home oc4jadmin welcome1 -undeploy
    jca-legacy-adapter -isConnector
    %ORACLE_HOME%/jdk/bin/java -jar admin_client.jar
    deployer:oc4j:opmn://localhost:6003/home oc4jadmin welcome1 -undeploy
    jca-app-adapter -isConnector
    %ORACLE_HOME%/jdk/bin/java -jar admin_client.jar
    deployer:oc4j:opmn://localhost:6003/home oc4jadmin welcome1 -undeploy
    %ORACLE_HOME%/jdk/bin/java -jar admin_client.jar
    deployer:oc4j:opmn://localhost:6003/home oc4jadmin welcome1 -undeploy


    Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the location of your SOA installation.

    In each of the commands specified in the preceding examples, ensure that the hostname and OPMN request port number are specified correctly. This example uses, localhost and 6004 respectively.

    Ignore any error message you get indicating that a certain application/resource adapter is not present.

  2. Start Oracle Universal Installer, which is installed on your host.

  3. Click Deinstall Products.

  4. Expand the Oracle home directory that contains the products that you want to deinstall.

  5. Select the specific OracleAS Adapter that you want to deinstall.

  6. Click Remove.

  7. Click Yes when prompted. The selected products are deinstalled.

  8. Click Close.


    The legacy J2CA resource adapter must be undeployed only if you choose to undeploy the entire set of legacy adapters.

Globalization Support

The Oracle Application Server adapters for packaged applications and legacy applications support a wide variety of encoding and can accept non-ASCII data during runtime. In addition, Application Explorer supports localization, while Oracle Studio does not support localization.


Application Explorer supports ADA compliance, while Oracle Studio does not support ADA compliance.