Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Administering the Live Production Process >

Administering Jobs

After you have set up and configured an application and its jobs, use the Command Center to schedule jobs, manage the production process on a daily basis, and to perform administrative activities related to your application.

The Command Center Main Console provides a high-level status of all activity related to jobs in the production environment, and is the first screen that appears when you log in to the Command Center.

Use the Main Console perform the following monitoring activities:

Perform the following regular maintenance activities to keep your applications running efficiently in an ongoing, live production environment:

  • Daily application monitoring tasks:
    • Check the status of production jobs and tasks on a continuous basis using the Command Center.
    • Check the administrator email accounts for any administrator alert mail. Administrator email is generated if there's a problem passing email notifications to the SMTP host or if email notification is not working properly for some other reason. For details about sending administrator email, see Creating Alert Groups.
  • Weekly (or more frequently): Check production message logs (Error, Information, Warning, and Debug logs). For details on viewing log reports, see About Message Log Files.
  • General: Run job reports to view job activity; for details, see About Job Reports.
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