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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

Interface Client

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Client
extends Interactable

A handle interface to the server, bound to a particular user.

Method Summary
 OperationVerificationResponse[] checkOperation(OperationVerificationRequest[] operationVerificationRequests, boolean fullyValidate, long transactionId)
          Requests verification for some number of operation requests.
 BusinessTransaction getBusinessTransaction(long transactionId)
          Gets an ongoing business transaction.
 Entity getHierarchyRoot(java.lang.String hierarchyType)
          Gets the Entity that represents the root object of the hierarchy type.
 ObjectType[] getObjectTypes()
          Gets the object types that the server has published.
 Operation getOperation(BusinessTransaction transaction, java.lang.String definitionId, java.lang.String operation)
          Gets the Operation represented by the provided identifiers.
 Operation getOperation(BusinessTransaction transaction, java.lang.String definitionId, java.lang.String operation, java.lang.String entityKeyName, EntityKey entityKey)
          Gets the Operation represented by the provided identifiers, binding a particular object to one of the arguments of the operation.
 Operation getOperation(java.lang.String definitionId, java.lang.String operation, java.lang.String entityKeyName, EntityKey entityKey)
          Gets the Operation represented by the provided identifiers, binding a particular object to one of the arguments of the operation.
 PaginatedResultSet resolvePersonApprovers(FilterCriterion personIdentificationFilter, FilterCriterion approverRoleIdentificationFilter, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> columnNames)
          Finds those persons that are approvers for the person identified using the approver role identified.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.iam.rm.client.Interactable
getOperation, getOperations


Method Detail


ObjectType[] getObjectTypes()
Gets the object types that the server has published.
Array of ObjectTypes that the server has published.


BusinessTransaction getBusinessTransaction(long transactionId)
                                           throws ServerException
Gets an ongoing business transaction.
transactionId - identifier of the ongoing business transaction.
BusinessTransaction for the provided identifier.
ServerException - if a failure occurs while accessing the business transaction.


Entity getHierarchyRoot(java.lang.String hierarchyType)
                        throws ServerException
Gets the Entity that represents the root object of the hierarchy type.
hierarchyType - String representing the hierarchy type
Entity that represents the root object of the hierarchy type.
ServerException - when an exception occurs on the server


PaginatedResultSet resolvePersonApprovers(FilterCriterion personIdentificationFilter,
                                          FilterCriterion approverRoleIdentificationFilter,
                                          java.util.Set<java.lang.String> columnNames)
                                          throws ServerException
Finds those persons that are approvers for the person identified using the approver role identified.
personIdentificationFilter - a filter to use to identify the specific subject of the approval.
approverRoleIdentificationFilter - filter to use to identify the specific approval role.
columnNames - Set of column identifiers that indicate which columns of the people returned should also be included in the resultset
A (possibly empty) set of approvers with the values of the columns requested
ServerException - if a failure occurs while resolving the approver role.


OperationVerificationResponse[] checkOperation(OperationVerificationRequest[] operationVerificationRequests,
                                               boolean fullyValidate,
                                               long transactionId)
                                               throws ServerException
Requests verification for some number of operation requests.
operationVerificationRequests - the set of operation validation requests that require the server to check.
fullyValidate - Boolean if true, indicates to do full validation, if false, does lightweight (authorization only) validation.
transactionId - identifier of the ongoing business transaction.
The set of authorization responses from the server whose indexes align with the passed in requests.
ServerException - if a failure occurs while checking the validation operation.


Operation getOperation(BusinessTransaction transaction,
                       java.lang.String definitionId,
                       java.lang.String operation)
                       throws ServerException
Gets the Operation represented by the provided identifiers. The operation can then be invoked by the caller, based on the type of operation that it is.
transaction - transaction object representing the ongoing business transaction to relate the operation to.
definitionId - identifier of the business logic definition that the operation is defined in.
operation - specific identifier for the operation within the scope of the business logic definition referred to by the definitionId.
the object representation of the operation
ServerException - if a failure occurs retrieving operation.


Operation getOperation(java.lang.String definitionId,
                       java.lang.String operation,
                       java.lang.String entityKeyName,
                       EntityKey entityKey)
                       throws ServerException
Gets the Operation represented by the provided identifiers, binding a particular object to one of the arguments of the operation. The operation can then be invoked by the caller, based on the type of operation that it is.
definitionId - identifier of the business logic definition that the operation is defined in.
operation - specific identifier for the operation within the scope of the business logic definition referred to by the definitionId
entityKeyName - argument of the operation to which to bind the provided EntityKey
entityKey - EntityKey to associate to a particular operation argument
Object representation of the operation.
ServerException - if a failure occurs retrieving operation.


Operation getOperation(BusinessTransaction transaction,
                       java.lang.String definitionId,
                       java.lang.String operation,
                       java.lang.String entityKeyName,
                       EntityKey entityKey)
                       throws ServerException
Gets the Operation represented by the provided identifiers, binding a particular object to one of the arguments of the operation. The operation can then be invoked by the caller, based on its type of operation.
transaction - transaction object representing the ongoing business transaction to relate the operation to.
definitionId - identifier of the business logic definition that the operation is defined in.
operation - specific identifier for the operation within the scope of the business logic definition referred to by the definitionId.
entityKeyName - the argument of the operation to bind the provided EntityKey to.
entityKey - EntityKey to associate to a particular operation argument.
Object representation of the operation.
ServerException - if a failure occurs retrieving operation.

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Oracle Role Manager Java API Reference
10g (10.1.4)

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