Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Administering the Live Production Process >

Monitoring Production Jobs

The Main Console of the Command Center shows the state of all production jobs for your applications.

Regularly check the status of jobs and tasks to track:

Table 36 describes each field on the Command Center Main Console.

Table 36. Fields on the Main Console


Name of the application.

Job Name

Name of the job.

Job Type

The purpose of the batch job. For example, Email Notification, Purge Logs.

Last Run

Date and time the representative job instance ran.

Run Time

Elapsed time the representative job instance has been running in hours, minutes, and seconds.


Current execution state of the representative job instance.

Next Run

Date and time the job is scheduled to run next. (This parameter applies only to the job and not a particular instance.)


Displays an option that lets you take action on that job. The Run Now option lets you run the job one time immediately, overriding the scheduling parameters (except concurrency parameters). The Retry option lets you retry all failed instances of the job.

NOTE:  The Main Console does not show any activity until you create one or more applications and jobs.

For each application, the Main Console lists each configured job type alphabetically. Although there can be multiple instances of an individual job for an application, the Main Console can display only one, so it chooses a representative job instance. The job instances are sorted first by status ranking and then by last run time in reverse chronological order. The top-most instance from that list is selected as the representative instance.

Listing Jobs for an Application

You can list jobs by application on the Command Center Main Console.

To list jobs for a particular application only

  • On the Main Console, click the name of the application in the Application column. The Edit Application page appears, showing only those jobs defined for the selected application.

Sorting Jobs on the Main Console

You can sort jobs displayed on the Command Center Main Console.

To sort jobs listed on the Main Console by application

  • Click Application in the column header.

To sort jobs on the Main Console by job name (alphabetically), job type, last run, run time, status, or next run

  • Click the column header.

Displaying Current Job Status

Use the following procedure to display current information in the Command Center Main Console.

To display current job status on the Main Console

  • Click Refresh.
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