Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) > Payment Use Cases >

Setting Up and Managing Recurring Payments

Users can use this use case to pay monthly charges automatically and set up an automatic recurring payment to a payee at regular intervals for a user-specified amount. The user can edit any recurring payment that is still active. The changes are applied to all future payments. The user can also decide whether to apply the changes to the next outgoing scheduled payment.

The user can cancel a recurring payment, which stops any future automatic payments. If a recurring payment is canceled, the user has the option to cancel any payments that are already scheduled. The user can cancel the scheduled payment or only the future payments in the recurring payment definition. Table 28 lists and describes the functions.

Table 28. Setting Up and Managing Recurring Payments


Set Up and Manage Recurring Payments

Feature Area



Business user or Consumer user


The user selects Payments, Recurring Payment menu option.


Scheduled Payment Sidebar has a display default of 10 most recent scheduled payments. This limit can be configurable.

Standard Features

  • Multiple payment accounts
  • Email notification of payment event
  • Paging
  • Sorting

Main Path for Setting Up and Managing Recurring Payments

The following path describes setting up and managing recurring payments.

Viewing Recurring Payments
  1. The Recurring Payment page is displayed.
  2. Display Recurring Payments.

    The recurring payments previously created by the user are displayed with the following column headings:

    • Billing Account Number
    • Amount Type (Total amount due, Total amount within X threshold, Fixed amount)
    • Pay Interval (A number of days before due date, a specific day of the month (values entered when the recurring payment was created).
    • Effective Period (Until canceled, a specific number of payments, or until a date)
  3. The user can choose from the following options:
    • Delete selected recurring payment (for one billing account at a time).
    • Edit selected recurring payment (for one billing account at a time).
    • Add recurring payment (continue with use case main path).
Adding a Recurring Payment

The user selects Add Recurring Payment from the Recurring Payments page.

  1. Select Billing Accounts.

    The user selects multiple billing accounts to which a new recurring payment is applied.

  2. Select Payment Account.

    Field of payment accounts previously saved by the user (payment accounts created by other users are not displayed). The user has an option to create a new payment account.

  3. Select Pay Amount Options:
    • Total Amount Due (Default)
    • Total Amount Within Threshold (The user enters threshold amount and receives a notification if amount due exceeds threshold)
    • Fixed Amount (The user enters a fixed amount)
  4. Payment Date. The user selects an option and enters a value:
    • The number of business days before due date (Default 2 days before due date)
    • On a specific day of every month
  5. Effective Period.

    The user defines the effective duration of the recurring payment, defining a value for X where specified.

    • Until Canceled (Default)
    • For X payments
    • Until date X (Text box and popup calendar)
  6. The user selects Save.
  7. Confirmation.

Recurring Payment Confirmation page allows the user to:

    • Modify the selected accounts
    • Select cancel to return to the Maintain Recurring Payment screen without saving the recurring payment
    • Select Confirm to save the recurring payment

After selecting confirm, Oracle Self-Service E-Billing validates information and stores the recurring payment details.

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing provides the user with a confirmation message and adds recurring payment to list of scheduled recurring payments.

Alternate Paths for Setting Up and Managing Recurring Payments

Alternate paths can occur when setting up and managing recurring payments.

New Payment Account
1 Oracle Self-Service E-Billing takes user to Payment Accounts page and New Payment Account functionality. Both bank and credit card accounts are permitted for recurring payments.
  1. User enters a one time payment for an account that already has a scheduled recurring payment.
  2. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays a notification that a recurring payment already exists for this account. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing notifies the user that if the payment is scheduled, a double payment could occur.
  3. The user selects option to confirm or cancel payment.
Search for Billing Account (Business Only)

The user can sort and filter the list of billing accounts displayed based on any of the following:

  • Billing Account Number
  • Due Amount
  • Due Date
Viewing and Editing Recurring Payments

This path is identical to the main path with the following exceptions:

  • Recurring payments can only be edited one-at-a-time. Group editing of a recurring payment is not in scope.
  • Information for the user prior to editing a recurring payment: After editing a recurring payment, any scheduled payment is canceled. A new payment is scheduled in its place based on the new recurring payment options.
  • Editing recurring payments includes restrictions. The limitations are as follows:
    • Payment Amount: A recurring payment cannot change from Total Amount to Fixed Amount (or vice-versa).
    • Payment Date: A recurring payment cannot change from X Days Before Due Date to On the X Day of Every Month (or vice-versa).
    • Present the user only with available edit options.
    • A new recurring payment must be created if an edit option is desired but not available.
Canceling Recurring Payments

The user can cancel a recurring payment, which stops any future automatic payments. If a recurring payment is canceled, the user has the option to cancel any payments that are already scheduled. The user decides whether to cancel the scheduled payment or just the future payments in the recurring payment definition.

Upcoming Scheduled Payments (Business Only)

The business user can view a list of upcoming payments for multiple accounts from the Scheduled Payments sidebar (right). This Schedule Payment list represents all upcoming scheduled payments for all accounts for the current user.

Roles and Permissions - Viewing Payment Activity

Any user with permission to view payment activity must be able to view any payment made against any billing account to which the user has access. This includes check payments posted through the mail.

Administrator Roles

The administrator user might experience performance delays when dealing with large numbers of accounts.

Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.