Implementation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Using and Customizing Email Notifications >

Configuring an Email Host and Other Messaging Properties

You must configure the properties that control email message delivery for your organization to specify the name of your email host and an SMTP host as part of the installation process. For details about setting these properties, see Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

You can also configure the following optional email-specific properties as well:

  • Global notification settings. Settings for each notification type, which indicate whether to send or suppress the notification type globally (to all applicable users) or to allow individual users to choose whether to receive the email notification.
  • Maximum email queue threads. The maximum number of email threads to create when sending email. The default is 10 threads.
  • Maximum queue elements per thread. Email messages are sent in batches, by thread. The maximum number of messages that each thread must send in each batch. The default is 30 messages.
  • Queue dispatcher sleep period. The time period, in seconds, that the dispatcher must sleep between sending email, to allow other threads to complete sends before removing queued messages. The default is 5 seconds.
  • Queue hanging timeout period. The time period, in seconds, that the dispatcher must wait before deciding the email host is not responding and queue messages. The default is 15 seconds.
  • Queue storage directory. The directory, located under the EDX_HOME\config\ directory (or the EDX_HOME\config\ directory on Windows), used to temporarily store undeliverable email. The default value is mailqueue.

To configure an email host and other messaging properties

  1. Modify the properties in the notification.xma.xml file, which can be found in the EDX_HOME/xma/config/com/edocs/common/notification directory (or the EDX_HOME\config\notification directory on Windows). In the path, EDX_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Self-Service E-Billling.
  2. To specify global settings for each notification type valid in your edition of Oracle Self-Service E-Billling (Business or Consumer), specify one of the following values under the globalNotificationConfigMap property:
    • True. All applicable users receive the email type; individual users cannot set a preference.
    • False. The email notification type is not generated globally; individual users cannot set a preference.
    • notSet. No global setting is specified; individual users can set their own preference.

      For example, the following code shows where you specify the global setting for the bill-ready notification type:

    - <property name="globalNotificationConfigMap">

    - <map merge="default">

    - <!-- Key/value for Bill Ready Notification

    Only those settings for notification types valid in your edition are recognized. For information about valid email notification types in the Business Edition, see Email Notification Template Content (Business Edition). For information about valid email notification types in the Consumer Edition, see Email Notification Template Content (Consumer Edition).

  3. To update any of the following email notification properties, specify the value under the corresponding property in the notification.xma.xml file:
    Email Notification Property Function
    Property Name in the notification.xma.xml File

    Maximum email queue threads


    Maximum queue elements per thread


    Queue dispatcher sleep period


    Queue hanging timeout period


    Queue storage directory


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